958 research outputs found

    Non-linear matter power spectrum from Time Renormalisation Group: efficient computation and comparison with one-loop

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    We address the issue of computing the non-linear matter power spectrum on mildly non-linear scales with efficient semi-analytic methods. We implemented M. Pietroni's Time Renormalization Group (TRG) method and its Dynamical 1-Loop (D1L) limit in a numerical module for the new Boltzmann code CLASS. Our publicly released module is valid for LCDM models, and optimized in such a way to run in less than a minute for D1L, or in one hour (divided by number of nodes) for TRG. A careful comparison of the D1L, TRG and Standard 1-Loop approaches reveals that results depend crucially on the assumed initial bispectrum at high redshift. When starting from a common assumption, the three methods give roughly the same results, showing that the partial resumation of diagrams beyond one loop in the TRG method improves one-loop results by a negligible amount. A comparison with highly accurate simulations by M. Sato & T. Matsubara shows that all three methods tend to over-predict non-linear corrections by the same amount on small wavelengths. Percent precision is achieved until k~0.2 h/Mpc for z>2, or until k~0.14 h/Mpc at z=1.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, revised title and conclusions, version accepted in JCAP, code available at http://class-code.ne

    Water use and yields of no-till managed dryland grasspea and yellow pea under different planting configurations

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    Grasspea (GP) (Lathyrus sativus) is a drought-tolerant legume that can be grown for forage and grain. It has potential value to be used as a nitrogen-fixing crop in dryland rotations with non-legume grain crops. However, the agronomy of GP for the Central Great Plains region have not been investigated. The objective of this research was to compare the grain and biomass yield, as well as N accumulation of GP relative to field pea (FP) in two planting configurations. We carried out a 3-year field experiment to compare dryland GP with Admiral yellow field pea (Pisum sativum) in two configurations: (1) a wide row spacing with lower population (WL) with 76-cm rows with 75 kg seeds planted per ha, and (2) a narrower row spacing with a higher population (NH) with 19-cm rows with 136 kg seeds planted per ha. We measured the biomass, grain yield, N content, and soil water use. Our results show that the NH treatment out-yielded the WL treatment in both pea species. The GP had higher yield than FP on the lowest yielding year, while FP yielded better when overall yields were higher. Biomass production was also higher for the NH configuration, and GP was a higher biomass producer than FP over the 3-year study. The GP had higher N concentration in shoots and seed compared to FP, indicating higher N-fixing capacity. The FP matured faster than GP, and had marginally higher grain water use efficiency than GP. Our results show that GP is a viable alternative legume for the Central Great Plains, with comparable yields in low precipitation years. However, the longer growing season required by GP to mature has water use implications in years with reduced water availability in mid to late summer

    Washington Park Main Street Plan

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    There is an immense variety of privately owned businesses. They will be stakeholders because their businesses are located there, but they will also be assets in themselves in drawing people to the area. There is basically everything anyone could possible want or need in this area. There are two gas stations, a Family Dollar, a liquor store, a few sit down restaurants, numerous places where one can get a quick bite to eat, a frame shop, a clothing store, a pawn shop, a store with fresh produce (which is hard to find in urban areas), a store that sells sports uniforms, a frame shop, a lawyerʼs office, an animal hospital, two Laundromats, a record shop, a health food store, two cell phone stores, an automotive shop, and a karate school with an afterschool program. With such variety, it will draw people to the area and then give them other reasons to keep coming back

    On Blowup for time-dependent generalized Hartree-Fock equations

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    We prove finite-time blowup for spherically symmetric and negative energy solutions of Hartree-Fock and Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov type equations, which describe the evolution of attractive fermionic systems (e. g. white dwarfs). Our main results are twofold: First, we extend the recent blowup result of [Hainzl and Schlein, Comm. Math. Phys. \textbf{287} (2009), 705--714] to Hartree-Fock equations with infinite rank solutions and a general class of Newtonian type interactions. Second, we show the existence of finite-time blowup for spherically symmetric solutions of a Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov model, where an angular momentum cutoff is introduced. We also explain the key difficulties encountered in the full Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory.Comment: 24 page

    Review: The Newsletter of the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas, volume 13, issue 2

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    Contents include: On Borders, LMDA Conference 2003 Turgs in the Hood, Reading Between the Lines, Acting Locally: The Lysistrata Project, and Regional Updates News and Info from Each LMDA Region. Issue editors: D.J. Hopkins, Shelley Orr, Liz Engelman, Madeline Oldham, Jacob Zimmer.https://soundideas.pugetsound.edu/lmdareview/1027/thumbnail.jp

    Fluctuation Theorems for Entropy Production and Heat Dissipation in Periodically Driven Markov Chains

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    Asymptotic fluctuation theorems are statements of a Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry in the rate function of either the time-averaged entropy production or heat dissipation of a process. Such theorems have been proved for various general classes of continuous-time deterministic and stochastic processes, but always under the assumption that the forces driving the system are time independent, and often relying on the existence of a limiting ergodic distribution. In this paper we extend the asymptotic fluctuation theorem for the first time to inhomogeneous continuous-time processes without a stationary distribution, considering specifically a finite state Markov chain driven by periodic transition rates. We find that for both entropy production and heat dissipation, the usual Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry of the rate function is generalized to an analogous relation between the rate functions of the original process and its corresponding backward process, in which the trajectory and the driving protocol have been time-reversed. The effect is that spontaneous positive fluctuations in the long time average of each quantity in the forward process are exponentially more likely than spontaneous negative fluctuations in the backward process, and vice-versa, revealing that the distributions of fluctuations in universes in which time moves forward and backward are related. As an additional result, the asymptotic time-averaged entropy production is obtained as the integral of a periodic entropy production rate that generalizes the constant rate pertaining to homogeneous dynamics

    Observation of the spin-charge thermal isolation of ferromagnetic Ga_{0.94}Mn_{0.06}As by time-resolved magneto-optical measurement

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    The dynamics of magnetization under femtosecond optical excitation is studied in a ferromagnetic semiconductor Ga_{0.94}Mn_{0.06}As with a time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect measurement with two color probe beams. The transient reflectivity change indicates the rapid rise of the carrier temperature and relaxation to a quasi-thermal equilibrium within 1 ps, while a very slow rise of the spin temperature of the order of 500ps is observed. This anomalous behavior originates from the thermal isolation between the charge and spin systems due to the spin polarization of carriers (holes) contributing to ferromagnetism. This constitutes experimental proof of the half-metallic nature of ferromagnetic Ga_{0.94}Mn_{0.06}As arising from double exchange type mechanism originates from the d-band character of holes

    Quantum spin pumping with adiabatically modulated magnetic barrier's

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    A quantum pump device involving magnetic barriers produced by the deposition of ferro magnetic stripes on hetero-structure's is investigated. The device for dc- transport does not provide spin-polarized currents, but in the adiabatic regime, when one modulates two independent parameters of this device, spin-up and spin-down electrons are driven in opposite directions, with the net result being that a finite net spin current is transported with negligible charge current. We also analyze our proposed device for inelastic-scattering and spin-orbit scattering. Strong spin-orbit scattering and more so inelastic scattering have a somewhat detrimental effect on spin/charge ratio especially in the strong pumping regime. Further we show our pump to be almost noiseless, implying an optimal quantum spin pump.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Manuscript revised with additional new material on spin-orbit scattering and inelastic scattering. Further new additions on noiseless pumping and analytical results with distinction between weak and strong pumping regimes. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    A fast radio burst with a low dispersion measure

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    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond pulses of radio emission of seemingly extragalactic origin. More than 50 FRBs have now been detected, with only one seen to repeat. Here we present a new FRB discovery, FRB 110214, which was detected in the high latitude portion of the High Time Resolution Universe South survey at the Parkes telescope. FRB 110214 has one of the lowest dispersion measures of any known FRB (DM = 168.9±\pm0.5 pc cm3^{-3}), and was detected in two beams of the Parkes multi-beam receiver. A triangulation of the burst origin on the sky identified three possible regions in the beam pattern where it may have originated, all in sidelobes of the primary detection beam. Depending on the true location of the burst the intrinsic fluence is estimated to fall in the range of 50 -- 2000 Jy ms, making FRB 110214 one of the highest-fluence FRBs detected with the Parkes telescope. No repeating pulses were seen in almost 100 hours of follow-up observations with the Parkes telescope down to a limiting fluence of 0.3 Jy ms for a 2-ms pulse. Similar low-DM, ultra-bright FRBs may be detected in telescope sidelobes in the future, making careful modeling of multi-beam instrument beam patterns of utmost importance for upcoming FRB surveys.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Modulational Instability in Equations of KdV Type

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    It is a matter of experience that nonlinear waves in dispersive media, propagating primarily in one direction, may appear periodic in small space and time scales, but their characteristics --- amplitude, phase, wave number, etc. --- slowly vary in large space and time scales. In the 1970's, Whitham developed an asymptotic (WKB) method to study the effects of small "modulations" on nonlinear periodic wave trains. Since then, there has been a great deal of work aiming at rigorously justifying the predictions from Whitham's formal theory. We discuss recent advances in the mathematical understanding of the dynamics, in particular, the instability of slowly modulated wave trains for nonlinear dispersive equations of KdV type.Comment: 40 pages. To appear in upcoming title in Lecture Notes in Physic