486 research outputs found

    Determinant factors to discriminate the body weight loss in overweight people

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    Introduction. Most studies have described how the weight loss is when different treatments are compared (1-3), while others have also compared the weight loss by sex (4), or have taken into account psychosocial (5) and lifestyle (6, 7) variables. However, no studies have examined the interaction of different variables and the importance of them in the weight loss. Objective. Create a model to discriminate the range of weight loss, determining the importance of each variable. Methods. 89 overweight people (BMI: 25-29.9 kg?m-2), aged from 18 to 50 years, participated in the study. Four types of treatments were randomly assigned: strength training (S), endurance training (E), strength and endurance training (SE), and control group (C). All participants followed a 25% calorie restriction diet. Two multivariate discriminant models including the variables age, sex, height, daily energy expenditure (EE), type of treatment (T), caloric restriction (CR), initial body weight (BW), initial fat mass (FM), initial muscle mass (MM) and initial bone mineral density (BMD) were performed having into account two groups: the first and fourth quartile of the % of weight loss in the first model; the groups above and below the mean of the % of weight loss in the second model. The discriminant models were built using the inclusion method in SPSS allowing us to find a function that could predict the body weight loss range that an overweight person could achieve in a 6 months weight loss intervention.Results. The first discriminant analysis predicted that a combination of the studied variables would discriminate between the two ranges of body weight loss with 81.4% of correct classification. The discriminant function obtained was (Wilks? Lambda=0.475, p=0.003): Discriminant score=-18.266-(0.060xage)- (1.282xsex[0=female;1=male])+(14.701xheight)+(0.002xEE)- (0.006xT[1=S;2=E;3=SE;4=C])-(0.047xCR)- (0.558xBW)+(0.475xFM)+(0.398xMM)+(3.499xBMD) The second discriminant model obtained would discriminate between the two groups of body weight loss with 74.4% of correct classification. The discriminant function obtained was (Wilks? Lambda=0.725, p=0.005): Discriminant score=-5.021-(0.052xage)- (0.543xsex[0=female;1=male])+(3.530xheight)+(0.001xEE)- (0.493xT[1=S;2=E;3=SE;4=C])+(0.003xCR)- (0.365xBW)+(0.368xFM)+(0.296xMM)+(4.034xBMD) Conclusion. The first developed model could predict the percentage of weight loss in the following way: if the discriminant score is close to 1.051, the range of weight loss will be from 7.44 to -4.64% and if it is close to - 1.003, the range will be from -11.03 to -25,00% of the initial body weight. With the second model if the discriminant score is close to 0.623 the body weight loss will be above -7.93% and if it is close to -0.595 will be below - 7.93% of the initial body weight. References. 1. Brochu M, et al. Resistance training does not contribute to improving the metabolic profile after a 6-month weight loss program in overweight and obese postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Sep;94(9):3226-33. 2. Del Corral P, et al. Effect of dietary adherence with or without exercise on weight loss: a mechanistic approach to a global problem. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 May;94(5):1602-7. 3. Larson-Meyer DE, et al. Caloric Restriction with or without Exercise: The Fitness vs. Fatness Debate. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010;42(1):152-9. 4. Hagan RD, et al. The effects of aerobic conditioning and/or caloric restriction in overweight men and women. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 1986;18(1):87-94. 5. Teixeira PJ, et al. Mediators of weight loss and weight loss maintenance in middle-aged women. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010 Apr;18(4):725-35. 6. Bautista-Castano I, et al. Variables predictive of adherence to diet and physical activity recommendations in the treatment of obesity and overweight, in a group of Spanish subjects. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 May;28(5):697-705

    Efectos de los diferentes tratamientos de ejercicio sobre la obesidad. Estudio PRONAF

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    La efectividad de los programas de pérdida de peso son muy heterogéneas, y oscilan entre el 5-9% de cambio en la grasa cuando se hace sólo ejercicio (1, 4), al 24-29% cuando el ejercicio se acompaña de restricción calórica (2) (3). Sin embargo no se ha comprobado en población española adulta a través de un ensayo clínico, la efectividad de programas combinados de dieta más ejercicio en un entorno ecológico

    Is it possible to discriminate the body weight loss?

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    Most studies have described how the weight loss is when different treatments are compared (1-3), while others have also compared the weight loss by sex (4), or have taken into account psychosocial (5) and lifestyle (6, 7) variables. However, no studies have examined the interaction of different variables and the importance of them in the weight loss

    Validation of an instrument for injury data collection in strength training

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    Purpose: To provide for the basis for collecting strength training data using a rigorously validated injury report form. Methods: A group of specialist designed a questionnaire of 45 item grouped into 4 dimensions. Six stages were used to assess face, content, and criterion validity of the weight training injury report form. A 13 members panel assessed the form for face validity, and an expert panel assessed it for content and criterion validity. Panel members were consulted until consensus was reached. A yardstick developed by an expert panel using Intraclass correlation technique was used to assess the reability of the form. Test-retest reliability was assessed with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).The strength training injury report form was developed, and the face, content, and criterion validity successfully assessed. A six step protocol to create a yardstick was also developed to assist in the validation process. Both inter-rater and intra rater reliability results indicated a 98% agreement. Inter-rater reliability agreement of 98% for three injuries. Results: The Cronbach?s alpha of the questionnaire was 0.944 (pmenor que0.01) and the ICC of the entire questionnaire was 0.894 (pmenor que0.01). Conclusion: The questionnaire gathers together enough psychometric properties to be considered a valid and reliable tool for register injury data in strength training, and providing researchers with a basis for future studies in this area. Key Words: data collection; validation; injury prevention; strength trainin

    Opciones económicas y productivas de reestructuración de las unidades indígenas de producción de café ante la crisis agrícola: Estudio en la Sierra Nororiental de Puebla, México.

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    En México, el café es una plantación que se cultiva en pequeñas extensiones de tierra por productores indígenas que viven en condiciones de marginación y pobreza. La disminución del precio del café en México ha traído consigo el abandono parcial y total de las fincas, disminución de los ingresos, desempleo, migración y profundización de la pobreza de las personas que dependen de esta actividad. La investigación se realizó en los municipios de: 1) Cuetzalan; 2) Huitzilan; 3) Huehuetla; y 4) Ixtepec en la Sierra Nororiente del estado de Puebla, México, dos municipios son habitados principalmente por indígenas Totonacas y los otros por indígenas Náhuas. En la obtención de la información se utilizó muestreo estratificado aleatorio, con asignación proporcional al tamaño de cada uno de los municipios, la precisión fue del 15 por ciento de la media general y una confiabilidad del 95 %. El tamaño de muestra quedo definido en 216 entrevistas. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar las opciones económicas y productivas de los indígenas que cultivan café ante la disminución de sus ingresos como consecuencia de la crisis agrícola. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que ante las condiciones de pobreza los cafeticultores han transformado sus unidades de producción es por ello que han incursionado en la producción de café orgánico y el comercio justo. Además han diversificado la producción de cultivos en sus terrenos mediante la incorporación de la vainilla, bambú y árboles maderables. También contemplan la migración nacional e inician la internacional como una opción que les permite mejorar su condición socioeconómica. La crisis agrícola nacional y la del café en particular han afectado a los ya empobrecidos campesinos, sin embargo, se movilizan hacia nuevas opciones que les garantizan la supervivencia de la unidad de producción familiar

    Do I train to lose body weight if I am already following a diet?

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    Importancia del ejercicio en un tratamiento de pérdia de pes

    Injuries in strength training: review and practical application

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    Purpose: This systematic review examines what is known about injuries in strength training. Methods: A systematic search was performed in PubMed and SportDiscus. Studies were included if they examined powerlifters, weightlifters, strongman athletes, bodybuilding athletes, individuals who undertook recreational weight training or weight training to complement athletic performance. Exposure variables were incidence, severity and body part injury. Results: After examining 1214 titles and abstracts, 62 articles were identified as potentially relevant. Finally, 11 were included in this systematic review. Conflicting results were reported on the relationships between injury definition and incidence or severity recorded. The lower back followed by the shoulder and knee are the most frequently affected areas in strength sports. Conclusion: Strength training is safe. However, the variety of injury definitions has makes it difficult to compare different studies in this field. New styles of reporting injuries have appeared, and could make increases these ratios. If methodological limitations in measuring incidence rate and severity injuries can be resolved, more work can be conducted to define the real incidence rate, compare it with others sports, and explore cause and effect relationships in randomized controlled trials. Key Words: strength training, injuries, specific strength sports, severit

    Leveraging Container Technologies in a GIScience Project: A Perspective from Open Reproducible Research

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    Scientific reproducibility is essential for the advancement of science. It allows the results of previous studies to be reproduced, validates their conclusions and develops new contributions based on previous research. Nowadays, more and more authors consider that the ultimate product of academic research is the scientific manuscript, together with all the necessary elements (i.e., code and data) so that others can reproduce the results. However, there are numerous difficulties for some studies to be reproduced easily (i.e., biased results, the pressure to publish, and proprietary data). In this context, we explain our experience in an attempt to improve the reproducibility of a GIScience project. According to our project needs, we evaluated a list of practices, standards and tools that may facilitate open and reproducible research in the geospatial domain, contextualising them on Peng’s reproducibility spectrum. Among these resources, we focused on containerisation technologies and performed a shallow review to reflect on the level of adoption of these technologies in combination with OSGeo software. Finally, containerisation technologies proved to enhance the reproducibility and we used UML diagrams to describe representative work-flows deployed in our GIScience project