50 research outputs found

    Black Holes in Type IIA String on Calabi-Yau Threefolds with Affine ADE Geometries and q-Deformed 2d Quiver Gauge Theories

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    Motivated by studies on 4d black holes and q-deformed 2d Yang Mills theory, and borrowing ideas from compact geometry of the blowing up of affine ADE singularities, we build a class of local Calabi-Yau threefolds (CY^{3}) extending the local 2-torus model \mathcal{O}(m)\oplus \mathcal{O}(-m)\to T^{2\text{}} considered in hep-th/0406058 to test OSV conjecture. We first study toric realizations of T^{2} and then build a toric representation of X_{3} using intersections of local Calabi-Yau threefolds \mathcal{O}(m)\oplus \mathcal{O}(-m-2)\to \mathbb{P}^{1}. We develop the 2d \mathcal{N}=2 linear \sigma-model for this class of toric CY^{3}s. Then we use these local backgrounds to study partition function of 4d black holes in type IIA string theory and the underlying q-deformed 2d quiver gauge theories. We also make comments on 4d black holes obtained from D-branes wrapping cycles in \mathcal{O}(\mathbf{m}) \oplus \mathcal{O}(\mathbf{-m-2}%) \to \mathcal{B}_{k} with \mathbf{m=}(m_{1},...,m_{k}) a k-dim integer vector and \mathcal{B}_{k} a compact complex one dimension base consisting of the intersection of k 2-spheres S_{i}^{2} with generic intersection matrix I_{ij}. We give as well the explicit expression of the q-deformed path integral measure of the partition function of the 2d quiver gauge theory in terms of I_{ij}.Comment: 36 pages, latex, 9 figures. References adde

    Compliance and Functional Testing of IEEE 1451.1 for NCAP-to-NCAP Communications in a Sensor Network

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    Distributed control in a networked environment is an irreplaceable feature in systems with remote sensors and actuators. Although distributed control was not originally designed to be networked, usage of off-the-shelf networking technologies has become so prevalent that control systems are desired to have access mechanisms similar to computer networks. However, proprietary transducer interfaces for network communications and distributed control overwhelmingly dominate this industry. Unless the lack of compatibility and interoperability among transducers is resolved, the mature level of access (that computer networking can deliver) will not be achieved in such networked distributed control systems. Standardization of networked transducer interfaces will enable devices from different manufacturers to talk to each other and ensure their plug-and-play capability. One such standard is the suite of IEEE 1451 for sensor network communication and transducer interfaces. The suite not only provides a standard interface for smart transducers, but also outlines the connection of an NCAP (network capable application processor) and transducers (through a transducer interface module TIM). This paper presents the design of the compliance testing of IEEE 1451.1 (referred to as Dot1) compatible NCAP-to-NCAP communications on a link-layer independent medium. The paper also represents the first demonstration of NCAP-to-NCAP communications with Dot1 compatibility: a tester NCAP and an NCAP under test (NUT)

    The Related Transcriptional Enhancer Factor-1 Isoform, TEAD4216, Can Repress Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression in Mammalian Cells

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    Increased cellular production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is responsible for the development and progression of multiple cancers and other neovascular conditions, and therapies targeting post-translational VEGF products are used in the treatment of these diseases. Development of methods to control and modify the transcription of the VEGF gene is an alternative approach that may have therapeutic potential. We have previously shown that isoforms of the transcriptional enhancer factor 1-related (TEAD4) protein can enhance the production of VEGF. In this study we describe a new TEAD4 isoform, TEAD4216, which represses VEGF promoter activity. The TEAD4216 isoform inhibits human VEGF promoter activity and does not require the presence of the hypoxia responsive element (HRE), which is the sequence critical to hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-mediated effects. The TEAD4216 protein is localized to the cytoplasm, whereas the enhancer isoforms are found within the nucleus. The TEAD4216 isoform can competitively repress the stimulatory activity of the TEAD4434 and TEAD4148 enhancers. Synthesis of the native VEGF165 protein and cellular proliferation is suppressed by the TEAD4216 isoform. Mutational analysis indicates that nuclear or cytoplasmic localization of any isoform determines whether it acts as an enhancer or repressor, respectively. The TEAD4216 isoform appears to inhibit VEGF production independently of the HRE required activity by HIF, suggesting that this alternatively spliced isoform of TEAD4 may provide a novel approach to treat VEGF-dependent diseases

    Relative reactivity of alkenyl alcohols in the palladium-catalyzed redox-relay Heck reaction

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    This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Tetrahedron and the definitive published version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tet.2015.05.020The relative rates of alkenyl alcohols in the Pd-catalyzed redox-relay Heck reaction were measured in order to examine the effect of their steric and electronic properties on the rate-determining step. Competition experiments between an allylic alkenyl alcohol and two substrates with differing chain lengths revealed that the allylic alcohol reacts 3–4 times faster in either case. Competition between di- and trisubstituted alkenyl alcohols provided an interesting scenario, in which the disubstituted alkene was consumed first followed by reaction of the trisubstituted alkene. Consistent with this observation, the transition structures for the migratory insertion of the aryl group into the di- and trisubstituted alkenes were calculated with a lower barrier for the former. An internal competition between a substrate containing two alcohols with differing chain lengths demonstrated the catalyst's preference for migrating toward the closest alcohol. Additionally, it was observed that increasing the electron-density in the arene boronic acid promotes a faster reaction, which correlates with Hammett [sigma-rho] values to give a [rho] of −0.87

    Deep Brain Stimulation in Moroccan Patients With Parkinson's Disease: The Experience of Neurology Department of Rabat

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    Introduction: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is known as a therapy of choice of advanced Parkinson's disease. The present study aimed to assess the beneficial and side effects of STN DBS in Moroccan Parkinsonian patients.Material and Methods: Thirty five patients underwent bilateral STN DBS from 2008 to 2016 in the Rabat University Hospital. Patients were assessed preoperatively and followed up for 6 to 12 months using the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale in four conditions (stimulation OFF and ON and medication OFF and ON), the levodopa-equivalent daily dose (LEDD), dyskinesia and fluctuation scores and PDQ39 scale for quality of life (QOL). Postoperative side effects were also recorded.Results: The mean age at disease onset was 42.31 ± 7.29 years [28–58] and the mean age at surgery was 54.66 ± 8.51 years [34–70]. The median disease duration was 11.95 ± 4.28 years [5–22]. Sixty-three percentage of patients were male. 11.4% of patients were tremor dominant while 45.71 showed akinetic-rigid form and 42.90 were classified as mixed phenotype. The LEDD before surgery was 1200 mg/day [800-1500]. All patients had motor fluctuations whereas non-motor fluctuations were present in 61.80% of cases. STN DBS decreased the LEDD by 51.72%, as the mean LEDD post-surgery was 450 [188-800]. The UPDRS-III was improved by 52.27%, dyskinesia score by 66.70% and motor fluctuations by 50%, whereas QOL improved by 27.12%. Post-operative side effects were hypophonia (2 cases), infection (3 cases), and pneumocephalus (2 cases).Conclusion: Our results showed that STN DBS is an effective treatment in Moroccan Parkinsonian patients leading to a major improvement of the most disabling symptoms (dyskinesia, motor fluctuation) and a better QOL

    Acceptabilité du don de cornée : sondage auprÚs de la population de Marrakech

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    Le prĂ©lĂšvement de cornĂ©e au Maroc reste en deçà des besoins. Ceci est en partie dĂ» Ă  la pĂ©nurie du don et au refus des familles Ă  ce que l’on prĂ©lĂšve les organes de leurs proches en mort encĂ©phalique. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une enquĂȘte sur un Ă©chantillon reprĂ©sentatif de la population de la ville de Marrakech (909000 habitants). Notre objectif est d’évaluer les connaissances et de dĂ©crire les attitudes de cette population quant au don de cornĂ©e pour pouvoir individualiser des pistes d’action. Ce sondage d’opinion a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© dans la ville de Marrakech entre le mois de mars 2012 et le mois de Mars 2013. 73,1 % des 1000 individus sondĂ©s Ă©taient au courant de la possibilitĂ© de la greffe d’organes au Maroc. 72,1% de notre population Ă©taient pour le don de cornĂ©e alors que seulement une personne sur deux acceptait de donner ses cornĂ©es aprĂšs sa mort. Les principaux arguments avancĂ©s par le groupe d’enquĂȘtĂ©s refusant le don de cornĂ©e Ă©taient les croyances religieuses dans 38% la peur dans 17% et la crainte de dĂ©figuration dans 13,6%. Outre l’ignorance du sujet attestĂ©e par les donnĂ©es descriptives, deux idĂ©es originales ressortent de ces rĂ©sultats de sondage d’opinion le premier concept est l’altruisme social Ă©prouvĂ© par la population de la ville de Marrakech, le second constat est le manque d’information vis-Ă -vis d’un sujet aussi important