429 research outputs found

    Healthcare disparities and models for change.

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    With Healthy People 2010 making the goal of eliminating health disparities a national priority, policymakers, researchers, medical centers, managed care organizations (MCOs), and advocacy organizations have been called on to move beyond the historic documentation of health disparities and proceed with an agenda to translate policy recommendations into practice. Working models that have successfully reduced health disparities in managed care settings were presented at the National Managed Health Care Congress Inaugural Forum on Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care on March 10-11, 2003, in Washington, DC. These models are being used by federal, state, and municipal governments, as well as private, commercial, and Medicaid MCOs. Successful models and programs at all levels reduce health disparities by forming partnerships based on common goals to provide care, to educate, and to rebuild healthcare systems. Municipal models work in collaboration with state and federal agencies to integrate patient care with technology. Several basic elements of MCOs help to reduce disparities through emphasis on preventive care, community and member health education, case management and disease management tracking, centralized data collection, and use of sophisticated technology to analyze data and coordinate services. At the community level, there are leveraged funds from the Health Resources and Services Administration's Bureau of Primary Health Care. Well-designed models provide seamless monitoring of patient care and outcomes by integrating human and information system resources


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    Holothuria scabra, Holothuria atra dan Bohadschia marmorata merupakan jenis teripang dengan habitat yang sangat beragam dan umumnya ditemukan dalam jumlah yang dominan dibandingkan jenis lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kepadatan dan pola pertumbuhan teripang H. scabra, H. atra dan B. marmorata serta asosiasinya dengan jenis lamun di pesisir Pulau Ambon, Pulau Osi dan Pulau Marsegu. Asosiasi teripang dengan lamun dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis koresponden (CA). Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2019 sampai November 2019. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada pada 3 stasiun yang mewakili masing-masing lokasi dengan menggunakan kuadran 1m2. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan kepadatan teripang berkisar dari 4,0 sampai 6,6 ind/100 m2. Secara keseluruhan pola pertumbuhan teripang adalah allometrik negatif dimana pertumbuhan panjang lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan berat. Thalassia hemprichii merupakan jenis lamun dengan kerapatan tertinggi sebesar 64407 ind/100 m2 dan Halodule pinifolia adalah jenis terendah sebesar 900 ind/100 m2. Hasil koresponden analisis menunjukkan adanya tiga kelompok asosiasi antara teripang dengan lamun. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perbedaan jenis lamun dan kerapatan lamun berdampak pada kepadatan dan penyebaran jenis teripang.Holothuria scabra, Holothuria atra, and Bohadschia marmorata are sea cucumber species with very diverse habitat and commonly dominant than other species. This study aims to analyze the density and growth pattern sea cucumbers of Holothuria scabra, Holothuria atra, and Bohadschia marmorata and their association with seagrass Ambon, Osi, and Marsegu Island. The association of sea cucumber and seagrass was analyzed using Correspondence Analysis (CA). The research was conducted in October 2019 to November 2019. Sampling was carried out at three stations representing each location by using a 1m2 quadrant. The results show that sea cucumber density ranged from 4.0 to 6.6 ind/100 m2. Overall, sea cucumber's growth pattern is a negative allometric of which the length growth is faster than the weight growth. Thalassia hemprichii is one of the seagrass species with the highest density (64407 ind/100 m2), while Halodule pinifolia has the lowest density (900 ind/100 m2). The result of the correspondence analysis showed that there is three association group between sea cucumber and seagrass. The overall result shows that seagrass density affects the density and distribution of sea cucumber

    Pengelolaan Perikanan Skala Kecil di Perairan Pesisir Kota Semarang

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    Overfishing can occur in open access fisheries, where fishermen conduct fishing activities without restrictions. Fisheries management based on biological factors alone (Maximum Sustainable Yield approach) is considered inadequate because it does not consider socio-economic aspects in fisheries management. The study aims to analyze the utilization of small-scale fishery resources in Semarang City and determine its policies to be sustainable. Bioeconomic analysis was used to optimize the utilization of fishery resources. Small-scale fisheries management strategic policies, used analysis of Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM). The results showed utilization of small scale fishery resources in Semarang City can be achieved with optimal production of anchovy (Stolephorus spp.) 1,477.79 tons/year and optimal effort of 324 units; optimal production of Tembang (Sardinella fimbriata) 235.96 tons/year and optimal effort of 516 units; optimal production of mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) 28.51 tons/year and optimal effort of 479 units; and optimal production of Petek (Leiognathus sp.) 25.54 tons/year and optimal effort of 847 units. In conclusion, the Anchovy (Stolephorus spp.) resources have experienced overfishing since 2007-2008; Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) resources overfishing occurred from 2009-2015; and Petek (Leiognathus sp.) resources have experienced overfishing since 2014-2016; while Tembang (Sardinella fimbriata) resources have not experienced overfishing because they are not the main target. The key sub-elements of small-scale fisheries management in Semarang City include: a) fishermen; b) Semarang City Fisheries Agency; c) overcapacity; d) decreasing catches; e) environmentally unfriendly arrests; f) ineffective regulation; g) conservation fish resources; h) increasing fishermen's income; i) limitation environmentally unfriendly fishing gear. Keywords: bioeconomic, fisheries, management, MEY, Maximum Sustainable Yiel

    Kemana produktivitas daun lamun mengalir?

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     Lamun merupakan tumbuhan tingkat tinggi yang hidup di laut dangkal. Sebagai tumbuhan, lamun berperansebagai produser primer yang memberikan kontribusi bagi biota laut maupun ekosistem lainnya. Hasil produksiprimer dari lamun akan masuk ke beberapa kompartemen. Namun berapa besar aliran produksi tersebut ke tiapkompartemen masih menjadi pertanyaan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk melihat berapa besar hasil produksi daunlamun yang dialirkan ke kompartemen lain. Penelitian dilakukan di Pulau Barranglompo Makassar selama 4periode yang mewaikili musim hujan, peralihan I, musim kemarau dan peralihan II. Penelitian dilakukanmelalui beberapa tahap, yaitu (1) mengestimasi produktivitas daun lamun, (2) mengestimasi stok karbon daunlamun, (3) mengestimasi besarnya grazing daun lamun oleh bulu babi dan herbivora lain, (4) mengestimasibesarnya produksi serasah daun lamun, baik yang tenggelam di dasar maupun yang terbawa keluar dariekosistem lamun. Hasil penelitian menujukkan total karbon yang dialirkan ke kompartemen lain mencapai2,20% dari stok karbon daun atau setara 81,8% dari produktivitas daun. Aliran produksi melalui serasah yangmelayang sebesar 0,59% dari stok karbon (setara 22,0% dari produktivitas daun), serasah tenggelam 1,36% daristok karbon (setara 50,6% dari produktivitas daun), grazing bulu babi 0,04% dari stok karbon (setara 1,4% dariproduktivitas daun) dan grazing oleh herbivora lain 0,21% dari stok karbon (setara 7,9% dari produktivitasdaun). Dalam konteks aliran produksi, hasil produksi primer lamun paling banyak berkontribusi dalam ekosistemlamun sendiri sebagai serasah, bisa dimanfaatkan oleh detritivore sebagai makanan, terdekomposisi sebagaiunsur hara, atau terkubur sebagai cadangan karbon. Hanya sebagian kecil produksi primer dimanfaatkan secaralangsung oleh herbivora.Kata kunci : produktivitas daun lamun, aliran produksi daun lamun, grazing lamun, serasah lamu

    Distribution and Growth Patterns of Crab (P. pelagicus) Based on Environmental Characteristics in Candi Waters, Pamekasan Regency, East Java Province

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    Blue swimming crab (BSC) is a fishery commodity with high economic value and great demand in domestic and foreign markets. P. pelagicus swimming crabs are commonly found in Indonesian sea waters, one of the largest contributors to the country's foreign exchange after shrimp and tuna. The high demand for blue crab resources will trigger an increase in fishing efforts. If this is done continuously, it is feared that it could endanger the population structure. Moreover, disrupting the sustainability of blue swimming crab resources in the waters, this study examines the morphometric distribution and growth pattern of P. pelagicus crabs based on environmental characteristics in Candi waters, Pamekasaan Regency. Census sampling was carried out using the census method; the census method was carried out by taking all crab samples caught by fishermen. The results obtained found 33 individual crabs, which were divided into three classes, namely small (10 cm), and large (>12 cm) size classes. Male crabs dominated the research locations with wider straps than female crabs. The analysis results show that the width-weight relationship's b values are 1.47 (males) and 2.00 (females). In addition, male and female crabs have a positive allometric growth pattern. Blue swimming crabs are often found in habitats with a substrate of dusty mud, high salinity and organic matter


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    The arrangement of coastal ecological space in the coastal city area aims to ensure the sustainability of the system, the availability of local natural resources, environmental health and the presence of the coastal ecosystems. The lack of discipline in the supervision and implementation of spatial regulations resulted in inconsistencies between urban spatial planning and land use facts. This study aims to see the inconsistency between spatial planning of the city with the real conditions in the field so it can be used as an evaluation material to optimize the planning of the urban space in the future. This study used satellite image interpretation, spatial analysis, and projection analysis using markov cellular automata, as well as consistency evaluation for spatial planning policy. The results show that there has been a significant increase of open spaces during 2001-2015 and physical development was relatively spreading irregularly and indicated the urban sprawl phenomenon. There has been an open area deficits for the green open space in 2015-2031, such as integrated maritime, ports, and warehousing zones. Several islands in Makassar City are predicted to have their built-up areas decreased, especially in Lanjukang Island, Langkai Island, Kodingareng Lompo Island, Bone Tambung Island, Kodingareng Keke Island and Samalona Island. Meanwhile, the increase of the built up area is predicted to occur in Lumu Island, Barrang Caddi Island, Barrang Lompo Island, Lae-lae Island, and Kayangan Island. The land cover is caused by the human activities. Many land conversions do not comply with the provision of percentage of green open space allocation in the integrated strategic areas, established in the spatial plan. Thus, have the potential of conflict in the spatial plan of marine and small islands in Makassar City

    Evaluation of Land Suitability for Brackishwatershrimp Farming using GIS in Mahakam Delta, Indonesia

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    This paper briefly described land evaluation of shrimp farming development in Mahakam Delta, discusses its ecological and socio-economic impacts and recommends measures to achieve long term sustainability using Geographic Information System (GIS). The objectives of this research were to know land evaluation based on suitability for brackish water aquaculture and optimal utilazation level. This reserarch was conducted at Mahakam Delta Sub Distric Kutai Kartanegara; East Kalimantan. Surveys have been done collected primary data, while secondary data was obtained from related institution and needed maps for GIS analysis, with overlying map and primary data in each station observation with considering and assessment scale value of determining land suitability for brackish water pond using  AHP method.The result of GIS analysis had been obtained the land suitability at Mahakam Delta, area of highly suitable for shrimp pond was 1,185 ha (3.02%), suitable was 32,137 ha (81.93%), and not suitable was 5,905 ha (15.05 %) of 39,226 ha total land area that was studied. It can be concluded the sites with generality were suitable based on potential for pond construction, water availability, and water quality but not suitable for soil quality and infrastructure facilities. Keywords: GIS, Land suitability, Shrimp pond, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Land use evaluatio

    Association of Lokan Shell Geloina Erosa, Solander 1786 and Mangrove at Kahyapu Coastal Area of Enggano Island, Bengkulu Province

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    Lokan shell Geloina erosa closely related to mangrove ecosystem in Enggano island. Mangrove is one supplier of organic materials required by Lokan shell. The research conducted in September 2015 - January 2016 at mangrove ecosystems in Kahyapu coastal area, aims to analyse lokan shells Geloina erosa conditions and its association with mangrove ecosystems. Sampling of mangrove vegetation was taken using line transect and lokan shell sampling using plot in mangrove ecosystem. The results show that mangrove condition of the Kahyapu coastal area was in healthy condition for the growth of lokan shell. Lokan shell are significantly assosiated with mangrove in Kahyapu coastal area of Enggano Island
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