139 research outputs found

    Influence of the filling pastes and post- filling cleaning agents in the composition and morphology in primary teeth root dentin

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    Orientador: Regina Maria Puppin-RontaniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes pastas obturadoras e agentes de limpeza sobre a dentina radicular de dentes decíduos, sobre: a estrutura molecular; e a morfologia de superfície da dentina radicular em dentes decíduos. Foram utilizadas 80 raízes de dentes decíduos anteriores extraídos por razões clínicas. As coroas foram seccionadas na junção cemento-esmalte e descartadas; e as raízes seccionadas no sentido longitudinal expondo os condutos radiculares, as quais foram planificadas e sonicadas. As raízes foram fixadas com resina composta para facilitar o manuseio, em seguida os condutos foram instrumentados com limas tipo K (15 a 35) e irrigados a cada troca de lima com hipoclorito de sódio a 0,5% + EndoPTC. Então, os espécimes foram distribuídos em 4 grupos de acordo com as pastas obturadoras (n=20): Controle-CP (sem obturação), Calen® espessada com óxido de zinco-CZ, Calcipex II®-CII, Vitapex®-V. Após a obturação, os espécimes foram armazenamentos por 7 dias. Após esse período, as pastas obturadoras foram removidas e os espécimes foram subdivididos em 4 grupos de acordo com os agentes de limpeza (n=5): Controle-CL (Sem limpeza), Etanol-E, Tergenform®-T, Ácido fosfórico-AF 35%...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digitalAbstract: The aim of this study was to verify the effect the different filling pastes and cleaning agents in primary dentin root, as: molecular structure and morphologic structure the surface of root dentin in primary teeth. For the study were used 80 anterior primary teeth roots extracted for clinical reasons. The crowns of the teeth were sectioned at cement enamel junction and discarded. The roots were separated longitudinally exposing the root canal, which were ground flat and sonicated. The specimens were fixed using composite resin to facilitate manipulation, and then they were prepared with K-type files size #15-35 and irrigated with of 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution + EndoPTC cream. Thus, were divided into 4 groups (n=20) according to the filling pastes: Control (without filling), Calen® paste thickened with zinc oxide, Calcipex II®, Vitapex®. Then, the specimens were stored for seven days. After that, filling paste was removed and the specimens were subdivided into 4 cleaning agents groups (n=5): Control (without cleaning agents), Ethanol, Tergenform®, Phosphoric acid (35%)...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic documentMestradoOdontopediatriaMestre em Odontologi

    Effect of chlorhexidine-adding commercial infiltrant on biological, physical and chemical properties

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    Orientadores: Regina Maria Puppin Rontani, Fernanda Miori PasconTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O uso do infiltrante Icon® tem mostrado eficácia ao redor de 60% quando aplicado em lesões iniciais de cárie, em relação à progressão das mesmas. Entretanto, foi observada alta rugosidade de superfície após a aplicação sobre lesões de mancha branca, podendo aumentar o acúmulo de biofilme dental sobre a superfície e assim comprometer a longevidade do procedimento. A adição de um agente antimicrobiano como o diacetato de clorexidina (CHX) ao material infiltrante (Icon®) poderia auxiliar no controle da adesão do biofilme na superfície do material, evitando a reincidência de lesões cariosas ou a progressão das mesmas, e também aumentar a eficácia da terapêutica. Deste modo, o objetivo desta Tese foi avaliar o efeito da adição de CHX no infiltrante Icon® em relação: a atividade antimicrobiana, por meio de teste de difusão em ágar (n=3); a rugosidade de superfície dos infiltrantes antes e após o processo de biodegradação (n=10); o grau de conversão (n=10); a dureza Knoop e amolecimento do polímero (n=10); o módulo de elasticidade (n=12); o coeficiente de penetração por meio do ângulo de contato (n=10); e a sorção e a solubilidade em água (n=5). A densidade de ligações cruzadas foi avaliada indiretamente através da taxa de redução de dureza após imersão em etanol. Neste estudo foram utilizados três grupos: infiltrante Icon®, Icon® + 0,1% CHX e Icon® + 0,2% CHX. Os dados de biodegradação foram submetidos à ANOVA para medidas repetidas dois critérios e teste de Tukey (?=5%) fatores de estudo foram o material e o tempo; os dados de ângulo de contato foram submetidos à ANOVA dois critérios e teste de Tukey (?=5%) fatores de estudo foram material e superfície; e os demais dados a ANOVA um critério, e teste de Tukey (?=5%). O Icon® não apresentou atividade antimicrobiana no teste de difusão em ágar para Streptococcus mutans e Lactobacillus acidophillus; a adição de CHX a 0,1 e 0,2% apresentou efeito antimicrobiano e não diferiram significativamente entre si, para ambas as cepas (p>0,05). Após a biodegradação a superfície do grupo Icon® apresentou maior rugosidade quando comparada aos grupos com adição de CHX (p0,05). As análises de módulo de elasticidade, dureza Knoop e sorção de água apresentaram maiores valores para os grupos com adição de CHX (p<0,05). A adição de CHX diminuiu a solubilidade (p<0,05). Em conclusão, os grupos com adição de CHX independente da concentração obtiveram satisfatória atividade antimicrobiana, e diminuíram a biodegradação superficial. Além disso, mantiveram ou melhoraram as propriedades físico/químicas do material infiltrante, exceto o aumento da sorção de águaAbstract: Considering the 60% efficacy of Icon®-infiltrant. However, the surface roughness higher after the used, and can increased accumulation of biofilm, and decreased material lifetime. The antimicrobial as chlorhexidine diacetate (CHX) added to infiltrant can increase the effectiveness of this material concerning the biofilm adhesion on its surface, decreasing of caries lesion progression. This study aims to assess the effect of addition of CHX to Icon® infiltrant on antimicrobial activity and physical/chemical properties. Groups were set up as follows: Icon®, Icon® + 0.1% CHX, Icon® + 0.2% CHX. Test were performed: agar diffusion test (n=3), biodegradation (n=10), degree of conversion (n=10), elastic modulus (n=12), Knoop hardness (n=10), polymer softening (n=10), water sorption and solubility (n=5), contact angle (n=10). Data biodegradation were subjected to two-way ANOVA repeated measure and a Tukey¿s test (?=5%), study factors were material and time; and contact angle were subjected to two-way ANOVA and a Tukey¿s test (?=5%), study factors were material and surface. Data the agar diffusion test, degree of conversion, elastic modulus, Knoop hardness, polymer softening, water sorption and solubility were subjected to one-way ANOVA and a Tukey¿s test (?=5%). The Icon® group not showed antimicrobial activity by agar diffusion test, the 0.1 and 0.2% CHX showed similar effect antimicrobial. The biodegradation test showed higher roughness for the Icon® groups to compare the groups added CHX (p<0.05). The degree of conversion, polymer softening and contact angle showed similar results among the groups. The elastic modulus, Knoop hardness and water sorption showed higher values for the groups added of CHX (p<0.05). However, the solubility showed the lowest values for the groups added of CHX (p<0.05). In conclusion, the groups added of CHX showed be promising, for the activity antimicrobial showed growth inhibition bacterial and biodegradation analyses showed low degradation of resin infiltrant. The physics and chemical properties are maintained or improved, except for the water sorptionDoutoradoOdontopediatriaDoutora em Odontologia14803/2013-5CAPES, PROEXCAPES, PDSE BE

    De la euritmia al teatro: un acercamiento a lo sensible-suprasensible para el desarrollo de la consciencia somática de las y los estudiantes de actuación

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    La presente investigación busca establecer un diálogo entre el arte de la euritmia y el teatro. Esta búsqueda radica en la importancia de cómo los elementos que trabaja la euritmia permitirán visualizar nuevos horizontes al trabajo del actor/actriz en su propio aprendizaje personal. En el caso del teatro, la euritmia le brindará las herramientas necesarias para hacer visible lo invisible, es decir, materializar con el movimiento los fenómenos de la fonética y la música. Asimismo, y, en consecuencia, las implicancias de esta investigación también se tornan en una tercera disciplina. Esa es la educación somática, que, a través de sus conceptualizaciones e investigaciones, ayudará a observar, distinguir y reconocer el trabajo del cuerpo y el movimiento como el campo principal para el acto artístico del intérprete de teatro. Para ello, se buscará establecer el concepto sensible-suprasensible que plantea la integración de los estados internos y externos del ser humano. A su vez, se hará uso del concepto consciencia somática, que buscará establecerse como un término que se exprese en los procesos propioceptivos del mundo de la experiencia artística en los estudiantes de actuación. Ambos conceptos serán interconectados por medio de las teorizaciones teatrales del actor y teórico teatral Mijail Chéjov, con el fin de articular un diálogo propicio entre la euritmia y el arte dramático. Para ello, esta investigación buscará abordar un trabajo teórico- práctico por medio del desarrollo conceptual de los fenómenos implicados para ser llevados a la práctica del trabajo de laboratorio que se ha ejecutado en esta investigación. De esta manera, la presente tesis se encargará de exponer los resultados necesarios en los que la euritmia pueda contribuir al desarrollo pedagógico de la práctica y profesionalización artística de los estudiantes de actuación

    Verbal Perseveration in Aphasia during Word-String Repetition: Effects of a Filled versus Silent Interstimulus Interval

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    Verbal perseveration is experienced to varying degrees by many individuals with aphasia. Perseveration is defined as an inappropriate recurrence or repetition of a previously produced response in place of the target item. Despite numerous studies of factors influencing the occurrence of perseverations and several prominent accounts of their occurrence in aphasia (Cohen & Dehaene, 1998; Martin & Dell, 2004; 2007) there are only a few studies that address the treatment of perseveration in aphasia. The theoretical framework of the present study is Dell, Burger & Švec‟s (1997) account of perseverations: Perseverations are more likely to occur when activation of the target word is weak (reduced connection strength) and residual activation of a retrieved lexical representation is strong enough to be selected in error

    Cross-structural priming in sentences with verb particles and verb prepositions: A replication

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    Structural (syntactic) priming (Bock, 1986) is an experimental paradigm used to study sentence processing in non-brain damaged individuals. Repetition of a sentence structure in one or more “prime” trials leads to a tendency to use the same structure in a picture description task. Structural priming treatment for aphasia aims to improve sentence processing in aphasia by increasing accessibility of a syntactic structure, and making it temporarily easier to retrieve. However, this technique’s usefulness in treatment depends on the endurance of its effects. Whether structural priming reflects short-term residual activation or short-term learning is a matter of debate (Bock & Griffin, 2000). In treatment studies, this question can be addressed by evaluation of performance at post-treatment assessment

    La ética de la encarnación teatral: El reconocimiento de la vulnerabilidad física y psicológica en los estudiantes de actuación

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    La educación artística es todavía un tema recientemente desarrollado, especialmente en su aspecto deontológico. El elemento de la sensibilidad en el trabajo del estudiante artístico genera un estado de vulnerabilidad. Este estado vulnerable no solamente está presente en el trabajo que realiza el artista en su profesión y que es implementado en la formación del estudiante, si no que también en la relación entre el docente y el estudiante como también entre sus compañeros. Es en el caso del estudiante de actuación que aborda su cuerpo, mente y emociones como parte de su herramienta de trabajo, donde hay un riesgo implicado en la integridad de la persona. En ese sentido, la presente investigación discute el tema de la sensibilidad como un reconocimiento ontológico y que su desarrollo está presente a nivel metódico; sin embargo, ello no implica el reconocimiento de la vulnerabilidad que está presente en los espacios de formación a nivel ético. Es así que esta investigación aborda los conceptos y asuntos de la vulnerabilidad física y psicológica desde el punto pedagógico y artístico que se desarrolla en el estudiante de actuación. Asimismo, se exponen casos y opiniones sobre docentes y estudiantes de actuación para abordar los conceptos ya mencionados dentro de la Facultad de Artes Escénicas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Finalmente, la presente investigación afronta esta discusión con el objetivo principal de postular el reconocimiento de la vulnerabilidad física y psicológica del estudiante de actuación como un asunto de vital necesidad.Artistic education is still a recently developed subject, especially within deontological studies. Sensibility in the art student’s work creates a state of vulnerability. This state is not only present in the artist’s work and implemented in the student’s education, but also in the professorstudent relationship, as well as the bond between classmates. In the case of the acting student, who uses its body, mind and emotions as a working tool, there is a risk involved with the person’s integrity. In that matter, the following paper discusses the theme of sensibility as an ontological recognizement, and that its development is present on a methodical level; nonetheless, that doesn’t imply the recognition of vulnerability present in the educational environment on an ethical level. It is in this regard that the present investigation addresses the concepts and matters of psychological and physical vulnerability from a pedagogical and artistic point of view. In addition to that, cases and opinions shared by professors and students will be exposed in order to discuss the previously mentioned concepts from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú’s faculty of Performing Arts experience. Finally, this paper faces this discussion with the main goal of proposing the recognition of the acting student’s psychological and physical vulnerability as a matter of vital necessity

    Electrocardiographic changes in hiatal hernia: a case report

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    We describe the case of a 78-year-old woman admitted to our department for suspected silent myocardial ischaemia with the evidence of T wave inversion in anterior lead. All the instrumental exams excluded inducible myocardial ischaemia. A gastroscopy showed a moderate hiatal hernia. We postulate that electrocardiogram modification could be attributed to hiatal hernia

    Simple and informative: applying a basic Anthophila monitoring scheme in a simplified insular ecosystem

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    The decline of pollinators and the consequent decay of pollination services call for the establishment of monitoring schemes for several groups of pollinators. For Anthophila (Hymenoptera), the design of monitoring schemes is still under development. The main difficulties lie in combining a reliable but field-feasible taxonomic identification with the collection of informative data about the consistency and functional role of pollinator populations. Here we report on the application of the Italian monitoring scheme for pollinators recently defined by ISPRA and the University of Turin in agreement with the European Pollinators Monitoring Scheme on the small island of Giannutri (Tuscany), a simplified insular ecosystem with a virtually unknown pollinator community. This island has recently experienced a drastic change in its bee community, as since 2018 honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) hives are regularly moved every year to the island for breeding purposes. In the spring 2021 we established six 250 m long fixed transects and performed a total of 48 surveys (8 for each transect), recording more than 2300 observations of 9 Anthophila bee taxa and the flowers they visited. By using generalised additive mixed models, we showed that the monitoring protocol has a good potential for monitoring Anthophila, as we could verify several expected relationships between Anthophila abundance and abiotic factors (season, hour of the day, distance from the apiary) and biotic factors (abundance of flower resources). More importantly, we verified that A. mellifera represents by far the most frequent Anthophila taxon. Our data do not show evidence for spatial partition between A. mellifera and the other most frequent taxa (Bombus terrestris L. and Anthophora spp.). The visit network based on transect observations also showed that these taxa largely overlapped in terms of visits to flower resources. Overall, our data showed that the monitoring protocol allows gathering informative data about Anthophila taxa abundance, interactions and flower-visits. Moreover, the spatial and flower-visit overlap suggest potential for competition between honey bees and wild pollinators, with a potential consequent resource depletion for the latter. While this hypothesis could only be assessed by a long-term monitoring and ad hoc honey bee removal experiments, our data show that this basic monitoring protocol produces rapid and valuable information about Anthophila community and dynamics

    Hybrid multiple-site mass closure and source apportionment of PM2.5 and aerosol acidity at major cities in the Po Valley

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    This study investigates the major chemical components, particle-bound water content, acidity (pH), and major potential sources of PM2.5 in major cities (Belluno, Conegliano, Vicenza, Mestre, Padua, and Rovigo) in the eastern end of the Po Valley. The measured PM2.5 mass was reconstructed using a multiple-site hybrid chemical mass closure approach that also accounts for aerosol inorganic water content (AWC) estimated by the ISORROPIA-II model. Annually, organic matter accounted for 31-45% of the PM2.5 at all sites, followed by nitrate (10-19%), crustal material (10-14%), sulfate (8-10%), ammonium (5-9%), elemental carbon (4-7%), other inorganic ions (3-4%), and trace elements (0.2-0.3%). Water represented 7-10% of measured PM2.5. The ambient aerosol pH varied from 1.5 to 4.5 with lower values in summer (average in all sites 2.2±0.3) and higher in winter (3.9±0.3). Six major PM2.5 sources were quantitatively identified with multiple-site positive matrix factorization: secondary sulfate (34% of PM2.5), secondary nitrate (30%), biomass burning (17%), traffic (11%), re-suspended dust (5%), and fossil fuel combustion (3%). Biomass burning accounted for ∼90% of total PAHs. Inorganic aerosol acidity was driven primarily by secondary sulfate, fossil fuel combustion (decreasing pH), secondary nitrate, and biomass burning (increasing pH). Secondary nitrate was the primary driver of the inorganic AWC variability. A concentration-weighted trajectory (multiple-site) analysis was used to identify potential source areas for the various factors and modeled aerosol acidity. Eastern and Central Europe were the main source areas of secondary species. Less acidic aerosol was associated with air masses originating from Northern Europe owing to the elevated presence of the nitrate factor. More acidic particles were observed for air masses traversing the Po Valley and the Mediterranean, possibly due to the higher contributions of fossil fuel combustion factor and the loss of nitric acid due to its interaction with coarse sea-salt particles


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    Objetivo: O artigo representa uma reflexão sobre a evolução do direito ao livre planejamento familiar e da esterilização voluntária no Brasil, destacando os resquícios da ingerência do Estado na esfera individual e o papel do gênero no âmbito reprodutivo. Para mais, tem por objetivo analisar as postulações da Lei nº 9.263/1996 antecedentes à Lei nº 14.443/2022, bem como as inovações impetradas. A pesquisa considera fundamental delimitar o atual cenário dos direitos reprodutivos para, assim, adequá-lo ao patamar constitucional.Metodologia: Adere ao método hipotético-dedutivo, com a aplicação de técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, mediante a utilização de livros e de artigos científicos pertinentes à temática, bem como da jurisprudência e da legislação específica sobre o tema.Resultados: O trabalho reconhece a elevada valia das alterações postuladas pela Lei nº 14.443/2022, mas aponta a necessidade da apreciação crítica dos seus verdadeiros efeitos, especialmente no que tange à implementação das balizas legais do direito ao livre planejamento familiar à prática.Contribuição: O texto poderá servir de ponto inicial para estudos relativos aos atualizados requisitos concernentes à Lei de Planejamento Familiar, além de sinalizar a importância da contínua análise acerca de sua efetivação prática.Palavras-chave: Planejamento Familiar; Esterilização Voluntária; Direitos Reprodutivos; Lei nº 9.263/1996; Lei nº 14.443/2022. ABSTRACTObjective: The article represents a reflection on the evolution of the right to free planned parenthood and voluntary sterilization in Brazil, highlighting the remnants of the interference of the State in the individual sphere and the role of gender in the reproductive sphere. Furthermore, it aims to analyze the postulations of Law No. 9.263/96 prior to Law No. 14.443/22, as well as the innovations filed. The research considers it essential to delimit the current scenario of reproductive rights in order to adapt it to the constitutional level.Methodology: It adheres to the hypothetical-deductive method, with the application of bibliographic and documentary research techniques, through the use of books and scientific articles relevant to the theme, as well as jurisprudence and specific legislation on the subject.Results: The paper recognizes the high value of the amendments proposed by Law No. 14,443/2022, but points out the need for critical appreciation of its true effects, especially with regard to the implementation of the legal beacons of the right to free planned parenthood to practice.Contribution: The paper may serve as a starting point for studies related to the updated requirements concerning the Planned Parenthood Law, in addition to signaling the importance of continuous analysis of its practical implementation.Keywords: Planned Parenthood; Voluntary Sterilization; Reproductive Rights; Gender; Law No. 9.263/96; Law No. 14.443/22