2,061 research outputs found

    Is Adaptive Gamification just a Theoretical Fairytale? An Experiment in a Text-based Adventure Game for Data Crowdsourcing

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    Gamification approaches are not always effective and vary in their success. Several studies suggest that unexpected results of effectiveness are related to a dearth of personalization of gamified systems following a one-size-fits-all (OSFA) approach. Although research indicates that gamification design that is dynamically adjusted to the preferences of the person using the system (i.e., adaptive gamification) can positively impact behavioral or motivational outcomes, there is still a gap in understanding the effectiveness of adaptive gamification. This work aims to advance our understanding on the impact of adaptive gamification on motivational and behavioral outcomes in the context of gamified crowdsourcing. To this end, an experiment (n=135) is conducted with a text-based adventure game that employs different versions of a narrative designed to address the specific needs of previously conceptualized distinct types of users (i.e., Hexad user types). The results show that adaptive gamification does not lead to higher behavioral outcomes, i.e., increased crowdsourcing participation, or motivational outcomes. Conclusively, this work challenges the common assumption of adaptive gamification based on player types being worth the effort. Moreover, the results show that general need satisfaction is associated with increasing motivational outcomes, independent of a user’s player type. Therefore, this work suggests focusing on different perceptions of need satisfaction being required by individuals rather than focusing on player types which are abstractions of reality

    Density-dependent performance of larval and juvenile toads: Implications for amphibian conservation

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    Density dependent carry-over effects from one life history stage to another can affect the dynamics of populations. Here we study such carry-over effects from the tadpole to the postmetamorphic juvenile stage in an endangered amphibian, the natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita). We raised tadpoles in outdoor aquatic mesocosms at four densities and assessed juvenile performance after metamorphosis in terrestrial mesocosms. High larval density reduced mass at metamorphosis by 50 % and doubled the length of the larval period. Survival was reduced at the high densities. Larger metamorphs had higher survival in terrestrial mesocosms and remained larger than cohort members at the end of the 30-day experiment. Because juvenile survival drives amphibian population dynamics, density-dependent carry-over effects to the juvenile stage are likely to affect population viability. We discuss the implications of the results for amphibian conservation practice, both pond construction programs and surveys of amphibian populations

    Untersuchungen zum Bodenwasserhaushalt und Modellierung der BodenwasserflĂŒsse entlang eines Höhen- und AriditĂ€tsgradienten (SE Marokko)

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    Übergeordnete Zielvorstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die wichtigsten SteuergrĂ¶ĂŸen des Bodenwasserhaushalts in einem Trockenraum zu erfassen und zu analysieren. Die Studie ist in das IMPETUS-Projekt eingebunden und leistet einen Beitrag zur Erforschung der bodenhydrologischen Komponenten des Wasserkreislaufs im Einzugsgebiet des oberen DrĂąa in Marokko. Entlang eines Höhen- und AriditĂ€tsgradienten wurden sieben reprĂ€sentative Untersuchungsgebiete ausgewiesen. Die Gebiete zwischen dem Hohen Atlas im humiden Norden und dem ariden Saharavorland im SĂŒden wurden jeweils in Landschaftseinheiten mit spezifischen hydrologischen Eigenschaften diskretisiert. Im Rahmen einer dreijĂ€hrigen Kampagne wurde ein Messnetz implementiert und die relevanten bodenphysikalischen und -hydrologischen Eigenschaften erfasst. In der Analyse und Charakterisierung der dominierenden bodenhydrologischen Standorteigenschaften wird deutlich, dass Areale mit hoher InfiltrationskapazitĂ€t und geringer Abflussbereitschaft von Standorten mit rĂ€umlicher Konzentration von OberflĂ€chenabfluss und geringer InfiltrabilitĂ€t unterschieden werden können. Dabei zeichnen sich Felsbereiche und morphologisch konvexe Areale durch niedrige Infiltrationsraten und hohe Abflussbereitschaft aus. OberflĂ€chen mit hoher InfiltrationskapazitĂ€t und stark verzögerter bzw. eingeschrĂ€nkter Abflussbildung werden dagegen von Tiefenlinien, morphologischen Senken und Vegetationsstandorten reprĂ€sentiert. Die Ergebnisse der GelĂ€ndeuntersuchungen dienen als EingangsgrĂ¶ĂŸen fĂŒr die Anwendung des dynamischen Bodenwassermodell ARID. Dieses physikalisch basierte Modell zur lokalen Beschreibung der BodenwasserflĂŒsse wurde in einem separaten Arbeitsschritt fĂŒr alle sieben Untersuchungsgebiete kalibriert und validiert. In der Analyse der simulierten Wasserhaushaltskomponenten stand die Betrachtung der aktuellen Evapotranspiration, des Bodenwassergehalts und der VerĂ€nderung temporĂ€rer Speicher im Vordergrund. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die wesentlichen Prozesse des Bodenwasserhaushalts trotz der VariabilitĂ€t der klimatischen und bodenhydrologischen Bedingungen herausgestellt werden können. In AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der Raumskala ist es mit dem eingesetzten hydrologischen Modell möglich, die Bodenwasserdynamik entlang des Höhen- und AriditĂ€tsgradienten abzubilden. Die Simulation der WasserbilanzgrĂ¶ĂŸen zeigt eine deutliche AbhĂ€ngigkeit zum AriditĂ€tsgradienten. ZusĂ€tzlich zu dem transektbedingten Niederschlagsverhalten wird die Dynamik von Evapotranspiration und Bodenwassergehalt von standortspezifischen bodenhydrologischen Faktoren, wie Textur, BodenmĂ€chtigkeit und Skelettgehalt modifiziert. Diese sekundĂ€ren, nicht-transektgebundenen Gebietseigenschaften Ă€ußern sich besonders in der Kombination der bilanzierten WasserhaushaltsgrĂ¶ĂŸen mit der jeweiligen Lage der Standorte entlang des Höhen- und AriditĂ€tsgradienten. Gerade im Hinblick auf die fehlende VerfĂŒgbarkeit von hydrologischen Daten liefert die Anwendung des Modells und das vorliegende Messkonzept ein Beitrag zum VerstĂ€ndnis des Wasserkreislaufs in TrockenrĂ€umen.Analyse and modelling of soil water dynamics along a gradient of elevation and aridity (SE Morocco) The objective of this study is to measure and analyse the most important control factors of soil water regime in a semiarid environment. The study is integrated in the IMPETUS-Project and focusses knowledge of soil-hydrological components of the water cycle within DrĂąa river catchment in Morocco. Due to the fact that previous studies in the catchment are only focusing the irrigated fraction of the catchment, a validation data base for the rangeland does not exist. Hence, seven representative testsites along a gradient of aridity and altitude were defined and have been discretised in terrain types with respect to their soil hydrological attributes. During a three years campaign relevant hydrological and soil data have been conducted and analysed. As a result, terrain types with high infiltration capacity and low disposition for runoff concentration could be distinguished from surfaces which tend to produce overland flow. Terrain units covered with rock fragments, shallow soil depths and topographic convexities show the lowest infiltration rates. In contrast to these units with high infiltration capacity can be found where ephemeral channel networks, topographic depressions and vegetation occurs. The patchwork-like pattern of terrain unit varies distribution. The results of the measurements were used to validate a model for simulating soil water fluxes. The process-based model ARID was calibrated and validated for each of the seven testsites. Facing the climatic variability and the heterogeneity of soil hydrological properties the results approve that main processes of soil water balances are applicated by the model. The simulation of soil water content leads to good results. In Dependance to the spatial scale this approach can be used for representing soil water dynamics. Due to the missing validation data (at four of the seven testsites no runoff occurs) and the underestimation of slow runoff components only moderately goodness-of-fit was achieved. Furthermore, the actual model version does not sufficiently represent complexity of different aquifer systems in the High Atlas. Modelled soil water components are pointing out strong dependance to the gradient of aridity. In addition to this, dynamics of evaporation, transpiration and soil water content were mainly affected by local, soil hydrological properties such as texture, soil depths and rock fragment cover. This secondary influence can not be explained by the gradient between High Atlas and presaharian desert. The impact of these local properties on water cycle components can be demonstrated by the comparison with the testsite's position within the transekt. Especially in the view of sparsely information density concerning hydrological data, the used methodology and the application of the model contributes to the understanding of water balance in arid environments

    Mechanical assessment of ultrafine-grained nickel by microcompression experiment and finite element simulation

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    Over the past two decades, nanoindentation has been the most versatile method for mechanical testing at small length scales. Because of large strain gradients, it does not allow for a straightforward identification of material parameters such as yield and tensile strength, though. This represents a major drawback and has led to the development of alternative microscale testing techniques with microcompression as one of the most popular ones today. In this research, the influence of the realistic sample configuration and unavoidable variations in the experimental conditions is studied systematically by combing in-situ microcompression experiments on ultrafine-grained nickel and finite element simulations. It will be demonstrated that neither qualitative let alone quantitative analyses are as straightforward as they may appear, which diminishes the apparent advantages of microcompression testin

    Restoration of leg length and offset correlates with trochanteric pain syndrome in total hip arthroplasty

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    Persistent pain around the greater trochanter is a common complication after total hip arthroplasty. Restoration of biomechanics such as leg length, femoral und acetabular offset is crucial in THA. The purpose of this study was to evaluate postoperative differences of these parameters after THA and to analyze their association to greater trochanteric pain syndrome. Furthermore, we aimed to evaluate the clinical relevance of trochanteric pain syndrome compared to patient reported outcome measures. 3D-CT scans of 90 patients were analyzed after minimalinvasive total hip arthroplasty and leg length, femoral and acetabular offset differences were measured. Clinical evaluation was performed three years after THA regarding the presence of trochanteric pain syndrome and using outcome measures. Furthermore, the patients' expectation were evaluated. Patients with trochanteric pain syndrome showed a higher absolute discrepancy of combined leg length, femoral and acetabular offset restoration compared to the non-operated contralateral side with 11.8 +/- 6.0mm than patients without symptoms in the trochanteric region with 7.8 +/- 5.3mm (p=0.01). Patients with an absolute deviation of the combined parameters of more than 5mm complained more frequently about trochanteric symptoms (29.2%, 19/65) than patients with a biomechanical restoration within 5mm compared to the non-affected contralateral side (8.0%, 2/25, p=0.03). Clinical outcome measured three years after THA was significantly lower in patients with trochanteric symptoms than without trochanteric pain (p<0.03). Similarly, fulfillment of patient expectations as measured by THR-Survey was lower in the patients with trochanteric pain (p<0.005). An exact combined restoration of leg length, acetabular and femoral offset reduces significantly postoperative trochanteric pain syndrome and improves the clinical outcome of the patients

    Plasma from Volunteers Breathing Helium Reduces Hypoxia-Induced Cell Damage in Human Endothelial Cells-Mechanisms of Remote Protection Against Hypoxia by Helium.

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    PurposeRemote ischemic preconditioning protects peripheral organs against prolonged ischemia/reperfusion injury via circulating protective factors. Preconditioning with helium protected healthy volunteers against postischemic endothelial dysfunction. We investigated whether plasma from helium-treated volunteers can protect human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) against hypoxia in vitro through release of circulating of factors.MethodsHealthy male volunteers inhaled heliox (79% helium, 21% oxygen) or air for 30 min. Plasma was collected at baseline, directly after inhalation, 6 h and 24 h after start of the experiment. HUVECs were incubated with either 5% or 10% of the plasma for 1 or 2 h and subjected to enzymatically induced hypoxia. Cell damage was measured by LDH content. Furthermore, caveolin 1 (Cav-1), hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF1α), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2, signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT3) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) were determined.ResultsPrehypoxic exposure to 10% plasma obtained 6 h after helium inhalation decreased hypoxia-induced cell damage in HUVEC. Cav-1 knockdown in HUVEC abolished this effect.ConclusionsPlasma of healthy volunteers breathing helium protects HUVEC against hypoxic cell damage, possibly involving circulating Cav-1

    Tissue engineering on matrix: future of autologous tissue replacement

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    Tissue engineering aims at the creation of living neo-tissues identical or close to their native human counterparts. As basis of this approach, temporary biodegradable supporter matrices are fabricated in the shape of a desired construct, which promote tissue strength and provide functionality until sufficient neo-tissue is formed. Besides fully synthetic polymer-based scaffolds, decellularized biological tissue of xenogenic or homogenic origin can be used. In a second step, these scaffolds are seeded with autologous cells attaching to the scaffold microstructure. In order to promote neo-tissue formation and maturation, the seeded scaffolds are exposed to different forms of stimulation. In cardiovascular tissue engineering, this "conditioning” can be achieved via culture media and biomimetic in vitro exposure, e.g., using flow bioreactors. This aims at adequate cellular differentiation, proliferation, and extracellular matrix production to form a living tissue called the construct. These living autologous constructs, such as heart valves or vascular grafts, are created in vitro, comprising a viable interstitium with repair and remodeling capabilities already prior to implantation. In situ further in vivo remodeling is intended to recapitulate physiological vascular architecture and function. The remodeling mechanisms were shown to be dominated by monocytic infiltration and chemotactic host-cell attraction leading into a multifaceted inflammatory process and neo-tissue formation. Key molecules of these processes can be integrated into the scaffold matrix to direct cell and tissue fate in viv

    Effect of helium pre- or postconditioning on signal transduction kinases in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery

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    Background: The noble gas helium induces pre- and postconditioning in animals and humans. Volatile anesthetics induce cardioprotection in humans undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. We hypothesized that helium induces pre-and postconditioning in CABG-patients, affecting signaling molecules protein kinase C-epsilon (PKC-epsilon), p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK-1/2) and heat shock protein 27 (HSP-27) within cardiac tissue, and reducing postoperative troponin levels. Methods: After ethical approval and informed consent, 125 elective patients undergoing CABG surgery were randomised into this prospective, placebo controlled, investigator blinded, parallel arm single-centre study. Helium preconditioning (3 x 5 min of 70 % helium and 30 % oxygen) was applied before aortic cross clamping; postconditioning (15 min of helium) was applied before release of the aortic cross clamp. Signaling molecules were measured in right atrial appendix specimens. Troponin-T was measured at 4, 12, 24 and 48 h postoperatively. Results: Baseline characteristics of all groups were similar. Helium preconditioning did not significantly alter the primary outcome (molecular levels of kinases PKC-e and HSP-27, ratio of activated p38 MAPK or ERK 1/2). Postoperative troponin T was 11 arbitrary units [5, 31; area-under-the-curve (interquartile range)] for controls, and no statistically significant changes were observed after helium preconditioning [He-pre: 11 (6, 18)], helium postconditioning [He-post: 11 (8, 15)], helium pre-and postconditioning [He-PP: 14 (6, 20)] and after sevoflurane preconditioning [APC: 12 (8, 24), p = 0.13]. No adverse effects related to study treatment were observed in this study. Conclusions: No effect was observed of helium preconditioning, postconditioning or the combination thereof on activation of p38 MAPK, ERK 1/2 or levels of HSP27 and PKC-e in the human heart. Helium pre-and postconditioning did not affect postoperative troponin release in patients undergoing CABG surgery
