8,529 research outputs found

    Dynamics of quantum correlations in colored environments

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    We address the dynamics of entanglement and quantum discord for two non interacting qubits initially prepared in a maximally entangled state and then subjected to a classical colored noise, i.e. coupled with an external environment characterized by a noise spectrum of the form 1/fα1/f^{\alpha}. More specifically, we address systems where the Gaussian approximation fails, i.e. the sole knowledge of the spectrum is not enough to determine the dynamics of quantum correlations. We thus investigate the dynamics for two different configurations of the environment: in the first case the noise spectrum is due to the interaction of each qubit with a single bistable fluctuator with an undetermined switching rate, whereas in the second case we consider a collection of classical fluctuators with fixed switching rates. In both cases we found analytical expressions for the time dependence of entanglement and quantum discord, which may be also extended to a collection of flcutuators with random switching rates. The environmental noise is introduced by means of stochastic time-dependent terms in the Hamiltonian and this allows us to describe the effects of both separate and common environments. We show that the non-Gaussian character of the noise may lead to significant effects, e.g. environments with the same power spectrum, but different configurations, give raise to opposite behavior for the quantum correlations. In particular, depending on the characteristics of the environmental noise considered, both entanglement and discord display either a monotonic decay or the phenomena of sudden death and revivals. Our results show that the microscopic structure of environment, besides its noise spectrum, is relevant for the dynamics of quantum correlations, and may be a valid starting point for the engineering of non-Gaussian colored environments.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Porosity effects on elastic properties of polycrystalline materials: a three-dimensional grain boundary formulation

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    Polycrystalline materials are widely used in many technological applications of engineering interest. They constitute an important class of heterogeneous materials, and the investigation of the link between their macro and micro properties, main task of the micromechanics [1], is of relevant technological concern. The internal structure of a polycrystalline material is determined by the size and the shape of the grains, by their crystallographic orientation and by different type of defects within them. In this sense, the presence of internal voids, pores, is important to take into account in the determination of the polycrystalline aggregate properties. Porosity exists in almost all materials to some extent and in particular in the polycrystalline ones; it is strictly depending by the conditions in which their construction techniques are set. However, sometimes it is desired for other than structural reasons such us, for example, heat transfer properties, radar reflection etc. For this reason the effects of porosity should be of concern to any polycrystalline material developed for a design. In particular, the macroscopic effects of the pores on polycrystalline materials elastic properties is of high interest and the Young and shear modulus are the major parameter to analyze in this case. In this study the influence of porosity presence on the elastic proprieties of polycrystalline materials is investigated and a 3D grain boundary micro mechanical model for the analysis of porosity in polycrystalline materials is used [2]. Therefore, the volume fraction of porosity, pore size and their distribution can be varied to better simulate the response of a real porous materials to a given load. The formulation is built on a boundary integral representation of the elastic problem for the single grain, that is modelled as 3D linearly elastic orthotropic domain with arbitrary spatial orientation. The artificial polycrystalline morphology is represented using the Voronoi Tessellation. This algorithms, in fact, is widely recognised and used for the generation of microstructural model and it is simple to generate the statistical features of polycrystalline microstructures. The formulation is expressed in terms of intergranular fields, namely displacement and traction that play an important role in polycrystalline micromechanics

    Inverse determination of the fatigue Strain Energy Density control radius for conventionally and additively manufactured rounded V-notches

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    The Strain Energy Density (SED) fatigue criterion is based on a material control radius. The value of this length is therefore required for an accurate assessment of the fatigue strength of any, especially severely, notched components. The singularity-based control radius is initially obtained by considering the hypothetical perfectly sharp V-notched specimen. The effect of the notch radius on the inverse search is then investigated with numerical simulations, and a new analytical procedure is introduced for the determination of the (actual) control radius. This procedure is applied to the experimental data of three metal alloys with different load ratios and manufacturing conditions

    Efeito da aplicação do lodo de esgoto (Biossólido) sobre a produção e decomposição do folhedo de Eucalyptus grandis e sobre o retorno de nutrientes ao solo, em Itatinga-SP.

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    O tratamento do esgoto urbano gera um resíduo denominado lodo de esgoto que pode ser utilizado para aumentar a produtividade de culturas agrícolas e florestais. Este artigo apresenta o efeito que a aplicação de doses crescentes de biossólido (O a 40 tlha), produzido na ETE de Barueri da SABESP - SP, provocou sobre o retorno de nutrientes ao solo, através da produção de folhedo (derrubada de folhas senescentes das árvores) e também sobre a taxa de decomposição do folhedo acumulado sobre o solo (manta orgânica) em um talhão experimental de Eucalyptus grandis, localizado na Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais da ESALQ/USP em Itatinga - SP. Após três anos de coleta mensal do folhedo, o tratamento onde foram aplicadas 40 t ha-1 de biossólido, depositou 4.828 kg ha-1 de folhedo a mais do que o testemunha, devolvendo ao solo cerca de cinco vezes mais Ca, duas vezes mais N e três vezes mais P. Foi registrado também um aumento de 40% na taxa de decomposição do folhedo, quando comparado com o tratamento testemunha. Os vários resultados obtidos na Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais da ESALQ/USP em Itatinga, confirmam a hipótese de que a aplicação do biossólido altera os padrões de ciclagem dos nutrientes, intensificando o retorno de nutrientes e acelerando sua incorporação ao solo

    Dual Boundary Element Method for fatigue crack growth: implementation of the Richard\u2019s criterion

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    A new criterion for fatigue crack growth, whose accuracy was previously tested in the literature with the Finite Element Method, is here adopted with a Dual Boundary Element formulation. The fatigue crack growth of an elliptical inclined crack, embedded in a three dimensional cylindrical bar, is analyzed. In this way in addition to the propagation angle estimated by the Sih\u2019s criterion, it is possible to take into account a twist propagation angle. The two propagation criteria are compared in terms of shape of the propagated crack and in terms of SIFs along the crack front. The efficiency of the Dual Boundary Element Method in this study is highlighted

    Spatial structures and dynamics of kinetically constrained models for glasses

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    Kob and Andersen's simple lattice models for the dynamics of structural glasses are analyzed. Although the particles have only hard core interactions, the imposed constraint that they cannot move if surrounded by too many others causes slow dynamics. On Bethe lattices a dynamical transition to a partially frozen phase occurs. In finite dimensions there exist rare mobile elements that destroy the transition. At low vacancy density, vv, the spacing, Ξ\Xi, between mobile elements diverges exponentially or faster in 1/v1/v. Within the mobile elements, the dynamics is intrinsically cooperative and the characteristic time scale diverges faster than any power of 1/v1/v (although slower than Ξ\Xi). The tagged-particle diffusion coefficient vanishes roughly as Ξd\Xi^{-d}.Comment: 4 pages. Accepted for pub. in Phys. Rev. Let

    On QBF Proofs and Preprocessing

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    QBFs (quantified boolean formulas), which are a superset of propositional formulas, provide a canonical representation for PSPACE problems. To overcome the inherent complexity of QBF, significant effort has been invested in developing QBF solvers as well as the underlying proof systems. At the same time, formula preprocessing is crucial for the application of QBF solvers. This paper focuses on a missing link in currently-available technology: How to obtain a certificate (e.g. proof) for a formula that had been preprocessed before it was given to a solver? The paper targets a suite of commonly-used preprocessing techniques and shows how to reconstruct certificates for them. On the negative side, the paper discusses certain limitations of the currently-used proof systems in the light of preprocessing. The presented techniques were implemented and evaluated in the state-of-the-art QBF preprocessor bloqqer.Comment: LPAR 201

    Valorization of orange peels in a biorefinery loop: recovery of limonene and production of volatile fatty acids and activated carbon

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    Orange peels (OPs) were valorized in a lab-scale biorefinery loop for the recovery of limonene and the subsequent production of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and activated carbon (AC). Solid/liquid extraction of limonene was optimized using n-hexane at 85 degrees C with an OPs-to-solvent ratio of 2:1, allowing for a limonene recovery yield of 1.20% w/w. Then, post-extraction OPs were used for the production of both VFAs and AC. For VFA production, a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 5 days and a total solid (TS) inlet content of 10% w/w were adopted leading to a VFA yield of about 43% gVFAs/gTS. Adsorption tests revealed that, among all the solid matrixes tested, only powdered activated carbon (PAC) was able to discriminate no-VFA compounds and allowed for VFA purification. For AC production, post-extraction OPs were firstly converted into biochar through slow pyrolysis at 550 degrees C for 1 h and then physically activated with CO2 at 880 degrees C for 1 h. Extraction did not appreciably affect OP properties, while pyrolysis increased the carbon content (from 43 to 83%) and the heating value (from 17 to 29 MJ/kg) of the material. Physical activation of OP biochar increased its surface area by almost ten times, from 40 to 326 m(2)/g, proving the effectiveness of the treatment

    Construction, Management and Visualization of 3D Models of Large Archeological and Architectural Sites for E-Heritage GIS Systems

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    In this paper we present an integrated system developed in order to record, construct, pre-process, manage, visualize and visually navigate 3D models reality based of large archeological and architectural sites for eHeritage GIS systems. The framework integrates structured geometrical and documentary information resulting from multiple sources with the aim to enhance the knowledge of those sites within the frame of its historical evolution and its institutional management in a 3D GIS/DB. The developed applications were designed for different types of users, with a largely scalable interface, able to support different output devices and to work at different levels of iconicity. The system allows a full comprehension of the buildings in their own context, permitting to discover unknown relationships, to evaluate their architectural occupancy and to quickly access a complex system of information. The framework has been tested in two different systems - designed and developed to satisfy both internal (cataloguing, documentation, preservation, management of archaeological heritage) and external (communication through the web portal) purposes: the first, in Pompeii, developed in order to have a web-based system that uses Open Source software and complies with national and international standards; the second one, a prototype designed to make available on the Google Earth platform the complete Palladian corpus documentation implemented by the CISAAP