95 research outputs found

    Telamonioide slørsopper (Cortinarius), seksjon Safranopedes i Norge, med fokus på arter i kalklindeskog

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    The Cortinarius (telamonioid) species of sect. Safranopedes (= sect. Rubricosi s. auct.) in Norway are presented, with emphasis on our calcareous Tilia forest species. Altogether 15 species from the section are now known from Norway. Most of these species must be regarded as so far little known, overlooked or misidentified. The species can be sorted in four groups in Norway; (i) more or less habi- tat-specific calcareous Tilia forest species (Cortinarius elaphinicolor, C. epipurrus, C. milvinicolor, C. parhonestus), (ii) small species in rich Corylus-Quercus-Tilia forests (C. russulaespermus, C. subexitiosus, C. subscotoides), (iii) small species mainly in conifer forests or with Betula (C. annae-maritae, C. comptulus, C. nigrocuspidatus, C. aff. pauperculus, C. subobtusus) (iv) very small taxa associated mainly with Salix spp., including arctic-alpine populations (C. paululus, C. pauperculus, C. scotoides). The calcareous Tilia forests taxa include the core group of sect. Safranopedes; mediumsized taxa with violet KOH-reaction in context and often radicate, saffron yellow spotted stipe and context. This core group includes C. epipurrus (= C. pseudosafranopes) which seems not uncommon in Europe, and three apparently widespread but rare species, only known from a few localities outside SE Norway: C. milvinicolor is distinguished on its initially olivaceous grey brown colours, C. parhonestus on more vivid fulvous colours and C. elaphinicolor being more or less intermediate. A presentation and nomenclatural discussion on the type species of the section, C. safranopes is included, although this species is so far not confirmed from Norway. barcoding, Cortinariaceae, morphology, nrDNA-ITS sequences, taxonomy, TelamoniaTelamonioide slørsopper (Cortinarius), seksjon Safranopedes i Norge, med fokus på arter i kalklindeskogpublishedVersio


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    This study investigates the representation of Bali Nine Execution Case in The Jakarta Post and The ABC by employing ideological square which is proposed by Van Dijk (2000). The analysis focuses on two semantic macro-strategies of positive self-presentation and negative other-presentation which are realized through the use of discursive strategies. Qualitative descriptive method is used to analyze how the Bali Nine Execution Case is represented in the two newspapers. Two articles from each newspaper become the sample of analysis to conduct the study. The findings show that The ABC and The Jakarta Post represent the same issue differently. The use of discursive strategies plays fundamental role in the representation of Bali Nine Execution Case. In representing the issue, The ABC uses a lot of discursive strategies, such as hyperbole, victimization and dramatization as the most frequent strategies to form the positive self-presentation and negative other-presentation. On the other hand, only several discursive strategies are found in The Jakarta Post’s articles, such as disclaimer and vagueness as the most frequent strategies. Moreover, The Jakarta Post only creates the form of positive self-presentation, which is different from how The ABC represents the issue. Another finding reveals that there is ideology implied behind the representation of Bali Nine Execution Case in each newspaper. Partiality is found in The ABC, while neutrality is found in The Jakarta Post.; Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi bagaimana representasi dari kasus eksekusi Bali Nine dalam koran The Jakarta Post dan The ABC dengan menggunakan teori ideological square dari Van Dijk (2000). Penelitian ini berfokus pada dua semantic makro strategi, yaitu positive self-presentation dan negative other-presentation yang terlihat melalui penggunaan discursive strategy. Metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis bagaimana kasus eksekusi Bali Nine direpresentasikan di dalam kedua koran tersebut. Dua artikel dari masing-masing koran menjadi sampel penelitian ini. Dari hasil penelitian, terlihat bahwa The ABC dan The Jakarta Post merepresentasikan isu yang sama secara berbeda. Penggunaan discursive strategy menjadi hal yang penting dalam merepresentasikan kasus eksekusi Bali Nine. Dalam merepresentasikan isu ini, The ABC menggunakan banyak discursive strategy seperti hyperbole, victimization dan dramatization untuk membuat positive self-presentation dan negative other-presentation. Sementara itu, The Jakarta Post hanya menggunakan beberapa discursive strategy seperti disclaimer dan vagueness. The ABC hanya menggunakan bentuk positive self-presentation dalam merepresentasikan isu eksekusi, hal ini berbeda dari bagaimana The ABC merepresentasikan isu ini. Hasil lain dari penilitian ini ialah ditemukannya ideologi dari masing-masing koran yang didapat dari representasi kasus eksekusi Bali Nine

    Do conservation measures in forest work? A comparison of three area-based conservation tools for wood-living species in boreal forests

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    Loss of natural forests and decline in forest biodiversity has led to several policy initiatives in recent years. Despite this, the importance of smaller set-asides vs forest reserves for conservation measures is poorly understood. We aimed to evaluate the importance of three different area-based conservation mea- sures commonly used in north-European forests; retention patches, woodland key habitats and forest nature reserves. We did this for two contrasting ecological systems; fungi in late-decay spruce logs and beetles in early-decay aspen snags. Eight replicated sites for each of the three conservation measures were investigated in a total of four boreal forest landscapes in south-Norway. Fungi were surveyed on existent late-decay spruce logs in two landscapes, and beetles trapped on experimentally added aspen dead-wood units in three land- scapes. Richness and species composition were analyzed separately for specialist and generalist species. We found larger differences in species composition between conservation measures for old-growth fungi specialists than generalists, although species richness patterns were less clear. The main contrast was found between nature reserves and retention patches. On the other hand, specialist beetles associ- ated with early-decay aspen showed no difference between set-asides. The assemblage of aspen gener- alist beetles tended to be richest in the woodland key habitats and showed clear differences between the conservation measures. There was considerable variation in response to conservation measures between landscapes, related to quality of the set-asides. Species specialized to an ephemeral, early-decay system were able to utilize such substrates in all of the conservation measures, while the smaller and more modified set-asides could not cater for the spe- cialists dependent on stable, late-decay systems. Species with broader habitat demands in general responded to all conservation measures. We conclude that retention patches, woodland key habitats and forest reserves fill complementary functions for wood-living species in boreal forest and should all be part of future forest conservation strategiespublishedVersio

    Rødsporer (Entoloma), underslekt Cyanula i Norge, med fokus på habitat og utbredelse

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    This is the third paper with results from the Norwegian Entoloma project 2015-2017. An overview is given of the species of Entoloma subgenus Cyanula in Norway. Cyanula includes, among other elements, many grassland fungi. This paper is part of a larger study concerning the European species of the subgenus Cyanula, including a multigene phylogeny that will be published in due course. Furthermore, a monograph with updated tax- onomic revision is recently issued. This paper focuses mainly on the species recorded from Norway with help of ITS DNA barcoding, with reference to recent collections also from Northern Sweden, with extensive notes of their habitat requirements and distribution. Altogether 53 Cyanula species are presented here, with an updated circumscription and naming. More than half of these are reported new to Norway since the start of the Norwegian Entoloma project. Of these, 18 have been described as new during the last three years, largely based on Norwegian material. Four of these are known exclusively from Scandinavia. barcoding, morphology, taxonomy, calcareous grasslands, calcareous forestsRødsporer (Entoloma), underslekt Cyanula i Norge, med fokus på habitat og utbredelseDette er den tredje artikkelen med resultater fra det norske Entoloma-prosjektet 2015-2017. Her gir vi en oversikt over rødsporer i underslekt Cyanula i Norge. Cyanula utgjør en av de største gruppene av våre beitemarksopper. Dette er del av en større studie over de europeiske artene i underslekt Cyanula, som inkluderer en omfattende fylogenetisk undersøkelseundersøkelse som snart vil bli publisert, samt en nylig publisert bok med en oppdatert taksonomisk revisjon av gruppa. Det foreliggende arbeidet fokuserer på arter registrert i Norge ved hjelp av ITS strekkoding. Også en del nylige, sekvenserte innsamlinger gjort i nordsvenske fjellområder er inkludert her. Artene presenteres seksjonsvis, med vekt på data om habitat-preferanser og utbredelse. Til sammen 53 Cyanula-arter er presentert her, med oppdatert artsavgrensning og navnsetting. Mer enn halvparten av disse artene er rapportert nye for Norge siden starten av det norske Entoloma-prosjektet. Av disse er 18 beskrevet som nye for vitenskapen de siste tre årene, i stor grad basert på norsk materiale. To av disse er kun kjent fra Norge, og ytterligere to kun fra Skandinavia.publishedVersio

    Rødlister som redskap i forvaltningen av biologisk mangfold i skog - utfordringer og forbedringsmuligheter

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    Formålet med rapporten er å foreslå forbedringer i rødlistearbeidet og datainnsamling basert på en gjennomgang av datagrunnlaget for utvalgte skoglevende rødlistearter og måten rødlistearbeidet har vært gjennomført på. Vi ville prøve ut i vilken grad det er mulig å anvende de nye IUCN kriteriene på et utvalg av norske rødlistede skogsarter. Problemstillingene er belyst ved vurderinger av skoglevende rødlistede biller, makrolav, moser og sopp. Rapporten starter med en evaluering av rødlistearbeidet som ledet fram til gjeldende rødliste for hver av disse organismegruppene. En gjennomgang og systematisering av bakgrunnskunnskapen som er relevant for rødlistevurderinger er foretatt. Grunnlagsdataene er delt opp i en rekke parametre som er definert med begrunnelse om hvorfor de er relevante i rødlistevurderingene. Problemer knyttet til tolkning og avgrensning av de enkelte parametrene er diskutert. For et utvalg av rødlistede skogsarter ble alle tilgjengelige data samlet under de ulike parametrene i en matrise. Matrisen gir grunnlag for å sammenligne grunnlagsdataene for ulike arter og grupper, og å gjøre vurderinger på tvers av organismegruppene. Matrisen omfatter moser, makrolav, trebukker og et utvalg sopparter, særlig slørsopp (mykorrhiza-arter) og trelevende sopp. På bakgrunn av matrisedataene ble de enkelte artene rødlistekategorisert etter de nye IUCN kriteriene. Dette gir på en skjematisk måte en dokumentasjon som gjør det mulig å samholde datagrunnlaget med rødlistekategoriseringen. For å belyse problemer knyttet til tolkninger og vurderinger av datagrunnlaget i forhold til de ulike IUCN kriteriene, ble rødlistevurderingene for eksempelarter fra de ulike organismegruppene beskrevet i detalj. Dette gir et innsyn i selve rødlisteprosessen. […]publishedVersio

    Contributions to the revision of the genus Entoloma (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) in Europe : six new species from subgenus Cyanula and typification of E. incarnatofuscescens

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    In anticipation of a phylogenetically revised monograph of Entoloma in Europe, six new species of subgenus Cyanula are described here. Entoloma cistocruentatum is associated with Cistus in Spain, E. dislocatum occurs in montane regions in Catalonia (Spain) and Tuscany (Italy), E. indikon is known from Denmark and three species are mainly distributed in the Nordic countries in Europe: E. calceus , E. perchalybeum and E. praecipuum. Entoloma incarnatofuscescens, from the /Rusticoides clade is neotypified. A fully amended description is given based on molecular evidence, which includes the recently described E. violaceoparkensis and E. klofacianum which became later synonyms.publishedVersio

    NLRP3 inflammasome promotes myocardial remodeling during diet-induced obesity

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    Background: Obesity is an increasingly prevalent metabolic disorder in the modern world and is associated with structural and functional changes in the heart. The NLRP3 inflammasome is an innate immune sensor that can be activated in response to endogenous danger signals and triggers activation of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18. Increasing evidence points to the involvement of the NLRP3 inflammasome in obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance, and we hypothesized that it also could play a role in the development of obesity induced cardiac alterations. Methods and Results: WT, Nlrp3−/−, and ASC−/− (Pycard−/−) male mice were exposed to high fat diet (HFD; 60 cal% fat) or control diet for 52 weeks. Cardiac structure and function were evaluated by echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging, respectively. Whereas, NLRP3 and ASC deficiency did not affect the cardiac hypertrophic response to obesity, it was preventive against left ventricle concentric remodeling and impairment of diastolic function. Furthermore, whereas NLRP3 and ASC deficiency attenuated systemic inflammation in HFD fed mice; long-term HFD did not induce significant cardiac fibrosis or inflammation, suggesting that the beneficial effects of NLRP3 inflammasome deficiency on myocardial remodeling at least partly reflect systemic mechanisms. Nlrp3 and ASC (Pycard) deficient mice were also protected against obesity-induced systemic metabolic dysregulation, as well as lipid accumulation and impaired insulin signaling in hepatic and cardiac tissues. Conclusions: Our data indicate that the NLRP3 inflammasome modulates cardiac concentric remodeling in obesity through effects on systemic inflammation and metabolic disturbances, with effect on insulin signaling as a potential mediator within the myocardium.publishedVersio

    Highly mixed impacts of near-future climate change on stock productivity proxies in the North East Atlantic

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    Impacts of climate change on ocean productivity sustaining world fisheries are predominantly negative but vary greatly among regions. We assessed how 39 fisheries resources—ranging from data-poor to data-rich stocks—in the North East Atlantic are most likely affected under the intermediate climate emission scenario RCP4.5 towards 2050. This region is one of the most productive waters in the world but subjected to pronounced climate change, especially in the northernmost part. In this climate impact assessment, we applied a hybrid solution combining expert opinions (scorings)—supported by an extensive literature review—with mechanistic approaches, considering stocks in three different large marine ecosystems, the North, Norwegian and Barents Seas. This approach enabled calculation of the directional effect as a function of climate exposure and sensitivity attributes (life-history schedules), focusing on local stocks (conspecifics) across latitudes rather than the species in general. The resulting synopsis (50–82°N) contributes substantially to global assessments of major fisheries (FAO, The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2020), complementing related studies off northeast United States (35–45°N) (Hare et al., PLoS One, 2016, 11, e0146756) and Portugal (37–42°N) (Bueno-Pardo et al., Scientific Reports, 2021, 11, 2958). Contrary to prevailing fisheries forecasts elsewhere, we found that most assessed stocks respond positively. However, the underlying, extensive environmental clines implied that North East Atlantic stocks will develop entirely different depending upon the encountered stressors: cold-temperate stocks at the southern and Arctic stocks at the northern fringes appeared severely negatively impacted, whereas warm-temperate stocks expanding from south were found to do well along with cold-temperate stocks currently inhabiting below-optimal temperatures in the northern subregion.publishedVersio