23 research outputs found

    Exercise programme for schoolgirl with poor posture

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    Bendíková Elena, Görner Karol, Paugshová Božena. Exercise programme for schoolgirl with poor posture. 2016;6(13):54-64. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.232974 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4151 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 754 (09.12.2016). 754 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 05.12.2016. Revised 20.12.2016. Accepted: 31.12.2016. Exercise programme for schoolgirl with poor posture Elena Bendíková, Karol Görner, Božena Paugshová , Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia Corresponding author: Doc. PaedDr. Elena Bendíková, PhD. Matej Bel University, Faculty of Arts Department of Physical Education and Sports 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Tajovského 40, Slovakia Phone: 00421 48 446 7556, E-mail: [email protected] Abstract The pilot study explains how important it is to include the intervention exercise programme in the syllabi of physical and sport education, especially in terms of primary prevention and improvement of dynamic postural stereotype of pupils. The experimental group consisted of nine female pupils who attended one elementary school in the town of Liptovský Mikuláš and whose age was 13.6 years. We obtained data using the standardized method based on pedagogical and medical practice connected with evaluation of body posture. We used the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to process the obtained qualitative and quantitative data within individual groups. The Wilcoxon-Mann–Whitney test was used to assess the effect of exercise programmes between the two groups (MWWtest p < 0.01; p < 0.05). The test results proved the positive impact of the applied exercise programme on overall posture as well as its individual components. The partial output is part of the: VEGA 1/0376/14

    Application of the Acral Coactivation Therapy Method in the Treatment of a Student Diagnosed with Idiopathic Adolescent Scoliosis

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    Background and Aim of Study: The aetiology of idiopathic scoliosis is still an unsolved problem. It is a three-dimensional spinal deformity that comprehensively impacts the musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory systems.  The aim of this pilot study was to find out how adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) can be treated by means of the Acral Coactivation Therapy (ACT) method. Material and Methods: The study was conducted on a 16-year-old student who had a body weight of 56 kg and a body height of 166 cm and was in his second year of high school. The student was diagnosed with AIS. We acquired data by means of standard medical-therapeutic methods and procedures applied in patients with AIS. Radiographic parametres, such as the Cobb angle as well as the Anterior and Posterior Trunk Symmetry Indexes (ATSI/POTSI), including the SCODIAC programme, were used to monitor the student’s progress. Results: In 2022, the student underwent a five-month exercise programme based on the ACT method, which was evaluated using clinical case study methods. The results showed a positive effect of the ACT method on the student’s spine curvature and body posture. There was an improvement of 21° in the thoracic curve and 20° in the curvature of his lumbar spine. In addition, the ATSI/POTSI improved from 36 to 7 (with a difference (r) of 29). Conclusions: The acquired qualitative data show a positive effect of the ACT method when it comes to correction of the curvature in a student diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The stated finding also points to the importance of regular physical activity in the student's movement regime.</p

    School Courses as a Motivational Factor for the Implementation of Active Recreation in Adulthood

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    Abstract The motivation of sports occupies an even more important role than actually performing physical activities. The Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic ensures the implementation of several compulsory elective sports courses through different stages of educational institutions. We were curious how these courses -especially school in nature -act upon vacations in adulthood. By examining curricular documents and implementing questionnaire methods -applying ,,Vacation practice questionnaire&quot; -we questioned the Hungarian language speakers of southern Slovakia n = 2965. The data were processed using the statistic program SPSS 17. 84.5 % (p &lt; 0.01), of the canvassed took part in school in nature, from which 65,8 % (p &lt; 0.01), rated the time spent there as positive. Amongst the positively valuing 44,2 % indicated the mountains as a favourite and frequently chosen travel destination. 25 % spends more than four hours hiking. We may say that organizing schools in nature has to be considered as an important event (5-7 days), where the students have fun, wherefore they will choose mountains as their travel destination more frequently, which results in higher physical activity. Listed partial discoveries are included in the grant: VEGA no. 1/0376/14 Physical activity intervention for the prevention of health of the population of Slovakia

    School Courses as a Motivational Factor for the Implementation of Active Recreation in Adulthood

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    The motivation of sports occupies an even more important role than actually performing physical activities. The Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic ensures the implementation of several compulsory elective sports courses through different stages of educational institutions. We were curious how these courses - especially school in nature - act upon vacations in adulthood. By examining curricular documents and implementing questionnaire methods – applying ,,Vacation practice questionnaire” - we questioned the Hungarian language speakers of southern Slovakia n = 2965. The data were processed using the statistic program SPSS 17. 84.5 % (p < 0.01), of the canvassed took part in school in nature, from which 65,8 % (p < 0.01), rated the time spent there as positive. Amongst the positively valuing 44,2 % indicated the mountains as a favourite and frequently chosen travel destination. 25 % spends more than four hours hiking. We may say that organizing schools in nature has to be considered as an important event (5-7 days), where the students have fun, wherefore they will choose mountains as their travel destination more frequently, which results in higher physical activity. Listed partial discoveries are included in the grant: VEGA no. 1/0376/14 Physical activity intervention for the prevention of health of the population of Slovakia

    Lifestyle And Social Inclusion Of Seniors By Sport Activities

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    Článok prezentuje parciálne rezultáty, ktoré vychádzajú zo životného štýlu seniorov so zameraním na jeho vybrané determinanty (s intenciou na športové aktivity), ktoré patria ku kľúčovým spoločenským faktorom kvality života seniorov. Respondenti prieskumu boli seniori mesta L. Mikuláš. Na zisťovanie primárnych ukazovateľov kvality života a životného štýlu seniorov bol použitý dotazník. Zistenia signifikantne preukázali, že telovýchovná a športová aktivita zohráva dôležitú úlohu z hľadiska udržiavania sociálnych kontaktov, väzieb, zdravia a samostatnosti, ktoré sú obzvlášť špecifické v danom veku seniora z viacerých uhlov pohľadu.This article presents partial results, based on the lifestyle of seniors with a focus on the particular determinants (sport activities), which belong to key social factors to the quality of life for seniors. Survey respondents were seniors from the city of Liptovsky Mikulas. A questionnaire was used to detect primary indicators of quality of life and lifestyle in seniors. The findings significantly showed that physical education and sport activity play an important role in maintaining social contacts, bonds, health and independence, which are particularly specific in the senior age group from different points of view

    Results of Acral Coactivation Therapy in patients after brain stroke

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    Východisko: Cévní mozková příhoda je onemocnění organizmu, které vede k částečné, někdy úplné invaliditě téměř u poloviny pacientů při propuštění z nemocnice. Včasná rehabilitace je důležitá kvůli redukci pohybových deficitů a rovnováhy, a tím eliminuje následky, které by pacienta mohly omezovat v rámci běžných denních činností v budoucnu. V naší studii jsme hodnotili vliv vzpěrných cviků u pacientů s iktem. Soubor a metody: Cílem této studie bylo vyhodnotit vliv pravidelného cvičení vzpěrných pohybových vzorů dle Akrální koaktivační terapie po dobu 4 týdnů na zlepšení samostatnosti, soběstačnosti v běžných denních aktivitách u pacientů po cévní mozkové příhodě. Základní soubor studie tvořilo 10 pacientů z lůžkové následné péče v Nemocnici Horažďovice, z toho byli 4 ženy a 6 mužů. Celá skupina pacientů měla průměrný věk 71 (±10,392) roků. Ženy měly průměrný věk 73,75 (±8,921) roků, muži průměrný věk 69,167 (±11,6862) roků. Vstupní a výstupní vyšetření obsahovalo Barthel index a FIM test, pro zjištění stability byly vybrány testy ve stoje a chůzové testy. Výsledky: Výsledky ukázali, že výstupní hodnocení Barthel indexu bylo statisticky významně vyšší, bližší normě, než před absolvováním léčby (p = 0,002617, á = 0,05). Stejně tak u FIM skóre (p = 0,00058, á = 0,05). U stoje I nebyly pozorovány žádné statisticky významné rozdíly v datech před a po terapii. Oproti tomu u stoje II a III byl zaznamenán statisticky významný rozdíl před a po terapii (stoj II p = 0,6499, á = 0,05), (stoj III p = 0,3498, á = 0,05). U chůzových testů byl také zaznamenán statisticky významný rozdíl v datech před a po absolvování terapie (chůze na 10 metrů p = 0,01125, á = 0,05), (2minutový chůzový test p = 0,0167, á = 0,05). V případě testu Timed Up and Go jsme neprokázali statisticky významný rozdíl mezi vstupními a výstupními hodnotami u našich pacientů. Závěr: Z výsledků výše popsané studie vyplývá, že u 80% našich pacientů došlo ke zlepšení motoriky a soběstačnosti po pravidelné terapii dle ACT po dobu 4 týdnů, ale vzhledem k malému výzkumnému vzorku pacientů se výsledky nedají zevšeobecnit.Basis: Brain stroke is a disease that leads to partial or sometimes complete disability almost in one half of patients released from hospital. Early rehabilitation is important specially to reduce motion deficits and balance impairments, eliminating impacts that may limit patient in his/her daily activities in future. The effect of press exercise in patients after stroke was assessed in this work. Group and methods: Aim of this study was to assess the effect of regular exercises with press motion patterns according to Acral Coactivation Therapy in 4-week period on improvements of independence and self-sufficiency in activities of daily living in patients after brain stroke. The basic group of the study composed of 10 patients from inpatient consecutive care in Horažďovice hospital, from which were 4 women and 6 men. The group of patients had average age 71 (±10,392) years. Women were on average 73,75 (±8,921) years old, men were on average 69,167 (±11,6862) years old. Entrance and final examination included Barthel index, FIM test, tests in stand and walk tests were selected to assess the stability. Results: Results showed that final assessment of Barthel index was statistically significantly higher, closer to normal, than before the treatment (p = 0,002617, á = 0,05). FIM score resulted similarly (p = 0,00058, á = 0,05). No statistic significant differences were observed in data in stand position before and after the therapy. However, in stand II and III, statistically significant difference was observed before and after the therapy (stand II p = 0,6499, á = 0,05), (stand III p = 0,3498, á = 0,05). Statistically significant difference was observed also in walk tests data before and after the therapy (10-meter walk test p = 0,01125, á = 0,05), (2-minute walk test p = 0,0167, á = 0,05). We did not prove statistically significant difference between the entrance and final values of Timed Up and Go test in our patients. Conclusion: From the data of the study mentioned above results that 80% of our patients improved in motion and self-sufficiency after the regular ACT therapy during the four-week course, but because of small research sample of patients, it is not possible to generalise the results

    Asztmás betegek életminőségének változása komplex rehabilitációs kezelés után = Quality of life of asthmatic patients after complex rehabilitation treatmen

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    Absztrakt: Az asztma valamennyi korosztály számára világszerte súlyos népegészségügyi kihívást jelent. A természetes gyógytényezők használata a betegségek gyógyításában fokozott figyelmet kap hazai és nemzetközi viszonylatban is, ami a gyógyszeres kezeléseket költséghatékonyabbá teheti. A kutatásunk újszerűsége, hogy igazoljuk: már a 700–1000 méter tengerszint feletti magasságú gyógyhelyen is érvényesül a klíma gyógyhatása. Kutatásunk során arra kerestük a választ, hogyan alakul az asztmások életminősége a klímaterápiával kiegészített orvosi kezelés után, s igazolható-e a 700–1000 méteren végzett klímaterápia hatása idős, felnőtt betegeken. A légzőszervi megbetegedésben szenvedők a Mátrai Gyógyintézetben 3 hetes komplex terápián vettek részt. A jelen cikkben 514 asztmás beteg adatait elemeztük. Az orvosi vizsgálatokon és kezeléseken túl a betegek napi két alkalommal kúrateraszokon vagy a szabadban végzett légzőtornán, valamint napi egy alkalommal gyógytornászok által vezetett gyógytorna-mozgásprogramban, dietetikai és életmód-tanácsadáson vettek részt, továbbá a betegségükhöz igazodó diétás étrend lehetőségét is biztosítottuk számukra. A légzésfunkció vizsgálatát az intézetbe jövetelkor a kúra előtt és az intézetből történő távozáskor, a kúra után végeztük el. A betegek terhelhetőségét a 6 perces járásteszttel mértük fel a kúra előtt, majd 3 héttel később. A betegek részére kérdőívet készítettünk, melyben az intézetből való távozás utáni állapotukra (1–6 hónap) kérdeztünk rá. Eredményeink azt mutatják, hogy az asztmás betegek légzésfunkciós értékei, a 6 perces járásteszt eredményei szignifikánsan javultak a kezelés hatására. Az intézetből való távozás után az Asthma Control Test eredményei a kezelés utáni 1. hónapban a betegek szignifikánsan jobb életminőségét és jobb kontrollszintjét mutatták, mint a 3. hónap elteltével. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(27): 1103–1112. | Abstract: Asthma is a serious public health challenge for all age groups around the world. Heightened attention surrounds the use of the natural therapeutic factors that potentially make medication more cost-efficient in the treatment of diseases. Our research has tried to reveal how the medical conditions, quality of life of asthmatic patients change after medical treatments that are accompanied by climate therapy. Asthma patients (514 patients) participated in a 3-week complex therapy at Mátra Health Resort. Beyond medical examinations and treatments, patients were involved in breathing exercises on the curing terraces or outdoors twice a day, they were to attend the rehabilitative physical exercises led by a physiotherapist once a day, were given dietetic and lifestyle advice and provided with diets that were fitted to their individual medical conditions. Their respiratory function was examined before the commencement of the cure as well as after the therapy just before departing from the institution. The patients’ exercise capacities were assessed with the 6-minute walk test before the treatment and then 3 weeks later. For the patients, a questionnaire was compiled to reveal information in relation to their conditions in the first 6 months after leaving the institution. Our results show that values of respiratory function in the sample and 6-minute walk test significantly improved with the treatment. After leaving the institute, the results of the Asthma Control Test in the 1st month after treatment revealed a significantly better quality of life and better control-level of patients than after the 3rd month. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(27): 1103–1112

    The Level of Selected Determinants of Female Pupils‘ Lifestyle of Secondary Schools in Relation to Their Health

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    Submission presents a partial objective and tasks with the intention on selected determinants of female pupils' lifestyle of secondary schools in relation to their health. Monitored group consisted of secondary school female pupils at the age of 18.1 years from the vicinity of L. Mikuláš. Selected and monitored indicators of somatic nature were determined by standard procedures and methodology based on general and school practice. Lifestyle questions were based on a standardized questionnaire. Results indicate, that there is a significant (p < 0.01) absence of sport activities with higher intensity in female pupils' lifestyle, which can, together with inadequate diet, participate in higher body weight (p < 0.05) and its other indicators (BMI and WHR). Listed partial discoveries are included in the grant: VEGA no. 1/0376/14 Intervention as physical activity as health prevention of Slovak population. The article was written with the assistance of the Excellent Science at the Faculty of Arts of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica

    Health of Adults Through Prism of Physical Activity

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    The aim of the research was to find out the realization of the physical activity among the middle-aged adults by the association with their health, retrospective of the factor contributing to the transfer of the physical activity to the adulthood. The monitored group consisted of 742 respondents of the middle-aged adults from the Southern Districts of Slovakia, of which 403 were the women (age = 37.2 ± 3.04 years) and 339 were the men (age = 36.5 ± 4.54 years) as the selection was deliberate. The monitoring was conducted by the three stages in 2014, through the so-called “Egészség és mozgás” - “Health and Movement” standardized, anonymous questionnaire, which consisted of 60 questions. Our findings point to the stated facts. The findings found the relationship between the health and fitness among the men (r = 0.8300), as well as among the women (r = 0.7193). The relationship between the physical activity and the feeling of health was recorded only among the men (r = 0.8921), while the relationship between the health problems and the feeling of health was also found among the men (r = 0.739), as well as among the women (r = 0, 6714). At the same time, the men perceive the importance of the physical activity, in terms of their health condition (r = 0.8791) more intense than the women. The physical education was significantly (χ2 = 112.47, p < 0.01) among the men (67.6 %, n = 229), opposite to the women (33.7 %; n = 136) contributed to the transfer of the physical activity from the school environment to the adulthood. The stated findings show that the targeted education of the population, even from the childhood with the other effective, preventive measures is very important

    Changes of Body Posture in Elementary School Pupils by Applying Propriofoot Concept in P.E. Lessons

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    Searching for active, effective intervention approaches, aimed to improving health protection, not only among children and youth, is an up-to-date research intention from a number of points of view. The reason is the prevalence of civilization diseases, in our case the muscular and skeletal system offers a number of issues of the prevention in relation to feet position and body posture. Based on the above, the aim of research was to identify change of body posture in elementary school pupil by applying Propriofoot Concept in physical and sport education. The monitored group (n = 1), within selected seventh year of Elementary School Radovan Kaufman in Partizánske, consisted of male pupil (n = 1) (12 years of age, 48 kg, 160 cm and 18.75 Bmi) in pubescence who underwent various data acquisition methods (plantogram and visual scale method, index method, method of evaluation body posture, evaluation of dynamic spine function), after and before applying Propriofoot Concept, within lessons of physical and sport education, as their processing and evaluation was realized with the help of clinical case reports. The analysis and synthesis, inductive and deductive approaches, comparisons and generalizations were used, as well as the primary statistics (arithmetic mean (±) and percentage frequency analysis (%). The obtained research results pointed to the positive changes in all of the above mentioned data acquisition methods, i.e. in the plantogram and visual scale method (from pes planus/1st pes planus to norm), index method (- 0.24), method of evaluation body posture (from bad to good posture) and dynamic spine function (tests of Schober - + 1.8, Stibor - + 3.1 and Otto - + .7, + .8). The applied six-week intervention physical program, in the form of Propriofoot Concept, and within the school lessons of physical and sport education changed the body posture in the elementary school pupil and therefore the Propriofoot Concept is considered as health tool in acting and changing the body posture through the foot proprioception. The mentioned concept is considered as diversification of school physical and sport education, in connection with the applying new variants of health tools and changing body postures of the elementary and high school pupils/students