40 research outputs found


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    In this study, we aimed to adopt a comprehensive approach to categorize and assess the severity of Parkinson's disease by leveraging techniques from both machine learning and deep learning. We thoroughly evaluated the effectiveness of various models, including XGBoost, Random Forest, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), utilizing classification metrics. We generated detailed reports to facilitate a comprehensive comparative analysis of these models. Notably, XGBoost demonstrated the highest precision at 97.4%. Additionally, we took a step further by developing a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) model with the purpose of combining predictions from alternative models. We assessed its ability to predict the severity of the ailment. To quantify the precision levels of the models in disease classification, we calculated severity percentages. Furthermore, we created a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve for the GRU model, simplifying the evaluation of its capability to distinguish among various severity levels. This comprehensive approach contributes to a more accurate and detailed understanding of Parkinson's disease severity assessment.W tym badaniu naszym celem było przyjęcie kompleksowego podejścia do kategoryzacji i oceny ciężkości choroby Parkinsona poprzez wykorzystanie technik zarówno uczenia maszynowego, jak i głębokiego uczenia. Dokładnie oceniliśmy skuteczność różnych modeli, w tym XGBoost, Random Forest, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) i Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), wykorzystując wskaźniki klasyfikacji. Wygenerowaliśmy szczegółowe raporty, aby ułatwić kompleksową analizę porównawczą tych modeli. Warto zauważyć, że XGBoost wykazał najwyższą precyzję na poziomie 97,4%. Ponadto poszliśmy o krok dalej, opracowując model Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) w celu połączenia przewidywań z alternatywnych modeli. Oceniliśmy jego zdolność do przewidywania nasilenia dolegliwości. Aby określić ilościowo poziomy dokładności modeli w klasyfikacji chorób, obliczyliśmy wartości procentowe nasilenia. Ponadto stworzyliśmy krzywą charakterystyki operacyjnej odbiornika (ROC) dla modelu GRU, upraszczając ocenę jego zdolności do rozróżniania różnych poziomów nasilenia. To kompleksowe podejście przyczynia się do dokładniejszego i bardziej szczegółowego zrozumienia oceny ciężkości choroby Parkinsona


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    This study aimed to differentiate individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) from those with other neurological disorders (ND) by analyzing voice samples, considering the association between voice disorders and PD. Voice samples were collected from 76 participants using different recording devices and conditions, with participants instructed to sustain the vowel /a/ comfortably. PRAAT software was employed to extract features including autocorrelation (AC), cross-correlation (CC), and Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) from the voice samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) was utilized to reduce the dimensionality of the features. Classification Tree (CT), Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Ensemble methods were employed as supervised machine learning techniques for classification. Each method provided distinct strengths and characteristics, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation of their effectiveness in distinguishing PD patients from individuals with other neurological disorders. The Naive Bayes kernel, using seven PCA-derived components, achieved the highest accuracy rate of 86.84% among the tested classification methods. It is worth noting that classifier performance may vary based on the dataset and specific characteristics of the voice samples. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the potential of voice analysis as a diagnostic tool for distinguishing PD patients from individuals with other neurological disorders. By employing a variety of voice analysis techniques and utilizing different machine learning algorithms, including Classification Tree, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines, and Ensemble methods, a notable accuracy rate was attained. However, further research and validation using larger datasets are required to consolidate and generalize these findings for future clinical applications.Przedstawione badanie miało na celu różnicowanie osób z chorobą Parkinsona (PD) od osób z innymi zaburzeniami neurologicznymi poprzez analizę próbek głosowych, biorąc pod uwagę związek między zaburzeniami głosu a PD. Próbki głosowe zostały zebrane od 76 uczestników przy użyciu różnych urządzeń i warunków nagrywania, a uczestnicy byli instruowani, aby wydłużyć samogłoskę /a/ w wygodnym tempie. Oprogramowanie PRAAT zostało zastosowane do ekstrakcji cech, takich jak autokorelacja (AC), krzyżowa korelacja (CC) i współczynniki cepstralne Mel (MFCC) z próbek głosowych. Analiza składowych głównych (PCA) została wykorzystana w celu zmniejszenia wymiarowości cech. Jako techniki nadzorowanego uczenia maszynowego wykorzystano drzewa decyzyjne (CT), regresję logistyczną, naiwny klasyfikator Bayesa (NB), maszyny wektorów nośnych (SVM) oraz metody zespołowe. Każda z tych metod posiadała swoje unikalne mocne strony i charakterystyki, umożliwiając kompleksową ocenę ich skuteczności w rozróżnianiu pacjentów z PD od osób z innymi zaburzeniami neurologicznymi. Naiwny klasyfikator Bayesa, wykorzystujący siedem składowych PCA, osiągnął najwyższy wskaźnik dokładności na poziomie 86,84% wśród przetestowanych metod klasyfikacji. Należy jednak zauważyć, że wydajność klasyfikatora może się różnić w zależności od zbioru danych i konkretnych cech próbek głosowych. Podsumowując, to badanie wykazało potencjał analizy głosu jako narzędzia diagnostycznego do rozróżniania pacjentów z PD od osób z innymi zaburzeniami neurologicznymi. Poprzez zastosowanie różnych technik analizy głosu i wykorzystanie różnych algorytmów uczenia maszynowego, takich jak drzewa decyzyjne, regresja logistyczna, naiwny klasyfikator Bayesa, maszyny wektorów nośnych i metody zespołowe, osiągnięto znaczący poziom dokładności. Niemniej jednak, konieczne są dalsze badania i walidacja na większych zbiorach danych w celu skonsolidowania i uogólnienia tych wyników dla przyszłych zastosowań klinicznych


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    With the increasing prevalence of smartphones, they now come equipped with a multitude of sensors such as GPS, microphones, cameras, magnetometers, accelerators, and more, which can simplify our daily lives. When it comes to healthcare, smartphones can become indispensable. The detection of geriatric falls is crucial as even the slightest injury can have fatal consequences. Therefore, we proposed the use of accelerometers in our research to detect falls in the elderly. Our project involved the development of an automated, continuous, and reliable monitoring system that would generate a list of elderly people at risk of falling and present it on a webpage for emergency services. This approach aimed to minimize the long-term impacts and save lives promptly. We started by developing a mobile application and used MATLAB to classify the falls as either "fall" or "not fall." Finally, we created a webpage that would facilitate communication between the mobile application and MATLAB.Wraz z rosnącą popularnością smartfonów są one wyposażone w wiele czujników, takich jak GPS, mikrofony, kamery, magnetometry, akceleratory i inne, które mogą uprościć nasze codzienne życie. Jeśli chodzi o opiekę zdrowotną, smartfony mogą stać się niezastąpione. Wykrywanie upadków geriatrycznych ma kluczowe znaczenie, ponieważ nawet najmniejszy uraz może mieć śmiertelne konsekwencje. Dlatego zaproponowano wykorzystanie w naszych badaniach akcelerometrów do wykrywania upadków osób starszych. Nasz projekt polegał na opracowaniu zautomatyzowanego, ciągłego i niezawodnego systemu monitoringu, który generowałby listę osób starszych zagrożonych upadkiem i prezentował ją na stronie internetowej służb ratowniczych. Podejście to miało na celu zminimalizowanie długoterminowych skutków i szybkie ratowanie życia. Rozpoczęto od opracowania aplikacji mobilnej i za pomocą MATLABa sklasyfikowano upadki jako „upadek” lub „nie upadek”. Ostatecznie stworzono stronę internetową, która ułatwiłaby komunikację między aplikacją mobilną a MATLABem


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    Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that progressively destroys neurons through the formation of platelets that prevent communication between neurons. The study carried out in this project aims to find a precise and relevant diagnostic solution based on artificial intelligence and which helps in the early detection of Alzheimer's disease in order to stop its progression. The study went through a process of processing MRI images followed by training of three deep learning algorithms (VGG-19, Xception and DenseNet121) and finally by a step of testing and predicting the results. The results of the accuracy metric obtained for the three algorithms were respectively 98%, 95%, 91%


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    This study aimed to differentiate individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) from those with other neurological disorders (ND) by analyzing voice samples, considering the association between voice disorders and PD. Voice samples were collected from 76 participants using different recording devices and conditions, with participants instructed to sustain the vowel /a/ comfortably. PRAAT software was employed to extract features including autocorrelation (AC), cross-correlation (CC), and Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) from the voice samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) was utilized to reduce the dimensionality of the features. Classification Tree (CT), Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Ensemble methods were employed as supervised machine learning techniques for classification. Each method provided distinct strengths and characteristics, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation of their effectiveness in distinguishing PD patients from individuals with other neurological disorders. The Naive Bayes kernel, using seven PCA-derived components, achieved the highest accuracy rate of 86.84% among the tested classification methods. It is worth noting that classifier performance may vary based on the dataset and specific characteristics of the voice samples. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the potential of voice analysis as a diagnostic tool for distinguishing PD patients from individuals with other neurological disorders. By employing a variety of voice analysis techniques and utilizing different machine learning algorithms, including Classification Tree, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines, and Ensemble methods, a notable accuracy rate was attained. However, further research and validation using larger datasets are required to consolidate and generalize these findings for future clinical applications


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    The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a common test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. On the ECG, several cardiac abnormalities can be seen, including arrhythmias, which are one of the major causes of cardiac mortality worldwide. The objective for the research community is accurate and automated cardiovascular analysis, especially given the maturity of artificial intelligence technology and its contribution to the health area. The goal of this effort is to create an acquisition system and use artificial intelligence to classify ECG readings. This system is designed in two parts: the first is the signal acquisition using the ECG Module AD8232; the obtained signal is a single derivation that has been amplified and filtered. The second section is the classification for heart illness identification; the suggested model is a deep convolutional neural network with 12 layers that was able to categorize five types of heartbeats from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. The results were encouraging, and the embedded system was built

    A Review of the Assessment Methods of Voice Disorders in the Context of Parkinson's Disease

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    In recent years, a significant progress in the field of research dedicated to the treatment of disabilities has been witnessed. This is particularly true for neurological diseases, which generally influence the system that controls the execution of learned motor patterns. In addition to its importance for communication with the outside world and interaction with others, the voice is a reflection of our personality, moods and emotions. It is a way to provide information on health status, shape, intentions, age and even the social environment. It is also a working tool for many, but an important element of life for all. Patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are numerous and they suffer from hypokinetic dysarthria, which is manifested in all aspects of speech production: respiration, phonation, articulation, nasalization and prosody. This paper provides a review of the methods of the assessment of speech disorders in the context of PD and also discusses the limitations

    Fucus spiralis extract and fractions: Anticancer and pharmacological potentials

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    Purpose: Sea macroalgae are an important source of biologically highly valuable compounds. The main aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro anticancer properties and chemical composition of the dichloromethane-methanol extract and three fractions of the Fucus spiralis from coastline of Morocco. Methods: Fractions were made from dichloromethane: methanol (1:1) extract of Fucus spiralis: petroleum-ether, ethyl-acetate and n-butanol. Extract and fractions were screened for in vitro cytotoxicity by MTT assay against human cervical adenocarcinoma (HeLa), colorectal adenocarcinoma (LS-174T), lung carcinoma (A549), and normal human lung fibroblasts (MRC-5). Cell cycle distribution of the HeLa cells was evaluated using flow cytometry. Acridine orange (AO)-ethidium bromide (EB) staining was used to assess morphological changes of HeLa cells under fluorescence microscope. Anti-migration and anti-angiogenic properties were investigated using scratch and tube formation assays against human endothelium-derived permanent EA.hy926 cell line. Antidiabetic activity was tested using anti-α-glucosidase assay. Antimicrobial effect was tested using micro- dilution method. Results: Petroleum-ether fraction оf Fucus spiralis rich in fatty acids exerted the highest cytotoxicity against HeLa cells. Ethyl-acetate and petroleum-ether fractions induced the highest accumulation of the HeLa cells in sub-G1 and G2/M phases. Extract and fractions showed proapoptotic effect on HeLa cells under fluorescent microscope. They exhibited antimigratory and antiangiogenic effects in vitro. IC50 value for α-glucosidase inhibitory activity was much stronger than standard acarbose. n-Butanol fraction exerted the highest antibacterial and antifungal activity. Conclusions: The investigation of various biological activities of the extract and fractions obtained from Fucus spiralis may suggest a promising anticancer and pharmacological potential of this edible macroalga