19 research outputs found

    Intermediaci贸n e igualdad entre sexos tras la Ley Org谩nica 3/2007, de 22 de Marzo : para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres

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    La Ley Org谩nica 3/2007, para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres ha puesto en actualidad el papel de la intermediaci贸n como garante de la igualdad, otorg谩ndole una funci贸n de vigilancia especial respecto de las ofertas discriminatorias por raz贸n de sexo. Es necesario precisar la dimensi贸n de dicho deber, su posible extensi贸n a los restantes sujetos que realizan labores afines a la intermediaci贸n, as铆 como el an谩lisis y delimitaci贸n de la oferta discriminatoria. Respecto de esto 煤ltimo, es de destacar el estudio de los l铆mites de la excepci贸n de buena fe ocupacional; la selecci贸n de trabajadores puesta en relaci贸n con el embarazo, puerperio y lactancia; el lenguaje sexista en la oferta de empleo; y la posibilidad de reserva de empleo a favor de la mujer. Finalmente se abordan las consecuencias de la mediaci贸n discriminatoria, tanto desde la perspectiva sancionadora como judicial.________________________________The Organic Law 3/2007, for the effective equality of women and men has revealed the role of the intermediation as guarantee of the equality, giving to the intermediation a function of special alertness on the discriminatory offers because of sex. Its necessary to make concrete the limits of the above mentioned duty, the possible extension to the remaining subjects that realize related labours to the intermediation, as well as the analysis and delimiting of the discriminatory offer. Respect of the above mentioned it's necessary to emphasize of the study of the limits of the exception of good occupational faith; the workers selection put in relation with the pregnancy, puerperio and lactation; the sexist language in the offer of employment; and the possibility of reservation of employment in favour of the woman. Finally, the consequences of the discriminatory mediation, appear from the judicial and sanctioning point of view

    A specifically problematic juridical aspect: The extinction of the labor relationship

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    La Disposici贸n Adicional 2陋.2.1陋 RD. 1620/2011, 14-11 dej贸 pendiente la valoraci贸n de la posibilidad de aplicar plenamente el r茅gimen com煤n de la extinci贸n a la relaci贸n laboral especial del servicio del hogar familiar, as铆 como de incluir el desistimiento del empleador en alguna de las causas comunes del art. 49 ET. El presente estudio aborda el r茅gimen jur铆dico de la extinci贸n del contrato de trabajo en esta relaci贸n laboral especial tratando, en cierto modo, de dar respuesta a tales cuestiones, as铆 como de identificar los principales d茅ficits exeg茅ticos y de regulaci贸n de dicha norma.The additional Provision 2陋.2.1陋 RD. 1620/2011, 14-11 left pending the evaluation of the possibility of applying fully the common regime of the extinction to the special labor relation of the service of the family home, as well as to include the withdrawal of the employer in any of the common causes of the . 49 ET. The present study addresses the legal regime of the termination of the employment contract in this special employment relationship trying, in a certain way, to respond to such questions, as well as to identify the main exegetical deficits and of regulation of said normUniversidad Pablo de Olavid

    Difficulties for collective bargaining in the field of the special labor relationship of work at the service of the family home

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    El Convenio n潞 189 OIT, a煤n pendiente de ratificaci贸n por Espa帽a, ha supuesto un aut茅ntico revulsivo social para la revisi贸n de nuestra relaci贸n laboral especial del trabajo al servicio del hogar familiar. La regulaci贸n de los derechos colectivos y, muy en especial de la negociaci贸n colectiva, es una de las asignaturas pendientes de mayor transcendencia para el acercamiento de esta relaci贸n al modelo com煤n de relaciones laborales y a la dignificaci贸n de estas trabajadoras. Este estudio pretende identificar los problemas principales que dificultan, o m谩s bien impiden, la negociaci贸n colectiva en el sector. Y al hilo de ello, como posibles v铆as de soluci贸n de tales inconvenientes, se aportan las correspondientes sugerencias de reforma.The Convention No. 189, still pending ratification by Spain, has been a real social trigger for the revision of our special employment relationship of work at the service of the family home. The regulation of collective rights and, especially of collectivebargaining, is one of the pending subjects of greatest importance for bringing this relationship closer to the common model of labor relations and the dignity of these workers. This study aims to identify the main problems that hinder, or rather prevent, collective bargaining in the sector. And in line with this, the corresponding reform suggestions are provided, as one of the possible ways of solving such problemsUniversidad Pablo de Olavid

    Dep贸sito de los estatutos del sindicato y l铆mites al poder de control de la Administraci贸n. En particular, la denominaci贸n del sindicato

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    The present study is concerned with analyzing the concordance between article 4 LOLS and its regulatory development in the Royal Decree 416/2015, 29-5, about the deposit of the statutes of trade union and business organizations. The regulation has apparently extended the requirements of the content of the trade union statutes respect to those provided for in the LOLS and precedent Royal Decree 873/1977, and has conferred on the Administration a power of control over them. However, both issues have to be interpreted in a coherent and respectful way with articles 7, 22.3 y 4 and 28.1 EC and 2.1 a) and 2 c) and 4 LOLS.El presente estudio se ocupa de analizar la concordancia entre el art铆culo 4 de la Ley Org谩nica 11/1985, de 2 de agosto, de Libertad Sindical, y su desarrollo reglamentario a trav茅s del Real Decreto 416/2015, 29 de mayo, sobre dep贸sito de los estatutos de las organizaciones sindicales y empresariales. El reglamento ha ampliado aparentemente las exigencias del contenido de los estatutos sindicales respecto de las previstas en la Ley Org谩nica de Libertad Sindical y el precedente Real Decreto 873/1977, de 22 de abril, y ha conferido a la Administraci贸n un poder de control respecto de aquellos. No obstante, ambas cuestiones tienen que interpretarse de manera coherente y respetuosa con los art铆culos 7, 22.3 y 4 y 28.1 de la Constituci贸n espa帽ola y 2.1 a) y 2 c) y 4 de la Ley Org谩nica de Libertad Sindical

    Representaci贸n extraestatutaria, participaci贸n directa y posible inconstitucionalidad de la comisi贸n ad hoc no sindicalizada

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    After discarding the negotiating capacity of the workers directly as the extrastatutory representative, the study defends the unconstitutionality of the non-application of the convention and collective agreement by agreement with the ad hoc commission non unionised, and puts in question that this is in any case a collective subject.Tras descartar la capacidad negociadora tanto de los trabajadores directamente como del representante extraestatutario, el estudio defiende la inconstitucionalidad de la inaplicaci贸n del convenio y acuerdo colectivo por acuerdo con la comisi贸n ad hoc no sindicalizada y pone en cuesti贸n que esta sea en todo caso un sujeto colectivo

    Desired weight loss and its association with health, health behaviors and perceptions in an adult population with weight excess: One-year follow-up

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) worsens quality of life and increases mortality. Dissatisfaction with weight in patients with MetS may modify the effect of lifestyle interventions to achieve changes in health-related behaviors. Objective: To assess 1-year changes in cardiovascular risk scores, self-perceived general health and health-related behaviors according to observed changes in desired weight loss during the first year of intervention in a large cardiovascular prevention trial. Design: Prospective analysis of the PREDIMED-PLUS trial, including 5,499 adults (55-75 years old) with overweight or obesity at baseline. Methods: The desired weight loss was the difference between ideal and measured weight. Tertiles of change in desired weight loss (1 year vs. baseline) were defined by the following cut-off points: >= 0.0 kg (T1, n = 1,638); 0.0 to -4.0 kg (T2, n = 1,903); <=-4.0 kg (T3, n = 1,958). A food frequency questionnaire assessed diet and the Minnesota-REGICOR questionnaire assessed physical activity. The Framingham equation assessed cardiovascular risks. The changes in the severity of MetS were also assessed. The Beck Depression Inventory assessed depressive symptoms and the SF-36 assessed health-related quality of life. Data were analyzed using general linear models. Results: BMI decreased at T2 and T3 (T1: 0.3, T2: -0.7, T3: -1.9). The most significant improvement in diet quality was observed at T3. Cardiovascular risk decreased at T2 and T3. Mean reductions in MetS severity score were: -0.02 at T1, -0.39 at T2 and -0.78 at T3. The perception of physical health increases in successive tertiles. Conclusions: In older adults with MetS, more ambitious desired weight loss goals were associated with improvements in diet, cardiovascular health and perceived physical health during the first year of a healthy lifestyle intervention programme. Weight dissatisfaction needs to be considered by health professionals

    La Reforma de la Intermediaci贸n Laboral por la Ley 35/2010

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    La Ley 35/2010, de 17 de septiembre, de medidas urgentes para la reforma del mercado de trabajo ha supuesto una importante reforma de la intermediaci贸n laboral. Los cambios fundamentales se identifican con la legalizaci贸n de las agencias de colocaci贸n de car谩cter lucrativo, el incremento de las funciones de las agencias de colocaci贸n en la gesti贸n de las pol铆ticas activas de empleo, as铆 como la integraci贸n en el concepto y regulaci贸n de la intermediaci贸n de la actividad de recolocaci贸n de los trabajadores despedidos en los procesos de reestructuraci贸n empresarial. Se avanza, entonces, hacia una visi贸n m谩s global de su participaci贸n como agentes de empleo y hacia el incremento de la colaboraci贸n p煤blico-privada en el 谩mbito de la colocaci贸n.The Law 35/2010, of September 17, of urgent measures for the reform of the labor market has supposed an important reform of the labor intermediation. The fundamental changes are identified by the legalization of the agencies of placement of lucrative character, the increase of the functions of the agencies of placement in the management of the active policies of employment, as well as the integration in the concept and regulation of the intermediation of the activity of replacement of the workers dismissed in the processes of managerial restructuring. It is advanced, then, towards a more global vision of his participation as agents of employment and towards the increase of the collaboration public - private road in the area of the placement