140 research outputs found

    Influencia de factores nutricionales sobre la expresión génica y la composición tisular en cerdo ibérico

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    El cerdo ibérico se caracteriza por un crecimiento poco eficiente, un escaso desarrollo muscular y una gran capacidad de acumulación de grasa, además de una gran adaptación al medio y rusticidad. Al igual que otras razas autóctonas tradicionales, su rendimiento es menor al de las razas seleccionadas, lo que suele ir asociado a una menor rentabilidad. Su producción es un claro ejemplo de sistema productivo sostenible orientado a la obtención de productos cárnicos de alta calidad, en el que, además de los aspectos genéticos, los aspectos ambientales y de manejo (especialmente los nutricionales) tienen una influencia decisiva en la composición tisular y en la calidad de los productos. Debido a su bajo rendimiento productivo y con el objetivo de mejorarlo se ha cruzado de forma habitual con la raza duroc, siendo la mayoría de la producción del sector del ibérico correspondiente a cebo intensivo y cruce con duroc. Aunque numéricamente su producción sea menor, la producción de animales 100% ibéricos y de bellota es más relevante,por su excelente calidad y su gran valor económico..

    Comparative Analysis of Muscle Transcriptome between Pig Genotypes Identifies Genes and Regulatory Mechanisms Associated to Growth, Fatness and Metabolism.

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    Iberian ham production includes both purebred (IB) and Duroc-crossbred (IBxDU) Iberian pigs, which show important differences in meat quality and production traits, such as muscle growth and fatness. This experiment was conducted to investigate gene expression differences, transcriptional regulation and genetic polymorphisms that could be associated with the observed phenotypic differences between IB and IBxDU pigs. Nine IB and 10 IBxDU pigs were slaughtered at birth. Morphometric measures and blood samples were obtained and samples from Biceps femoris muscle were employed for compositional and transcriptome analysis by RNA-Seq technology. Phenotypic differences were evident at this early age, including greater body size and weight in IBxDU and greater Biceps femoris intramuscular fat and plasma cholesterol content in IB newborns. We detected 149 differentially expressed genes between IB and IBxDU neonates (p < 0.01 and Fold-Change > 1. 5). Several were related to adipose and muscle tissues development (DLK1, FGF21 or UBC). The functional interpretation of the transcriptomic differences revealed enrichment of functions and pathways related to lipid metabolism in IB and to cellular and muscle growth in IBxDU pigs. Protein catabolism, cholesterol biosynthesis and immune system were functions enriched in both genotypes. We identified transcription factors potentially affecting the observed gene expression differences. Some of them have known functions on adipogenesis (CEBPA, EGRs), lipid metabolism (PPARGC1B) and myogenesis (FOXOs, MEF2D, MYOD1), which suggest a key role in the meat quality differences existing between IB and IBxDU hams. We also identified several polymorphisms showing differential segregation between IB and IBxDU pigs. Among them, non-synonymous variants were detected in several transcription factors as PPARGC1B and TRIM63 genes, which could be associated to altered gene function. Taken together, these results provide information about candidate genes, metabolic pathways and genetic polymorphisms potentially involved in phenotypic differences between IB and IBxDU pigs associated to meat quality and production traits

    Analysis of porcine IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue and its effect on fatty acid composition

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    IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism has been described as the causal mutation of a maternally imprinted QTL for muscle growth and fat deposition in pigs. The objective of the current work was to study the association between the IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism and the IGF2 gene expression and its effect on fatty acid composition in adipose tissue in different pig genetic backgrounds. A cis-eQTL region associated with the IGF2 mRNA expression in adipose tissue was identified in an eGWAS with 355 animals. The IGF2 gene was located in this genomic interval and IGF2g.3072G>A was the most significant SNP, explaining a 25% of the gene expression variance. Significant associations between IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism and oleic (C18:1(n-9); p-value = 4.18x10-07), hexadecanoic (C16:1(n-9); p-value = 4.04x10-07), linoleic (C18:2(n-6); p-value = 6.44x10-09), α-linoleic (C18:3(n-3); p-value = 3.30x10-06), arachidonic (C20:4(n-6); p-value = 9.82x10-08) FAs and the MUFA/PUFA ratio (p-value = 2.51x10-9) measured in backfat were identified. Animals carrying the A allele showed an increase in IGF2 gene expression and higher PUFA and lower MUFA content. However, in additional studies was observed that there could be other proximal genetic variants affecting FA composition in adipose tissue. Finally, no differences in the IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue were found between heterozygous animals classified according to the IGF2:g.3072G>A allele inherited from the father (APGM or AMGP). However, pyrosequencing analysis revealed that there is imprinting of the IGF2 gene in muscle and adipose tissues, with stronger differences among the paternally and maternally inherited alleles in muscle. Our results suggested that IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism plays an important role in the regulation of IGF2 gene expression and can be involved in the fatty acid composition in adipose tissue. In both cases, further studies are still needed to deepen the mechanism of regulation of IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue and the IGF2 role in FA composition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La generación de condiciones institucionales para la enseñanza

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    El propósito del material es realizar un aporte al pensamiento sobre la tarea de dirigir las instituciones de nivel primario. La colección está compuesta por nueve volúmenes que recorren diversos temas y problemas. Son parte de una propuesta nacional de formación para equipos de directivos que se propone generar espacios de reflexión y trabajo en conjunto. La colección intenta construir un discurso sobre la dirección de la escuela distanciada de los paradigmas económicos que significaron el hacer directivo desde marcos de acción impregnados por las lógicas del gerenciamiento. La perspectiva elegida posiciona la tarea del director como un trabajo político-pedagógico con poder para decidir en torno a situaciones educativas complejas, abiertas, sobre las cuales se impone una lectura atenta de las situaciones para elegir, en cada caso, el mejor camino

    Factores socio-epidemiológicos asociados a los accidentes en el anciano

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    Introduction: the study of the problem of the elderly constitutes an essential element and it appears as a crucial factor in medical investigations, because of the increase of population older than 65 years old, calculated in more than 290 millions of people which is on the increase during the last decades. Objective: to identify the socio-epidemiological factors associated with different kinds of accidents in the elderly in San Juan y Martinez municipality during 2011. Material and method: a descriptive and cross-sectional research was carried out which target group included 615 old people having different kinds of accidents recorded on worksheets; the sample was comprised of 300 old people chosen by means of a stratified at random method. Surveys and scientific observation were the methods used collecting varied and direct information. Results: male sex prevailed, 71-75 years old; the prevailing associated diseases in men were those of the osteomyoarticular system and hypertension in women. The ingestion of medications was the most frequent intrinsic alteration (90.2%) and difference in floor levels prevailed as extrinsic factor (70.3%). Conclusions: among the socio-epidemiological factors associated with different kinds of accidents in the elderly were osteomyoarticular system disorders, ingestions of medications and architectural barriers (difference in floor levels).Introducción: el estudio de la problemática del anciano constituye un elemento de primordial importancia y aparece como un factor decisivo en las investigaciones médicas. Esto se debe al incremento  de la población mayor de 65 años, calculada en más de 290 millones de personas con un aumento creciente en las últimas décadas.Objetivo: identificar los factores socio-epidemiológicos asociados a los accidentes en el anciano en el municipio San Juan y Martínez durante el año 2010.Material y método: se realizó una investigación descriptiva, retrospectiva y transversal, el universo estuvo constituido por  615 ancianos que sufrieron algún tipo de accidente  registrados en hojas de cargo y la muestra  de 300 ancianos, seleccionados por el método aleatorio estratificado. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, grupos de edades, raza, lugar de residencia, ocupación, tipo y frecuencia de accidente, enfermedades que padecen, alteraciones fisiológicas y factores extrínsecos relacionados con los accidentes. El análisis estadístico utilizado fue el valor porcentual.Resultados: se obtuvo un predominio del sexo masculino, con edades comprendidas entre 71 y 75 años, raza blanca y residencia urbana. El 51.1 % eran jubilados, el tipo de accidente más representativo fue la caída en el sexo femenino con una frecuencia de una vez en el 78.0 % del total. Conclusiones: entre los factores socio-epidemiológicos asociados a los accidentes en el anciano predominan la hipertensión arterial y del sistema osteomioarticular, así como la ingestión de medicamentos y los desniveles del piso

    Socio-epidemiological factors associated with different kinds of accidents in the elderly. San Juan y Martinez municipality

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    Introducción: el estudio de la problemática del anciano constituye un elemento de primordial importancia y aparece como un factor decisivo en las investigaciones médicas. Esto se debe al incremento  de la población mayor de 65 años, calculada en más de 290 millones de personas con un aumento creciente en las últimas décadas.Objetivo: identificar los factores socio-epidemiológicos asociados a los accidentes en el anciano en el municipio San Juan y Martínez durante el año 2010.Material y método: se realizó una investigación descriptiva, retrospectiva y transversal, el universo estuvo constituido por  615 ancianos que sufrieron algún tipo de accidente  registrados en hojas de cargo y la muestra  de 300 ancianos, seleccionados por el método aleatorio estratificado. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, grupos de edades, raza, lugar de residencia, ocupación, tipo y frecuencia de accidente, enfermedades que padecen, alteraciones fisiológicas y factores extrínsecos relacionados con los accidentes. El análisis estadístico utilizado fue el valor porcentual.Resultados: se obtuvo un predominio del sexo masculino, con edades comprendidas entre 71 y 75 años, raza blanca y residencia urbana. El 51.1 % eran jubilados, el tipo de accidente más representativo fue la caída en el sexo femenino con una frecuencia de una vez en el 78.0 % del total. Conclusiones: entre los factores socio-epidemiológicos asociados a los accidentes en el anciano predominan la hipertensión arterial y del sistema osteomioarticular, así como la ingestión de medicamentos y los desniveles del piso.Introduction: the study of the problem of the elderly constitutes an essential element and it appears as a crucial factor in medical investigations, because of the increase of population older than 65 years old, calculated in more than 290 millions of people which is on the increase during the last decades. Objective: to identify the socio-epidemiological factors associated with different kinds of accidents in the elderly in San Juan y Martinez municipality during 2011. Material and method: a descriptive and cross-sectional research was carried out which target group included 615 old people having different kinds of accidents recorded on worksheets; the sample was comprised of 300 old people chosen by means of a stratified at random method. Surveys and scientific observation were the methods used collecting varied and direct information. Results: male sex prevailed, 71-75 years old; the prevailing associated diseases in men were those of the osteomyoarticular system and hypertension in women. The ingestion of medications was the most frequent intrinsic alteration (90.2%) and difference in floor levels prevailed as extrinsic factor (70.3%). Conclusions: among the socio-epidemiological factors associated with different kinds of accidents in the elderly were osteomyoarticular system disorders, ingestions of medications and architectural barriers (difference in floor levels)

    "As Water is in Water" : The Roman Perception of Egypt in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra

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    In Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, the characters live in a world of impending dissolution caused by the expansion of the Roman Empire and emphasised by their arrival in Egypt. In my TFG, I intend to demonstrate how water, in all its forms and dynamics, is the central element in all actions and events that take place in the play. I approach this topic, establishing parallelisms between the Characters' development and a tidal cycle. I mainly focus on Antony's character, who is the one to be more affected by the main theme of metamorphosis.En Antony and Cleopatra de Shakespeare, los personajes viven en un mundo de disolución inminente causada por la expansión del Imperio Romano y enfatizada por su llegada a Egipto. Mi TFG intenta demostrar como el agua, en todas sus formas y dinámicas, es el elemento central de todas las acciones y acontecimientos en la obra. Trato este tema estableciendo paralelismos entre el desarrollo de los personajes y el ciclo de las mareas. Concretamente, me centro en el personaje de Antony, quien es el más afectado por el tema central de metamorfosis.A l'obra de Shakespeare d'Antony and Cleopatra, els personatges viuen en un món de dissolució imminent provocat per l'expansió de l'Imperi Romà i emfatitzada per la seva arribada a Egipte. El meu TFG intenta demostrar com l'aigua, en totes les seves formes i dinàmiques, és l'element central de totes les accions i esdeveniments dins l'obra. Tracto aquest tema establint paral·lelismes entre el desenvolupament dels personatges i el cicle de les marees. Concretament, em centro en el personatge d'Antony, el qual és el més afectat per el tema central de metamorfosis

    Analysis of porcine IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue and its effect on fatty acid composition

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    Altres ajuts: Ph.D grant from the Generalitat de Catalunya (ECO/1788/2014) i CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaIGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism has been described as the causal mutation of a maternally imprinted QTL for muscle growth and fat deposition in pigs. The objective of the current work was to study the association between the IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism and the IGF2 gene expression and its effect on fatty acid composition in adipose tissue in different pig genetic backgrounds. A cis-eQTL region associated with the IGF2 mRNA expression in adipose tissue was identified in an eGWAS with 355 animals. The IGF2 gene was located in this genomic interval and IGF2g.3072G>A was the most significant SNP, explaining a 25% of the gene expression variance. Significant associations between IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism and oleic (C18:1(n-9); p-value = 4.18x10), hexadecanoic (C16:1(n-9); p-value = 4.04x10), linoleic (C18:2(n-6); p-value = 6.44x10), α-linoleic (C18:3(n-3); p-value = 3.30x10), arachidonic (C20:4(n-6); p-value = 9.82x10) FAs and the MUFA/PUFA ratio (p-value = 2.51x10) measured in backfat were identified. Animals carrying the A allele showed an increase in IGF2 gene expression and higher PUFA and lower MUFA content. However, in additional studies was observed that there could be other proximal genetic variants affecting FA composition in adipose tissue. Finally, no differences in the IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue were found between heterozygous animals classified according to the IGF2:g.3072G>A allele inherited from the father (AG or AG). However, pyrosequencing analysis revealed that there is imprinting of the IGF2 gene in muscle and adipose tissues, with stronger differences among the paternally and maternally inherited alleles in muscle. Our results suggested that IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism plays an important role in the regulation of IGF2 gene expression and can be involved in the fatty acid composition in adipose tissue. In both cases, further studies are still needed to deepen the mechanism of regulation of IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue and the IGF2 role in FA composition

    Propuesta educativa para elevar los niveles de conocimiento sobre sexualidad en adolescentes síndrome de Down

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    RESUMEN Estudios recientes demuestran la importancia de educar la sexualidad en pacientes con síndrome de Down desde la infancia, con el propósito de darle respuesta a las curiosidades sexuales de la etapa, así como prepararlos para arribar a la adultez. A partir de esta afirmación, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar el nivel de conocimientos de los adolescentes con síndromes de Down en relación con la sexualidad y crear un programa de intervención educativa, con el fin de propiciarles una sexualidad sana; para ello se escogieron 6 adolescentes de edades entre 10 y 15 años, pertenecientes a la escuela especial Francisco Vicente Agujera del municipio Manzanillo de la provincia Granma. Los referentes teóricos se apoyaron en una concepción humanista - desarrolladora y en la teoría del reforzamiento positivo. La estrategia estuvo en función del trabajo interrelacionado de los adolescentes con síndrome de Down. Se partió de las necesidades educativas arrojadas en el diagnóstico, se diseñó el programa con sus objetivos, posibilitó que estos adolescentes consoliden su identidad sexual, identificándose de acuerdo con su sexo, se incluyeron los genitales en su esquema corporal denominándolos, fomentaron hábitos de higiene relacionados con el cuidado del cuerpo y estimularon las relaciones afectivas a través de los juegos de roles. Se recomienda ampliar esta investigación, con seguimiento hasta la adultez y llevar a la comunidad una estrategia que sensibilice a sus integrantes con la sexualidad de los síndromes de Down. ABSTRACT Recent studies demonstrate the importance of educating sexuality in patients with Down syndrome since infancy, in order to respond to the sexual curiosities of the stage, as well as prepare them to reach adulthood. Based on this assertion, the present research had as general objective to determine the level of knowledge of the adolescents with Down syndromes in relation to the sexuality and to create a program of educational intervention, in order to propitiate them a healthy sexuality; six teenagers between 10 and 15 years of age, belonging to the Francisco Vicente Aguilera special school in the Manzanillo municipality of the Granma province were chosen. The theoretical references were based on a humanist - developmental conception and on the theory of positive reinforcement. The strategy was based on the interrelated work of adolescents with Down syndrome. It was based on the educational needs of the diagnosis, the program was designed with its objectives, enabled these adolescents to consolidate their sexual identity, identified according to their sex, included the genitals in their body schema, naming them, fostered related hygiene habits With the care of the body and stimulated the affective relations through the role plays. It is recommended to expand this research, with follow-up until adulthood and bring to the community a strategy that sensitizes its members with the sexuality of Down syndrome