2,135 research outputs found

    Contributions of women entrepreneurship studies for policymakers

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    In the knowledge society, the issue of gender-linked to entrepreneurship is gaining more and more space in the academic community. Thus this paper aims to map the intersections between entrepreneurship and the female gender. For this, the bibliometric analysis was performed from a systematic search in the Scopus database. As a result, it was identified that the research emerges Economy, Econometrics and Finance; Social Sciences; Business, Management and Accounting; Agrarian and Biological Sciences; Medicine; Arts and Humanities; Biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology; Computer Science; Environmental Science; Engineering; Multidisciplinary; Psychology; Energy; Nursing; Earth and Planetary Sciences; Health Professions; Mathematics; Neuroscience and Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceuticals, which allows us to weave the state of the art of the theme from the consulted database.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The actin binding proteins cortactin and HS1 are dispensable for platelet actin nodule and megakaryocyte podosome formation

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    A dynamic, properly organised actin cytoskeleton is critical for the production and haemostatic function of platelets. The Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASp) and Actin-Related Proteins 2 & 3 Complex (Arp2/3 complex) are critical mediators of actin polymerisation and organisation in many cell types. In platelets and megakaryocytes, these proteins have been shown to be important for proper platelet production and function. The cortactin family of proteins (Cttn & HS1) are known to regulate WASp-Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerisation in other cell types and so here we address the role of these proteins in platelets using knockout mouse models. We generated mice lacking Cttn and HS1 in the megakaryocyte/platelet lineage. These mice had normal platelet production, with platelet number, size and surface receptor profile comparable to controls. Platelet function was also unaffected by loss of Cttn/HS1 with no differences observed in a range of platelet function assays including aggregation, secretion, spreading, clot retraction or tyrosine phosphorylation. No effect on tail bleeding time or in thrombosis models was observed. In addition, platelet actin nodules, and megakaryocyte podosomes, actin-based structures known to be dependent on WASp and the Arp2/3 complex, formed normally. We conclude that despite the importance of WASp and the Arp2/3 complex in regulating F-actin dynamics in many cells types, the role of cortactin in their regulation appears to be fulfilled by other proteins in platelets

    Functional characterization of Genlisea aurea (S8E8K3) protein

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    This work predicts the functions of Genlisea aurea (S8E8K3) protein. Identification of corresponding proteins, conserved domains, functions and pedigree tree of target and corresponding proteins was obtained. Uniprot database, Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) and Clustal Omega were used in this study. Results indicated that proteins from Sesamum indicum (XP011073982.1), Erythranthe guttate (XP012836557.1), Handroanthus impetiginosus (PIN05468.1) and Olea europaea var. sylvestris (XP022874946.1) showed 91%, 90%, 89% and 87% similarity, respectively, to S8E8K3. Model proteins all possessed WD40 domain. All model proteins functioned as ribonucleoprotein and phylogenetic tree showed that all proteins had eukaryotic origin. Therefore, S8E8K3 is and performs the role of a ribonucleoprotein

    Functional characterization of Genlisea aurea (S8E8K3) protein

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    This work predicts the functions of Genlisea aurea (S8E8K3) protein. Identification of corresponding proteins, conserved domains, functions and pedigree tree of target and corresponding proteins was obtained. Uniprot database, Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) and Clustal Omega were used in this study. Results indicated that proteins from Sesamum indicum (XP011073982.1), Erythranthe guttate (XP012836557.1), Handroanthus impetiginosus (PIN05468.1) and Olea europaea var. sylvestris (XP022874946.1) showed 91%, 90%, 89% and 87% similarity, respectively, to S8E8K3. Model proteins all possessed WD40 domain. All model proteins functioned as ribonucleoprotein and phylogenetic tree showed that all proteins had eukaryotic origin. Therefore, S8E8K3 is and performs the role of a ribonucleoprotein

    Complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities predicts system justification in Poland

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    We investigate the phenomenon of complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities in Poland and its relationship to system justification. Using results from a nationally representative survey we test the hypothesis that complementary stereotypes—according to which ethnic minorities are seen as possessing distinctive, offsetting strengths and weaknesses—would be associated with system justification among Polish majority citizens. For four minorities, results indicated that stereotyping them as (a) low in morality but high in competence or (b) high in morality but low in competence predicted greater system justification. These results suggest that even in a context that is low in support for the status quo, complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities is linked to system justification processes. For the three minority groups that were lowest in social status, complementary stereotyping was unrelated to system justification. It appears that negative attitude towards these groups can be expressed openly, regardless of one’s degree of system justification

    Tribal Marketing: portuguese adaptation and preliminary psychometric results of tribalism, team brand loyalty, team brand value and personal/group identity questionnaire

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi adaptar para a população portuguesa e validar as características psicométricas preliminares do questionário de Tribalismo de Rudi Meir, Lealdade Marca-Equipa, Valor Marca e Identidade pessoal/grupo. Foi seguido um protocolo de investigação quantitativo. A recolha de dados foi realizada através de um inquérito com uma amostra selecionada por conveniência composta por n=734 participantes distribuídos por 13 níveis de formação académica. Foi realizada uma análise fatorial confirmatória, no contexto dos modelos de equações estruturais. Os resultados obtidos na amostra portuguesa permitem suportar a estrutura fatorial do Questionário original, “Tribalism, team brand loyalty, team brand value and personal/group identity ”, proposto por Rudi Meir (2009). A versão portuguesa do questionario apresenta propriedades psicométricas satisfatórias quanto à validade e fidelidade representando uma opção valida para a mensuração da fenomenología em causa

    Frequency and preventative interventions for non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal behaviour in primary school-age children : a scoping review protocol

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    Introduction: Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and suicidal behaviour have been witnessed in children as young as 6–7 years of age, but while there are many reviews of preventative interventions for NSSI and suicide in adolescents, few have explored its prevalence in younger children and the potential impact of preventative interventions at this stage of life. NSSI and suicidal behaviour are an increasing concern in schools but school-based programmes can improve knowledge, attitudes and help-seeking behaviours and help prevent escalation of NSSI and later suicide. This scoping review will aim to explore the nature and extent of the evidence on the magnitude of NSSI and suicidal behaviour in primary school children, and to examine whether there are any primary school-based interventions available for the prevention of this phenomenon in 5 to 11-year-olds. Methods and analysis: A scoping review will be conducted using established methodology by Arksey and O’Malley and the Joanna Briggs Institute. Multiple bibliographic and indexing databases and grey literature will be searched using a combination of text words and index terms relating to NSSI, suicide, primary schools, frequency and intervention. Two reviewers will independently screen eligible studies for study selection and extract relevant data from included studies. A narrative summary of evidence will be conducted for all included studies with results presented in tables and/or diagrams. Inductive content analysis will be used to understand any narrative findings within the included studies. Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval is not required for this scoping review. The results of this review will be disseminated though publication in a peer-reviewed journal and presented at relevant conferences

    Avaliação dos impactos da Tecnologia Acasalamento de Outono em Bovinos de Corte.

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    Identificação da tecnologia; Procedimentos metodológicos; Identificação dos impactos na cadeia produtiva; Impactos econômicos; Impactos sociais; Impactos ambientais; Avaliação integrada e comparativa dos impactos gerados; Custos para a geração da tecnologia; Ações sociais.bitstream/item/64239/1/DT89.pd