17 research outputs found

    Estilos de liderazgo y gestión pedagógica en los docentes de la Escuela Militar de Chorrillos Crl. Francisco Bolognesi - 2019

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    Este trabajo de investigación recopiló información para determinar la relación entre las variables estilos de liderazgo y gestión pedagógica de los docentes de la Escuela Militar de Chorrillos Crl. Francisco Bolognesi. Se determinó un método de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo aplicada y se desarrolló bajo un diseño no experimental, también se proporcionó un nivel correlacional-descriptivo. En cuanto a la muestra establecida fue de tipo censal que involucró a 72 docentes. Paralelamente a esta herramienta, se desarrollaron dos cuestionarios para verificar las variables de investigación mediante un juicio de expertos. Mediante el Rho de Spearman del programa estadístico SPSSv25 se determinó el grado de relación entre la variable "estilos de liderazgo" y "gestión pedagógica”: se concluyó que los estilos de liderazgo están relacionados con la gestión pedagógica de los docentes de la Escuela Militar de Chorrillos Crl. Francisco Bolognesi.This research work collected information to determine the relationship between the leadership styles and pedagogical management of the teachers of the Military School of Chorrillos Crl. Francisco Bolognesi. A quantitative approach method was determined, of the applied type and it was developed under a non-experimental design, a correlational- descriptive level was also provided. Regarding the samples, a census sample was established that involved 72 teachers. Parallel to this tool, two questionnaires were developed to verify the research variables through expert judgment. Spearman's Rho of the statistical program SPSSv25 determined the degree of relationship between the variable "leadership styles" and "pedagogical management" of teachers of the Military School of Chorrillos Crl. Francisco Bolognesi

    Bezoars: diagnosis, management, and potential complications in patients with psychiatric disorders

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    Word "bezoar" comes from Persian "pâdzahr," which means "antidote," since, in ancient times, it was believed that bezoar could cure and nullify effects of all poisons. In medical context, bezoar is the term used for conglomerates of undigested material that accumulate in de gastrointestinal tract. Case of 60-year-old female patient with repeated episodes of intestinal obstruction associated with digestive tract bleeding. She presented to emergency department with severe abdominal pain and intolerance to oral route. Computed tomography identified hypodense image suggestive of a oreign body in the small bowel  lumen. During laparotomy, stone-like mass of approximately 3×5 cm was found at level of jejuno-ileal junction, 80 cm from Treitz ligament, with presence of an intestinal flange that conditions rotation of the intestinal loop on its axis. Intestinal obstruction due to bezoar is uncommon in adult patients, and symptoms are usually non-specific. It requires a high index of suspicion and effective screening for trichotillomania. In such cases, imaging studies such as tomography help to establish the diagnosis.

    Activation of Secondary Metabolism in Citrus Plants Is Associated to Sensitivity to Combined Drought and High Temperatures

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    Drought and heat stresses are two of the most frequent environmental factors that take place simultaneously in the field constraining global crop productivity. Metabolism reconfiguration is often behind the adaptation of plants to adverse environmental conditions. Carrizo citrange and Cleopatra mandarin, two citrus genotypes with contrasting ability to tolerate combined heat and drought conditions, showed different metabolite patterns. Increased levels of phenylpropanoid metabolites were observed in Cleopatra in response to stress, including scopolin, a metabolite involved in defense mechanisms. Tolerant Carrizo accumulated sinapic acid and sinapoyl aldehyde, direct precursors of lignins. Finally, Cleopatra showed an accumulation of flavonols and glycosylated and polymethoxylated flavones such as tangeritin. The activation of flavonoid biosynthesis in Cleopatra could be aimed to mitigate the higher oxidative damage observed in this genotype. In general, limonoids were more severely altered in Cleopatra than in Carrizo in response to stress imposition. To conclude, all metabolite changes observed in Cleopatra suggest the activation of energy metabolism along with metabolic pathways leading to the accumulation of photoprotective and antioxidant secondary metabolites, oriented to mitigate the damaging effects of stress. Conversely, the higher ability of Carrizo to retain a high photosynthetic activity and to cope with oxidative stress allowed the maintenance of the metabolic activity and prevented the accumulation of antioxidant metabolites.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) [AGL2013-42038-R, AGL2016-76574-R] and Universitat Jaume I [UJI-B2016-23/UJI-B2016-24]. SZ was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from Universitat Jaume I

    La Exportación de Artesanías como una Alternativa para el Desarrollo del Guaviare y Fortalecimiento Económico y Cultural de sus Comunidades Indígenas.

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    83 hDesarrollar una estrategia para la exportación de las artesanías elaboradas por las principales comunidades indígenas del Departamento del Guaviare, como un mecanismo para el desarrollo regional. • Elaborar un diagnóstico de la demanda internacional de artículos elaborados de forma artesanal y la producción de artesanías en Colombia y su Departamento Guaviare. • Identificar las principales variables que determinan el potencial exportador de artículos artesanales.Resultado para Obtener el Título de Profesional en Administración Financiera , Tesis (Administrador Financiero) Universidad de los Llanos. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas. Programa de Administración financiera. Convenio Universidad del Tolima 2015PregradoEspecializaciones en Finanza

    Terminal de autobuses foraneos

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    Complejo-editorial Amoxcalli

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    <b>Uma educação para a sensibilidade: circulação de novos saberes sobre a educação do corpo no começo do século XX na Ibero-América</b>

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    O texto analisa práticas de produção, circulação e apropriação de saberes sobre a educação do corpo entre o final do século XIX e o começo do XX. Recorre a fontes de natureza distinta, procurando mostrar pontos de contato entre iniciativas reformadoras, perguntando como e quando as novas formas de pensar a educação do corpo e das sensibilidades se deslocaram da América Latina à Europa ou o seu contrário. Cremos que os vetores dessas novas formas não tinham mão única – da Europa a nossos países; também daqui partiam experiências que qualificariam a instrução pública em terras europeias. Nosso olhar se volta às experiências de Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia e Espanha, tentando compreender aqueles deslocamentos a partir dos mediadores culturais propostos pela perspectiva das histórias conectadas

    Education for sensibility: circulation of new knowledge on body education in Iberian America in the beginning of the twentieth century

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    O texto analisa práticas de produção, circulação e apropriação de saberes sobre a educação do corpo entre o final do século XIX e o começo do XX. Recorre a fontes de natureza distinta, procurando mostrar pontos de contato entre iniciativas reformadoras, perguntando como e quando as novas formas de pensar a educação do corpo e das sensibilidades se deslocaram da América Latina à Europa ou o seu contrário. Cremos que os vetores dessas novas formas não tinham mão única – da Europa a nossos países; também daqui partiam experiências que qualificariam a instrução pública em terras europeias. Nosso olhar se volta às experiências de Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia e Espanha, tentando compreender aqueles deslocamentos a partir dos mediadores culturais propostos pela perspectiva das histórias conectadas. El texto analiza prácticas de producción, circulación yapropiación de conocimientos sobre la educación del cuerpo,entre finales del siglo XIX e inicios del XX. Recorre a fuentes dediferente naturaleza, buscando mostrar los puntos de contactoentre las iniciativas reformadoras, preguntándose por el cómoy cuándo las nuevas formas de pensar la educación, tanto delcuerpo como de las sensibilidades, terminaron por desplazarsede América Latina a Europa o viceversa. Creemos que losvectores de esas nuevas formas no eran unilaterales, de Europa anuestros países, sino que también desde aquí partían experienciasque caracterizarían la instrucción pública en tierras europeas.Nuestra mirada se dirige a las experiencias de Argentina,Brasil, Colombia y España, intentando comprender aquellosdesplazamientos, a partir de los intermediarios culturalespropuestos por la perspectiva de las historias conectadas.In this article, we analyze the practice of producing, circulating, and appropriating different pieces of knowledge about the body and its education between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. Resorting to distinct sources, mainly reports, textbooks and educational journals, we have sought to present the contact points between several reformatory initiatives, asking how and when the new ways of understanding body education and education of sensibilities have moved from Latin America to Europe and vice versa. We believe that the vectors of these new ways did not go one-way – from Europe to our countries – but experiences also departed from here, which would qualify public education in European lands. Consequently, we turn our eyes to the experiences of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Spain in order to comprehend those reciprocal displacements in the perspective of cultural mediators according to the viewpoint of connected histories