160 research outputs found

    From a Lingua Franca to a Communal Language: The Islamicization of Urdu in British India

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    El idioma urdu, conocido alternativamente como indostaní, gozó del estatus de lengua franca en el subcontinente indio debido al hecho de que era unmedio de expresión común utilizado por los indios independientemente de su fe. Sin embargo, hacia mediados del siglo XIX, las mutaciones en la escena india iban a plantear un desafío a este estatus que convirtió a este idioma en un idioma exclusivamente islámico. Por lo tanto, este trabajo busca resaltar el proceso de esta transición, es decir, de un lenguaje común de todos a uno comunal, así como las fuerzas motrices detrás de tal cambio que, en últimainstancia, condujo a la fragmentación del país a mediados del siglo XX. The Urdu language, alternatively known as Hindustani, enjoyed the status of a lingua franca in the Indian subcontinent due to the fact that it was a common medium of expression used by Indians regardless of their faith. However, around the mid-nineteenth century, mutations on the Indian scene were to pose a challenge to this status which rendered this language an exclusively Islamic one. Therefore, this paper seeks to highlight the process of this transition—that is, from a common language used by all to a communal one—as well as the motivating forces behind such a change which, ultimately, led to the fragmentation of the country by the mid-twentieth centur

    The impact of British Rule on the Indian Muslim Community in the nineteenth Century

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    Upon taking the reins of power in the South Asian Sub-continent, the East India Company officials, being aware of how sensitive Indians were of their socio-cultural traditions, adopted a policy of "non-interference" and kept aloof from all matters related to the socio-cultural and religious affairs of the local inhabitants. Instead, they busied themselves with the economic exploitation of the country, the objective for which they had come to the region.Nevertheless, following a vociferous clamour and pressure from the Christian missionaries who regarded the Indian people as "primitive" and "benighted", and who felt duty bound to "civilize" them, the British Government in London forced the East India Company in 1813 to forsake its, hitherto privileged, "no-interference policy" and give the evangelical movement unrestricted access to the country as an essential precondition for the renewal of the charter.Thus, upon setting foot in the Sub-continent, the missionaries, and even some British reform-minded officials, embarked on the process of reforming, as well as westernizing, the Indian society. Although some of the reforms being introduced were, when looked at objectively, positive, they were always despised by the native Indians. Indeed, this brought about a widespread malaise among the natives who interpreted the Company's actions as part of a scheme to forcefully convert them to Christianity. Thus, the task of this paper is to set out this socio-cultural malaise

    The formation of the Indian National Congress: A British manoeuvre?

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    One of the thorniest issues that contemporary scholars of British India are faced with is that of the genesis of the Indian National Congress (1885). While some of them believe that the foundation of this first major political party on an all-India basis was an inevitable corollary of the circumstances that prevailed in the South Asian Sub-continent as a result of British Raj, others have held opposing views. In fact, the latter, while championing the "safety-valve" theory, are convinced that the birth of this political organization was nothing more than a British stratagem aimed at forestalling an imminent popular uprising among the colonial subjects. Thus, the aim of this article is to set out the views and arguments of both camps of scholars

    Existence of solution to a periodic boundary value problem for a nonlinear impulsive fractional differential equation

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    We study the existence of solution to a periodic boundary value problem for nonlinear impulsive fractional differential equations by using Schaeffer’s fixed point theorem

    A Privacy by Design Methodology Application in Telecom Domain

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    Telecommunication has been considerably developed over the last decades, notably through optical fiber submarine cables and wireless connections offering voice and data wide range services. Telecommunication infrastructures are the necessary backbone that make possible any voice and data exchange. Unfortunately, these infrastructures are still suffering from various vulnerabilities and continue to be target of specific cyber-attacks. Some of these attacks could lead to service deniability, integrity and privacy loss. Against this fact, it’s also established that telecom service providers, as the owner of this infrastructure,can have access to huge data,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            even personal data related to customer and  to their employees. Basically, this personal data is related directly to the customer’s and employee’s identity, geolocation, interest areas and contact circle, etc.,  when it comes to the use of this personal data, the privacy concerns become a big challenge for telecom service providers due to heavy impact that can induce. Given the personal data protection criticality in telecom domain, privacy by design PbD should be incorporate. Then, this article aims to apply in telecom service providers ISPM methodology "Information System Privacy Methodology" which focuses on PbD implementation in enterprises architecture, specifically in information systems taking into account all technical and organizational aspects

    A Methodology for Assuring Privacy by Design in Information Systems

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    There is no doubt that privacy by design PbD has become a structuring paradigm for personal data protection. Certainly this paradigm has been in use since 1995; however the GDRP "The General Data Protection Regulation", by considering PbD in 2018 as a legal obligation, it testifies the PbD seven principles relevance. Companies are therefore called to put in place technical and organizational measures to integrate PbD into companies. Hence the need for a methodology to provide an exhaustive approach adapted to this implementation. Given the focus of the literature on the implementation of methodologies dedicated to the embodiment of PbD only in software systems, this article aims to propose an ISPM methodology "Information System Privacy Methodology" which focuses on the implementation of PbD in the enterprises architecture, specifically in information systems taking into account all the technical and organizational aspects which must be adopted for the said goal success

    Analyse des accidents graves et mortels engendrés par les machines mobiles

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    RÉSUMÉ : Les machines mobiles sont massivement utilisées dans plusieurs secteurs économiques majeurs tels que la construction, l’exploitation forestière, l’exploitation minière et l’agriculture. Elles sont impliquées dans des accidents causant des dommages humains et matériels considérables aussi bien en utilisation normale que durant les opérations de maintenance. L’objectif du présent travail est de déterminer les causes principales des accidents engendrés par les machines mobiles sur la base d’un échantillon de 309 accidents graves et mortels au Québec et d’estimer la probabilité ou la sévérité de ces accidents à l’aide de techniques statistiques et de fouille des données (data mining). Chaque rapport décrit chronologiquement et en détails toutes les circonstances entourant l’accident. Deux méthodes d’analyse sont développées et appliquées. La première méthode est l’analyse manuelle de chaque rapport d’accident. Le but est d’extraire les données, sous forme de vecteur d’informations libellé par accident grave ou mortel et résumant les circonstances et les causes retenues pour cet accident. Les principales causes d’accidents sont déterminées sur la base de leurs récurrences dans l’échantillon et une liste de vérification des éléments importants à vérifier pour une utilisation sécuritaire des machines mobiles est proposée. La seconde méthode est l’analyse quantitative de l’ensemble des vecteurs d’informations en faisant appel à des techniques statistiques et de fouille de données : modèles de régression logistique et de régression linéaire multiple, modèle d’analyse logique des données (LAD) et modèle de risque proportionnel de Cox. Chacun de ces modèles a permis d’estimer la probabilité et la sévérité d’un accident d’une façon différente. Les résultats de chaque modèle sont discutés.----------ABSTRACT : In Quebec, mobile machinery is frequently used in several major economic sectors such as construction, forestry, mining and agriculture. They cause a considerable amount of human and material damage during exploitation as well as maintenance operations. The study aims to determine the main causes of mobile equipment related accidents based on the analysis of 309 accidents reports in Quebec, and to estimate the probability and the severity of accidents using statistical methods and a data mining technique. Each report provides a detailed and chronological description of all circumstances surrounding the accident. Two analysis methods are developed and applied. The first one consists of analysing manually all the accidents reports to extract the most significant information. The main causes are determined according to their frequencies in the studied sample, lastly a chek-list was elaborated to verify the most important points for a safe use of mobile equipment. The second method consists of performing a quantitative analysis of mobile equipment related accidents. For this part, four statistical and data mining technics were applied: logistic regression, multiple linear regression, logical analysis of data (LAD) and proportional hazard model of Cox (PHM). Each model allows a different way to estimate the probability or the severity of accidents. The results of the models are discussed

    Classroom Questioning Culture: Benefits, Characteristics, Opportunities and Obstacles

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    Regarding the importance of questioning as a classroom practice, this article aims to raise the reader’s awareness towards different issues related to questioning culture. It is based on a review of the literature on the benefits, opportunities, and challenges facing the development of more effective questioning culture. This review has showed that there are various benefits of creating and maintaining a good questioning culture. The review also includes a discussion of some challenges that can hinder the creation of such positive questioning culture. Finally, the article ends by providing a framework including some practical suggestions in order to effectively deal with those challenges