20 research outputs found

    The Problems of Violence in Adolescents. Inability of the parents to transmit values?

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    És una realitat innegable que cada vegada apareix més informació als mitjans de comunicació i a la producció científica que ens adverteix que hi ha un increment de violència i de manca de valors entre els joves, sense aconseguir entendre què passa amb aquests joves o, si bé, ens trobem davant d’una generació de mares i pares incompetents per a educar en una societat titllada de deshumanitzada, tecnològica i global. Per això, l’objectiu d’aquest article és partir d’interrogants i cercar explicacions en estudis de l’espectre científic sobre el grau o tipus d’influència que exerceixen els progenitors, des dels seus estils educatius, en el desenvolupament prosocial versus antisocial de la seva progènie, contemplant variables biològiques, psicològiques i educatives que puguin donar-nos noves respostes.Es una realidad innegable que cada vez aparece más información en los medios de comunicación y en la producción científica que nos advierte de un incremento de la violencia y de falta de valores entre los jóvenes, sin lograr comprender qué sucede con ellos o, si bien, estamos ante una generación de madres y padres incompetentes para educar en una sociedad tildada de deshumanizada, tecnológica y global. Por ello, el objetivo de este artículo es partir de interrogantes y buscar explicaciones en estudios del espectro científico acerca del grado o tipo de influencia que ejercen los progenitores, desde sus estilos educativos, en el desarrollo prosocial versus antisocial de su progenie, contemplando variables biológicas, psicológicas y educativas que puedan darnos nuevas respuestas.It is an undeniable fact that there is an increasing amount of information in the media and in scientific publications warning of a rise in levels of violence and an absence of values among young people, accompanied by a lack of understanding of what is happening with these youngsters or whether we dealing with a generation of parents who are incapable of bringing up their children in a society that can be described as dehumanized, technological and global. In light of this, the aim of this arti cle is to seek explanations, on the basis of pertinent questions, in a wide range of scientific studies about the kind and amount of influence exercised by parents through their styles of parenting in the prosocial rather than antisocial development of their children, taking into consideration a range of biological, psychology and educational variables that may provide us with new ways of responding

    Evaluating the creative potencial of digital storytelling APPs for Primary Education

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    This study evaluates the creative potential of different apps (N=20) oriented to the de-sign of digital storytelling (DST), directed to users from 6 to 12 years, using the CREAPP K6-12 instrument, made of 48 indicators related to the 5 dimensions of creativity: flexibility, originality, fluency, product elaboration and problem solving, co-edition and dissemination. After adopting descriptive and multivariate statistical techniques, the results show that 76.6% of these apps have great flexibility, 73.4% favor originality, 72.4% present resources and function-alities endowing them with great fluidity, 68.3% encourage the creation of creative products, 56.5% promote the resolution of problems, yet only 36.3% prevail the co-edition and dissemination of stories in networks. The correlations show that the most flexible app stimulates originality and fluency, propitiates problem solving and promotes the elaboration of creative products. The index of creative potentiality of the apps is calculated, establishing a competitiveness ranking, which offers keys to the Primary teachers to elaborate didactic proposals that promote creativity through the design of DST

    Persuasive narratives in the coronavirus crisis: emotional springs to involve youth

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    Se analizan 100 spots dirigidos a sensibilizar a jóvenes españoles y latinoamericanos frente a la crisis del coronavirus, relacionando las narrativas adoptadas con sus objetivos, carácter, emociones suscitadas e imágenes, perfiles y edades de los protagonistas. Así, se prima el storytelling con carácter proactivo, presentado por sujetos de 18-35 años y colectivos intergeneracionales para persuadir a la audiencia del cumplimiento de las normas sanitarias, apelando a la solidaridad y empatía.One hundred spots aimed at sensitizing young Spaniards and Latin Americans to the coronavirus crisis are analyzed, relating female narratives with their objectives, character, emotions aroused and images, profiles and ages of the protagonists. Thus, proactive storytelling prevails, presented by subjects aged 18-35 years and intergenerational groups to persuade the audience to comply with health regulations, appealing to solidarity and empathy

    A Xenogeneic-Free Protocol for Isolation and Expansion of Human Adipose Stem Cells for Clinical Uses

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    Human adipose stem cells (hASCs) play a crucial role in the fields of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering for different reasons: the abundance of adipose tissue, their easy harvesting, the ability to multipotent differentiation and the fact that they do not trigger allogeneic blood response or secrete cytokines that act as immunosuppressants. The vast majority of protocols use animal origin reagents, with the underlying risk of transmitting infections by non-human pathogens. We have designed a protocol to isolate and maintain the properties of hASCs avoiding xenogeneic reagents. These changes not only preserve hASCs morphology, but also increase cell proliferation and maintain their stem cell marker profile. On the other hand, human serum albumin (HSA), Tryple® and human Serum (HS), do not affect hASCs multipotent differentiation ability. The amendments introduced do not trigger modifications in the transcriptional profile of hASCs, alterations in key biochemical pathways or malignization. Thus, we have proven that it is possible to isolate and maintain hASCs avoiding animal reagents and, at the same time, preserving crucial culture parameters during long term culture. Thereby we have revealed a novel and effective tool for the improvement of clinical, cell-based therapies.Peer reviewe

    Pro-environmental Advertising Strategies of Greatest Impact Among College Audiences

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    The aim of this study is to know the opinion of undergraduate students (N=296) on the most impactful advertising strategies to design future environmental awareness campaigns. The methodology is empirical, non-experimental, descriptive, exploratory and analytical. It focuses on examining the opinion of respondents about the preferred communication channels used to transmit pro-environmental messages, the audio-visual formats that draw their attention, the most persuasive narrative, the most impactful messages, and the people they find most credible for pro-environmental campaigning. The findings show that young audiences prioritize social media; real images; informative and testimonial narratives; catastrophic, hopeful and inspirational messages; and nature is the main protagonist of stories. In conclusion, these campaigns should take advantage of the potential of social networks and select the most suitable advertising strategies to ensure their impact and encourage change towards eco-sustainable actions.El objetivo es conocer la opinión de los universitarios (N=296) sobre las estrategias audiovisuales más impactantes para diseñar futuras campañas publicitarias para la concienciación medioambiental. La metodología es empírica, no experimental de tipo descriptivo, con carácter exploratorio y analítico, centrada en analizar la opinión de los encuestados sobre: los canales de comunicación preferidos para transmitir mensajes proambientales, los formatos audiovisuales que despiertan su atención, la narrativa más persuasiva, los mensajes más impactantes y los personajes que les ofrecen mayor credibilidad para incorporar en campañas proambientales. Los resultados reflejan que la audiencia juvenil prioriza los medios sociales; las imágenes reales; las narrativas de tipo informativo y testimonial; los mensajes catastrofistas, esperanzadores y movilizadores; y prima la naturaleza como protagonista de los relatos. En conclusión, estas campañas deben aprovechar el potencial de las redes sociales y seleccionar las estrategias audiovisuales más idóneas para garantizar su impacto y propiciar el cambio hacia acciones ecosostenibles.O objetivo é conhecer a opinião de estudantes universitários (N=296) sobre as estratégias audiovisuais mais impactantes para projetar futuras campanhas publicitárias de conscientização ambiental. A metodologia é empírica, não experimental de tipo descritivo, de natureza exploratória e analítica, focada em analisar a opinião dos inquiridos sobre: ​​os canais de comunicação preferidos para transmitir mensagens pró-ambientais, os formatos audiovisuais que despertam a sua atenção, os narrativa mais persuasiva, as mensagens mais chocantes e os personagens que lhes conferem maior credibilidade para incorporar em campanhas pró-ambientais. Os resultados mostram que o público jovem prioriza as mídias sociais; as fotos reais; narrativas informativas e testemunhais; mensagens catastróficas, esperançosas e mobilizadoras; e a natureza prevalece como protagonista das histórias. Em conclusão, estas campanhas devem aproveitar o potencial das redes sociais e selecionar as estratégias audiovisuais mais adequadas para garantir o seu impacto e promover a mudança para ações eco-sustentáveis

    Ingenuity network analysis constructed using significant down-regulated genes (BH<0.05) founded during hASC culture evolution.

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    <p>The top network functions were Hematopoietic cell lineage, Cell adhesion molecules, Leucocyte transendothelial migration and Complement and coagulation cascades. B2M = beta-2-microglobulin; BCR = breakpoint cluster region; CD14 = monocyte differentiation antigen CD14; CD3 = T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain; EPOR = erythropoietin receptor; ERK1/2 = mitogen activated protein kinase; EZR = ezrin; F13A1 = coagulation factor XIII, A1 polypeptide; FCRLA = Fc receptor-like A; FXN = frataxin, nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein; FYN = tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn; GRM1 = glutamate receptor, metabotropic 1; GZMB = granzyme B (granzyme 2, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated serine esterase 1); HBEGF = heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor; HLA-DRB1 = MHC class II antigen HLA-DRB1 beta 1; HLA-F = HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, alpha chain F; IFNGR1 = Interferon gamma receptor 1; IGF1 = insulin-like growth factor 1 (somatomedin C); IL10RA = interleukin 10 receptor, alpha; IL13 = interleukin 13; IL1R2 = interleukin 1 receptor, type I; Immunoglobulin = Immunoglobulin; Karyopherin beta = nucleo cytoplasmic transporter; lgG = inmunoglobulin G; lgm = immunoglobulin M; Mapk = Mitogen-activated protein kinase; NFKB = NF-kappa-beta; NFKB1 = nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit; P38MAPK = map kinase p38; PI3K = phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 3-kinase; PIK3R3 = phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit gamma; PLCG2 = 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase gamma-2; STAT5A = signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B; TCR = T cell antigen receptor; VEGF = vascular endothelial growth factor. The grey nodes are the genes classified as significant. The asterisk (*) indicates the degree of down-regulation.</p