40 research outputs found

    Evaluating the creative potencial of digital storytelling APPs for Primary Education

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    This study evaluates the creative potential of different apps (N=20) oriented to the de-sign of digital storytelling (DST), directed to users from 6 to 12 years, using the CREAPP K6-12 instrument, made of 48 indicators related to the 5 dimensions of creativity: flexibility, originality, fluency, product elaboration and problem solving, co-edition and dissemination. After adopting descriptive and multivariate statistical techniques, the results show that 76.6% of these apps have great flexibility, 73.4% favor originality, 72.4% present resources and function-alities endowing them with great fluidity, 68.3% encourage the creation of creative products, 56.5% promote the resolution of problems, yet only 36.3% prevail the co-edition and dissemination of stories in networks. The correlations show that the most flexible app stimulates originality and fluency, propitiates problem solving and promotes the elaboration of creative products. The index of creative potentiality of the apps is calculated, establishing a competitiveness ranking, which offers keys to the Primary teachers to elaborate didactic proposals that promote creativity through the design of DST

    Evaluación de la potencialidad creativa de aplicaciones móviles creadoras de relatos digitales para Educación Primaria

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    La investigación evalúa la potencialidad creativa de una muestra de aplicaciones móviles (N=20) orientadas al diseño de relatos digitales, para usuarios de 6 a 12 años, utilizando el instrumento CREAPP K6-12, integrado por 48 indicadores relativos a 5 dimensiones de la creatividad: flexibilidad, originalidad, fluidez, elaboración de productos y resolución de problemas, co-edición y difusión. Se adoptan técnicas estadísticas descriptivas y multivariantes. Los resultados muestran que el 76.6% posee gran flexibilidad, el 73.4% favorece la originalidad, el 72.4% presenta recursos y funcionalidades dotándolas de fluidez, el 68.3% fomenta la elaboración de productos creativos, el 56.5% promueve la resolución de problemas, y solo un 36.3% prima la co-edición y difusión de relatos en redes. Las correlaciones entre dimensiones evidencian que las aplicaciones móviles creadoras de relatos digitales más flexibles, estimulan la originalidad, la fluidez, propician la resolución de problemas y promueven la elaboración de productos creativos. Se calcula el índice de potencialidad creativa de las aplicaciones para cada dimensión, estableciendo un ranking de competitividad. Finalmente, se ofrece al profesorado de Educación Primaria claves para elaborar propuestas didácticas que impulsan la creatividad a través del diseño de relatos digitales

    Evaluación de la potencialidad creativa de aplicaciones móviles creadoras de relatos digitales para Educación Primaria

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    La investigación evalúa la potencialidad creativa de una muestra de aplicaciones móviles (N=20) orientadas al diseño de relatos digitales, para usuarios de 6 a 12 años, utilizando el instrumento CREAPP K6-12, integrado por 48 indicadores relativos a 5 dimensiones de la creatividad: flexibilidad, originalidad, fluidez, elaboración de productos y resolución de problemas, co-edición y difusión. Se adoptan técnicas estadísticas descriptivas y multivariantes. Los resultados muestran que el 76.6% posee gran flexibilidad, el 73.4% favorece la originalidad, el 72.4% presenta recursos y funcionalidades dotándolas de fluidez, el 68.3% fomenta la elaboración de productos creativos, el 56.5% promueve la resolución de problemas, y solo un 36.3% prima la co-edición y difusión de relatos en redes. Las correlaciones entre dimensiones evidencian que las aplicaciones móviles creadoras de relatos digitales más flexibles, estimulan la originalidad, la fluidez, propician la resolución de problemas y promueven la elaboración de productos creativos. Se calcula el índice de potencialidad creativa de las aplicaciones para cada dimensión, estableciendo un ranking de competitividad. Finalmente, se ofrece al profesorado de Educación Primaria claves para elaborar propuestas didácticas que impulsan la creatividad a través del diseño de relatos digitales

    Heart rate response and functional capacity in patients with chronic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

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    Aims: The mechanisms of exercise intolerance in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) are not yet elucidated. Chronotropic incompetence has emerged as a potential mechanism. We aimed to evaluate whether heart rate (HR) response to exercise is associated to functional capacity in patients with symptomatic HFpEF. Methods and results We prospectively studied 74 HFpEF patients [35.1% New York Heart Association Class III, 53% fe- male, age (mean ± standard deviation) 72.5 ± 9.1 years, and 59.5% atrial fi brillation]. Functional performance was assessed by peak oxygen consumption (peak VO 2 ). The mean (standard deviation) peak VO 2 was 10 ± 2.8 mL/min/kg. The following chronotropic parameters were calculated: Delta-HR (HR at peak exercise - HR at rest), chronotropic index (CI) = (HR at peak exercise - resting HR)/[(220 - age) - resting HR], and CI according to the equation developed by Keteyian et al . (CIK) (HR at peak exercise - HR at rest)/[119 + (HR at rest/2) (age/2) - 5 - HR at rest]. In a bivariate setting, peak VO 2 was positively and signi fi cantly correlated with Delta-HR ( r = 0.35, P = 0.003), CI ( r = 0.27, P = 0.022), CIK ( r = 0.28, P = 0.018), and borderline with HR at peak exercise ( r = 0.22, P = 0.055). In a multivariable linear regression analysis that included clinical, analytical, echocardiographic, and functional capacity covariates, the chronotropic parameters were positively associated with peak VO 2 . We found a linear relationship between Delta-HR and peak VO 2 ( β coef fi cient of 0.03; 95% con fi dence interval: 0.004 – 0.05; P = 0.030); conversely, the association among CIs and peak VO 2 was exponen- tially shaped. Conclusions In patients with chronic HFpEF, the HR response to exercise was positively associated to patient ’ s functional capacity

    Dimensions of the University Digital Ecosystem: Validation of the Instrument «University Digital Ecosystem» (UN-DIGECO)

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    El presente estudio presenta el diseño y validación del instrumento UN-DIGECO (University Digital Ecosystem), orientado a conocer el Ecosistema Digital Universitario, identificando las dimensiones asociadas al uso que hacen los estudiantes de los medios sociales (MMSS) y/o aplicaciones digitales. La validación de contenido y comprensión se efectuó en tres fases: construcción, refinado y validación psicométrica, mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio, apoyado en el constructo teórico inicial. Se diseñaron ítems –recabando información de instrumentos similares-, acordes a indicadores adscritos a seis dimensiones: aprendizaje, interacción social, creación de contenidos, consumo online, ocio y prácticas lúdicas. La versión preliminar del cuestionario se testó con 25 estudiantes para depurar y redefinir algunos ítems para facilitar su comprensión. Finalmente, el cuestionario constó de 44 ítems y se aplicó a 484 universitarios españoles y colombianos. Se analizó la estructura latente de los ítems mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio y tras analizar la estructura factorial de los indicadores se excluyeron los no pertinentes. Los resultados confirmaron la existencia de seis dimensiones definidas teóricamente a partir de 37 ítems, obteniendo un alfa de Cronbach mayor de 0,8. Concluyendo, se puede afirmar que el instrumento y los indicadores de sus dimensiones presentan adecuadas propiedades psicométricas de validez y confiabilidad para aplicarse en otros contextos. La originalidad de UN-DIGECO radica en la estructuración de la información, al contemplar las seis dimensiones de uso de los MMSS que hacen los universitarios.The purpose of the study was to design and validate the UN-DIGECO (University Digital Ecosystem) instrument, aimed at learning about the use that undergraduates make of social media and/or digital applications. The content and comprehension validation was carried out in three phases: construction, refining and psychometric validation, based on confirmatory factor analysis, supported by the initial theoretical construct. The items, designed by experts, are in line with indicators assigned to six theoretically defined dimensions: Learning, Social Interaction, Content Creation, Online Consumption, Leisure, and Recreational. Own indicators were integrated together with others adapted from similar published instruments. The preliminary version of the questionnaire was tested by a group of 25 students, some items were refined and redefined to facilitate their understanding. The pilot version included 44 items and involved 484 students from Spanish and Colombian universities. The authors analysed the latent structure of the items by applying exploratory factor analysis and, after examining the composition of the factor structure of the indicators, excluded the non-relevant ones. The results confirmed the existence of these six dimensions, which include 37 items, with a Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.8. The instrument and its components show appropriate psychometric properties of validity and reliability, being applicable to other contexts. The originality of the designed questionnaire lies in the structuring of the information, establishing and integrating six dimensions related to the use university students make of SM.peerReviewe

    CREAPP K6-12: Tool to evaluate the creative potential of app oriented to the design of personal digital storytelling

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    An instrument is presented that allows primary school teachers to evaluate the potentiality to develop creativity that have playful  online app K6-12 focused on the development of digital storytelling (DST), so they can select those that can be used in the classroom for that purpose. The instrument validated consists of 48 indicators associated with the six dimensions of the creativity: flexibility, originality, fluency, problem solving, elaboration of products and co-edition and dissemination. It was designed based on the opinions of experts in creativity and Information and Communication Technologies of the didactic field, theory of education and methodology; also with the assessments and clarifications made by a focus group of final users. Subsequently, three different coders applied the final instrument to evaluate an app sample (N=20) according to the requirements, to validate it using Cohen's Kappa statistic, as an alternative consistent to measure the concordance between the judgments issued by the three coders, obtaining a k=0.897, that is, a high concordance, and with it, reaffirm the validity of the instrument to measure the potential of these app to promote creativity of school children

    Persuasive narratives in the coronavirus crisis: emotional springs to involve youth

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    Se analizan 100 spots dirigidos a sensibilizar a jóvenes españoles y latinoamericanos frente a la crisis del coronavirus, relacionando las narrativas adoptadas con sus objetivos, carácter, emociones suscitadas e imágenes, perfiles y edades de los protagonistas. Así, se prima el storytelling con carácter proactivo, presentado por sujetos de 18-35 años y colectivos intergeneracionales para persuadir a la audiencia del cumplimiento de las normas sanitarias, apelando a la solidaridad y empatía.One hundred spots aimed at sensitizing young Spaniards and Latin Americans to the coronavirus crisis are analyzed, relating female narratives with their objectives, character, emotions aroused and images, profiles and ages of the protagonists. Thus, proactive storytelling prevails, presented by subjects aged 18-35 years and intergenerational groups to persuade the audience to comply with health regulations, appealing to solidarity and empathy

    Findings from measuring door-to-door travellers’ travel satisfaction with traditional and smartphone app survey methods in eight European cities

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    This study investigates how different travel satisfaction survey methods influence the reported level of door-to-door travel satisfaction among travellers. The travel satisfaction measurement survey tools tested consisted of two types of smartphone applications (a satellite navigation app and a game app), an on-line survey, a paper-based semi-structured questionnaire and a focus group. Each of the measurement tools comprised of a similar set of questions, but in different formats, aimed at exploring the pros and cons of each tool among different group of travellers. In total, 5,275 valid responses were collected during the survey period from eight European cities and five FIA (Federation Internationale de I'Automobile) national motorist networks. The analysis results, with ordered logit model of travellers' reported overall satisfaction, showed that the travel satisfaction reported by different survey methods and different travel modes and user groups, correlated with distinct groups of key determinants. The relationship between and within these key determinants, however, was far from straight forward. Some were more complex than others. Some issues, such as parking availability and security, that are mostly discussed by policy makers and users may not be the ones that directly correlate with the users' overall travel satisfactions. Consistent with previous studies, the travellers' mood and previous experience influenced the reported overall journey satisfaction