4,142 research outputs found

    Effects of Trichoderma-treated cassava waste in the diets of West African dwarf goat on blood, reproductive and urinary parameters

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    A study was conducted to evaluate effects of Trichoderma-treated cassava waste on the haemotology, reproductive and urinary parameters of West African dwarf (WAD) does. Twenty mature WAD does were allotted randomly to one four treatments using a completely randomized design arrangement. Does were individually fed the experimental diets containing 0, 20, 30 and 40% fungus treated cassava waste based diets (A, B, C and D, respectively) during the 56 days experiment. The blood parameters (PCV, Hb, RBC and WBC) of animals fed the tested diet compared with those fed the control diet are similar (p>0.05). Likewise, the pH, urea concentration of the urine were comparable (P>0.05) in does fed the experimental and control diets while the urobilinogen was normal across the diets. Fertility, fecundityand prolificacy rates showed better reproductive performance with diet D compared to that of diets A, B and C. These data indicate that addition of Trichoderma-treated cassava waste in the diet of goats hadno detrimental effect on the haematological, urinary and reproductive performances of lactating WAD does

    Nematodos de la subfamilia Criconematinae (Nematoda: Criconematidae) en la España peninsular

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    Se realiza un estudio de las caracteristicas morfológicas y morfométricas de los nematodos de la subfamilia Criconematinae encontrados en España peninsular, se describen machos de Seriespinula allieri y se incluye una clave para la identificación de las especies encontradas.Se han encontrado trece especies pertenecientes a los géneros Criconema, Croserinema, Crossonema, Ogma y Seriespinula. Las especies de la subfamilia Criconematinae aparecen con mayor frecuencia en los ecosistemas naturales que en los cultivos. Crossonema menzeli sólo se ha encontrado en hayedos, C. multisquamatum aparece en cítricos y Criconema mutabile en cultivos horticolas del sur peninsular y en frutales en la mitad norte peninsular.A morphological and morphometrical study of the nematodes from subfamily Criconematinae in Peninsular Spain is carried out, male of Seriespinula allieri is reported and a key for identification of species found is provided. Thirteen species have been found belonging to the genera Criconema, Croserinema, Crossonema, Ogma and Seriespinula. The species of Criconematinae appear mostly in natural ecosistems. Crossonema menzeli has been found only in beech forests, C. multisquamatum in citrus orchards and Criconema mutabile in vegetables crops in Southern Spain and in fruit orchards in the half Northern of Spain

    Asociación del Estado Nutricional del Menor de 5 años con la Edad Materna

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    Introducción: En Latinoamérica es dificil encontrar información que relacione la edad materna con el estado nutricional de los hijos durante la primera infancia; siendo la desnutrición y el embarazo adolescente de los principales problemas de salud pública en la actualidad. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación del estado nutricional del menor de 5 años y la edad materna. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio Observacional, Retrospectivo, Transversal analítico de Asociación en expedientes clínicos de menores de 5 años de la Unidad de Medicina Familiar No.16 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social den estado de Querétaro, el tamaño de muestra se obtuvo con la fórmula para dos proporciones, n=74 por cada grupo, GRUPO 1. Expedientes de menores de 5 años hijos de madre adolescente, con y sin alteraciones del estado nutricional. GRUPO 2.  Expedientes de menores de 5 años hijos de madres adultas, con y sin alteraciones del estado nutricional. Muestreo: no aleatorizado por cuota. Variables: edad, sexo, peso, talla, indice de masa corporal, estado nutricional, edad materna, control prenatal y ocupación. Resultados: mediante un análisis estadístico con media, porcentajes y chi2, de 148 expedientes analizados, hubo predominio del estado nutricional normal (60.1%) de los cuales (50.5%) expedientes fueron el grupo de los hijos de madres adolescentes y el resto de madres adultas, estadísticamente no hay diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos, representado con chi2 de 0.61 y p de 0.89. Conclusión: No se encontró asociación entre el embarazo adolescente y alteraciones del estado nutricio del menor de 5 años.   Introduction: In Latin America it is difficult to find information that relate maternal age to the nutritional status of children during early childhood; undernutrition and teenage pregnancy of children Main public health problems at present. Objective: To determine Association of the nutritional status of children under 5 years of age and maternal age. Methodology: An observational, retrospective, Cross-sectional analysis of Association in clinical records of children under 5 Family Medicine Unit No.16 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security of the state of Queretaro, the sample size was obtained with the formula for two proportions, n=74 for each group, GROUP 1. Records children of a teenage mother, with and without alterations of the nutritional status. GROUP 2. Records of children under 5 adult mothers, with and without alterations in nutritional status. Sampling: no randomized by quota. Variables: age, sex, weight, height, mass index body, nutritional status, maternal age, prenatal monitoring and occupation. Results: using a statistical analysis with mean, percentages and chi2, 148 cases analysed, there was predominance of normal nutritional status (60.1%) of which (50.5%) records were the group of children of Teenage mothers and other adult mothers, statistically there is no significant difference between both groups, represented with chi2 of 0.61 and p 0.89. Conclusion: No association was found between teenage pregnancy and alterations in the nutritional status of children under 5

    Asociación del Estado Nutricional del Menor de 5 años con la Edad Materna

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    Introducción: En Latinoamérica es dificil encontrar información que relacione la edad materna con el estado nutricional de los hijos durante la primera infancia; siendo la desnutrición y el embarazo adolescente de los principales problemas de salud pública en la actualidad. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación del estado nutricional del menor de 5 años y la edad materna. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio Observacional, Retrospectivo, Transversal analítico de Asociación en expedientes clínicos de menores de 5 años de la Unidad de Medicina Familiar No.16 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social den estado de Querétaro, el tamaño de muestra se obtuvo con la fórmula para dos proporciones, n=74 por cada grupo, GRUPO 1. Expedientes de menores de 5 años hijos de madre adolescente, con y sin alteraciones del estado nutricional. GRUPO 2.  Expedientes de menores de 5 años hijos de madres adultas, con y sin alteraciones del estado nutricional. Muestreo: no aleatorizado por cuota. Variables: edad, sexo, peso, talla, indice de masa corporal, estado nutricional, edad materna, control prenatal y ocupación. Resultados: mediante un análisis estadístico con media, porcentajes y chi2, de 148 expedientes analizados, hubo predominio del estado nutricional normal (60.1%) de los cuales (50.5%) expedientes fueron el grupo de los hijos de madres adolescentes y el resto de madres adultas, estadísticamente no hay diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos, representado con chi2 de 0.61 y p de 0.89. Conclusión: No se encontró asociación entre el embarazo adolescente y alteraciones del estado nutricio del menor de 5 años.   Introduction: In Latin America it is difficult to find information that relate maternal age to the nutritional status of children during early childhood; undernutrition and teenage pregnancy of children Main public health problems at present. Objective: To determine Association of the nutritional status of children under 5 years of age and maternal age. Methodology: An observational, retrospective, Cross-sectional analysis of Association in clinical records of children under 5 Family Medicine Unit No.16 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security of the state of Queretaro, the sample size was obtained with the formula for two proportions, n=74 for each group, GROUP 1. Records children of a teenage mother, with and without alterations of the nutritional status. GROUP 2. Records of children under 5 adult mothers, with and without alterations in nutritional status. Sampling: no randomized by quota. Variables: age, sex, weight, height, mass index body, nutritional status, maternal age, prenatal monitoring and occupation. Results: using a statistical analysis with mean, percentages and chi2, 148 cases analysed, there was predominance of normal nutritional status (60.1%) of which (50.5%) records were the group of children of Teenage mothers and other adult mothers, statistically there is no significant difference between both groups, represented with chi2 of 0.61 and p 0.89. Conclusion: No association was found between teenage pregnancy and alterations in the nutritional status of children under 5

    Edad Materna y su Asociación con el Estado Nutricional en el Menor de 5 Años

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    Introducción: La malnutricion infantil y el embarazo adolescente son de los principales problemas de salud pública en la actualidad, el estudio de esta relación es importante para la prevención de alteraciones materno fetales, asi como en el desarrollo y crecimiento de los niños. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación del estado nutricional del menor de 5 años y la edad materna. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, transversal analítico de asociación en expedientes clínicos de menores de 5 años de la Unidad de Medicina Familiar No.16, del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social del estado de Querétaro, mediante un análisis estadístico con media, porcentajes y chi2; El tamaño de muestra se obtuvo con la fórmula para dos proporciones, n=74 para cada grupo, Grupo 1, Expedientes de menores de 5 años, hijos de madre adolescente, con y sin alteraciones del estado nutricional. Grupo 2,  Expedientes de menores de 5 años, hijos de madres adultas, con y sin alteraciones del estado nutricional. Muestreo: no aleatorizado por cuota. Variables: edad, sexo, peso, talla, índice de masa corporal, estado nutricional, edad materna, control prenatal y ocupación. Resultados: De 148 expedientes analizados, hubo predominio del estado nutricional normal 60,1% de los cuales 50,5% expedientes fueron el grupo de los hijos de madres adolescentes y el resto de madres adultas, estadísticamente no hay diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos, representado con chi2 de 0,61 y p de 0,89. Conclusión: No se encontró asociación entre el embarazo adolescente y alteraciones del estado nutricio del menor de 5 años.   Introduction: Child malnutrition and adolescent pregnancy are currently the main public health problems, the study of this relationship is important for the prevention of maternal-fetal disorders, as well as in the development and growth of children. Objective: To determine Association of the nutritional status of children under 5 years of age and maternal age. Methodology: An observational, retrospective, cross-sectional, analytical study of association was carried out in clinical records of children under 5 years of age from the Family Medicine Unit No.16, of the Mexican Institute of Social Security of the state of Querétaro, through a statistical analysis with mean, percentages and chi2; The sample size was obtained with the formula for two proportions, n=74 for each group, Group 1, Records of children under 5 years of age, children of an adolescent mother, with and without alterations in nutritional status. Group 2, records of children under 5 years of age, children of adult mothers, with and without changes in nutritional status. Sampling: not randomized by quota. Variables: age, sex, weight, height, body mass index, nutritional status, maternal age, prenatal control, and occupation. Results: Of 148 files analyzed, there was a predominance of normal nutritional status, 60,1% of which 50,5% records were the group of children of adolescent mothers and the rest of adult mothers, there is no statistically significant difference between both groups, represented by chi2 of 0,61 and p of 0,89. Conclusion: No association was found between teenage

    Calidad de Vida y Cuidados Paliativos en Cáncer de Mama

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    Introducción: El cáncer de mama a menudo requiere tratamientos agresivos con efectos secundarios significativos. Los cuidados paliativos desempeñan un rol fundamental al aliviar síntomas, reducir el sufrimiento y mejorar la calidad de vida de las pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre la calidad de vida y cuidados paliativos en pacientes con cáncer de mama. Metodología: Estudio observacional, transversal comparativo, realizado en pacientes con cáncer de mama de la Unidad Médica de Atención Ambulatoria, Querétaro. Se incluyeron a pacientes con cáncer de mama confirmado por estudio histopatológico, se excluyeron a pacientes con enfermedades previas a cáncer de mama que afectara su calidad de vida, se eliminaron a pacientes con encuestas incompletas. El tamaño de la muestra se obtuvo con la fórmula para dos proporciones, con 31 participantes por grupo, obtenidos por casos consecutivos. Las variables estudiadas fueron edad, religión, escolaridad, estado civil, ocupación, estadio clínico de cáncer, con y sin cuidados paliativos y calidad de vida determinada por la escala QLQ-C30. Se aplicó estadística descriptiva con porcentajes y frecuencias, estadística inferencial con Chi2, OR con IC 95%. Resultados: El estudio incluyo a 62 participantes, el grupo con cuidados paliativos 41.9% (13) tenían buena calidad de vida en el estado global de salud, comparado con el 71% (22) del grupo control, Chi2 5.3, p valor=0.02, con buena calidad de vida en la dimensión de funcionalidad física 83.9% (26), en síntomas; náusea y vómito 16.1% (5), disnea 96.8% (30) Conclusiones: Existe asociación estadísticamente significativa en pacientes sin cuidados paliativos y calidad de vida.   Introduction: Breast cancer often requires aggressive treatments with significant side effects. Palliative care plays a key role in relieving symptoms, reducing suffering and improving patients' quality of life. Objective: To determine the association between quality of life and palliative care in breast cancer patients. Methodology: Observational, cross-sectional, comparative study, carried out in breast cancer patients at the Outpatient Medical Unit, Querétaro. Patients with breast cancer confirmed by histopathological study were included, patients with diseases prior to breast cancer that affected their quality of life were excluded, patients with incomplete surveys were eliminated. The sample size was obtained with the formula for two proportions, with 31 participants per group, obtained by consecutive cases. The variables studied were age, religion, schooling, marital status, occupation, clinical stage of cancer, with and without palliative care, and quality of life determined by the QLQ-C30 scale. Descriptive statistics were applied with percentages and frequencies, inferential statistics with Chi2, OR with 95% CI. Results: The study included 62 participants, the palliative care group 41.9% (13) had good quality of life in global health status, compared to 71% (22) of the control group, Chi2 5.3, p value=0.02, with good quality of life in the dimension of physical functionality 83.9% (26), in symptoms; nausea and vomiting 16.1% (5), dyspnea 96.8% (30) Conclusions: There is statistically significant association in patients without palliative care and quality of life

    Application of geoelectrical and chemical methods for groundwater assessment in Isheri-North, Ogun state, Nigeria

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    Geoelectrical investigation and chemical analyses were carried out at Isheri North area of Ogun State in order to assess the groundwater quality at shallow depth and its deep potential zone for groundwater development. The study area has been selected for investigation due to infiltration of the polluted Ogun River. Forty-three (43) Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) and chemical analyses of water samples from one hand dug well and two shallow boreholes in the study area were carried out. Four to five geoelectric layers which correspond to top soil, clayey sand, sandy clay, clay and sand were delineated. The longitudinal conductance values (0.02 - 0.106mhos) of the topsoil in the area reveal its poor to weak protective capacity, thus exposing the underlying clayey sand to contamination as reflected from its resistivity values ranging from 4.8-15.1m. This low resistivity zone at shallow depth (3 – 26m), occasioned by infiltration, was further ascertained by high values of conductivity, turbidity, total hardness, TDS, Cl, Fe, and Mn ions in the analyzed water samples taken at depth ranges from 9 – 16m. The results of the analyzed water samples from this shallow zone are beyond international standards for drinking water. The underlying clay resistivity values ranged between 1.9 - 6.1m and thickness varied from 50.8 - 100.5m. This acts as the seal for the underlying aquifer (sand layer). The resistivity of the sand layer varied from 91.7-159m with a depth interval of 101.7-109.4m and 73.4-82.3m in VES 1 and VES 14 respectively. This constitutes the deep aquifer units in the study area. The longitudinal conductance values of the overburden above the profound aquifer units varied between 10.5-33.0 mhos and are indicative of very good to excellent protective capacity rating. Thus, the underlying deep aquifer units are well protected from being contaminated.Keywords: Electrical Resistivity, Groundwater, Aquifer, Geoelectric Sectio

    Influence of Computer Self-Efficacy on the Use of Electronic Information Resources among Polytechnics Students in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Electronic information resource planning makes it conceivable for users to access new tools and applications for information seeking and retrieval. Electronic information resources have become helpful research tools that enhanced the print collection in the analogue library setting. Computer self-efficacy is an important component to consider in terms of the use of e-resources that are computer-based. A survey research design was adopted for the study. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 370 respondents for the study. Data were collected with the use of a structured questionnaire on the Influence of Computer Self-Efficacy on the Use of Electronic Information Resources among Polytechnics Students in Ogun State, Nigeria. Frequency counts, percentages, mean, standard deviation, were used to analyse the data. The result shows that the Internet (= 1.94) YouTube (= 1.74), Search engines (= 1.72), and E-mail (= 1.70) were the major electronic information resource available. The results reveal that screen menu (=3.12), data file (=3.10), and having the confidence to enter and save data file (=3.09) were the items indicated by the respondents as their computer self-efficacy. The result shows that the surveyed students\u27 usage of electronic information resources is constrained by “Inadequate computer facilities to access information” (=3.23), ‘‘Information overload” (=3.02), “Poor internet access” (=2.87) and “Lack of assistance from library personnel” (=2.72). The study concluded that students will utilize the electronic information resources if they have the necessary computer self-efficacy. The study recommended the management of polytechnic should ensure that electronic information resources are available

    Competency-based Learning: The effectiveness of targeted resident education and clinical auditing feedback on completed death certificate accuracy rates

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    Background: Death certification is an integral part of physician practice, yet common errors are being encountered from this vital source of health information. Most medical training programs lack formal curricula for this important skill. Accurate information from DC will help in improve our mortality data which can be use public health purposesObjectives: This study evaluated the effect of a multifaceted educational intervention on accuracy of completing death certification in a tertiary-based paediatric residency programMethod: A pre-post intervention and control cohort study over 12- month period to assess the effect of our multifaceted intervention accuracy rate of completed DC was conducted. The intervention consisted of a 3-part program (distribution of educational material, presentation by a skilled instructor, skills workshop, and clinical mortality/auditing feedback sessions). Primary outcome was the difference in scores preand post-intervention and also the rate of accuracy on the MAHI death certificate scoring system.Results: The mean score before the intervention was 6.8±2.7 and 7.1±2.3 in both the intervention and control cohorts respectively. The mean score after the intervention was 16.3±2.5 and 7.3±2.8 in both the intervention and control cohorts respectively indicating an increase in scores. The mean difference in pre- and post-tutorial scores was significant (t=20.39, p=0.0001).Conclusions: We found that using a multifaceted educational intervention to train junior physicians on how to correctly complete a DC was effective in a residency-based pediatric programKeywords: Death certificate, medical education, multifaceted training, heath information, Nigeria

    Tuberculosis In A Nigerian Medium Security Prison

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    Introduction: Prisons worldwide have been cited as reservoirs for tuberculosis and also an ideal setting for interventions but little is known about the epidemiology and control of tuberculosis in Nigerian Prisons. Objective: To determine the prevalence of tuberculosis, role of prison in its control and the mortality from tuberculosis among prison inmate in Kuje prison, Abuja, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: This study was a retrospective study of cases of tuberculosis in Kuje prison between April, 2004 and December, 2008. Data was collected from their medical records. The inclusion criterion was: (1) Cases of tuberculosis in which the diagnosis was based on clinical history, smear positive test and chest x-ray radiograph. (2) Cases where the treatment of tuberculosis was according to treatment strategy recommended by World Health Organization. Results: A total of forty-eight inmates, aged 20 to 45years, were diagnosed with tuberculosis within the period of interest. The prevalence rate was 2.4%, based on a total prison population of 2002. Majority of cases 93.8% were first detected in Prison and the remaining 6.3% were detected prior to incarceration. Out of the 6.3% diagnosed prior to incarceration, 2.1% and 4.2% of cases have defaulted from DOTS for 2weeks and more than 4weeks respectively. Majority (66.7%) completed the treatment before discharging from prison, 29.2% were discharged from prison at various level of treatment and 4.2% of cases died while on reatment. Those who died were co-infected with HIV Conclusion: It was evident from this study that: The prevalence of tuberculosis in Kuje prison was high, prison has a role in diagnosis and treatment, adherence and treatment outcome were good and the main indicator for mortality was HIV infection. Primary prevention measures specifically targeting prisoners are needed to reduce prevalence of tuberculosis and also to achieve the objectives of National Health Policy on tuberculosis and leprosy. Keywords: Prison, tuberculosis, control, mortalit