175 research outputs found

    Current Concepts of Biliary Atresia and Matrix Metalloproteinase-7:A Review of Literature

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    Biliary atresia (BA) is a rare cholangiopathy of infancy in which the bile ducts obliterate, leading to profound cholestasis and liver fibrosis. BA is hypothesized to be caused by a viral insult that leads to over-activation of the immune system. Patients with BA are surgically treated with a Kasai portoenterostomy (KPE), which aims to restore bile flow from the liver to the intestines. After KPE, progressive liver fibrosis is often observed in BA patients, even despite surgical success and clearance of their jaundice. The innate immune response is involved during the initial damage to the cholangiocytes and further differentiation of the adaptive immune response into a T-helper 1 cell (Th1) response. Multiple studies have shown that there is continuing elevation of involved cytokines that can lead to the progressive liver fibrosis. However, the mechanism by which the progressive injury occurs is not fully elucidated. Recently, matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) has been investigated to be used as a biomarker to diagnose BA. MMPs are involved in extracellular matrix (ECM) turnover, but also have non-ECM related functions. The role of MMP-7 and other MMPs in liver fibrosis is just starting to be elucidated. Multiple studies have shown that serum MMP-7 measurements are able to accurately diagnose BA in a cohort of cholestatic patients while hepatic MMP-7 expression correlated with BA-related liver fibrosis. While the mechanism by which MMP-7 can be involved in the pathophysiology of BA is unclear, MMP-7 has been investigated in other fibrotic pathologies such as renal and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. MMP-7 is involved in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, reducing cell-to-cell contact by shedding of E-cadherin, amplifying inflammation and fibrosis via osteopontin (OPN) and TNF-alpha while it also appears to play a role in induction of angiogenesis This review aims to describe the current understandings of the pathophysiology of BA. Subsequently, we describe how MMP-7 is involved in other pathologies, such as renal and pulmonary fibrosis. Then, we propose how MMP-7 can potentially be involved in BA. By doing this, we aim to describe the putative role of MMP-7 as a prognostic biomarker in BA and to provide possible new therapeutic and research targets that can be investigated in the future

    Naar een dorpshart voor Spijk : een levend dorp met een rijke geschiedenis

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    De Stichting Actief Spijk staat voor een leefbaar Spijk. Een dorpshart moet hiervoor een belangrijke drager worden. Een plek waar ontmoeten centraal staat en waar ruimte is voor alle dorpsactiviteiten. Een plek die verbonden is met de geweldige natuurlijke omgeving en de rijke steenfabricagegeschiedenis. In het dorpsplan uit 2012 is aangegeven dat passerende recreanten onder meer een rustplek, een eet-en drinkgelegenheid en sanitaire voorzieningen zouden willen hebben. Verder bestaat er bij de bewoners van Spijk behoefte aan een groener dorpsaanzicht. De Stichting Actief Spijk heeft de Wetenschapswinkel van Wageningen UR gevraagd om te helpen een dorpshart vorm te geven. Met aandacht voor ontwikkelingen (kansen) die kunnen bijdragen aan de leefbaarheid van Spijk. In de zomer van 2012 is het project van start gegaan. Er is een onderzoek geweest onder de jeugd van Spijk om te achterhalen wat hun ideeën zijn voor een dorpshart. Daarnaast hebben zes studenten landschapsarchitectuur van Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein het Gelders Eiland als onderzoeksgebied voor hun afstudeerproject uitgekozen. Ze hebben gekeken naar het bijzondere door de rivier gevormde landschap, de rol van de landbouw in het gebied, de relatie met het water, de industriële activiteiten en haar geschiedenis en de potentie van de recreatie. Soms is ingezoomd op Spijk, en zijn ideeën geschetst voor een nieuw dorpshart. Een begeleidingscommissie met vertegenwoordigers uit de gemeente, Stichting Actief Spijk, diverse experts en de onderzoekers heeft het project regelmatig van feed back voorzien. Verblijven en ontmoeten zijn de kernwoorden voor het nieuwe dorpshart, niet alleen voor de Spijkenaren maar ook voor de bezoekers. Het dorpshart moet het groene karakter van Spijk versterken en goed aansluiten op de directe omgeving van het dorp. De conclusie van het onderzoek is dat Spijk eigenlijk al een ‘dorpshart’ heeft. Het dorpshart zit in de mensen en hun netwerken. Het zijn namelijk de verbindingen die het dorpshart ‘maken’: een divers, complex en sterk netwerk dat je Spijk zou kunnen noemen

    Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers and Diurnal Cycles – Challenges for Weather and Climate Models

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    The representation of the atmospheric boundary layer is an important part of weather and climate models and impacts many applications such as air quality and wind energy. Over the years, the performance in modeling 2-m temperature and 10-m wind speed has improved but errors are still significant. This is in particular the case under clear skies and low wind speed conditions at night as well as during winter in stably stratified conditions over land and ice. In this paper, the authors review these issues and provide an overview of the current understanding and model performance. Results from weather forecast and climate models are used to illustrate the state of the art as well as findings and recommendations from three intercomparison studies held within the Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study (GABLS). Within GABLS, the focus has been on the examination of the representation of the stable boundary layer and the diurnal cycle over land in clear-sky conditions. For this purpose, single-column versions of weather and climate models have been compared with observations, research models, and large-eddy simulations. The intercomparison cases are based on observations taken in the Arctic, Kansas, and Cabauw in the Netherlands. From these studies, we find that even for the noncloudy boundary layer important parameterization challenges remain.SB acknowledges the financial support received from the NationalScience Foundation by way of Grant AGS-1122315

    Impacts of orography on large-scale atmospheric circulation

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    Some of the largest and most persistent circulation errors in global numerical weather prediction and climate models are attributable to the inadequate representation of the impacts of orography on the atmospheric flow. Existing parametrization approaches attempting to account for unresolved orographic processes, such as turbulent form drag, low-level flow blocking or mountain waves, have been successful to some extent. They capture the basic impacts of the unresolved orography on atmospheric circulation in a qualitatively correct way and have led to significant progress in both numerical weather prediction and climate modelling. These approaches, however, have apparent limitations and inadequacies due to poor observational evidence, insufficient fundamental knowledge and an ambiguous separation between resolved and unresolved orographic scales and between different orographic processes. Numerical weather prediction and climate modelling has advanced to a stage where these inadequacies have become critical and hamper progress by limiting predictive skill on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. More physically-based approaches are needed to quantify the relative importance of apparently disparate orographic processes and to account for their combined effects in a rational and accurate way in numerical models. We argue that, thanks to recent advances, significant progress can be made by combining theoretical approaches with observations, inverse modelling techniques and high-resolution and idealized numerical simulations

    Targeted imaging of integrins in cancer tissues using photocleavable Ru(ii) polypyridine complexes as mass-tags

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    Targeted epitope-based mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) utilizes laser cleavable mass-tags bound to targeting moieties for detecting proteins in tissue sections. Our work constitutes the first proof-of-concept of a novel laser desorption ionization (LDI)-MSI strategy using photocleavable Ru(ii) polypyridine complexes as mass-tags for imaging of integrins avß3 in human cancer tissues

    Revisiting the Local Scaling Hypothesis in Stably Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence: an Integration of Field and Laboratory Measurements with Large-eddy Simulations

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    The `local scaling' hypothesis, first introduced by Nieuwstadt two decades ago, describes the turbulence structure of stable boundary layers in a very succinct way and is an integral part of numerous local closure-based numerical weather prediction models. However, the validity of this hypothesis under very stable conditions is a subject of on-going debate. In this work, we attempt to address this controversial issue by performing extensive analyses of turbulence data from several field campaigns, wind-tunnel experiments and large-eddy simulations. Wide range of stabilities, diverse field conditions and a comprehensive set of turbulence statistics make this study distinct

    Homing in on the hepatic scar:recent advances in cell-specific targeting of liver fibrosis

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    Despite the high prevalence of liver disease globally, there are currently no approved anti-fibrotic therapies to treat patients with liver fibrosis. A major goal in anti-fibrotic therapy is the development of drug delivery systems that allow direct targeting of the major pro-scarring cell populations within the liver (hepatic myofibroblasts) whilst not perturbing the homeostatic functions of other mesenchymal cell types present within both the liver and other organ systems. In this review we will outline some of the recent advances in our understanding of myofibroblast biology, discussing both the origin of myofibroblasts and possible myofibroblast fates during hepatic fibrosis progression and resolution. We will then discuss the various strategies currently being employed to increase the precision with which we deliver potential anti-fibrotic therapies to patients with liver fibrosis
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