25 research outputs found

    Live Cell Imaging of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells on Nano-pitted and Polished Titanium Surfaces: A Micro-Incubator in vitro Approach

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    Current orthopedic implants are not conducive for optimal integration of the biomaterial with newly-formed tissue (osseointegration) inside a patient’s body. In this study, medical-rade Ti-6Al-4V was used as a substrate due to its biocompatibility and ability to facilitate cellular adhesion and proliferation. Live cell imaging was conducted on bone marrow stromal cells, genetically modified to express the green fluorescent protein (GFP), from the 24-96 hours growth period, with the first 24 hours of growth being held inside a lab-scale incubator. Periodic images were recorded on nanopitted anodized and polished Ti-6Al-4V substrates to study how substratestiffness influences adhesion and proliferation. Collected images were analyzed for mitosis, adhesion, and filopodia-stretchability using ImageJ, an image processing program. Images were enhanced in order to perform cell counts at 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours of growth. Continuous recordings were produced to account for the number of mitosis occurrences and cellular migration on each of the substrates. Based on the conducted experiments, it appears that polished Ti-6Al-4V has a higher cell adherence than “nanopitted” anodized surface and an improved rate of proliferation which may be because the cells once adhered on the nano-pitted surface have less ability to detach in-order to undergo mitosis.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/u_poster_2014/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Health care-associated invasive Candida infections in children

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    The aims of the study were to examine the distribution of Candida spp. isolated from sterile body sites, the antifungal susceptibility of the isolates to amphotericin B, and fluconazole, risk factors and clinical outcomes associated with invasive health care-associated Candida infections in neonates and children. Between January 2007 and January 2012, the patients with invasive candidiasis were detected from microbiology laboratary records and medical records were examined retrospectively. Candida spp. were isolated from sterile body sites in 94 patients. The most common underlying diseases were prematurity in neonates and surgery in children. Parenteral nutrition, stay in intensive care unit (ICU), and mechanical ventilation (MV) were major risk factors in neonates. Hospitalization before infection and immunosuppressant therapy were significantly more frequent in children. Of Candida infection episodes, 29.8% was due to C. albicans and 70.2% was due to non-albicans Candida spp. The most common isolated species was C. parapsilosis. Of the Candida species, 90.8% were sensitive, and 9.2% were resistant to fluconazole. The rate of amphotericin B resistant was 1.3%; 23.4% of the patients died in the first 30 days. The main variables associated with mortality were neonates, prematurity, stay in the ICU, parenteral nutrition, MV, length of stay, amphotericin B susceptibility, and high levels of C-reactive protein

    An Infant Presenting with Facial Asymmetry

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    WOS: 000406928300013Acute otitis media (AOM) is one of the most common infectious diseases in childhood. It is seen most often between 6-18 months of age. Although it is known to have many complications, peripheral facial palsy is an uncommon complication in infancy. Here, a 42-day-old infant with unilateral facial palsy secondary to AOM and mastoiditis is presented. Facial nerve palsy improved without surgery

    A snapshot of pediatric inpatients and outpatients with COVID-19: a point prevalence study from Turkey

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    This multi-center point prevalence study evaluated children who were diagnosed as having coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19). On February 2nd, 2022, inpatients and outpatients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) were included in the study from 12 cities and 24 centers in Turkey. Of 8605 patients on February 2nd, 2022, in participating centers, 706 (8.2%) had COVID-19. The median age of the 706 patients was 92.50 months, 53.4% were female, and 76.7% were inpatients. The three most common symptoms of the patients with COVID-19 were fever (56.6%), cough (41.3%), and fatigue (27.5%). The three most common underlying chronic diseases (UCDs) were asthma (3.4%), neurologic disorders (3.3%), and obesity (2.6%). The SARS-CoV-2-related pneumoniae rate was 10.7%. The COVID-19 vaccination rate was 12.5% in all patients. Among patients aged over 12 years with access to the vaccine given by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, the vaccination rate was 38.7%. Patients with UCDs presented with dyspnea and pneumoniae more frequently than those without UCDs (p 0.001 for both). The rates of fever, diarrhea, and pneumoniae were higher in patients without COVID-19 vaccinations (p = 0.001, p = 0.012, and p = 0.027). Conclusion: To lessen the effects of the disease, all eligible children should receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The illness may specifically endanger children with UCDs

    Characterization of invasive Neisseria meningitidis isolates recovered from children in Turkey during a period of increased serogroup B disease, 2013-2017

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    Emiroglu, Melike/0000-0003-1307-0246WOS: 000525318100007PubMed: 32199701Diverse Neisseria meningitidis strains belonging to various serogroups and clonal complexes cause epidemic and endemic life-threatening disease worldwide. This study aimed to investigate the genetic diversity of recent invasive meningococci in Turkey with respect to multilocus sequence type (MLST) and also meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) vaccine antigens to enable assessment of potential MenB strain coverage using the genetic Meningococcal Antigen Typing System (gMATS). Fifty-four isolates, representing 37.5% of all pediatric (ages 0-18 years) invasive meningococcal disease cases in Turkey from January 2013 to December 2017, underwent genome sequence analysis. Thirty-six (66.7%) isolates were MenB, 10 (18.5%) were serogroup W (MenW), 4 (7.4%) were serogroup A (MenA), 3 (5.6%) were serogroup Y (MenY) and 1 (1.8%) was serogroup X (MenX). the MenB isolates were diverse with cc35 (19.4%), cc41/44 (19.4%) and cc32 (13.8%) as the most prevalent clonal complexes. the MenW isolates (n = 10) comprised cc11 (n = 5), ST-2754 (cc-unassigned; n = 4) and cc22 (n = 1). gMATS was indicative of high 4CMenB coverage (72.2-79.1%) of Turkish invasive MenB strains from pediatric patients. Strain coverage of several clonal complexes differed from that seen elsewhere in Europe highlighting the importance of performing local assessments and also the use of phenotypic methods, i.e. MATS, where possible. All of the isolates possessed in-frame fhbp alleles and so were potentially covered by MenB-fHbp. Continued surveillance is essential to guide recommendations for current and future vaccines as well as understanding changes in epidemiology. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Wellcome TrustWellcome Trust; European UnionEuropean Union (EU)This publication made use of the Neisseria Multi Locus Sequence Typing website (https://pubmlst.org/neisseria/) sited at the University of Oxford [version 1; referees: 2 approved]) [45]. the development of this site has been funded by the Wellcome Trust and European Union

    Chronic granulomatous disease Three different clinical presentation

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    Bakgrunn og formål Bakgrunnen for studien er at totalmortalitet hos personer med og uten hjertesvikt i den generelle befolkningen er lite studert i Norge. Formålet var å undersøke sammenhengen mellom hjertesvikt og totalmortalitet i Tromsøundersøkelsen, Tromsø 4. Metode Rapporten er basert på data fra personer som deltok i den fjerde Tromsøundersøkelsen, Tromsø 4, som ble gjennomført i 1994-1995. Tromsø 4 omfatter til sammen 27 158 personer i alderen 25 år og eldre. Personene svarte på spørreskjema angående livsstil, sykdom og behandling. Det ble gjort målinger av høyde, vekt, blodtrykk og puls. Dataene fra Tromsø 4 er koblet til en fil med utskrivningsdiagnoser for hjertesvikt fra Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge og til dødelighetsdata fra Dødsårsaksregisteret ved Folkehelseinstituttet. Multivariable Cox proporsjonale hazard regresjonsmodeller ble brukt for å beregne hazard ratio for død, 95% konfidensintervall og p-verdi for ulike uavhengige variabler. Hovedeksponeringsvariabelen i alle modellene var hjertesvikt. Journaldata fra sykehuset ble brukt for å undersøke validiteten av hjertesviktdiagnosene. Resultater 1348 (5,0%) personer fikk hjertesvikt i løpet av oppfølgingsperioden, 601 (4,3%) kvinner og 747 (5,9%) menn. Av kvinnene med hjertesvikt døde 456 (75,9%) og 517 (69,2%) av mennene i løpet av oppfølgingsperioden på gjennomsnittlig18,3 år. Ved aldersjustert Cox proporsjonale hazard regresjon ble det observert at kvinner og menn med hjertesvikt hadde henholdsvis over seks og fem ganger høyere risiko for død sammenlignet med kvinner og menn uten hjertesvikt. Det ble ikke funnet signifikant forskjell i risiko mellom kjønnene. Konklusjon Studien viser at personer med hjertesvikt har høy totalmortalitet sammenlignet med personer uten hjertesvikt. Det er forskjell i karakteristika av personer med og uten hjertesvikt. Høy mortalitet er også funnet i lignende studier som denne, selv om grad av risiko er noe ulik

    Evaluation of pneumococcal PCR and urinary antigen detection in children

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    Background: The rapid detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae could assist in the management of pneumococcal infections. The Binax NOW S. pneumoniae test is a rapid immunochromatographic test for this purpose. Methods: Multiplex PCR in parapneumonic pleural effusion fluid (PPEF) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) with Binax NOW urinary pneumococcal antigen test (PAT) from 80 children was compared in this study. Results: PAT had a sensitivity of 36.4%, specificity of 97.3%, in CSF. PAT had a sensitivity of 50%, specificity of 81% for parapneumonic pleural effusion fluid. Conclusions: When rapid management of a serious infection is needed the Binax NOW test could be a reliable method for the exclusion of S. pneumoniae infection