15 research outputs found

    Análisis espacial y remontajes de la industria lítica de los niveles auriñacienses, gravetienses y solutrenses de la Cova de les Cendres (Teulada-Moraira, Alicante). Una aproximación tafonómica

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    Los procesos de formación de los depósitos arqueológicos influyen en la información que se puede obtener en cualquier yacimiento y, por lo tanto, en las interpretaciones que se realizan sobre las sociedades del pasado. Su impacto en la integridad de las secuencias arqueológicas y las distintas dinámicas que rigen estos procesos pueden ser estudiados desde diversas perspectivas, de entre las cuales destacamos la tafonomía lítica. El principal objetivo de esta Tesis es evaluar estos aspectos en un depósito en cueva con niveles de ocupación del Paleolítico superior, como es el caso de la Cova de les Cendres. Además, este trabajo también se orienta a conocer mejor las dinámicas ocupacionales y la evolución crono-cultural representadas en esta secuencia. La metodología empleada para alcanzar estos objetivos se basa en el análisis de los remontajes y de los caracteres tecno-tipológicos de la industria lítica en términos estadísticos y espaciales. En este trabajo se estudian los conjuntos recuperados en los niveles del Auriñaciense, Gravetiense y Solutrense de la Cova de les Cendres. En toda esta secuencia se han encontrado 186 remontajes, compuestos por 424 piezas, lo que supone que se ha remontado un 4,65% del total de 9.117 restos líticos analizados. La mayoría de conexiones se dan dentro de los niveles y las que conectan piezas de distintos niveles suponen un porcentaje mucho más bajo. Además, la mayor parte de conexiones representan distancias cortas en sentido vertical y las que se dan entre niveles generalmente se sitúan en los contactos entre las unidades implicadas. En sentido horizontal se aprecia el contraste entre zonas en las que hay más concentración de conexiones y otras con densidades bajas. Por otro lado, el análisis arqueoestratigráfico refleja una distribución coherente de los morfotipos líticos característicos de cada periodo con respecto a la evolución de las industrias de la fachada mediterránea peninsular, si bien en el nivel XIII (Solutrense) se detectan algunas incoherencias en ciertas zonas del área excavada. La interpretación tafonómica concluye que gran parte de los niveles conservan cierta integridad, por lo que en general no se trata de conjuntos en posición secundaria. Por otro lado, los procesos de alteración tienen un mayor impacto en sentido horizontal, lo que se vincula con los fenómenos de variación lateral que caracterizan al depósito, los cuales derivan en gran medida de procesos geológicos como las arroyadas. En sentido vertical, generalmente los restos o no se han movido o se han desplazado muy poco desde su posición original, tan solo detectándose desplazamientos prolongados de forma puntual. En cualquier caso, el análisis espacial relativo a todos estos aspectos refleja variaciones a lo largo de toda la secuencia, tanto en sentido vertical como horizontal, que deben tenerse en cuenta al estudiar el depósito y los conjuntos recuperados en él. En cuanto a las dinámicas ocupacionales, en los niveles adscritos al Gravetiense y Solutrense se aprecia una frecuentación de la cavidad mucho mayor que la que se da durante el Auriñaciense. Por otro lado, la concentración de algunos morfotipos líticos en determinados tramos de la secuencia refleja cambios a nivel diacrónico, los cuales hay que considerar al valorar la evolución crono-cultural del Paleolítico superior en la fachada mediterránea. Las conclusiones obtenidas reafirman el interés de desarrollar estudios de tafonomía lítica en depósitos en cueva con secuencias del Paleolítico superior.The formation processes of archaeological deposits determine the potential information that could be obtained in a site, so they influence the interpretations about past societies. The impact of these processes on the integrity of archaeological sequences and the different dynamics that rule these processes can be examined from different approaches, amongst which lithic taphonomy stands out. The main objective of this thesis is to assess these elements in a cave deposit with Upper Palaeolithic occupation levels—Cova de les Cendres. This study also intends to better know the occupation dynamics and the chrono-cultural evolution of the sequence. The methodology used to achieve these aims is based on the analysis of lithic refits and the techno-typological characteristics of the lithic industry in statistical and spatial terms. In this thesis, we focus on the lithic assemblages from the Aurignacian, Gravettian and Solutrean levels of Cova de les Cendres. Along this sequence, 186 refits, integrated by 424 pieces, have been documented, and they represent 4.65% of the 9,117 analysed lithic remains. Most of the connections are intra-level, and those which connect pieces of different levels represent a small percentage. Moreover, most of the connections represent short distances in a vertical sense, and inter-level connections are generally located in the contact zone between the involved units. In a horizontal sense, the contrast between areas with a higher concentration of connections and those with lower densities is observed. Besides, the archaeostratigraphical analysis shows a coherent distribution of the lithic morphotypes characteristic of each period regarding the evolution of lithic industries in the Mediterranean Iberian Basin; in some points of the Solutrean level XIII, though, some inconsistencies were detected. The taphonomic interpretation concluded that most of the levels preserve some degree of integrity, so they are not assemblages in a secondary position, in general. Furthermore, the alteration processes had a deeper impact horizontally, which is linked to the lateral variation that characterises the deposit; this stems, to a large extent, from geological processes as runoff. In a vertical sense, overall, the remains do not move, or they are near their original position, and longer movements are documented sporadically. In any case, the spatial analysis shows vertical and horizontal variations throughout the sequence, which must be considered when studying the deposit and its archaeological assemblage. Regarding occupation dynamics, during the Gravettian and the Solutrean, the cave was visited more frequently than during the Aurignacian. Additionally, the concentration of some lithic morphotypes in some sections of the sequence evinces diachronic changes, which should be considered when assessing the chrono-cultural evolution of the Upper Palaeolithic in the Mediterranean Iberian Basin. The obtained conclusions reassert the interest in conducting studies on lithic taphonomy in cave deposits with Upper Palaeolithic sequences

    Techno-Typological Study of Four Surface Paleolithic Lithic Groups in Vilallonga (Valencia) and Vall de Gallinera (Alicante)

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    Se estudian, desde un punto de vista tecno-tipológico, los materiales líticos procedentes de cuatro yacimientos en superficie de la zona de Vilallonga (Valencia) y la Vall de Gallinera (Alicante). El análisis de los datos nos muestra la presencia de restos pertenecientes al Paleolítico medio y superior. Junto con el trabajo realizado en Els Bancals de Pere Jordi, estos yacimientos añaden una interesante información del poblamiento paleolítico en las comarcas centrales del País Valenciano.We study, from a techno-typological point of view, the lithic materials discovered in four surface sites located in the area of Vilallonga (Valencia) and Vall de Gallinera (Alicante). The data analysis shows the presence of middle and upper Paleolithic remains. Thanks to the research carried out in Els Bancals de Pere Jordi, these sites provide interesting information on Paleolithic settlements in the central regions of the of Valencian Community.La investigación de este trabajo se ha beneficiado de las siguientes ayudas: «El final del Paleolítico medio y el Paleolítico superior en la región central del Mediterráneo ibérico» (FFI 2008-01200/FISO) y «Paleolítico medio final y Paleolítico superior inicial en la región central mediterránea (Valencia y Murcia)» (HAR2011-24878)

    Aproximación al uso del espacio durante el Magdaleniense superior de la Cova de les Cendres (Teulada-Moraira, Alicante)

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    Se analiza la ocupación de un área en la que se documenta un conjunto de estructuras de combustión superpuestas a lo largo del nivel XI (Magdaleniense superior) de la Cova de les Cendres. Todo ello teniendo en cuenta los procesos de formación y alteración del nivel, su estructura de palimpsesto, las distintas actividades desarrolladas y la reutilización del mismo espacio a lo largo del tiempo

    Faunal study from Abrigo de la Quebrada level IV and its contribution to the knowledge of the economy and human behaviour in the Middle Palaeolithic of iberian mediterranean region

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    El Abrigo de la Quebrada (Chelva, Valencia) es un yacimiento con varios niveles de ocupación del Paleolítico medio. El nivel IV, con dos dataciones de 43.930 ± 750 BP (Beta-244002) y >51,6 ka BP (OxA-24855), se caracteriza por su estructura de palimpsesto y la elevada densidad de restos arqueológicos (industria lítica, fauna, carbones y estructuras de combustión). El conjunto óseo se compone de 100.907 restos, con una mayor presencia de las familias Bovidae, Equidae, Cervidae y Testudinidae. La presencia de fracturas frescas, muescas de percusión y marcas de corte confirma el carácter antrópico de la muestra, así como las termoalteraciones. Dada la elevada fragmentación de la muestra (1% de identificados), se ha llevado a cabo también el análisis de las esquirlas óseas de <3cm, las cuales han reafirmado los datos del estudio arqueozoológico y tafonómico de los restos identificados. El trabajo aporta nuevos datos económicos en el marco del Paleolítico medio de la zona mediterránea de la Península ibérica.The site of Abrigo de la Quebrada (Chelva, Valencia) is a shelter with several levels with Middle Palaeolithic occupations. The level IV, with two dates of 43,930 ± 750 BP (Beta-244002) and >51.6 ka BP (OxA-24855), has a palimpsest structure and a high density of archaeological remains (lithic industry, fauna, charcoals and combustion structures). The bone sample contains 100,907 remains, with a better representation of Bovidae, Equidae, Cervidae and Testudinidae families. The presence of fresh fractures, percussion notches and cut marks confirms the anthropogenic character of the sample, as well as the thermoalterations. Given the high fragmentation of the bones (1% of identified), a specific analysis of the bone chips (less than <3cm) has been carried out. The results have confirmed the data obtain from the archaeozoological and taphonomical study of the identifiable remains. The current work contributes with new economic data to the Middle Palaeolithic framework of the Iberian Mediterranean region.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación HAR2011-24978 HAR2014-52671-P HAR-2017-85153-PGeneralitat Valenciana PROMETEOII/ 2013/016 PROMETEO/2017/06

    Los Aljezares archaeological site (Alicante, Spain) and the MIS 6/5 open-air settlement in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The record of open-air Middle Palaeolithic sites in the Iberian Peninsula—specifically in the Mediterranean basin—is scarce, hampering the interpretation of the landscape use strategies developed by Neanderthals in this area. In this work, we present Los Aljezares, a new Middle Palaeolithic site found in Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine deposits in the sedimentary basin of the Vinalopó River. A U/Th age (132 ± 10 ka) from associated carbonate deposits allows us to attribute the site to the uppermost part of the Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene (marine isotope stage 6/5). To date, a total of two levels of human occupation have been identified in which the density of lithic remains is low compared with cave and rock shelter sites in the region. The first results of technology and use-wear, raw material procurement and geological data indicate a settlement in Los Aljezares along a territory characterised by ephemeral channels and their associated palustrine and lacustrine zones. This palaeoenvironmental setting provided biotic and abiotic resources in a transit area between inland and coastal locations.The research has been funded through the following research projects: El pasado lejano: aproximación a la conducta y la ocupación del territorio en el paleolítico valenciano (PROMETEO/2017/060), Estudio del registro climático reciente preservado en depósitos cuaternarios: el caso de Los Aljezares (Aspe, Alicante) y su relación con los depósitos del Medio y Bajo Vinalopó (GRE17-02), Caracterización tecnológica y funcional de los elementos líticos apuntados durante el Paleolítico medio en la región central del mediterráneo ibérico (GV/2021/054) and Síntesis del Paleolítico medio y superior en Valencia y Murcia: aspectos cronológicos, paleoambientales, económicos y culturales (HAR2017-85153-P)

    Cova de les Malladetes (Valencia, Spain). New insights about the Early Upper Palaeolithic in the Mediterranean Basin of the Iberian Peninsula

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    New excavations carried out at Cova de les Malladetes confirm and improve previous information on the archaeological sequence of this site. A total of 29 new dates allow to specify the chronology of the Aurignacian (levels XIVA-XII) and Gravettian (levels XI-VII). Furthermore, concerning the results obtained during the 1970 excavation, three new levels were identified: level XIVB, which represents a short temporal human occupation hiatus, and levels XV and XVI with some hearths and anthropic evidence, although the lithic material does not permit a cultural attribution. This paper presents data obtained from the analysis of archaeobotanical, micro and macrofaunal assemblages and lithic and osseous industry. Results are relevant concerning the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental characterisation of the Early Upper Palaeolithic, as well as for assessing the human occupation patterns during the Gravettian and Aurignacian. Moreover, we evaluate the chronological implications of the basal levels (XIVB, XV and XVI), drawing attention to the absence of an important temporal gap between this phase and the start of the Early Upper Palaeolithic at the site. Finally, our new data extend the information provided by other sites in the Spanish Mediterranean region, allowing a more defined characterisation of the Early Upper Palaeolithic, especially regarding the Evolved Aurignacian chronology and its techno-typological structure, with the presence of Roc-de-Combe subtype Dufour bladelets

    Los Aljezares site (Alicante, Spain) and the MIS 6/5 open-air settlement in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The record of open‐air Middle Palaeolithic sites in the Iberian Peninsula-specifically in the Mediterranean basin-is scarce, hampering the interpretation of the landscape use strategies developed by Neanderthals in this area. In this work, we present Los Aljezares, a new Middle Palaeolithic site found in Pleistocene fluvio‐lacustrine deposits in the sedimentary basin of the Vinalopó River. A U/Th age (132 ± 10 ka) from associated carbonate deposits allows us to attribute the site to the uppermost part of the Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene (marine isotope stage 6/5). To date, a total of two levels of human occupation have been identified in which the density of lithic remains is low compared with cave and rock shelter sites in the region. The first results of technology and use‐wear, raw material procurement and geological data indicate a settlement in Los Aljezares along a territory characterised by ephemeral channels and their associated palustrine and lacustrine zones. This palaeoenvironmental setting provided biotic and abiotic resources in a transit area between inland and coastal locations

    An integrated precision medicine approach in major depressive disorder: a study protocol to create a new algorithm for the prediction of treatment response

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the most common psychiatric disease worldwide with a huge socio-economic impact. Pharmacotherapy represents the most common option among the first-line treatment choice; however, only about one third of patients respond to the first trial and about 30% are classified as treatment-resistant depression (TRD). TRD is associated with specific clinical features and genetic/gene expression signatures. To date, single sets of markers have shown limited power in response prediction. Here we describe the methodology of the PROMPT project that aims at the development of a precision medicine algorithm that would help early detection of non-responder patients, who might be more prone to later develop TRD. To address this, the project will be organized in 2 phases. Phase 1 will involve 300 patients with MDD already recruited, comprising 150 TRD and 150 responders, considered as extremes phenotypes of response. A deep clinical stratification will be performed for all patients; moreover, a genomic, transcriptomic and miRNomic profiling will be conducted. The data generated will be exploited to develop an innovative algorithm integrating clinical, omics and sex-related data, in order to predict treatment response and TRD development. In phase 2, a new naturalistic cohort of 300 MDD patients will be recruited to assess, under real-world conditions, the capability of the algorithm to correctly predict the treatment outcomes. Moreover, in this phase we will investigate shared decision making (SDM) in the context of pharmacogenetic testing and evaluate various needs and perspectives of different stakeholders toward the use of predictive tools for MDD treatment to foster active participation and patients' empowerment. This project represents a proof-of-concept study. The obtained results will provide information about the feasibility and usefulness of the proposed approach, with the perspective of designing future clinical trials in which algorithms could be tested as a predictive tool to drive decision making by clinicians, enabling a better prevention and management of MDD resistance

    The early Upper Palaeolithic of Cova de les Cendres (Alicante, Spain)

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    This paper presents a synthesis of the Early Upper Palaeolithic of Cova de les Cendres. Points of special attention are the sedimentary and micromorphological characterisation of level XVI, the analysis of the vegetal and animal resources and their incidence on the economy of the Gravettian human groups, and the characterisation of the landscape during this period. Furthermore, the paper offers important information of the lithic and bone assemblages, economic behaviour and radiocarbon dates of sub-levels XVIA and XVIB, related to the Gravettian, and XVIC and XVID, corresponding to the Aurignacian. Finally, the Gravettian and Aurignacian regional contexts in the Mediterranean Basin of the Iberian Peninsula are discussed, and the recent proposals for regional technological variation in the Iberian Gravettian industries are critically evaluated