282 research outputs found

    Teaching-innovation experience in competitiveness and innovation in business

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    The aim of this paper is to contrast the students’ opinions about the teaching innovation experience carried out in the subject “Competitividad en Innovación en la Empresa” (Competitiveness and Innovation in Business). The procedure will start with the subject’s profile, going through the main objectives and teaching methodology, to finish with evaluation and assessment, as suggested in the subject’s syllabus for the academic year 2007/08. Taking this as a starting point and, due to the fact that the number of students in the control group is not very high, we suggest changing both the teaching methodology and the evaluation. These changes will be contrasted with the students’ acceptance and involvement.PROCEEDINGS C

    Distribution, Population Dynamics and Sustainable Management of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Associated with Cut-Flowers in Ethiopia

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    Plant-parasitic nematodes are a growing concern for the floriculture industry in Ethiopia. Two surveys were conducted during the wet season (August to September 2011) and dry season (April to May 2012) to assess the incidence of economically important plant-parasitic nematodes associated with major cut-flowers. Soil samples were collected from rose, carnation, gypsophila, freesia and statice. Thirteen nematode taxa viz. Criconemella, Ditylenchus, Helicotylenchus, Hemicycliophora, Meloidogyne, Merlinius, Longidorus, Paratrichodorus, Paratylenchus, Pratylenchus, Rotylenchus, Rotylenchulus and Tylenchorhynchus were detected. Roses harboured all of the genera. Helicotylenchus was found in all cut-flower species and Meloidogyne was found more frequently during the dry than the wet season.Meloidogyne hapla was the most important root-knot nematode detected and reported here for the first time from Ethiopia. Pure cultures of this species were morphologically and molecularly characterized. For the latter, the D2-D3 expansion of the 28S ribosomal DNA and the region located between cytochrome oxidase unit II and the 16S rRNA gene of the mitochondria (mtDNA) were chosen. Phylogenetic comparison resulted in a highly supported clade containing the Ethiopian isolates of M. hapla together with M. hapla populations from other regions of the world. Female, male and second-stage juvenile (J2) morphology was in line with other descriptions of M. hapla with few exceptions. The female vulva slit was smaller than for the Hawaiian population and J2 body size was larger compared to previous descriptions from Hawaii and East Africa. The host status of commonly grown cut-flowers in Ethiopia was assessed for M. hapla and M. incognita under greenhouse conditions. Overall, infected plants were less vigorous than non-infected plants. Meloidogyne hapla reproduced higher on roses than any other plant species assessed. Freesia appeared to be a poor host for M. hapla and M. incognita whiles all other cut-flower species were intermediate to good hosts for M. hapla and M. incognita. The threshold level for M. hapla on Rosa corymbifera 'Laxa', R. multiflora and R. canina Inermis was assessed in pot experiments with increasing initial nematode densities from 0 to 128 J2 g-1 soil. M. hapla significantly reduced plant fresh weight of all three rose rootstock species independently of the initial nematode density. The minimum yield was below 0.73 and a tolerance limit of below 0.1 J2 g-1 soil. Nematode multiplication rate was highest on R. multiflora (24.39) followed by R. corymbifera 'Laxa' (4.34) and R. canina (3.62). Hence, all three rootstock species turned out to be sensitive to even low initial densities of M. hapla. Ethanolic and aqueous extracts of native Rumex abyssinicus, Plumbago dawei and Maesa lanceolata significantly inhibited M. hapla in vitro and reduced nematode infection of tomato. Therefore, those botanical nematicides are a promising alternative for nematode control, especially since those plants are abundantly available throughout Ethiopia.Verteilung, Bevölkerungsdynamik und nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von Pflanzenparasitäre Nematoden Verbunden mit Schnittblumen in Äthiopien Pflanzenparasitäre Nematoden entwickeln sich zunehmend zu einem wirtschaftlichen Problem in der Schnittblumenproduktion Äthiopiens. Im Rahmen eines Monitorings während der Regenzeit 2011 (August bis September) und Trockenzeit 2012 (April bis Mai) wurden an Rosen, Nelken, Schleierkraut, Freesien und Strandflieder 13 wirtschaftlich bedeutende Nematodengattungen erfasst: Criconemella, Ditylenchus, Helicotylenchus, Hemicycliophora, Meloidogyne, Merlinius, Longidorus, Paratrichodorus, Paratylenchus, Pratylenchus, Rotylenchus, Rotylenchulus und Tylenchorhynchus. Alle Gattungen traten an Rosen auf. Helicotylenchus wurde an allen untersuchten Schnittblumenarten nachgewiesen und Meloidogyne war häufiger in der Trockenzeit als in der Regenzeit anzutreffen. Meloidogyne hapla war die mit Abstand wirtschaftlich bedeutendste Nematodenart an Rosen in Äthiopien. Da M. hapla erstmals in Äthiopien nachgewiesen wurde, erfolgte eine vergleichende Charakterisierung der Äthiopischen Population von M. hapla mit Populationen aus anderen Ländern. Mittels molekularer Verfahren wurde die D2-D3 Extension der 28S ribosomale DNA und die Region zwischen der Cytochrome Oxidase Unit II und dem 16S rRNA Gen der Mitochondrien verglichen. Demnach war die Äthiopische Population von M. hapla sehr eng mit anderen Populationen verwandt. Auch morphologisch zeigten sich bei Weibchen, Männchen und dam zweiten Juvenilstadium nur geringe Unterschiede zwischen der Äthiopischen Population und den anderen Populationen. Die in Äthiopien angebauten Schnittblumen wurden hinsichtlich ihres Wirtsstatus für M. hapla und M. incognita untersucht. Befallene Pflanzen waren weniger wüchsig als nicht befallene Pflanzen. Meloidogyne hapla konnte sich an Rosen besser vermehren als an allen anderen Schnittblumenarten. Freesien erwiesen sich als schlechte Wirte für M. hapla and M. incognita. Sonstige Schnittblumenarten erwiesen sich als mittelmäßige bis gute Wirte für die beiden Nematodenarten. Die Schadschwelle für M. hapla an Rosa corymbifera 'Laxa', R. multiflora und R. canina Inermis wurde in Topfversuchen mit kontinuierlich ansteigenden Nematodendichten von 0 auf 128 J2 g-1 Boden ermittelt. Der minimale Ertrag lag bei etwa 0,73 und die Toleranzschwelle für Ertrag bei 0,1 J2 g-1 Boden. Die höchste Vermehrungsrate von M. hapla trat an R. multiflora (24,39) auf, gefolgt von R. corymbifera 'Laxa' (4,34) und R. canina (3,62). Somit erwiesen sich alle drei Unterlagensorten als sehr anfällig für M. hapla. Äthanolische und wässrige Extrakte der in Äthiopien einheimischen Pflanzen Rumex abyssinicus, Plumbago dawei und Maesa lanceolata führten zu einer signifikanten Unterdrückung von M. hapla in vitro und reduzierten den Nematodenbefall an Tomate. Solch pflanzliche Extrakte könnten eine vielversprechende Alternative zur chemischen Bekämpfung darstellen, zumal die Pflanzen in Äthiopien weit verbreitet sind

    The engineering design of the Tua rail track : evidence from the archives

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    This paper intends to give a detailed overview of the different phases of the Tua line focused on the changes in the longitudinal and transversal outline and on the definition of the project of special structures (tunnels, bridges, aqueducts and stone walls). For this, a detailed investigation was carried on the archives of REFER, the company in charge of the management of the infrastructure of the national Portuguese railways. The Tua line fit the Nacional railways plan, defining the connection between the Douro region in Foz Tua and Mirandela in a first phase (1987) and Bragança in a second phase (1906). The construction of the Tua line aimed at flowing the products derived from the Douro region. Its construction was not an easy process, mainly in the first 20km due to the severe relief, composed of narrow valleys with impressive ravines, precipices and waterfalls. This difficulty was also associated to the lack of accessibilities and to the scarce technological resources, resulting in several accidents and human losses and to a huge physical effort. The first studies related with the Tua line date back to 1880 and the last ones are from 1883. However, due to changes imposed by the in situ geomorphological conditions, amendments to the project were made and presented in 1885. Several changes are identified between the previous studies, the project and rectified project

    Libertad, elección y desarrollo de talentos en la división del trabajo : relación entre las nociones de virtud y buena vida aristotélicas y el enfoque sobre las capacidades de Amartya Sen

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    Uno de los problemas de las democracias periféricas es la existencia de prácticas que van en contra de valores constitutivos de la democracia moderna. Para explicar la existencia de estos “contra-valores” se recurre, tradicionalmente, a factores tales como las estructuras de mercado, los sistemas políticos, las costumbres regionales, etc., que no logran explicar en su totalidad estos fenómenos

    A desigualdade en Galiza: estrutura e evolución da distribución da renda entre 1981 e 2015

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    [Resumo]: Neste traballo analízase a desigualdade en Galiza e a súa evolución desde os anos oitenta procurando comprender como mudou a distribución da renda así como identificar os factores que en maior medida determinaron a súa evolución ao longo destas tres últimas décadas. A primeira parte do traballo céntrase no estudo da evolución da posición relativa de Galiza a nivel europeo e español co obxectivo de visualizarmos as desigualdades a nivel territorial neses marcos e avaliar os procesos de converxencia desde o establecemento do Estado das Autonomías e a incorporación española á Unión Europea. Na segunda parte, analizaremos a estrutura social e a evolución da desigualdade en Galiza empregando os indicadores sobre os que existe un maior consenso para determinar se as mudanzas na distribución conduciron a unha maior o menor desigualdade. Por último, no traballo analízanse unha serie de atributos, variábeis sociolaborais, xeográficas, e sociodemográficas que poden axudarnos a explicar a desigualdade e a súa evolución.[Resumen]: En este trabajo se analiza la desigualdad en Galicia y su evolución desde los años ochenta procurando comprender como cambió la distribución de la renta así como identificar los factores que en mayor medida determinaron su evolución a lo largo de estas tres últimas décadas. La primera parte del trabajo se centra en el estudio de la evolución de la posición relativa de Galicia a nivel europeo y español con el objetivo de visualizar las desigualdades a nivel territorial en esos marcos y evaluar los procesos de convergencia desde el establecimiento del Estado de las Autonomías y la incorporación española a la Unión Europea. En la segunda parte, analizaremos la estructura social y la evolución de la desigualdad en Galicia empleando los indicadores sobre los que existe un mayor consenso para determinar si los cambios en la distribución condujeron a una mayor el menor desigualdad. Por último, en el trabajo se analizan una serie de atributos, variables sociolaborales, geográficas, y sociodemográficas que pueden ayudarnos a explicar la desigualdad y su evolución.[Abstract]: This paper analyzes inequality in Galicia and its evolution since the 1980s. It aims to understand the evolution of income distribution, and to identify its determining factors in the last three decades. The first part of the paper focuses on Galiza's evolution relative to Europe and Spain in order to visualize the inequalities within those frameworks, and evaluate the impact of convergence both in the establishment of System of Autonomies and in Spain's integration in the European Union. The second part examines the social structures and the evolution of inequality in Galicia through a set of consensuated indicators to determine whether changes in income distribution led to greater or lesser inequality. Finally the papers analyzes a number of attributes, social, labor, geographic, and demographic variables that may help explain inequality and its evolution.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ECO). Economía. Curso 2015/201

    Optimização das condições de moldação de materiais compósitos para construção de ferramenta de reparação de defeito em radome de aeronave

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    Com o objectivo de construir uma ferramenta de reparação de defeitos em radomes de aeronaves, torna-se necessário identificar quais os materiais e as técnicas apropriadas para esta tarefa, listando a tecnologia, o conhecimento e os recursos humanos existentes na empresa e no mercado, na tentativa de rentabilizar os custos de construção da ferramenta de reparação. Para os prepreg’s de fibra de carbono, a técnica aconselhada é a Moldação por Saco de Vácuo, enquanto que para os tecidos de fibra de vidro impregnados de resina, a Moldação por Infusão de Resina Assistida por Vácuo é a técnica aconselhada. Após a análise de resultados dos ensaios de Tracção e de Flexão, obtêm-se dados para calcular a espessura mínima aconselhada para as paredes da ferramenta de reparação, de modo a que não sofra qualquer distorção aquando da sua utilização nas reparações efectuadas em autoclave. Após se calcular qual a espessura mínima da parede da ferramenta, faz-se o cálculo e a análise de custos para ambas as soluções, de modo a perceber a viabilidade financeira de cada uma das técnicas, concluindo-se qual a solução mais facilmente rentabilizável