50 research outputs found

    Using the past to estimate sensory uncertainty

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    To form a more reliable percept of the environment, the brain needs to estimate its own sensory uncertainty. Current theories of perceptual inference assume that the brain computes sensory uncertainty instantaneously and independently for each stimulus. We evaluated this assumption in four psychophysical experiments, in which human observers localized auditory signals that were presented synchronously with spatially disparate visual signals. Critically, the visual noise changed dynamically over time continuously or with intermittent jumps. Our results show that observers integrate audiovisual inputs weighted by sensory uncertainty estimates that combine information from past and current signals consistent with an optimal Bayesian learner that can be approximated by exponential discounting. Our results challenge leading models of perceptual inference where sensory uncertainty estimates depend only on the current stimulus. They demonstrate that the brain capitalizes on the temporal dynamics of the external world and estimates sensory uncertainty by combining past experiences with new incoming sensory signals

    Democratic population decisions result in robust policy-gradient learning: A parametric study with GPU simulations

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    High performance computing on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is an emerging field driven by the promise of high computational power at a low cost. However, GPU programming is a non-trivial task and moreover architectural limitations raise the question of whether investing effort in this direction may be worthwhile. In this work, we use GPU programming to simulate a two-layer network of Integrate-and-Fire neurons with varying degrees of recurrent connectivity and investigate its ability to learn a simplified navigation task using a policy-gradient learning rule stemming from Reinforcement Learning. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we want to support the use of GPUs in the field of Computational Neuroscience. Second, using GPU computing power, we investigate the conditions under which the said architecture and learning rule demonstrate best performance. Our work indicates that networks featuring strong Mexican-Hat-shaped recurrent connections in the top layer, where decision making is governed by the formation of a stable activity bump in the neural population (a "non-democratic" mechanism), achieve mediocre learning results at best. In absence of recurrent connections, where all neurons "vote" independently ("democratic") for a decision via population vector readout, the task is generally learned better and more robustly. Our study would have been extremely difficult on a desktop computer without the use of GPU programming. We present the routines developed for this purpose and show that a speed improvement of 5x up to 42x is provided versus optimised Python code. The higher speed is achieved when we exploit the parallelism of the GPU in the search of learning parameters. This suggests that efficient GPU programming can significantly reduce the time needed for simulating networks of spiking neurons, particularly when multiple parameter configurations are investigated. © 2011 Richmond et al

    Biased belief updating and suboptimal choice in foraging decisions

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    Deciding which options to engage, and which to forego, requires developing accurate beliefs about the overall distribution of prospects. Here we adapt a classic prey selection task from foraging theory to examine how individuals keep track of an environment’s reward rate and adjust choices in response to its fluctuations. Preference shifts were most pronounced when the environment improved compared to when it deteriorated. This is best explained by a trial-by-trial learning model in which participants estimate the reward rate with upward vs. downward changes controlled by separate learning rates. A failure to adjust expectations sufficiently when an environment becomes worse leads to suboptimal choices: options that are valuable given the environmental conditions are rejected in the false expectation that better options will materialize. These findings offer a previously unappreciated parallel in the serial choice setting of observations of asymmetric updating and resulting biased (often overoptimistic) estimates in other domains

    Safety out of control: dopamine and defence

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    Using the past to estimate sensory uncertainty

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    Combining multiple sources of information requires an estimate of the reliability of each source in order to perform optimal information integration. The human brain is faced with this challenge whenever processing multisensory stimuli, however how the brain estimates the reliability of each source is unclear with most studies assuming that the reliability is directly available. In practice however reliability of an information source requires inference too, and may depend on both current and previous information, a problem that can neatly be placed in a Bayesian framework. We performed three audio-visual spatial localization experiments where we manipulated the uncertainty of the visual stimulus over time. Subjects were presented with simultaneous auditory and visual cues in the horizontal plane and were tasked with locating the auditory cue. Due to the well-known ventriloquist illusion responses were biased towards the visual cue, depending on its reliability. We found that subjects changed their estimate of the visual reliability not only based on the presented visual stimulus, but were also influenced by the history of visual stimuli. The finding implies that the estimated reliability is governed by a learning process, here operating on a timescale on the order of 10 seconds. Using model comparison we found for all three experiments that a hierarchical Bayesian model that assumes a slowly varying reliability is best able to explain the data. Together these results indicate that the subjects’ estimated reliability of stimuli changes dynamically and thus that the brain utilizes the temporal dynamics of the environment by combining current and past estimates of reliability

    Newly learned novel cues to location are combined with familiar cues but not always with each other

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    Mature perceptual systems can learn new arbitrary sensory signals (novel cues) to properties of the environment, but little is known about the extent to which novel cues are integrated into normal perception. In normal perception, multiple uncertain familiar cues are combined, often near optimally (reliability-weighted averaging), to increase perceptual precision. We trained observers to use abstract novel cues to estimate horizontal locations of hidden objects on a monitor. In Experiment 1, four groups of observers each learned to use a different novel cue. All groups benefitted from a suboptimal but significant gain in precision using novel and familiar cues together after short-term training (3 x ~1.5 hour sessions), extending previous reports of novel-familiar cue combination. In Experiment 2, we tested whether two novel cues may also be combined with each other. One pair of novel cues could be combined to improve precision but the other could not, at least not after three sessions of repeated training. Overall, our results provide extensive evidence that novel cues can be learned and combined with familiar cues to enhance perception, but mixed evidence for whether perceptual and decision-making systems can extend this ability to the combination of multiple novel cues with only short-term training

    Different types of uncertainty in multisensory perceptual decision making

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    Efficient decision-making requires accounting for sources of uncertainty (noise, or variability). Many studies have shown how the nervous system is able to account for perceptual uncertainty (noise, variability) that arises from limitations in its own abilities to encode perceptual stimuli. However, many other sources of uncertainty exist, reflecting for example variability in the behaviour of other agents or physical processes. Here we review previous studies on decision making under uncertainty as a function of the different types of uncertainty that the nervous system encounters, showing that noise that is intrinsic to the perceptual system can often be accounted for near- optimally (i.e. not statistically different from optimally), whereas accounting for other types of uncertainty can be much more challenging. As an example, we present a study in which participants made decisions about multisensory stimuli with both intrinsic (perceptual) and extrinsic (environmental) uncertainty and show that the nervous system accounts for these differently when making decisions: they account for internal uncertainty but under-account for external. Human perceptual systems may be well equipped to account for intrinsic (perceptual) uncertainty because, in principle, they have access to this. Accounting for external uncertainty is more challenging because this uncertainty must be learned