364 research outputs found

    Morphology and synaptic organization of non-dopaminergic nigral projections to the medio dorsal thalamic nucleus of the rat, a study by anterograde transport of PHA-L

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    Background: Mediodorsal (MD) thalamic nucleus, which is considered to take place between extra pyramidal and limbic feedback circuit, receives projective fibers from ventrolateral neurons of reticular part of substantia nigra (SNr). In order to better understand the influence and chemical reaction of these fibers upon MD nucleus, the morphology and synaptology of them were examined in the present study. Methods: Phaseolous vulgaris-leucoagglutin (PHA-L) was injected into substantia nigra pars reticulate. After 3-4 days, the sections of SNr injection site and MD nucleus were prepared. Then, we examined organization, morphology and, synaptology of PHA-L labeled SNr fibers that go to caudal and lateral part of MD thalamic nucleus. Results: At the electron microscopic level, the SNr terminals made synapses predominantly with the medium to small dendrites and far less frequently with soma and large dendrites. These terminals were packed with polymorphic synaptic vesicles and formed symmetrical synapses; furthermore, it has been already recognized that cortico straital fibers from sensory-motor cortex go to region of the SNr that give rise to the nigrothalamic fibers. Conclusion: This data suggest that upon the synaptic organization, morphology and chemical nature of GABAergic, SNr fibers may have different inhibitory influence on MD neurons regulating the thalamic output from MD to cerebral cortex in the control of limbic and extra pyramidal feedback system

    Constructing Entanglement Witness Via Real Skew-Symmetric Operators

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    In this work, new types of EWs are introduced. They are constructed by using real skew-symmetric operators defined on a single party subsystem of a bipartite dxd system and a maximal entangled state in that system. A canonical form for these witnesses is proposed which is called canonical EW in corresponding to canonical real skew-symmetric operator. Also for each possible partition of the canonical real skew-symmetric operator corresponding EW is obtained. The method used for dxd case is extended to d1xd2 systems. It is shown that there exist Cd2xd1 distinct possibilities to construct EWs for a given d1xd2 Hilbert space. The optimality and nd-optimality problem is studied for each type of EWs. In each step, a large class of quantum PPT states is introduced. It is shown that among them there exist entangled PPT states which are detected by the constructed witnesses. Also the idea of canonical EWs is extended to obtain other EWs with greater PPT entanglement detection power.Comment: 40 page

    Algorithms: simultaneous error-correction and rooting for gene tree reconciliation and the gene duplication problem

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Evolutionary methods are increasingly challenged by the wealth of fast growing resources of genomic sequence information. Evolutionary events, like gene duplication, loss, and deep coalescence, account more then ever for incongruence between gene trees and the actual species tree. Gene tree reconciliation is addressing this fundamental problem by invoking the minimum number of gene duplication and losses that reconcile a rooted gene tree with a rooted species tree. However, the reconciliation process is highly sensitive to topological error or wrong rooting of the gene tree, a condition that is not met by most gene trees in practice. Thus, despite the promises of gene tree reconciliation, its applicability in practice is severely limited.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We introduce the problem of reconciling unrooted and erroneous gene trees by simultaneously rooting and error-correcting them, and describe an efficient algorithm for this problem. Moreover, we introduce an error-corrected version of the gene duplication problem, a standard application of gene tree reconciliation. We introduce an effective heuristic for our error-corrected version of the gene duplication problem, given that the original version of this problem is NP-hard. Our experimental results suggest that our error-correcting approaches for unrooted input trees can significantly improve on the accuracy of gene tree reconciliation, and the species tree inference under the gene duplication problem. Furthermore, the efficiency of our algorithm for error-correcting reconciliation is capable of handling truly large-scale phylogenetic studies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our presented error-correction approach is a crucial step towards making gene tree reconciliation more robust, and thus to improve on the accuracy of applications that fundamentally rely on gene tree reconciliation, like the inference of gene-duplication supertrees.</p

    Resilient Strategies and Sustainability in Agri-Food Supply Chains in the Face of High-Risk Events

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    [EN] Agri-food supply chains (AFSCs) are very vulnerable to high risks such as pandemics, causing economic and social impacts mainly on the most vulnerable population. Thus, it is a priority to implement resilient strategies that enable AFSCs to resist, respond and adapt to new market challenges. At the same time, implementing resilient strategies impact on the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability. The objective of this paper is twofold: analyze resilient strategies on AFSCs in the literature and identify how these resilient strategies applied in the face of high risks affect the achievement of sustainability dimensions. The analysis of the articles is carried out in three points: consequences faced by agri-food supply chains due to high risks, strategies applicable in AFSCs, and relationship between resilient strategies and the achievement of sustainability dimensions.Authors of this publication acknowledge the contribution of the Project 691249, RUC-APS "Enhancing and implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems" (www.ruc-aps.eu), funded by the European Union under their funding scheme H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015.Zavala-Alcívar, A.; Verdecho Sáez, MJ.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ. (2020). Resilient Strategies and Sustainability in Agri-Food Supply Chains in the Face of High-Risk Events. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 598:560-570. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62412-5_46S560570598Gray, R.: Agriculture, transportation, and the COVID-19 crisis. Can. J. Agric. 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    Feasibility study on development of artificial reefs in the Persian Gulf (Hormuzgan province)

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    Persian Gulf waters (areas of Hormuzgan province) in order to determine the best location for installation of Artificial reefs were studied seasonally from December 2006 to March 2007. Distribution of fauna and flora and estimation of deposit depth by SCUBA diving method, density and frequency of macrobenthose communities, frequency of ichthyoplankton communities, determination of organic carbon (OC) and Grain size and measurement of water physical factors including salinity, saturation oxygen, dissolved oxygen, temperature, chlorophyll a, in transect and subtransect was studied for recognizing the best placement to installation of artificial reefs. All areas of Shipping, military areas, around of Islands, natural habitats and entrance to jetty were introduced for excluding areas. South of Qeshm Island (transects of Bahman jetty, Bandar Masen and Bandar Salakh) are catching area for small pelagic (sardine and anchovy fishes), therefore in these areas installation of artificial reefs have confined with this restriction. Also entrance to Bahman jetty, sea plant habitats (sea grass and algae) in transects of Bahman jetty and Bandar Masen were considered as restricted areas. In this area, suitable areas for installation of artificial reefs was determined based on distribution of Ichthyoplankton societies for every transect, for macrobenthose enrichment Bahman jetty transect was calculated middle, but transects of Bandar Masen, Hengam island and Bandar Salakh was done good indicator. The deposition depth in transects of Bandar Masen and Hengam island was determined as good factor but this index was known as average factor for transects of Bahman jetty and Bandar Masen. Also, two another indicators, primary production and bottom sturdiness, were calculated as middle factor for Bahman jetty transect, but these indicators were known as good factors for other transects in this area (Bandar Masen, Hengam island and Bandar Salakh). The results of these indicators in transects of Bandar Kong and Bandar Bostaneh in Bandar Lengeh area was indicated that T. O. C and bottom sturdiness indices had no significant difference (p>0. 05) and the whole of these transects had average priority. Bottom sturdiness, primary productions and macrobenthose communities indices had difference in Bandar Lengeh area (p<0. 05) and these indices had average priority in Bandar Kong transect and had good priority in transects of Bandar Bostaneh and Bandar Hasineh. Ichthyoplankton community had average priority for Bandar Bostaneh transect, and had good priority for transects of Bandar Kong and Bandar Hasineh. The good priority has obtained for transects of Bandar Charak, Bandar Gorzeh and Bandar Chiroeyah. Also Macrobenthose community, primary production, water physical factors and bottom sturdiness were known as good, good, average and weakness priority respectively for transects of Bandar Charak, Bandar Gorzeh, but primary production, bottom sturdiness, water physical factors and macrobenthose community were resulted as average, good, good and average priority respectively for Bandar Chiroeyah transect . T.O.C index was determined as average priority for transects of Bandar Gorzeh and Bandar Chiroeyah and good priority for Bandar Charak transect. Finally, excluded areas maps, suitability areas maps and feasibility areas maps were drawn by Arc GIS software. In this survey, layers between 10 to 20 meters depth were recognized as the best position for installation of artificial reefs

    GReEn: a tool for efficient compression of genome resequencing data

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    Research in the genomic sciences is confronted with the volume of sequencing and resequencing data increasing at a higher pace than that of data storage and communication resources, shifting a significant part of research budgets from the sequencing component of a project to the computational one. Hence, being able to efficiently store sequencing and resequencing data is a problem of paramount importance. In this article, we describe GReEn (Genome Resequencing Encoding), a tool for compressing genome resequencing data using a reference genome sequence. It overcomes some drawbacks of the recently proposed tool GRS, namely, the possibility of compressing sequences that cannot be handled by GRS, faster running times and compression gains of over 100-fold for some sequences. This tool is freely available for non-commercial use at ftp://ftp.ieeta.pt/∼ap/codecs/GReEn1.tar.gz

    PAPSS2‐related brachyolmia : clinical and radiological phenotype in 18 new cases

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    Brachyolmia is a skeletal dysplasia characterized by short spine‐short stature, platyspondyly, and minor long bone abnormalities. We describe 18 patients, from different ethnic backgrounds and ages ranging from infancy to 19 years, with the autosomal recessive form, associated with PAPSS2. The main clinical features include disproportionate short stature with short spine associated with variable symptoms of pain, stiffness, and spinal deformity. Eight patients presented prenatally with short femora, whereas later in childhood their short‐spine phenotype emerged. We observed the same pattern of changing skeletal proportion in other patients. The radiological findings included platyspondyly, irregular end plates of the elongated vertebral bodies, narrow disc spaces and short over‐faced pedicles. In the limbs, there was mild shortening of femoral necks and tibiae in some patients, whereas others had minor epiphyseal or metaphyseal changes. In all patients, exome and Sanger sequencing identified homozygous or compound heterozygous PAPSS2 variants, including c.809G>A, common to white European patients. Bi‐parental inheritance was established where possible. Low serum DHEAS, but not overt androgen excess was identified. Our study indicates that autosomal recessive brachyolmia occurs across continents and may be under‐recognized in infancy. This condition should be considered in the differential diagnosis of short femora presenting in the second trimester

    Impact of a specialised palliative care intervention in patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma - a single-centre retrospective analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) account for less than 1% of all malignancies. Approximately 50% of the patients develop metastases with limited survival in the course of their disease. For those patients, palliative treatment aiming at symptom relief and improvement of quality of life is most important. However, data on symptom burden and palliative intervention are limited in STS patients. AIM: Our study evaluates the effectiveness of a palliative care intervention on symptom relief and quality of life in STS patients. DESIGN/SETTING: We retrospectively analysed 53 inpatient visits of 34 patients with advanced STS, admitted to our palliative care unit between 2012 and 2018. Symptom burden was measured with a standardised base assessment questionnaire at admission and discharge. RESULTS: Median disease duration before admission was 24 months, 85% of patients had metastases. The predominant indication for admission was pain, weakness and fatigue. Palliative care intervention led to a significant reduction of pain: median NRS for acute pain was reduced from 3 to 1 (p < 0.001), pain within the last 24 h from 5 to 2 (p < 0.001) and of the median MIDOS symptom score: 18 to 13 (p < 0.001). Also, the median stress level, according to the distress thermometer, was reduced significantly: 7.5 to 5 (p = 0.027). CONCLUSIONS: Our data underline that specialised palliative care intervention leads to significant symptom relief in patients with advanced STS. Further efforts should aim for an early integration of palliative care in these patients focusing primarily on the identification of subjects at high risk for severe symptomatic disease

    Novel study designs to investigate the placebo response

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Investigating the size and mechanisms of the placebo response in clinical trials have relied on experimental procedures that simulate the double-blind randomized placebo-controlled design. However, as the conventional design is thought to elucidate drug rather than placebo actions, different methodological procedures are needed for the placebo response.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We reviewed the respective literature for trials designs that may be used to elucidate the size of the placebo response and the mechanisms associated with it.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In general, this can be done by either manipulation the information provided to the subjects, or by manipulation the timing of the drug applied. Two examples of each strategy are discussed: the "balanced placebo design" (BDP) and the "balanced cross-over design" (BCD) and their variants are based on false information, while the "hidden treatment" (HT) and the ""delayed response test" (DRT) are based on manipulating the time of drug action. Since most such approaches include deception or incomplete information of the subjects they are suitable for patient only with authorized deception.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Both manipulating the information provided to subjects (BDP, DCD) or manipulating the timing of drug application (HT, DRT) allows overcoming some of the restrictions of conventional drug trials in the assessment of the placebo response, but they are feasible mostly in healthy subjects for ethical reasons.</p

    Effects of L-asparginase administration on anticoagulant proteins and platelet function in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Introduction: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is one the most common malignancies in children and adolescents. L-asparginase (L-ASP) is one of the leading medications in treatment of ALL. L.ASP interferes with the synthesis of some coagulation proteins and therefore causing disturbance in normal coagulation. In this study, the effects of L-ASP on anticoagulant proteins (protein C, protein S, and antithrombin III) and platelet function were assessed. Material and methods: This was a before-after study on 41 patients with ALL who refered to Mahak hospital (Tehran, Iran). Before and after the injection of L.ASP, a bleeding time test was performed based on Ivy method. Protein C and protein S performance was assessed by turbidometry and antithrombin III performance was evaluated by chromogenic method. Results: 48.8 of patients were female. Mean (±SD) of age was 4.0±7.2. A significant reduction in the mean amount of protein C, antithrombin III and bleeding time was recorded. However, the reduction in protein S was not significant. No patient showed the symptoms of thrombosis. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that L. ASP drug reduced coagulation proteins (except the protein S). This decrease along with other concomitant genetic factors can lead to thrombosis in some patients with ALL during induction therapy