492 research outputs found

    Thermal fluctuations of (non)linearly charged BTZ black hole in massive gravity

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    We consider a charged BTZ black hole in asymptotically AdS space-time of massive gravity to study the effect of the thermal fluctuations on the black hole thermodynamics. We consider the Einstein-Born-Infeld solution and investigate critical points and stability. We also compare the results with the case of Einstein-Maxwell solutions. Besides, we find that thermal fluctuations, which appear as a logarithmic term in the entropy, affect the stability of the black hole and change the phase transition point. Moreover, we study the geometrical thermodynamics and find that the behaviour of the linear Maxwell solution is the same as the nonlinear one.Comment: 25 pages, 25 captioned figures, to appear in IJMP

    Presence of lead in opium.

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    Opium addiction is a common form of addiction in Middle East countries such as Iran. Recently several reports suggested some kinds of pathologic findings such as abdominal pain, nephropathy, and anemia in opium addict patients. Such pathologic findings suggest lead poisoning in the patients. In this study, the concentration of lead in 10 opium samples was evaluated. The mean concentration of lead in the opium samples was 1.88 ppm. This may explain some of the pathologic findings found in addict patients. The authors would suggest further investigations to evaluate the lead concentration in opium addicts' sera and also routine screening for lead poisoning in opium addict patients

    Squeezed-light-enhanced atom interferometry below the standard quantum limit

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    We investigate the prospect of enhancing the phase sensitivity of atom interferometers in the Mach-Zehnder configuration with squeezed light. Ultimately, this enhancement is achieved by transferring the quantum state of squeezed light to one or more of the atomic input beams, thereby allowing operation below the standard quantum limit. We analyze in detail three specific schemes that utilize (1) single-mode squeezed optical vacuum (i.e., low-frequency squeezing), (2) two-mode squeezed optical vacuum (i.e., high-frequency squeezing) transferred to both atomic inputs, and (3) two-mode squeezed optical vacuum transferred to a single atomic input. Crucially, our analysis considers incomplete quantum state transfer (QST) between the optical and atomic modes, and the effects of depleting the initially prepared atomic source. Unsurprisingly, incomplete QST degrades the sensitivity in all three schemes. We show that by measuring the transmitted photons and using information recycling [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 053002 (2013)], the degrading effects of incomplete QST on the sensitivity can be substantially reduced. In particular, information recycling allows scheme (2) to operate at the Heisenberg limit irrespective of the QST efficiency, even when depletion is significant. Although we concentrate on Bose- condensed atomic systems, our scheme is equally applicable to ultracold thermal vapors

    Rectangular eigenvalue problems

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    Often the easiest way to discretize an ordinary or partial differential equation is by a rectangular numerical method, in which n basis functions are sampled at m ≫ n collocation points. We show how eigenvalue problems can be solved in this setting by QR reduction to square matrix generalized eigenvalue problems. The method applies equally in the limit “m= ∞” of eigenvalue problems for quasimatrices. Numerical examples are presented as well as pointers to related literature

    Dose-escalated salvage radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy in high risk prostate cancer patients without hormone therapy: outcome, prognostic factors and late toxicity

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    Purpose: Evaluation of dose escalated salvage radiotherapy (SRT) in patients after radical prostatectomy (RP) who had never received antihormonal therapy. To investigate prognostic factors of the outcome of SRT and to analyze which patient subsets benefit most from dose escalation. Materials and methods: Between 2002 and 2008, 76 patients were treated in three different dose-groups: an earlier cohort treated with 66 Gy irrespective of pre-RT-characteristics and two later cohorts treated with 70 Gy or 75 Gy depending on pre-RT-characteristics. Biochemical-relapse-free-survival (bRFS), clinical-relapse-free-survival (cRFS) and late toxicity were evaluated. Results: Four-year bRFS and cRFS were 62.5% and 85%. Gleason score <8, positive surgical resection margin (PSRM) and low PSA (<= 0.5 ng/ml) before SRT resulted in higher bRFS. Analysis of the whole group showed no clear dose-outcome relationship. Patients with PSRM, however, had improved bRFS when escalating >66 Gy. While >70 Gy did not improve the overall results, 4-year bRFS for patients with manifest local recurrence in the high-dose group was still comparable to those without manifest local recurrences. No grade 4 and minimal grade 3 gastrointestinal and urinary toxicity were observed. Conclusions: Dose-escalated SRT achieves high biochemical control. The data strongly support the application of at least 70 Gy rather than 66 Gy. They do not prove positive effects of doses >70 Gy but do not disprove them as these doses were only applied to an unfavorable patients selection

    The nature of luminous Ly α emitters at z ∼ 2–3: maximal dust-poor starbursts and highly ionizing AGN

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    Deep narrow-band surveys have revealed a large population of faint Ly α emitters (LAEs) in the distant Universe, but relatively little is known about the most luminous sources ( LLyα≳1042.7  erg s−1; LLyα≳L∗Lyα ). Here we present the spectroscopic follow-up of 21 luminous LAEs at z ∼ 2–3 found with panoramic narrow-band surveys over five independent extragalactic fields (≈4 × 106 Mpc3 surveyed at z ∼ 2.2 and z ∼ 3.1). We use WHT/ISIS, Keck/DEIMOS, and VLT/X-SHOOTER to study these sources using high ionization UV lines. Luminous LAEs at z ∼ 2–3 have blue UV slopes ( β=−2.0+0.3−0.1 ) and high Ly α escape fractions ( 50+20−15  per cent) and span five orders of magnitude in UV luminosity (MUV ≈ −19 to −24). Many (70 per cent) show at least one high ionization rest-frame UV line such as C IV, N V, C III], He II or O III], typically blue-shifted by ≈100–200 km s−1 relative to Ly α. Their Ly α profiles reveal a wide variety of shapes, including significant blue-shifted components and widths from 200 to 4000 km s−1. Overall, 60 ± 11  per cent appear to be active galactic nucleus (AGN) dominated, and at LLyα > 1043.3 erg s−1 and/or MUV < −21.5 virtually all LAEs are AGNs with high ionization parameters (log U = 0.6 ± 0.5) and with metallicities of ≈0.5 − 1 Z⊙. Those lacking signatures of AGNs (40 ± 11  per cent) have lower ionization parameters ( logU=−3.0+1.6−0.9 and log ξion = 25.4 ± 0.2) and are apparently metal-poor sources likely powered by young, dust-poor ‘maximal’ starbursts. Our results show that luminous LAEs at z ∼ 2–3 are a diverse population and that 2×L∗Lyα and 2×M∗UV mark a sharp transition in the nature of LAEs, from star formation dominated to AGN dominated

    An evaluation of the TRIPS computer system

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    The TRIPS system employs a new instruction set architecture (ISA) called Explicit Data Graph Execution (EDGE) that renegotiates the boundary between hardware and software to expose and exploit concurrency. EDGE ISAs use a block-atomic execution model in which blocks are composed of dataflow instructions. The goal of the TRIPS design is to mine concurrency for high performance while tolerating emerging technology scaling challenges, such as increasing wire delays and power consumption. This paper evaluates how well TRIPS meets this goal through a detailed ISA and performance analysis. We compare performance, using cycles counts, to commercial processors. On SPEC CPU2000, the Intel Core 2 outperforms compiled TRIPS code in most cases, although TRIPS matches a Pentium 4. On simple benchmarks, compiled TRIPS code outperforms the Core 2 by 10% and hand-optimized TRIPS code outperforms it by factor of 3. Compared to conventional ISAs, the block-atomic model provides a larger instruction window, increases concurrency at a cost of more instructions executed, and replaces register and memory accesses with more efficient direct instruction-to-instruction communication. Our analysis suggests ISA, microarchitecture, and compiler enhancements for addressing weaknesses in TRIPS and indicates that EDGE architectures have the potential to exploit greater concurrency in future technologies

    Spatial QRS-T angle and cognitive decline in older subjects

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    Background:An abnormally wide spatial QRS-T angle on an ECG is a marker of heterogeneity in electrical activity of cardiac ventricles and is linked with cardiovascular events. Growing evidence suggests that cardiac dysfunction might signal future cognitive decline. Objective: In this study, we investigated whether spatial QRS-T angle associates with future cognitive decline in older subjects at high cardiovascular risk. Methods:We included 4,172 men and women (mean age 75.2±3.3 years) free of cardiac arrhythmias from the PROSPER cohort. Spatial QRS-T angle was calculated from baseline 12-lead ECGs using a matrix transformation method. Cognitive function was assessed using 4 neuropsychological tests including Stroop test, letter-digit coding test, immediate and delayed picture word learning tests. Cognitive function was assessed at baseline and repeatedly during a mean follow-up time of 3.2 years. Using linear mixed models, we calculated the annual changes of cognitive scores in sex-specific thirds of spatial QRS-T angle. Results:Participants with wider spatial QRS-T angle had a steeper decline in letter-digit coding test (β= –0.0106, p = 0.004), immediate picture-word learning test (β= –0.0049, p = 0.001), and delayed picture-word learning test (β= –0.0055, p = 0.013). All associations were independent of arrhythmias, cardiovascular risk factors, comorbidities, medication use, cardiovascular events, and other ECG abnormalities including QRS duration, QTc interval, T wave abnormalities, and left ventricular hypertrophy. Conclusion:Abnormal cardiac electrical activity characterized by wide spatial QRS-T angle associates with accelerated cognitive decline independent of conventional cardiovascular factors. These findings suggest a link between a non-traditional ECG measure of pre-clinical cardiac pathology and future cognitive decline

    Possible association of vitamin D status with lung involvement and outcome in patients with COVID-19: a retrospective study

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    Purpose: Vitamin D deficiency has been reported as a key factor in the development of infectious diseases such as respiratory tract infections and inflammatory processes like acute respiratory distress syndrome. However, the impact of vitamin D on the severity and outcome of COVID-19 is still not fully known. Herein, we aimed to evaluate the prognostic role of serum vitamin D concentration on the extent of lung involvement and final outcome in patients with COVID-19. Methods: Seventy-three subjects with confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 were investigated in this study. The patients had been admitted to our academic hospital from February 28, 2020 to April 19, 2020. Demographic and clinical data, serum 25(OH)D levels, and findings of initial chest computed tomography were recorded. Linear and binary logistic regression, cox regression and ROC curve tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: The mean age of patients was 55.18 ± 14.98 years old; 46.4 were male. Mean serum 25(OH)D concentration was significantly lower in the deceased (13.83 ± 12.53 ng/ mL compared with discharged patients (38.41 ± 18.51 ng/mL) (P < 0.001). Higher levels of 25(OH)D were associated with significantly less extent of total lung involvement (β = � 0.10, P = 0.004). In addition, vitamin D deficiency 25(OH) D < 25 ng/mL was associated with a significant increase in the risk of mortality (hazard ratio = 4.15, P = 0.04). Conclusion: This study suggests that serum vitamin D status might provide useful information regarding the clinical course, extent of lung involvement and outcome of patients with COVID-19. However, further studies with larger sample size are needed to confirm these findings. © 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature