7 research outputs found

    Early patterning of the chorion leads to the trilaminar trophoblast cell structure in the placental labyrinth

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    The labyrinth of the rodent placenta contains villi that are the site of nutrient exchange between mother and fetus. They are covered by three trophoblast cell types that separate the maternal blood sinusoids from fetal capillaries - a single mononuclear cell that is a subtype of trophoblast giant cell (sinusoidal or S-TGC) with endocrine function and two multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast layers, each resulting from cell-cell fusion, that function in nutrient transport. The developmental origins of these cell types have not previously been elucidated. We report here the discovery of cell-layer-restricted genes in the mid-gestation labyrinth (E12.5-14.5) including Ctsq in S-TGCs (also Hand1-positive), Syna in syncytiotrophoblast layer I (SynT-1), and Gcm1, Cebpa and Synb in syncytiotrophoblast layer II (SynT-II). These genes were also expressed in distinct layers in the chorion as early as E8.5, prior to villous formation. Specifically, Hand1 was expressed in apical cells lining maternal blood spaces (Ctsq is not expressed until E12.5), Syna in a layer immediately below, and Gcm1, Cebpa and Synb in basal cells in contact with the allantois. Cebpa and Synb were co-expressed with Gcm1 and were reduced in Gcm1 mutants. By contrast, Hand1 and Syna expression was unaltered in Gcm1 mutants, suggesting that Gcm1-positive cells are not required for the induction of the other chorion layers. These data indicate thatthe three differentiated trophoblast cell types in the abyrinth arise from distinct and autonomous precursors in the chorion that are patterned before morphogenesis begins

    Decreased levels of BAG3 in a family with a rare variant and in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.

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    The most common cause of dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure (HF) is ischemic heart disease; however, in a third of all patients the cause remains undefined and patients are diagnosed as having idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC). Recent studies suggest that many patients with IDC have a family history of HF and rare genetic variants in over 35 genes have been shown to be causative of disease. We employed whole-exome sequencing to identify the causative variant in a large family with autosomal dominant transmission of dilated cardiomyopathy. Sequencing and subsequent informatics revealed a novel 10-nucleotide deletion in the BCL2-associated athanogene 3 (BAG3) gene (Ch10:del 121436332_12143641: del. 1266_1275 [NM 004281]) that segregated with all affected individuals. The deletion predicted a shift in the reading frame with the resultant deletion of 135 amino acids from the C-terminal end of the protein. Consistent with genetic variants in genes encoding other sarcomeric proteins there was a considerable amount of genetic heterogeneity in the affected family members. Interestingly, we also found that the levels of BAG3 protein were significantly reduced in the hearts from unrelated patients with end-stage HF undergoing cardiac transplantation when compared with non-failing controls. Diminished levels of BAG3 protein may be associated with both familial and non-familial forms of dilated cardiomyopathy

    Fructose-driven glycolysis supports anoxia resistance in the naked mole-rat

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    The African naked mole-rat’s (Heterocephalus glaber\textit{Heterocephalus glaber}) social and subterranean lifestyle generates a hypoxic niche. Under experimental conditions, naked mole-rats tolerate hours of extreme hypoxia and survive 18 minutes of total oxygen deprivation (anoxia) without apparent injury. During anoxia, the naked mole-rat switches to anaerobic metabolism fueled by fructose, which is actively accumulated and metabolized to lactate in the brain. Global expression of the GLUT5 fructose transporter and high levels of ketohexokinase were identified as molecular signatures of fructose metabolism. Fructose-driven glycolytic respiration in naked mole-rat tissues avoids feedback inhibition of glycolysis via phosphofructokinase, supporting viability. The metabolic rewiring of glycolysis can circumvent the normally lethal effects of oxygen deprivation, a mechanism that could be harnessed to minimize hypoxic damage in human disease.Work was supported aEuropean Research Council (294678), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft SFB 665 and Go865/9-1, NSF (grant #0744979 ), NIH (grants HL71626 and HL606

    Immune competence and spleen size scale with colony status in the naked mole-rat

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    Naked mole-rats (NM-R; Heterocephalus glaber) live in multi-generational colonies with a social hierarchy, and show low cancer incidence and long life-spans. Here we asked if an immune component might underlie such extreme physiology. The largest lymphoid organ is the spleen, which plays an essential role in responding to immunological insults and may participate in combating cancer and slowing ageing. We investigated the anatomy, molecular composition and function of the NM-R spleen using RNA-sequencing and histological analysis in healthy NM-Rs. Spleen size in healthy NM-Rs showed considerable inter-individual variability, with some animals displaying enlarged spleens. In all healthy NM-Rs, the spleen is a major site of adult haematopoiesis under normal physiological conditions. However, myeloid-to-lymphoid cell ratio is increased and splenic marginal zone showed markedly altered morphology when compared to other rodents. Healthy NM-Rs with enlarged spleens showed potentially better anti-microbial profiles and were much more likely to have a high rank within the colony. We propose that the anatomical plasticity of the spleen might be regulated by social interaction and gives immunological advantage to increase the lifespan of higher-ranked animals

    Role of TMEM100 in mechanically insensitive nociceptor un-silencing

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    Silent nociceptors remained enigmatic ever since they were first described decades ago. Here, Nees. et al. show that inflammation-induced upregulation of TMEM100 unsilences silent nociceptors, which triggers secondary mechanical pain hypersensitivity