35 research outputs found

    The Internet and Private international law

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    VII Abstrakt Internet a mezinárodní právo soukromé Tato magisterská práce se zabývá současným stavem a budoucím vývojem digitálního obsahu v práci Evropské unie. V první části práce je představena stručná historie Bruselské a Římské komunitární úmluvy, nařízení Brusel I bis a Řím I., které je dnes nahradily, a některé související rozsudky Soudního dvora Evropské unie. Použití nařízení Brusel I bis a Řím I je demonstrováno na spotřebitelské smlouvě uzavřené prostřednictvím internetu. Tato smlouva rovněž pomůže ilustrovat užití závěrů rozsudku Pammer/Alpenhof ve vztahu k principu směřování činnosti. Rozsudky ve věcech Falco a Usedsoft jsou předmětem následné analýzy ve vztahu k tvrzenému vyčerpání majetkových duševních práv v důsledku prvního převodu rozmnoženiny chráněné copyrightem, a možných dopadů v budoucnosti. V druhé části práce odbočuje za účelem rozboru pojmu zboží z pohledu Úmluvy OSN o smlouvách o mezinárodní koupi zboží, a to za účelem nalezení limitů působnosti úmluvy ve vztahu k nehmotným věcem. Vídeňská úmluva také nastavuje užitečné zrcadlo (nyní mrtvému) návrhu Společné evropské právní úpravy prodeje (CESL), as neboť návrh nařízení měl, obdobně jako úmluva, založit uvnitř právních řádů jednotlivých členských států paralelní právní režim podléhající autonomnímu výkladu. Třetí část se zabývá...VIII Abstract The Internet and private international law This master's thesis deals with the current state and future development of the concept of digital content in the law of European union. A brief history concerning the Brussels- and Rome- community conventions and their replacement with the current regulations is presented in the first part of the thesis, along with several interesting cases of the Court of Justice of the European union. A model international consumer contract for supply of digital content concluded over the internet is used in conjunction with the Pammer/Alpenhof case in order to demonstrate the concept of directed activity within the meaning of the Brussels I recast and Rome I regulations. Next, the Falco and Usedsoft decisions are analyzed, along with possible consequences of the asserted exhaustion of intellectual property rights after first transfer of an intangible copy of copyrighted software, and the implications thereof. Subsequently a short theoretical digression is made to dissect the notion of goods as used by the UN convention on contracts for international sales of goods, in order to determine the limits of the convention vis-à-vis intangibles. The Vienna convention also presents a useful mirror to the (now dead) proposal for Common European sales law (CESL), as the...Katedra obchodního právaDepartment of Business LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Impression - fashion collection inspired by impressionistic painting

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    katedra: KDE; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 60 s. , 5 s. obr. přílohMá bakalářská práce je inspirovaná impresionistickou malbou. Na základe paralel, mezi impresionistickým malířstvým a oděvem, jsem vytvářel kolekci dámských, společensko - vycházkových, šatů a kompletů. Navrhnul jsem nové, specifické struktury plošných textilií, které jsem oděvně využil. K zestavení formy oděvu jsem, kromě sřihové konstrukce, využil i vilného aranžování.My dissertation has been inspired by impressionistic painting. Based on parallels between impressionistic painting and clothes I created the collection of ladies´ socially-walkable dresses and outfits. I designed new specific structures of flat textile fabrics that I utilized in a fashion way then.At formation the clothing form, I made use of cutting construction and free arrangement as well

    Attitudes to Society and School of Students in Secondary Vocational Schools

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    1 ABSTRAKT Tato práce se zabývá problematikou občanských postojů u žáků z učňovských oborů. Je podán přehled výzkumů z českého prostředí, který ukázal, že žáci těchto oborů se umisťují na spodních příčkách mezinárodních a dalších výzkumů, které zjišťují občanské a politické znalosti. Zároveň se ukazuje, že tito žáci vyjadřují nejmenší podporu demokracii jako způsobu vlády. Cílem mé práce je popsat občanské či politické postoje konkrétních žáků a ukázat, kdo, co a jak má na ně vliv. Práce je zpracována jako vícepřípadová studie, přičemž jako případy bylo vybráno 6 žáků a žákyň učňovských oborů z Prahy, z menšího města i vesnice ve Středočeském kraji. Jádrem práce je popis jednotlivých konkrétních případů v podrobném kontextu informací o jejich rodině, obci, škole a kamarádech. Výsledky ukazují, že zkoumaní žáci se vesměs o politiku nezajímají. Největší vliv na jejich politické přesvědčení má rodina a vrstevníci (kamarádi). Škola jako instituce tento vliv nemá ani prostřednictvím občanského vzdělávání, které je na těchto školách povinné v nižších ročnících, především z důvodu nízkého výskytu otevřených diskuzí o základních tématech v hodinách. Média mají na analyzované žáky pouze omezený vliv, a to především skrze sdílení zpráv na sociálních sítích. Jsou diskutovány limity provedené studie, doporučení pro...The thesis focuses on the issue of civic attitudes adopted by students of vocational schools. The author presents an overview of previous Czech research which shows that students of vocational schools are placed at the bottom of international surveys inquiring civic and political knowledge. Moreover, the results reveal that the students of vocational schools express their support for democracy as a way of government the least. The goal of the thesis is to describe civic and political opinions of concrete students and show who influences them and how. It is designed as a multiple case study. Six students of vocational schools from Prague, a smaller town and a village in Central Bohemian Region were chosen to participate in the study. The core of the work is the description of the individual cases in a detailed context including their family, community, school and friends. The findings indicate that the studied students are usually not interested in politics. Their political beliefs are heavily formed by their family and peers. School as an institution does not have any influence, not even through civic education which is compulsory during the first years of high school education. It is most of all caused by fewer opportunities for an open discussion about basic topics in classes. Media have only...Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzděláváníFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    History of Inuit Community Exposure to Lead, Cadmium, and Mercury in Sewage Lake Sediments

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    Exposure to lead, cadmium, and mercury is known to be high in many arctic Inuit communities. These metals are emitted from industrial and urban sources, are distributed by long-range atmospheric transport to remote regions, and are found in Inuit country foods. Current community exposure to these metals can be measured in food, but feces and urine are also excellent indicators of total exposure from ingestion and inhalation because a high percentage of each metal is excreted. Bulk domestic sewage or its residue in a waste treatment system is a good substitute measure. Domestic waste treatment systems that accumulate metals in sediment provide an accurate historical record of changes in ingestion or inhalation. We collected sediment cores from an arctic lake used for facultative domestic sewage treatment to identify the history of community exposure to Pb, Cd, and Hg. Cores were dated and fluxes were measured for each metal. A nearby lake was sampled to measure combined background and atmospheric inputs, which were subtracted from sewage lake data. Pb, Cd, and Hg inputs from sewage grew rapidly after the onset of waste disposal in the late 1960s and exceeded the rate of population growth in the contributing community from 1970 to 1990. The daily per-person Pb input in 1990 (720,000 ng/person per day) exceeded the tolerable daily intake level. The Cd input (48,000 ng/person per day) and Hg input (19,000 ng/person per day) were below the respective TDI levels at the time

    Structures of enveloped virions determined by cryogenic electron microscopy and tomography : Advances in Virus Research

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    Enveloped viruses enclose their genomes inside a lipid bilayer which is decorated by membrane proteins that mediate virus entry. These viruses display a wide range of sizes, morphologies and symmetries. Spherical viruses are often isometric and their envelope proteins follow icosahedral symmetry. Filamentous and pleomorphic viruses lack such global symmetry but their surface proteins may display locally ordered assemblies. Determining the structures of enveloped viruses, including the envelope proteins and their protein-protein interactions on the viral surface, is of paramount importance. These structures can reveal how the virions are assembled and released by budding from the infected host cell, how the progeny virions infect new cells by membrane fusion, and how antibodies bind surface epitopes to block infection. In this chapter, we discuss the uses of cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) in elucidating structures of enveloped virions. Starting from a detailed outline of data collection and processing strategies, we highlight how cryo-EM has been successfully utilized to provide unique insights into enveloped virus entry, assembly, and neutralization.Peer reviewe

    Reflection of murdering of Theodor Lessing in Czech Press

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    Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisuFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    The Internet and Private international law

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    VIII Abstract The Internet and private international law This master's thesis deals with the current state and future development of the concept of digital content in the law of European union. A brief history concerning the Brussels- and Rome- community conventions and their replacement with the current regulations is presented in the first part of the thesis, along with several interesting cases of the Court of Justice of the European union. A model international consumer contract for supply of digital content concluded over the internet is used in conjunction with the Pammer/Alpenhof case in order to demonstrate the concept of directed activity within the meaning of the Brussels I recast and Rome I regulations. Next, the Falco and Usedsoft decisions are analyzed, along with possible consequences of the asserted exhaustion of intellectual property rights after first transfer of an intangible copy of copyrighted software, and the implications thereof. Subsequently a short theoretical digression is made to dissect the notion of goods as used by the UN convention on contracts for international sales of goods, in order to determine the limits of the convention vis-à-vis intangibles. The Vienna convention also presents a useful mirror to the (now dead) proposal for Common European sales law (CESL), as the..

    Stable Signal Peptide Requirement for Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Glycoprotein Synthesis and Maturation

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    Arenaviruses persist in distinct rodent hosts in regions defined by the host rodent's geographic distribution. The prototype arenavirus, the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) uses the house mouse, Mus musculus, as its reservoir host, and as a result, LCMV has a near-global geographic distribution. In general, LCMV cause non-cytolytic infections and the resulting tissue pathology is caused by immune cell-mediated mechanisms rather than direct viral cytopathology. LCMV has also been implicated in the deaths of organ recipients upon transplantation of infected donor tissue. Several arenaviruses, namely the Lassa Virus and the Junín Virus, are causative agents of viral hemorrhagic fever. Arenavirus infections are initiated by the binding of the viral surface glycoprotein complex to receptors on the target host cell. A series of protein interactions ensues with the ultimate release of the viral core into the cytoplasm of the newly infected cell. The work presented here targets two aspects of the arenavirus life cycle that, due to their conservation across the Arenaviridae family, are attractive targets for therapeutic developments: the genome promoter element and the glycoprotein stable signal peptide (SSP). The 5' and 3' termini of each genome segment share sequence complementarity, as each drive expression of the viral open reading frames in an ambisense manner. This highly conserved genome element was the target for antisense peptide-conjugated phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligonucleotide inhibitor development (P-PMO). Cells treated with P-PMO compounds, followed by infection with LCMV resulted in a decrease in viral protein and RNA production. Total viral protein and titer inhibition was observed with 2 uM P-PMO treatment. In addition to my contribution to the development of antisense oligonucleotide compounds with antiviral activity, I created a panel of glycoprotein tools that directly target SSP with the goal of elucidating this glycoprotein subunit's role in the synthesis and maturation of the entire glycoprotein complex. SSP is a fascinating component of arenaviruses. This highly conserved 58 amino acid long polypeptide is retained as a critical factor for several steps in the production of a mature glycoprotein complex, which studs the surface of nascent virions originating at the infected cell plasma membrane. Further, I created a glycoprotein plasmid containing an epitope-tagged SSP for experimental manipulation and detection of SSP. Using a series of biochemical assays, confocal microscopy, and flow cytometry, I present compelling evidence that SSP is the driving force for the synthesis of a properly organized and functional glycoprotein complex. The tools I have developed will aide future studies to further elucidate the mechanism and cell biology behind how this viral protein borrows cellular machinery for virus propagation. Since SSP is a highly conserved arenavirus component, a better understanding of how this subunit functions has the potential to become a target for antiviral therapeutic development