284 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Ketertiban Umum (Sudi Kasus Pasar Simpang Padang Duri) di Kecamatan Mandau

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    Mandau is a cross region of the various regions. Development always occurs from time. Problem often encountered is closely related to the problem of overpopulation. Mandau is a rapid development of the business sector infrastructure even in this area is growing so rapidly that it becomes the target sector to creat jobs the informal sector, which vendors are selling. If look to major roads that are often ecountered are vendors who sell to on the road and there is congestion and disrupt traffic behaviour. But in regulating this issue saber subdistrict goverment should have a policy for the implementation of public order by executing the task by Police Unit of Pamong Praja. In the medel implementations by Van Meter and Van Horn, there are six variables that shape the relationship between policies and performance, namely : basic measures and policy objectives, policy resources, inter-organizational communication and implementation activities, the characteristics of the implementaters, economic conditions, social and political trends executor. The reseach method used in this study is a qualitative research, with techniques that are done of snowball sampling, the key informants in this study. The informant who conducted the interview was from Police Unit of Pamong Praja Mandau and fiber UPTD police civil service departements and hygiene market, the analyze the data and manage the data. Based on the research that has been done, and based on the theoritical concept. Implementation of public order (Market case study intersections desert thorn Mandau) in the district mandau. Basically been carried out by the Police Unit of Pamong Praja and UPTD Departement and Hygiene Market. But never be running with a constant order, the hawkers back peddle. Do not have a clear sanction any mistakes made by vendors that posed on deterrent properties. Goverment also did not pay attention to the problem pf street vendors with deep. So it happened so long and prottacted. Plus the absence of a clear warning to the o authorized organization itself.Keyword: Public Order, Implementation, Street Vendor


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    ABSTRAK Nama : Dinna Beddy Nim : 11543204337 Judul : Kompetensi Produser Program Rona Melayu di TVRI Riau Kepri dalam Meningkatkan Program Unggulan Televisi Repubik Indonesia Riau (TVRI RIAU) hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat di Riau dan sekitarnya untuk menampilkan program- program siaran yang mampu meningkatkan ketahanan Budaya Melayu dalam menghadapi era globalisasi salah satunya dengan menghadirkan Program Rona Melayu, sukses suatu program tidak terlepas dari keberhasilan seorang produser, yang didalam menjalankan programnya seorang produser memiliki kompetensi dimana seorang produser memiliki kemampuan yang terdapat unsur motif, konsep diri , sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahuai kompetensi produser program rona melayu di tvri riau kepri dalam meningkatkan program unggulan. Penelitian ini menggunakaan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Informan utama adalah produser program rona melayu dan informan pendukung adalah koordinator acara dan pengarah siaran. Teknik pengumpulan data dari hingga wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan Juli sampai Agustus 2019. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa Kompetensi Produser Program Rona Melayu TVRI Riau Kepri dari Motif produser dapat menentukan tujuan yang akan dicapai mulai dari menentukan konsep, mengawasi acara, menyetujui hasil akhir. Sifat bawaan produser memiliki kepercayaan diri, mengontrol kerja tim saat produksi, bekerja sama dalam pasca produksi. Konsep diri yaitu memiliki citra diri yang baik pada tim program, mampu mengkoordinasikan seluruh rencana produksi, mengawasi proses editing, pengetahuan yaitu dapat memberikan wawasan pengetahuan, dapat memberikan arahan saat produksi, membuat evaluasi. Keterampilan yaitu dapat berkomunikasi dengan kru, memiliki skill manajerial, dan mengadakan promosi atau publikasi. Kata Kunci : Kompetensi, Produser, Kompetensi Produser, Program TVRI Riau Kepr

    Identifikasi Kuat Acuan Terhadap Jenis Kayu Yang Diperdagangkan Di Kota Kupang Berdasarkan Sni 7973:2013

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    According to results of the test, quality code of each woods is: Timber = E14, Spinach = E14, Red Teak = E12, Candlenut wood = E10 and Cassowary = E15.The compressive strength perpendicular to the wood fibers: Timber= 23,00 MPa, Spinach = 31,00 MPa, Teak Red = 9,67 MPa, Candlenut= 8.67 MPa and cassowary= 21,67 MPa. The compressive strength parallel to the wood fibers: Timber = 70,33 MPa, Spinach = 79,33 MPa, Teak Red = 36,00 MPa, Candlenut= 26,00 MPa and cassowary = 50,00 MPa. Value bending strength of wood: Timber= 132,06 MPa, Spinach= 174,66 MPa, Teak Red= 59,64 MPa, Candlenut= 51,12 MPa and cassowary= 110,76 MPa. The percentage value of compressive strength test comparison between the wood fibers parallel investigation against SNI 7973: 2013: Timber= 164,01%, Spinach= 197.80%, Teak Red= 59.57%, Candlenut= 57.00% and Cassowary= 73,61%. Value percentage ratio of compressive strength test perpendicular to the wood fibers are examined against SNI 7973: 2013: Timber= 365.29%, Spinach= 527,12%, Teak Red= 131,54%, Candlenut= 143,64% and Cassowary= 479,20%. Percentage value comparison test between the flexural strength of the wood studied the SNI 7973: 2013: Timber= 312,64%, Spinach = 445,74%, Teak Red = 121,51%, Candlenut= 154,76% and Cassowary= 215.99%


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    Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre el uso de las redes sociales y el comportamiento en las areas de desarrollo de los estudiantes adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Illathupa-Huánuco-2019. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel relacional; de tipo observacional-descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo; el muestreo fue probabilístico aleatorio estratificado; se trabajó con 186 estudiantes estudiantes adolescentes del 3ro al 5to de secundaria. Se utilizó como instrumentos, el cuestionario sobre el comportamiento en las areas de desarrollos del adolescente. Para la contrastación de la hipótesis se utilizó la prueba Rho de Spearman para correlacionar variables cualitativas-cuantitativas y el Chi Cuadrado de Pearson para asociar variables cualitativas nominales. Resultados: el estudio determinó relación estadistivamente significativa (X2=10,513 p= 0,004) entre el uso de las redes sociales y el comportamiento inadecuado en las areas de desarrollo de los adolescentes. Asimismo, comprobó que existe relación estadistivamente significativa entre el uso de las redes sociales y el comportamiento inadecuado de los adolescentes en el area social (X2=6,923 p= 0,050) y en el area personal (X2=16,780 p=0,011). También se comprobó relación estadistivamente significativa entre el uso del celular como dispositivo para navegar en las redes sociales X2=9,616 p= 0,022), el uso del Facebook como red social más usado (X2=14,653 p=0,023) y el comportamiento inadecuado en las areas de desarrollo de los adolescentes. Conclusión: el uso de las redes sociales y el comportamiento en las areas de desarrollo de los estudiantes adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Illathupa-están reclacionado significativamente.Tesi


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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi berbasis internet, maka semakin penting peran media sosial online sebagai salah satu faktor yang dapat memberikan efek positif dalam peningkatan partisipasi politik dikalangan pelajar sebagai pemilih pemula di dalam pemilihan umum. Namun, realitasnya para politisi atau partai politik yang berkompetisi di pemilihan anggota legislatif di Kabupaten Bogor pada tahun 2014 belum optimal dalam memanfaatkan media sosial berbasis internet tersebut. Dampaknya tingkat partisipasi politik pemilih pemula dikalangan pelajar rendah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memiliki tujuan (1) untuk mendeskripsikan pengguna media sosial dikalangan pelajar sebagai pemilih pemula; (2) untuk mendeskripsikan pengguna media sosial berbasis internet dikalangan politisi/partai politik (3) untuk mengetahui konten pesan kampanye politik para politisi di media sosial. Metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis, ialah untuk menggambarkan, menganalisis dan menginterpretasikan data. Tehnik pengambilan data dengan cara: observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan FGD (Focus Group Discations). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengguna media sosial semakin masif di kalangan pelajar sebagai pemilih pemula di kabupaten Bogor untuk mengakses informasi tentang pemilu, yaitu sebagai pengguna Twiteer 35%, Facebook 28%, dan Instagram 28%. Sedangkan dikalangan para politisi/partai politik dalam kampanye politik masih rendah dalam penggunaan akun media sosial (82,7%). Kemudian konten kampanye politik para politisi dalam media sosial kurang menarik (94,2%). Adapun saran untuk para politisi antara lain: (1) Pemanfaatkan media sosial dalam kampanye pemilu secara optimal (2). Konten pesan politik sebaiknya disesuaikan dengan ciri khas pemilih pemula, seperti: sederhana, praktis, menarik dan mudah dipahami oleh mereka

    Sarcopenia: Prevalence, and Impact on Operative and Oncologic Outcomes in the Multimodal Management of Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer

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    Objective: The aim of this article was to study the prevalence and significance of sarcopenia in the multimodal management of locally advanced esophageal cancer (LAEC), and to assess its independent impact on operative and oncologic outcomes. Summary of background data: Sarcopenia in cancer may confer negative outcomes, but its prevalence and impact on modern multimodal regimens for LAEC have not been systematically studied. Methods: Two hundred fifty-two consecutive patients were studied. Lean body mass (LBM), skeletal muscle index (SMI), and fat mass (FM) were determined pre-treatment, preoperatively, and 1 year postoperatively. Sarcopenia was defined by computed tomography (CT) at L3 as SMI \u3c 52.4 cm/m for males and SMI \u3c 38.5 cm/m for females. All complications were recorded prospectively, including comprehensive complications index (CCI), Clavien-Dindo complication (CDC), and pulmonary complications (PPCs). Multivariable linear, logistic, and Cox regression analysis was performed. Results: In-hospital mortality was 1%, and CCI was 21 ± 19. Sarcopenia increased (P = 0.02) from 16% at diagnosis to 31% post-neoadjuvant therapy, with loss of LBM (-3.0 ± 5.4 kg, P \u3c 0.0001), but not FM (-0.3 ± 2.7 kg, P= 0.31) during treatment. On multivariable analysis, preoperative sarcopenia was associated with CCI (P = 0.043), and CDC ≥IIIb (P = 0.003). PPCs occurred in 36% nonsarcopenic versus 55% sarcopenic patients (P = 0.01). Sarcopenia did not impact disease-specific (P = 0.14) or overall survival (P = 0.11) after resection. At 1 year, 35% had sarcopenia, significantly associated with pre-treatment BMI (P = 0.013) but not complications (P = 0.20). Conclusions: Sarcopenia increases through multimodal therapy, is associated with an increased risk of major postoperative complications, and is prevalent in survivorship. These data highlight a potentially modifiable marker of risk that should be assessed and targeted in modern multimodal care pathways


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    Berdasarkan pembahasan dan anaIisis diatas, dapat diambil simpulan bahwa variabel-variabel bebas Return On Equity (XI), Earning Per Share (Xl) dan Devidend Per Share (Xl) secara bersama-sama mempunyai pengaruh bermakna terhadap Iikuiditas saham pada perbankan yang go public di Bursa Efek Surabaya selama peri ode 1991 sampai dengan 1995. Pembuktian adanya pengaruh secara serempak tersebut ditunjukkan dengan nilai F hitung yang lebih tinggi dari nilai F tabel, baik pada model I maupun model II (4,266 > 3,134 dan 3,234 > 3,134) dengan nilai multiple R masing-masing mode! adalah 32,55% dan 28,71%, yang menunjukkan proporsi kuatnya hubungan antara variabel-variabel bebas dan variabel tidak bebas. Sementara itu secara parsial, dengan nilai t hitung yang lebih besar yaitu masing-masing 2,136 dan 1,612 dibanding nilai t tahel (1,996). variabel ROE pada model I dan variabel DPS pada model II, mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap terhadap likuiditas saham perbankan. Koefesien regresi variabel Return On Equity juga mempunyai hubungan yang positif (sebesar \,3884) terhadap likuiditas saham, artinya setiap perubahan \,3884% Return On Equity, mengakibatkan kenaikan likuiditas saham sebesar 1,3884 kali

    Benign cystic mesothelioma of the appendix presenting in a woman: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Benign cystic mesothelioma or peritoneal inclusion cysts are rare benign abdominal tumors usually occurring in females of reproductive age. These cysts present as abdominopelvic pain or masses but are often found on imaging or incidentally at surgery. They are commonly associated with pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or ovarian cysts. We report what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first case of a benign cystic mesothelioma complicating a presentation of acute appendicitis.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>A 19-year-old Irish Caucasian woman presented with abdominal pain. Imaging suggested appendicitis with abscess formation. She was treated with antibiotics and scheduled for interval appendicectomy. At laparoscopy, an unusual cystic mass was found arising from the appendix. Histology revealed benign cystic mesothelioma.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We report what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first case of a benign cystic mesothelioma arising from the appendix and complicating a presentation of acute appendicitis. This is a benign pathology, but recurrences are not uncommon. Benign cystic mesothelioma should be included in the differential when investigating pelvic masses or abscesses associated with either appendicitis or pelvic inflammatory disease in women.</p

    Rectourethral Fistulas Secondary to Prostate Cancer Treatment: Management and Outcomes from a Multi-Institutional Combined Experience

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    PurposeRectourethral fistula is a known complication of prostate cancer treatment. Reports in the literature on rectourethral fistula repair technique and outcomes are limited to single institution series. We examined the variations in technique and outcomes of rectourethral fistula repair in a multi-institutional setting.Materials and methodsWe retrospectively identified patients who underwent rectourethral fistula repair after prostate cancer treatment at 1 of 4 large volume reconstructive urology centers, including University of California-San Francisco, University College London Hospitals, Lahey Clinic and Devine-Jordan Center for Reconstructive Surgery, in a 15-year period. We examined the types of prostate cancer treatment, technical aspects of rectourethral fistula repair and outcomes.ResultsAfter prostate cancer treatment 201 patients underwent rectourethral fistula repair. The fistula developed in 97 men (48.2%) after radical prostatectomy alone and in 104 (51.8%) who received a form of energy ablation. In the ablation group 84% of patients underwent bowel diversion before rectourethral fistula repair compared to 65% in the prostatectomy group. An interposition flap or graft was placed in 91% and 92% of the 2 groups, respectively. Concomitant bladder neck contracture or urethral stricture developed in 26% of patients in the ablation group and in 14% in the prostatectomy group. Postoperatively the rates of urinary incontinence and complications were higher in the energy ablation group at 35% and 25% vs 16% and 11%, respectively. The ultimate success rate of fistula repair in the energy ablation and radical prostatectomy groups was 87% and 99% with 92% overall success.ConclusionsRectourethral fistulas due to prostate cancer therapy can be reconstructed successfully in a high percent of patients. This avoids permanent urinary diversion in these complex cases