57 research outputs found

    Stellenwert des anti-MCV-Antikörpernachweises im Vergleich zu Rheumafaktoren und anti-CCP-Antikörpern bei Patienten mit Gelenkbeschwerden in der rheumatologischen Routinediagnostik

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die diagnostische Relevanz des Biomarkers anti-MCV-Antikörper mit den bereits etablierten und in die Leitlinien aufgenommenen Biomarkern anti-CCP-Antikörper und Rheumafaktoren verglichen. Diskutiert wird die Aufnahme von anti-MCV-Antikörpern in die rheumatologische Routinediagnostik. Grundlage der retrospektiv analytischen Arbeit waren die Patientenakten sowie die Laborbefunde von 2641 Patienten, die sich mit Gelenkbeschwerden in der rheumatologischen Klinik Bad Abbach im Zeitraum vom 02. Januar 1995 2005 bis zum 20. Dezember 2008 4200 vorstellten. Die Patientenseren wurden auf das Vorliegen von anti-CCP-Antikörper, anti-MCV-Antikörpern und Rheumafaktoren untersucht, und in Zusammenschau mit dem klinischen Beschwerdebild gebracht. Bei 1143 (43,3%) Patienten, also fast der Hälfte des Kollektivs, (43,3%) zeigte sich mindestens einer dieser Autoantikörper signifikant erhöht. Bei 130 (4,9%) Patienten fanden sich als alleinige Seromarker anti-MCV-Antikörper. Unter allen 2641 analysierten Patientenseren gab es keine Probe, die sich ausschließlich auf anti-CCP-Antikörper positiv zeigte. Somit zeigte sich bei den seropositiven Arthritiden anti-MCV-Antikörper als wichtiger diagnostischer Marker. Im analysierten Patientenkollektiv war die Bestimmung von anti-MCV-Antikörpern in Kombination mit Rheumafaktoren völlig ausreichend, um alle seropositiven Patienten mit Arthritiden aus dem rheumatologischen Formenkreis zu diagnostizieren. Der Verzicht auf die Bestimmungen von Anti-CCP-Antikörpern ergab im analysierten Kollektiv keine diagnostische Lücke. Als stufendiagnostisches Modell zeigt sich die Bestimmung von Rheumafaktoren und Anti-MCV-Antikörpern, möglicherweise auch als Bedsidetest, sowohl effizient als auch als kostengünstige Alternative zur bisherigen Bestimmung von Anti-CCP-Antikörpern im rheumatologischen Speziallabor

    Man ska inte anta för mycket

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    Vad krävs för att människor ska säga att en individ har utsatts för diskriminering? Tidigare forskning har framhävt främst två sätt att förklara vad som påverkar människor när de säger att diskriminering skett. Dessa är att människor baserar sin attribution på sin förförståelse om situationen och de som drabbas s.k. prototyper (“kvinnor har historiskt sett blivit mer diskriminerade”), samt att människor tenderar att sympatisera med sin egen ingrupp (identifiera diskriminering mer när den utsatte är av det egna könet). 108 studenter vid Lunds Universitet fick läsa en kort historia om en man/kvinna som sökte ett jobb och fick avslag. Könet på den jobbsökande manipulerats, men all annan information exakt lika. Försöksdeltagarna fick sedan skatta i vilken utsträckning diskriminering skett. Med bakgrund av tidigare forskning var studiens hypoteser (1) individer kommer vara mer benägna att tillskriva diskriminering om den sökande är kvinna och (2) män/kvinnor kommer identifiera diskriminering i större grad när den drabbade är av deras egna kön. Resultaten visade att individer i större utsträckning sade att diskriminering skett när den sökande var kvinna. Denna effekt var oberoende av försöksdeltagarens kön. Därmed fann vi stöd för en prototypeffekt men inte för ett ingrupps bias.What is required for people to say that an individual has been discriminated against? Previous research has primarily focused on two ways of explaining what factors are at play when someone says discrimination has occurred. These claim that people base their attribution on their perceptions about the situation and victim, so called prototypes ("women have historically been more discriminated against"), and that people tend to sympathize with their own in-group (identify discrimination more when the victim is of the same gender as themselves). 108 students at Lund University read a short story about a man/woman who applied for a job and was rejected. The gender of the applicant was manipulated but all other information was exactly the same. The participants of the study were then asked to estimate the extent to which discrimination had taken place. Based on previous research we hypothesized that (1) individuals would be more likely to attribute discrimination if the applicant is a woman and that (2) men/women would attribute discrimination to a greater extent when the victim is of their own gender. The results showed that individuals attributed discrimination to a greater degree when the applicant was a woman. This effect was independent of the participant's gender. Thus we found support for a prototype effect, but not for an in-group bias

    More-than-Human Data Interactions in the Smart City - reflections

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    How might we design and plan urban spaces to be more hospitable for foxes? How might a worm or a nettle plant experience the neighbourhood we live in? What kinds of urban data might parakeets find useful? And how might we design new technologies for more equitable living spaces for all of London’s inhabitants - human and non-human, big and small? This booklet brings together reflections from a research project called “More-than- Human Data Interactions in the Smart City.” Through a series of probes and proposals, and two workshops in east London with participants that included community organisers, growers, policy-makers, activists, academics, educators and artists, we explored questions about who we share our city with, and how we can better live together with our non-human neighbours with the help of digital infrastructure and data

    Making everyday things talk:Speculative conversations into the future of voice interfaces at home

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    What if things had a voice? What if we could talk directly to things instead of using a mediating voice interface such as an Alexa or a Google Assistant? In this paper, we share our insights from talking to a pair of boots, a tampon, a perfume bottle, and toilet paper among other everyday things to explore their conversational capabilities. We conducted Thing Interviews using a more-than-human design approach to discover a thing's perspectives, worldviews and its relations to other humans and nonhumans. Based on our analysis of the speculative conversations, we identified some themes characterizing the emergent qualities of people's relationships with everyday things. We believe the themes presented in the paper may inspire future research on designing everyday things with conversational capabilities at home

    More-than-human data interactions in the city

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    This booklet brings together reflections from a research project called “More-than- Human Data Interactions in the Smart City.” Through a series of probes and proposals, and two workshops in east London with participants that included community organisers, growers, policy-makers, activists, academics, educators and artists, we explored questions about who we share our city with, and how we can better live together with our non-human neighbours with the help of digital infrastructure and data

    Physical performance and physical characteristics of children with mild intellectual disability after the covid-19 epidemic outbreak

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    Učenci z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju zaradi narave svojih težav obiskujejo prilagojen program z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom, kjer je proces pouka prilagojen njihovim potrebam. V primerjavi z vrstniki imajo upočasnjen razvoj, ki je na področju motorike opazen že v predšolskem obdobju, se manj gibajo in so lahko nagnjeni k razvoju sekundarnih zdravstvenih težav. Gibanje ima koristne učinke na otroke, ki v fazi razvoja potrebujejo dnevno do ene ure telesne dejavnosti. V okviru osnovnošolskega izobraževanja se učenci z gibanjem srečujejo pri predmetu šport, kjer se s pomočjo testnega inštrumentarija športnovzgojni karton spremljata njihov telesni in gibalni razvoj. Epidemija covida-19 in s tem povezano zaprtje šol ter šolanje na daljavo so privedli do težav, ki so vidne na različnih področjih posameznikovega delovanja. V tem delu nas je zanimal vpliv odsotnosti športne vzgoje in s tem povezano pomanjkanje gibanja na gibalne sposobnosti in telesne značilnosti učencev z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju, ki obiskujejo prilagojen program z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. V sklopu empiričnega dela smo primerjali rezultate športnovzgojnega kartona izbrane osnovne šole za šolski leti 2018/2019 in 2019/2020, ko so se meritve izvedle po dvomesečnem šolanju na daljavo. S pomočjo primerjave smo za izbran vzorec ugotavljali, kakšni so bili rezultati posameznega učenca na področju gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti ter ali je prišlo do razlik na različnih področjih merjenja omenjenega. Ugotovili smo, da rezultati posamezne gibalne sposobnosti variirajo, saj smo pri določenih zaznali upad, pri določenih pa izboljšanje. Z vidika posameznega učenca smo pri več kot polovici vključenih na drugem testiranju zaznali boljši rezultat.še malo bolj informirati starše o pomembnosti branja in kakovosti skupnega preživljanja časa.Students with mild intellectual disabilities are included in special education services where the educational process is adapted according to their needs. Compared to their peers, their development is slower, in motor development this difference becomes clear already in preschool. They move less and are prone to secondary health issues. Movement is beneficial to children who need from one to two hours of physical activity daily during the developmental stage. In primary education students associate movement with the physical education class where their physical and motor development is tracked in physical fitness report. The covid- 19 epidemic caused schools to close and the educational process had to be executed online. This caused several problems in different areas of and individuals functioning. This work centers on the effect the absence of physical activity and with it the overall absence of movement has had on the motor skills and physical characteristics of students with mild intellectual disabilities who receive special educational services with lower educational standards. In the empirical part of this work we compared the results of the 2018/19 school year physical fitness report with the results of the 2019/20 results which were acquired after a two month period of distance education. By comparing the results in the selected sample, we wanted to find out how each individual student scored in the field of motor skills and physical characteristics and if there were any significant difference in different areas of measurement. We came to the conclusion that the results of the motor skills vary, some of them showed and increase and some showed a decrease in skills. On an individual level, we found that results have improved on the second testing for more than a half of the study participants

    Design F(r)iction für Food Rescue Infrastructures

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    Commons offer an opening for imagining care-based alternatives to growth-based economies and their implications on the use of urban resources, trajectories of technological development and infrastructural path dependencies. Commons are resources used and consumed by a specified community, which negotiates, regulates, and manages the resource’s distribution or production. Commoning as a practice refers not only to the management of resources but also to creating the frameworks and infrastructures in which resources turn into commons. Rescued food is a resource that can turn into commons after being ejected from shelves and before turning into food waste