12 research outputs found

    Involvement of Arabidopsis glutaredoxin S14 in the maintenance of chlorophyll content

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    Plant class-II glutaredoxins (GRXs) are oxidoreductases carrying a CGFS active site signature and are able to bind iron-sulfur clusters invitro. In order to explore the physiological functions of the 2 plastidial class-II isoforms, GRXS14 and GRXS16, we generated knockdown and overexpression Arabidopsis thaliana lines and characterized their phenotypes using physiological and biochemical approaches.Plants deficient in one GRX did not display any growth defect, whereas the growth of plants lacking both was slowed. Plants overexpressing GRXS14 exhibited reduced chlorophyll content in control, high-light, and high-salt conditions.However, when exposed to prolonged darkness, plants lacking GRXS14 showed accelerated chlorophyll loss compared to wild-type and overexpression lines. We observed that the GRXS14 abundance and the proportion of reduced form were modified in wild type upon darkness and high salt. The dark treatment also resulted in decreased abundance of proteins involved in the maturation of iron-sulfur proteins. We propose that the phenotype of GRXS14-modified lines results from its participation in the control of chlorophyll content in relation with light and osmotic conditions, possibly through a dual action in regulating the redox status of biosynthetic enzymes and contributing to the biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters, which are essential cofactors in chlorophyll metabolism.In this work, we aimed at characterizing the physiological functions of the plastidial class-II glutaredoxins (GRXs), GRXS14 and GRXS16, two oxidoreductases able to bind iron-sulfur clusters in vitro. We observed that plants deficient in a single GRX do not display any growth defect, whereas the growth of plants lacking both was slowed. Plants overexpressing GRXS14 exhibited reduced chlorophyll content, whereas plants lacking GRXS14 showed accelerated chlorophyll loss upon prolonged darkness, a condition resulting in GRXS14 oxidation and in strong decreases in the abundance of proteins involved in the maturation of iron-sulfur proteins. Hence, GRXS14 would participate in chlorophyll maintenance by regulating the redox status of biosynthetic enzymes and/or the biogenesis of iron-sulfur proteins involved in chlorophyll metabolism

    Plant tolerance to excess light energy and photooxidative damage relies on plastoquinone biosynthesis

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    International audiencePlastoquinone-9 is known as a photosynthetic electron carrier to which has also been attributed a role in the regulation of gene expression and enzyme activities via its redox state. Here, we show that it acts also as an antioxidant in plant leaves, playing a central photoprotective role. When Arabidopsis plants were suddenly exposed to excess light energy, a rapid consumption of plastoquinone-9 occurred, followed by a progressive increase in concentration during the acclimation phase. By overexpressing the plastoquinone-9 biosynthesis gene SPS1 (SOLANESYL DIPHOSPHATE SYNTHASE 1) in Arabidopsis, we succeeded in generating plants that specifically accumulate plastoquinone-9 and its derivative plastochromanol-8. The SPS1-overexpressing lines were much more resistant to photooxidative stress than the wild type, showing marked decreases in leaf bleaching, lipid peroxidation and PSII photoinhibition under excess light. Comparison of the SPS1 overexpressors with other prenyl quinone mutants indicated that the enhanced phototolerance of the former plants is directly related to their increased capacities for plastoquinone-9 biosynthesis

    Thioredoxin m4 controls photosynthetic alternative electron pathways in Arabidopsis

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    In addition to the linear electron flow, a cyclic electron flow (CEF) around photosystem I occurs in chloroplasts. In CEF, electrons flow back from the donor site of photosystem I to the plastoquinone pool via two main routes: one that involves the Proton Gradient Regulation5 (PGR5)/PGRL1 complex (PGR) and one that is dependent of the NADH dehydrogenase-like complex. While the importance of CEF in photosynthesis and photoprotection has been clearly established, little is known about its regulation. We worked on the assumption of a redox regulation and surveyed the putative role of chloroplastic thioredoxins (TRX). Using Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking different TRX isoforms, we demonstrated in vivo that TRXm4 specifically plays a role in the down-regulation of the NADH dehydrogenase-like complex-dependent plastoquinone reduction pathway. This result was confirmed in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants overexpressing the TRXm4 orthologous gene. In vitro assays performed with isolated chloroplasts and purified TRXm4 indicated that TRXm4 negatively controls the PGR pathway as well. The physiological significance of this regulation was investigated under steady-state photosynthesis and in the pgr5 mutant background. Lack of TRXm4 reversed the growth phenotype of the pgr5 mutant, but it did not compensate for the impaired photosynthesis and photoinhibition sensitivity. This suggests that the physiological role of TRXm4 occurs in vivo via a mechanism distinct from direct up-regulation of CEF. © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.Peer Reviewe

    Arabidopsis glutaredoxin S17 and its partner NF-YC11/NC2α contribute to maintenance of the shoot apical meristem under long-day photoperiod

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    International audienceGlutaredoxins (GRXs) catalyze the reduction of protein disulfide bonds using glutathione as a reductant. Certain GRXs are able to transfer iron-sulfur clusters to other proteins. To investigate the function of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) GRXS17, we applied a strategy combining biochemical, genetic, and physiological approaches. GRXS17 was localized in the nucleus and cytosol, and its expression was elevated in the shoot meristems and reproductive tissues. Recombinant GRXS17 bound Fe2S2 clusters, a property likely contributing to its ability to complement the defects of a Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) strain lacking the mitochondrial GRX5. However, a grxs17 knockout Arabidopsis mutant exhibited only a minor decrease in the activities of iron-sulfur enzymes, suggesting that its primary function is as a disulfide oxidoreductase. The grxS17 plants were sensitive to high temperatures and long-day photoperiods, resulting in elongated leaves, compromised shoot apical meristem, and delayed bolting. Both environmental conditions applied simultaneously led to a growth arrest. Using affinity chromatography and split-Yellow Fluorescent Protein methods, a nuclear transcriptional regulator, the Nuclear Factor Y Subunit C11/Negative Cofactor 2α (NF-YC11/NC2α), was identified as a GRXS17 interacting partner. A mutant deficient in NF-YC11/NC2α exhibited similar phenotypes to grxs17 in response to photoperiod. Therefore, we propose that GRXS17 interacts with NF-YC11/NC2α to relay a redox signal generated by the photoperiod to maintain meristem function

    Low phosphate activates STOP1-ALMT1 to rapidly inhibit root cell elongation

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    International audienceEnvironmental cues profoundly modulate cell proliferation and cell elongation to inform and direct plant growth and development. External phosphate (Pi) limitation inhibits primary root growth in many plant species. However, the underlying Pi sensory mechanisms are unknown. Here we genetically uncouple two Pi sensing pathways in the root apex of Arabidopsis thaliana. First, the rapid inhibition of cell elongation in the transition zone is controlled by transcription factor STOP1, by its direct target, ALMT1, encoding a malate channel, and by ferroxidase LPR1, which together mediate Fe and peroxidase-dependent cell wall stiffening. Second, during the subsequent slow inhibition of cell proliferation in the apical meristem, which is mediated by LPR1-dependent, but largely STOP1–ALMT1-independent, Fe and callose accumulate in the stem cell niche, leading to meristem reduction. Our work uncovers STOP1 and ALMT1 as a signalling pathway of low Pi availability and exuded malate as an unexpected apoplastic inhibitor of root cell wall expansion