24,813 research outputs found

    Counting statistics and detector properties of quantum point contacts

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    Quantum detector properties of the quantum point contact (QPC) are analyzed for arbitrary electron transparency and coupling strength to the measured system and are shown to be determined by the electron counting statistics. Conditions of the quantum-limited operation of the QPC detector which prevent information loss through the scattering time and scattering phases are found for arbitrary coupling. We show that the phase information can be restored and used for the quantum-limited detection by inclusion of the QPC detector in the electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, published versio

    Filamentary Diffusion of Cosmic Rays on Small Scales

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    We investigate the diffusion of cosmic rays (CR) close to their sources. Propagating individual CRs in purely isotropic turbulent magnetic fields with maximal scale of spatial variations Lmax, we find that CRs diffuse anisotropically at distances r <~ Lmax from their sources. As a result, the CR densities around the sources are strongly irregular and show filamentary structures. We determine the transition time t* to standard diffusion as t* ~ 10^4 yr (Lmax/150 pc)^b (E/PeV)^(-g) (Brms/4 muG)^g, with b ~ 2 and g = 0.25-0.5 for a turbulent field with Kolmogorov power spectrum. We calculate the photon emission due to CR interactions with gas and the resulting irregular source images.Comment: 5 pages (2 columns), 4 figures. Published in Physical Review Letter

    Coulomb Charging Effects for Finite Channel Number

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    We consider quantum fluctuations of the charge on a small metallic grain caused by virtual electron tunneling to a nearby electrode. The average electron number and the effective charging energy are determined by means of perturbation theory in the tunneling Hamiltonian. In particular we discuss the dependence of charging effects on the number N of tunneling channels. Earlier results for N>>1 are found to be approached rather rapidly with increasing N.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Photoinduced melting of superconductivity in the high-Tc superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4 probed by time-resolved optical and THz techniques

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    Dynamics of depletion and recovery of superconducting state in La2-xSrxCuO_4 thin films is investigated utilizing optical pump-probe and optical pump - THz probe techniques as a function of temperature and excitation fluence. The absorbed energy density required to suppress superconductivity is found to be about 8 times higher than the thermodynamically determined condensation energy density and nearly temperature independent between 4 and 25 K. These findings indicate that during the time when superconducting state suppression takes place (~0.7 ps), a large part (nearly 90%) of the energy is transferred to the phonons with energy lower than twice the maximum value of of the SC gap and only 10% is spent on Cooper pair breaking.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic fields in barred galaxies. IV. NGC 1097 and NGC 1365

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    We present 3.5cm and 6.2cm radio continuum maps in total and polarized intensity of the barred galaxies NGC 1097 and NGC 1365. Both galaxies exhibit radio ridges roughly overlapping with the massive dust lanes in the bar region. The contrast in total intensity across the radio ridges is compatible with compression and shear of an isotropic random magnetic field. The contrast in polarized intensity is significantly smaller than that expected from compression and shearing of the regular magnetic field; this could be the result of decoupling of the regular field from the dense molecular clouds. The regular field in the ridge is probably strong enough to reduce significantly shear in the diffuse gas (to which it is coupled) and hence to reduce magnetic field amplification by shearing. This contributes to the misalignment of the observed field orientation with respect to the velocity vectors of the dense gas. Our observations, for the first time, indicate that magnetic forces can control the flow of the diffuse interstellar gas at kiloparsec scales. The total radio intensity reaches its maximum in the circumnuclear starburst regions, where the equipartition field strength is about 60\mu G, amongst the strongest fields detected in spiral galaxies so far. The regular field in the inner region has a spiral shape with large pitch angle, indicating the action of a dynamo. Magnetic stress leads to mass inflow towards the centre, sufficient to feed the active nucleus in NGC 1097. We detected diffuse X-ray emission, possibly forming a halo of hot gas around NGC 1097.Comment: 32 pages with 45 PostScript figures. Accepted for publication in A&A; Typos corrected 12/10/200

    Longitudinal response functions of 3H and 3He

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    Trinucleon longitudinal response functions R_L(q,omega) are calculated for q values up to 500 MeV/c. These are the first calculations beyond the threshold region in which both three-nucleon (3N) and Coulomb forces are fully included. We employ two realistic NN potentials (configuration space BonnA, AV18) and two 3N potentials (UrbanaIX, Tucson-Melbourne). Complete final state interactions are taken into account via the Lorentz integral transform technique. We study relativistic corrections arising from first order corrections to the nuclear charge operator. In addition the reference frame dependence due to our non-relativistic framework is investigated. For q less equal 350 MeV/c we find a 3N force effect between 5 and 15 %, while the dependence on other theoretical ingredients is small. At q greater equal 400 MeV/c relativistic corrections to the charge operator and effects of frame dependence, especially for large omega, become more important. In comparison with experimental data there is generally a rather good agreement. Exceptions are the responses at excitation energies close to threshold, where there exists a large discrepancy with experiment at higher q. Concerning the effect of 3N forces there are a few cases, in particular for the R_L of 3He, where one finds a much improved agreement with experiment if 3N forces are included.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Subsampling in Smoothed Range Spaces

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    We consider smoothed versions of geometric range spaces, so an element of the ground set (e.g. a point) can be contained in a range with a non-binary value in [0,1][0,1]. Similar notions have been considered for kernels; we extend them to more general types of ranges. We then consider approximations of these range spaces through ε\varepsilon -nets and ε\varepsilon -samples (aka ε\varepsilon-approximations). We characterize when size bounds for ε\varepsilon -samples on kernels can be extended to these more general smoothed range spaces. We also describe new generalizations for ε\varepsilon -nets to these range spaces and show when results from binary range spaces can carry over to these smoothed ones.Comment: This is the full version of the paper which appeared in ALT 2015. 16 pages, 3 figures. In Algorithmic Learning Theory, pp. 224-238. Springer International Publishing, 201

    Classical Infinite-Range-Interaction Heisenberg Ferromagnetic Model: Metastability and Sensitivity to Initial Conditions

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    A N-sized inertial classical Heisenberg ferromagnet, which consists in a modification of the well-known standard model, where the spins are replaced by classical rotators, is studied in the limit of infinite-range interactions. The usual canonical-ensemble mean-field solution of the inertial classical nn-vector ferromagnet (for which n=3n=3 recovers the particular Heisenberg model considered herein) is briefly reviewed, showing the well-known second-order phase transition. This Heisenberg model is studied numerically within the microcanonical ensemble, through molecular dynamics.Comment: 18 pages text, and 7 EPS figure

    Magnetic helicity and cosmological magnetic field

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    The magnetic helicity has paramount significance in nonlinear saturation of galactic dynamo. We argue that the magnetic helicity conservation is violated at the lepton stage in the evolution of early Universe. As a result, a cosmological magnetic field which can be a seed for the galactic dynamo obtains from the beginning a substantial magnetic helicity which has to be taken into account in the magnetic helicity balance at the later stage of galactic dynamo.Comment: 11 pages, no figures; v3: new references and new paragraphs added, discussion extended, some mistypings correcte
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