1,936 research outputs found

    Modeling with the Crowd: Optimizing the Human-Machine Partnership with Zooniverse

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    LSST and Euclid must address the daunting challenge of analyzing the unprecedented volumes of imaging and spectroscopic data that these next-generation instruments will generate. A promising approach to overcoming this challenge involves rapid, automatic image processing using appropriately trained Deep Learning (DL) algorithms. However, reliable application of DL requires large, accurately labeled samples of training data. Galaxy Zoo Express (GZX) is a recent experiment that simulated using Bayesian inference to dynamically aggregate binary responses provided by citizen scientists via the Zooniverse crowd-sourcing platform in real time. The GZX approach enables collaboration between human and machine classifiers and provides rapidly generated, reliably labeled datasets, thereby enabling online training of accurate machine classifiers. We present selected results from GZX and show how the Bayesian aggregation engine it uses can be extended to efficiently provide object-localization and bounding-box annotations of two-dimensional data with quantified reliability. DL algorithms that are trained using these annotations will facilitate numerous panchromatic data modeling tasks including morphological classification and substructure detection in direct imaging, as well as decontamination and emission line identification for slitless spectroscopy. Effectively combining the speed of modern computational analyses with the human capacity to extrapolate from few examples will be critical if the potential of forthcoming large-scale surveys is to be realized.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Unio

    Examining the association of medication complexity with health-related quality of life in older adults receiving community-based long term services and supports

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    While the complexity of a medication regimen is a concern for all individuals, it is of significant concern for community-dwelling older adults who often require multiple medications to treat chronic health problems. Health related quality of life (HRQoL) has been identified as a key quality outcome measure when assessing care of older adults, particularly those with long-term care needs. Although the use of multiple medications has been widely explored in the literature, there is a paucity of data regarding the combination of several medication-related factors (number of active medications, therapeutic drug class, and medication regimen complexity) and HRQoL in older adults. Wilson and Cleary\u27s health-related quality of life conceptual model was the theoretical framework used to guide this study. This secondary analysis examined the relationship among the number of active medications, the number of therapeutic drug classes, and medication regimen complexity and HRQoL in community-dwelling older adults (68% Hispanic, 75% female) who were recent recipients of home and community-based services (H&CBS). The subjects in this study (N =123) were enrolled in a large, multi-site study (N=470) (R01-AG025524, PI, M. Naylor). Medication-related data were obtained from medical charts, counted to include the active number of medications as all prescription and over the counter drugs (mean =9.3), and a therapeutic drug class tool (mean =4.9) measured the number of distinct therapeutic drug classes included in a medication regimen. Medication regimen complexity (mean = 20.6) was measured using the Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI). The Medical Outcomes Study Short Form (MOS SF-12 v2) physical (PCS) and mental component scores (MCS) measured HRQoL. After controlling for age, gender, education, race, ethnicity, marital status and cognitive status, it was determined that the number of active medications (beta coefficient -.497, p=.012) was a key predictor of physical health-related quality of life, while therapeutic drug class and medication regimen complexity were not associated with either physical or mental health-related quality of life. The number of medications impacts on physical health-related quality of life but the directionality of that relationship is not clear; there were no significant effects on mental health-related-related quality of life and medication-related variables. Keywords: Older adults, active medications, therapeutic drug class, medication regimen complexity, community-based long term services and supports

    Must Do @ VCU

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    Must Do @ VCU is a set of annual collegial activities that can be performed throughout the year, by faculty, staff and students. These VCU-centered activities are considered to be the things that give VCU its identity. The goal of Must Do @ VCU is to generate a sense of community and of belonging to the University. VCU is a relatively new University and its traditions are therefore not well-established. Must Do @ VCU aims to build on shared experiences as a method to establish VCU culture

    Pensando a cultura africana nas séries escolares iniciais no Brasil

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    Neurobiology of knowledge and misperception of lyrics by means of a novel method to induce concurring auditory perceptions by using Mondegreens and Soramimi

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    Expectations and previous knowledge can severely influence our perception. This so called top-down modulation in the processing of perception has been largely investigated in the visual modality, using ambiguous stimuli material such as reversible figures. We launch a novel method to study this issue in the auditory field. The method is based on Mondegreens and Soramimi: song lyrics which can be misperceived within one language or through switching between two languages. We proved through a behavioral experiment that misperceptions can be externally induced by visual presentation of the alternate percept as subtitles. Misperceptions appear with a sufficient probability for further use in neuroscientific experiments. The method comes into effect in a subsequent study including two functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments to fathom the neural correlates of knowledge and misperception of lyrics. The familiarity of the song is irrelevant, but the prior knowledge of alternative lyrics has a strong influence on the strength of misperception. Verbal fluency, seen as source for possible interpretations, as well as wittiness of the alternate perception increased the strength of misperception. This is in accordance with Hermann von Helmholtz´s theories that perception is based on comparable processes as problem solving. The first fMRI experiment revealed a linear correlation between familiarity of lyrics and activation in left-hemispheric speech-associated as well as bilateral striatal regions which is accordant with prior research on lyric-generation. The second fMRI experiment elucidated a bilateral network connected to the mis-perception of lyrics. This network included middle temporal and inferior frontal regions as well as anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and medio-dorsal thalamus Activation in the ACC is also related to how amusing participants rated the mis-perceptions. This is solidifying prior research on this region linked to the pleas-urable sensation of chills while listening to music. Misperceptions of song lyrics are mostly harmless, but our results could serve as a more general neurobiological model for additional studies on other types of misunderstandings which can present events with potentially powerful impact on our social life

    Benchmarking in a rotating annulus: a comparative experimental and numerical study of baroclinic wave dynamics

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    The differentially heated rotating annulus is a widely studied tabletop-size laboratory model of the general mid-latitude atmospheric circulation. The two most relevant factors of cyclogenesis, namely rotation and meridional temperature gradient are quite well captured in this simple arrangement. The radial temperature difference in the cylindrical tank and its rotation rate can be set so that the isothermal surfaces in the bulk tilt, leading to the formation of baroclinic waves. The signatures of these waves at the free water surface have been analyzed via infrared thermography in a wide range of rotation rates (keeping the radial temperature difference constant) and under different initial conditions. In parallel to the laboratory experiments, five groups of the MetStr\"om collaboration have conducted numerical simulations in the same parameter regime using different approaches and solvers, and applying different initial conditions and perturbations. The experimentally and numerically obtained baroclinic wave patterns have been evaluated and compared in terms of their dominant wave modes, spatio-temporal variance properties and drift rates. Thus certain ``benchmarks'' have been created that can later be used as test cases for atmospheric numerical model validation

    Predicting the redshift 2 Halpha luminosity function using [OIII] emission line galaxies

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    Upcoming space-based surveys such as Euclid and WFIRST-AFTA plan to measure Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs) in order to study dark energy. These surveys will use IR slitless grism spectroscopy to measure redshifts of a large number of galaxies over a significant redshift range. In this paper, we use the WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel Survey (WISP) to estimate the expected number of Halpha (Ha) emitters observable by these future surveys. WISP is an ongoing HST slitless spectroscopic survey, covering the 0.8-1.65micron wavelength range and allowing the detection of Ha emitters up to z~1.5 and [OIII] emitters to z~2.3. We derive the Ha-[OIII] bivariate line luminosity function for WISP galaxies at z~1 using a maximum likelihood estimator that properly accounts for uncertainties in line luminosity measurement, and demonstrate how it can be used to derive the Ha luminosity function from exclusively fitting [OIII] data. Using the z~2 [OIII] line luminosity function, and assuming that the relation between Ha and [OIII] luminosity does not change significantly over the redshift range, we predict the Ha number counts at z~2 - the upper end of the redshift range of interest for the future surveys. For the redshift range 0.7<z<2, we expect ~3000 galaxies/deg^2 for a flux limit of 3x10^{-16} ergs/s/cm^2 (the proposed depth of Euclid galaxy redshift survey) and ~20,000 galaxies/deg^2 for a flux limit of ~10^{-16} ergs/s/cm^2 (the baseline depth of WFIRST galaxy redshift survey).Comment: Minor revisions to match accepted ApJ versio

    Pre-torsors and Galois comodules over mixed distributive laws

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    We study comodule functors for comonads arising from mixed distributive laws. Their Galois property is reformulated in terms of a (so-called) regular arrow in Street's bicategory of comonads. Between categories possessing equalizers, we introduce the notion of a regular adjunction. An equivalence is proven between the category of pre-torsors over two regular adjunctions (NA,RA)(N_A,R_A) and (NB,RB)(N_B,R_B) on one hand, and the category of regular comonad arrows (RA,ξ)(R_A,\xi) from some equalizer preserving comonad C{\mathbb C} to NBRBN_BR_B on the other. This generalizes a known relationship between pre-torsors over equal commutative rings and Galois objects of coalgebras.Developing a bi-Galois theory of comonads, we show that a pre-torsor over regular adjunctions determines also a second (equalizer preserving) comonad D{\mathbb D} and a co-regular comonad arrow from D{\mathbb D} to NARAN_A R_A, such that the comodule categories of C{\mathbb C} and D{\mathbb D} are equivalent.Comment: 34 pages LaTeX file. v2: a few typos correcte

    Aplicação dos recursos do PRONAF pelos agricultores familiares do município de Cruz Alta (RS)

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    The creation of the National Program for Strengthening Family Farming (PRONAF) tries to promote the development of family farms from the delivery of rural credit which differs from that available to other classes of rural producers. The main focus of this study is to describe how PRONAF resources are being applied by the farmers of the municipality of Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul State. It appears that the program is failing to meet its objectives, either through lack of supervision and/or information, not contributing to the maintenance of the farmer's activities.Key words: family farming, PRONAF, financing.A criação do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) visa promover o desenvolvimento da agricultura familiar a partir do oferecimento de crédito rural, diferenciando-se dos disponíveis para as demais classes de produtores rurais. O enfoque principal deste estudo é descrever de que forma estão sendo aplicados os recursos do PRONAF pelos agricultores familiares do municipio de Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul. Verifica-se que o programa não está conseguindo cumprir seus objetivos, seja pela falta de fiscalização e/ou de informação, não contribuindo para a manutenção do agricultor em sua atividade.Palavras-chave: agricultura familiar, PRONAF, financiamento