632 research outputs found


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    O autor propõe o amor como o responsável pelo ambiente ótimo, indicando isso não ter sido visto pela psicologia. Descreve alguns resultados obtidos em pesquisas a partir de psicoterapias, do tratamento da delinqüência juvenil, do tratamento e prevenção da doença cardíaca e do ambiente de trabalho. Cada um destes estudos representa uma série de diversos ambientes onde uma classificação mais abrangente de amor - como um aspecto suportivo e afirmativo de qualquer ambiente social - elucidaria a sua importância para a psicologia ambiental. Finaliza manifestando o desejo de que o “Fator Amor” venha a ser considerado o mais importante comportamento a ser mensurado em todo e qualquer ambiente.The author proposes that love is responsible for the optimal environment, indicating that this has not been studied by Environmental Psychology. He describes some results obtained inresearch based on psychotherapy, on treatment of juvenile delinquency, on treatment and prevention of heart disease and on work environment. Each one of these studies represents a series of diverse environments where a broader classification of love – as a supportive and affirmative aspect of any social environment – would elucidate its importance to Environmental Psychology. He concludesthe article manifesting his wish that the “Love Factor” comes to be considered as the most important behavior to be measured in any and every environment

    Ultrafast Dynamics of Vibrational Symmetry Breaking in a Charge-ordered Nickelate

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    The ability to probe symmetry breaking transitions on their natural time scales is one of the key challenges in nonequilibrium physics. Stripe ordering represents an intriguing type of broken symmetry, where complex interactions result in atomic-scale lines of charge and spin density. Although phonon anomalies and periodic distortions attest the importance of electron-phonon coupling in the formation of stripe phases, a direct time-domain view of vibrational symmetry breaking is lacking. We report experiments that track the transient multi-THz response of the model stripe compound La1.75_{1.75}Sr0.25_{0.25}NiO4_{4}, yielding novel insight into its electronic and structural dynamics following an ultrafast optical quench. We find that although electronic carriers are immediately delocalized, the crystal symmetry remains initially frozen - as witnessed by time-delayed suppression of zone-folded Ni-O bending modes acting as a fingerprint of lattice symmetry. Longitudinal and transverse vibrations react with different speeds, indicating a strong directionality and an important role of polar interactions. The hidden complexity of electronic and structural coupling during stripe melting and formation, captured here within a single terahertz spectrum, opens new paths to understanding symmetry breaking dynamics in solids.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures; updated version with journal re

    In-Space Propulsion Solar Electric Propulsion Program Overview of 2006

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    The primary source of electric propulsion development throughout NASA is implemented by the In-Space Propulsion Technology Project at the NASA MSFC under the management of the Science Mission Directorate. The Solar Electric Propulsion technology area's objective is to develop near and mid-term SEP technology to enhance or enable mission capture while minimizing risk and cost to the end user. Major activities include developing NASA s Evolutionary Xenon Thruster (NEXT), implementing a Standard Architecture, and developing a long life High Voltage Hall Accelerator (HiVHAC). Lower level investments include advanced feed system development, advanced cathode testing and xenon recovery testing. Progress on current investments and future plans are discussed

    Communication: Observation of local-bender eigenstates in acetylene

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    We report the observation of eigenstates that embody large-amplitude, local-bending vibrational motion in acetylene by stimulated emission pumping spectroscopy via vibrational levels of the S1 state involving excitation in the non-totally symmetric bending modes. The N[subscript b] = 14 level, lying at 8971.69 cm[superscript −1] (J = 0), is assigned on the basis of degeneracy due to dynamical symmetry breaking in the local-mode limit. The level pattern for the N[subscript b] = 16 level, lying at 10 218.9 cm[superscript−1], is consistent with expectations for increased separation of ℓ = 0 and 2 vibrational angular momentum components. Increasingly poor agreement between our observations and the predicted positions of these levels highlights the failure of currently available normal mode effective Hamiltonian models to extrapolate to regions of the potential energy surface involving large-amplitude displacement along the acetylene ⇌ vinylidene isomerization coordinateUnited States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Basic Energy Sciences. Chemical Sciences Geosciences and Biosciences Division (Award No. DE-FG0287ER13671

    Testing self-report time-use diaries against objective instruments in real time

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    This study provides a new test of time-use diary methodology, comparing diaries with a pair of objective criterion measures: wearable cameras and accelerometers. A volunteer sample of respondents (n = 148) completed conventional self-report paper time-use diaries using the standard UK Harmonised European Time Use Study (HETUS) instrument. On the diary day, respondents wore a camera that continuously recorded images of their activities during waking hours (approximately 1,500–2,000 images/day) and also an accelerometer that tracked their physical activity continuously throughout the 24-hour period covered by the diary. Of the initial 148 participants recruited, 131 returned usable diary and camera records, of whom 124 also provided a usable whole-day accelerometer record. The comparison of the diary data with the camera and accelerometer records strongly supports the use of diary methodology at both the aggregate (sample) and individual levels. It provides evidence that time-use data could be used to complement physical activity questionnaires for providing population-level estimates of physical activity. It also implies new opportunities for investigating techniques for calibrating metabolic equivalent of task (MET) attributions to daily activities using large-scale, population-representative time-use diary studies

    Effects of Gangliosides on the Activity of the Plasma Membrane Ca2+-ATPase

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    Control of intracellular calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]i) is essential for neuronal function, and the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) is crucial for the maintenance of low [Ca2+]i. We previously reported on loss of PMCA activity in brain synaptic membranes during aging. Gangliosides are known to modulate Ca2+ homeostasis and signal transduction in neurons. In the present study, we observed age-related changes in the ganglioside composition of synaptic plasma membranes. This led us to hypothesize that alterations in ganglioside species might contribute to the age-associated loss of PMCA activity. To probe the relationship between changes in endogenous ganglioside content or composition and PMCA activity in membranes of cortical neurons, we induced depletion of gangliosides by treating neurons with D-threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol (D-PDMP). This caused a marked decrease in the activity of PMCA, which suggested a direct correlation between ganglioside content and PMCA activity. Neurons treated with neuraminidase exhibited an increase in GM1 content, a loss in poly-sialoganglioside content, and a decrease in PMCA activity that was greater than that produced by D-PDMP treatment. Thus, it appeared that poly-sialogangliosides had a stimulatory effect whereas mono-sialogangliosides had the opposite effect. Our observations add support to previous reports of PMCA regulation by gangliosides by demonstrating that manipulations of endogenous ganglioside content and species affect the activity of PMCA in neuronal membranes. Furthermore, our studies suggest that age-associated loss in PMCA activity may result in part from changes in the lipid environment of this Ca2+ transporter