3,733 research outputs found

    Nation, culture and self: readings of Andrew Boorde's "Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge"

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    This thesis addresses the relevance of Andrew Boorde's Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge, complementing the scarce literature on the author with a more detailed survey of the literary strategies of his text. Nation and otherness, authority and self, are some of the themes developed using colonial and cultural materialist approaches. The narrative is paralleled to a map where colonial impulses are explained and boundaries drawn between cultures, disclosing the fragmentation of Europe and promoting the supremacy of England. The relationship of fashion with politics and religion as part of the text's political agenda is also addressed, as well as Boorde's own self-fashioning as national subject and authoritative self. Questions on the generic evolution of travel literature, the debates surrounding our systems of evaluation of the literary text and our historical perceptions, are raised throughout, concluding with a short discussion on the reception of the text as an entity independent from its author and a survey on the influence it had on later writers

    Observation of the BL Lac objects 1ES 1215+303 and 1ES 1218+304 with the MAGIC telescopes

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    The two BL Lac objects 1ES 1215+303 and 1ES 1218+304, separated by 0.8 deg, were observed with the MAGIC telescopes in 2010 and 2011. The 20 hours of data registered in January 2011 resulted in the first detection at Very High Energy (>100 GeV) of 1ES 1215+303 (also known as ON-325). This observation was triggered by a high optical state of the source reported by the Tuorla blazar monitoring program. Comparison with the 25 hours of data carried out from January to May 2010 suggests that 1ES 1215+303 was flaring also in VHE gamma-rays in 2011. In addition, the Swift ToO observations in X-rays showed that the flux was almost doubled respect to previous observations (December 2009). Instead, 1ES 1218+304 is a well known VHE gamma-ray emitter lying in the same field of view, which was then simultaneously observed with the MAGIC telescopes. The overall observation time of nearly 45 hours has permitted to measure the spectrum of this source with a much higher precision than previously reported by MAGIC. Here, we present the results of the MAGIC and the multi-wavelength observations of these two VHE gamma-ray emitting AGNs.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of the 32nd ICRC (2011) Beijin

    Aplicación del caucho granular para modificar las propiedades físico-mecánicas de la subrasante de un pavimento flexible-Ancón 2019

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    La presente investigación se relaciona con la modificación de las propiedades de la subrasante con el caucho granular, empleando en comparación el componente químico Terrazyme en el pavimento flexible de AA. HH. El oasis, Calle C – Ancón, Lima, 2019’’, el cual tuvo como objetivo de ampliar la capacidad portante de la subrasante, arreglo de las particularidades física y mecánicas de la subrasante, con la utilización en proporciones del caucho granular reciclado y Terrazyme a fin de una muestra de subrasante natural de suelos, antes de la adición e investigación fue experimental de corte transversal. Asimismo, de carácter descriptivo/aplicativo; en cuanto a la población se estimó el tramo de 1 KM de la CALLE C en el distrito de Ancón, donde la muestra está conformada por 24 especímenes de suelos de subrasante natural, con muestreo no probabilístico de tipo intencional, debido a que se seleccionaron los prototipos de suelos para así someterlos a pruebas aplicando diferentes dosis del caucho y terrazyme. Los instrumentos utilizados para obtener resultados confiables, fueron: Granulometría, Limites de Consistencia, Contenido de Humedad, Ensayo Proctor Modificado, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) y la utilización del método AASHTO 93, para el diseño de pavimentos flexibles, para ello se evaluó el comportamiento a través de ensayos entre otros estudios. Finalmente se determinó el posible efecto, con la adición en dosificaciones por porcentajes de caucho y terrazyme en la Calle C en el distrito de Ancón, que la inclusión de estos estabilizadores logró reestructurar la subrasante en un estado óptimo

    San Gil desarrollado como Smart City

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    La tesis se realiza en el Municipio de San Gil. Se enfoca principalmente en el desarrollo de los sistemas con mayores conflictos actualmente de forma integral con el fin de volver este pueblo con dinámicas de ciudad en una Smart City. La propuesta va desde una escala urbana hasta llegar al detalle arquitectónico.The thesis is carried out in the Municipality of San Gil. It focuses mainly on the development of systems with major conflicts currently in a comprehensive manner in order to bring this town with city dynamics to become a Smart City. The proposal goes from an urban scale to the architectural detail.Arquitecto (a)Pregrad

    Possibilities of the Alternative Management of Mollusk Pests in Agricultural Crops. A Review.

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    Introduction: Mollusks are important pests of agricultural crops, for which chemical mosquitoes are used in many cases that pollute the environment and crops. Objective: To assess updated information on alternatives for the management of species of mollusk pests in agricultural crops in Colombia and in the world. Methodology: A descriptive documentary research was carried out where the units of analysis were the articles collected in a bibliographic search on information related to the pest mollusk species and alternative control methods during the period 2010 to 2021 Results: From the last decade articles were obtained on alternatives for the control of mollusk pests in all continents. From Colombia only 7 articles, of which 3 correspond to the use of diatomaceous earth, 3 to vegetable extracts and 1 to agroecological management, while, at the international level of the 54 articles located, 21 were related to vegetable extracts, 17 biological control, 6 with essential oils, 5 with barriers, 3 with agroecological management and 2 with biopesticides. Conclusions: Alternatives with the use of plant extracts predominated, followed by biological means such as insects, nematodes, microorganisms and others, natural products such as lime and diatomaceous earth, as well as different materials such as repellents or barriers, depending the type of recommended alternative, on the mollusk species and its size, the phytogenetic resources present and the reported bioregulators, which should be taken into account in Colombia.Introducción: Los moluscos constituyen importantes plagas de los cultivos agrícolas, para las cuales se emplean en muchos casos mosquicidas químicos que contaminan el medio ambiente y las cosechas. Objetivo: Valorar información actualizada sobre las alternativas para el manejo de especies de moluscos plagas en cultivos agrícolas en Colombia y en el mundo. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación documental descriptiva donde las unidades de análisis fueron los artículos recopilados en una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre información relacionada con las especies de moluscos plagas y los métodos de control alternativo durante el periodo de 2010 a 2021 Resultados: De la última década se consiguieron artículos sobre alternativas para el control de moluscos plagas en todos los continentes. De Colombia solo 7 artículos, de los cuales 3 corresponden al empleo de tierra de diatomeas, 3 a extractos de vegetales y 1 a manejo agroecológico, mientras que, a nivel internacional de los 54 artículos localizados, 21 estuvieron relacionados a los extractos vegetales, 17 a control biológico, 6 de aceites esenciales, 5 con barreras, 3 con manejo agroecológico y 2 con bioplaguicidas. Conclusiones: Predominaron las alternativas con el empleo de extractos vegetales, seguidas por los medios biológicos como insectos, nematodos, microorganismos y otros, productos naturales como la cal y la tierra de diatomeas, así como diferentes materiales como repelentes o barreras, dependiendo el tipo de alternativa recomendada en gran medida, de la especie de molusco y su tamaño, de los recursos fitogenéticos presentes y de los biooreguladores reportados, lo cual debe tenerse en cuenta en Colombia

    Possibilities of the Alternative Management of Mollusk Pests in Agricultural Crops. A Review.

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    Introduction: Mollusks are important pests of agricultural crops, for which chemical mosquitoes are used in many cases that pollute the environment and crops. Objective: To assess updated information on alternatives for the management of species of mollusk pests in agricultural crops in Colombia and in the world. Methodology: A descriptive documentary research was carried out where the units of analysis were the articles collected in a bibliographic search on information related to the pest mollusk species and alternative control methods during the period 2010 to 2021 Results: From the last decade articles were obtained on alternatives for the control of mollusk pests in all continents. From Colombia only 7 articles, of which 3 correspond to the use of diatomaceous earth, 3 to vegetable extracts and 1 to agroecological management, while, at the international level of the 54 articles located, 21 were related to vegetable extracts, 17 biological control, 6 with essential oils, 5 with barriers, 3 with agroecological management and 2 with biopesticides. Conclusions: Alternatives with the use of plant extracts predominated, followed by biological means such as insects, nematodes, microorganisms and others, natural products such as lime and diatomaceous earth, as well as different materials such as repellents or barriers, depending the type of recommended alternative, on the mollusk species and its size, the phytogenetic resources present and the reported bioregulators, which should be taken into account in Colombia.Introducción: Los moluscos constituyen importantes plagas de los cultivos agrícolas, para las cuales se emplean en muchos casos mosquicidas químicos que contaminan el medio ambiente y las cosechas. Objetivo: Valorar información actualizada sobre las alternativas para el manejo de especies de moluscos plagas en cultivos agrícolas en Colombia y en el mundo. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación documental descriptiva donde las unidades de análisis fueron los artículos recopilados en una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre información relacionada con las especies de moluscos plagas y los métodos de control alternativo durante el periodo de 2010 a 2021 Resultados: De la última década se consiguieron artículos sobre alternativas para el control de moluscos plagas en todos los continentes. De Colombia solo 7 artículos, de los cuales 3 corresponden al empleo de tierra de diatomeas, 3 a extractos de vegetales y 1 a manejo agroecológico, mientras que, a nivel internacional de los 54 artículos localizados, 21 estuvieron relacionados a los extractos vegetales, 17 a control biológico, 6 de aceites esenciales, 5 con barreras, 3 con manejo agroecológico y 2 con bioplaguicidas. Conclusiones: Predominaron las alternativas con el empleo de extractos vegetales, seguidas por los medios biológicos como insectos, nematodos, microorganismos y otros, productos naturales como la cal y la tierra de diatomeas, así como diferentes materiales como repelentes o barreras, dependiendo el tipo de alternativa recomendada en gran medida, de la especie de molusco y su tamaño, de los recursos fitogenéticos presentes y de los biooreguladores reportados, lo cual debe tenerse en cuenta en Colombia

    Wireless sensor network: control and power monitoring

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    The first goal of this project was to build a wireless sensor network of smartplugs which can measure the energy consumption of an appliance and send it through the network to a remote data base using IEEE 802.15.4, 6LoWPAN, IPv6, RPL, UDP and CoAP protocols. The data received and stored should be shown in a graphic in order to see the evolution of the energy consumption. The second goal was to control the WSN’s devices remotely, particularly the relay (actuator) of each smartplug which is the responsible of switching on/off the appliance.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    Lessons Learned from Building the First Chilean Nano-satellite: The SUCHAI Project

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    This work presents the preliminary results and the lessons learned from the operation, thus far, of the Satellite of the University of Chile for Aerospace Investigation (SUCHAI-1), the first CubeSat mission at the University of Chile. The development of the SUCHAI-1 started in 2011 and was launched in June 23rd 2017 in an Indian PSLV Rocket. The launch resulted in a circular polar sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude close to 505 km. The SUCHAI-1 has operated continuously for more than 12 months except for three days after the mid-September 2017 solar storm. The SUCHAI-1 has been studying the capabilities that CubeSats can offer for scientific missions and collecting data from on-board payloads. This project has been the seed for a much longer space program at the University. Currently two other CubeSats are under construction. In this work, we describe the difficulties and the advantages of developing a nano-satellite project in a developing country and the impact that this project has had in students as well as in the space area in Chile