215 research outputs found

    La in ius uocatio en Plauto : entre lo griego y lo romano

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    Al referirse a Plauto y a la historia del derecho, Paoli (1968) considera que hay que buscar, en los elementos jurídicos de las comedias, un criterio que permita distinguir lo que es romano y lo que es griego. Bajo el sistema de las legis actiones y del procedimiento formulario, la citación ante el magistrado para poder iniciar un juicio se denomina in ius uocatio. El comediógrafo da cuenta de dicha citación a lo largo de toda su producción. Sin embargo, Scafuro (1997) sostiene que resulta difícil establecer si el sarsinate ha traducido un procedimiento griego con terminología romana o si ha adaptado el escenario al procedimiento romano. Partiendo de la base de que todo puede discutirse cuando se trata de determinar la relación entre un texto conocido (las comedias) y otro casi desconocido (los hipotextos griegos), se analizan, pues, los pasajes plautinos que se refieren a la in ius uocatio, con el objetivo de detectar si existen o no contradicciones desde el punto de vista del derecho romano.Paoli (1968), referring to Plautus and legal history, considers that, in order to distinguish what is Roman and what is Greek, it is necessary to search in the legal elements found in the comedies. Under the legis actiones system and the formulary procedure, the judicial summon is known as in ius uocatio. Plautus gives evidence of this judicial summon through great part of his production. But Scafuro (1967) asseverates that it is difficult to establish whether Plautus has translated a Greek procedure with Roman legal terms, or if he has adapted the scene to the Roman procedure. As we think that everything can be discussed in order to settle the relationship between a known text (the comedies) and another unkown text (the Greek hypotexts), we will analyse the Plautine fragments referring to the in ius uocatio, and try to find if there are contradictions from the Roman legal point of view

    Twitter interaction between audiences and influencers. Sentiment, polarity, and communicative behaviour analysis methodology

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    Twitter is one of several social networks with the highest numbers of users in Spain. In spite of this, how are communicative relationships developed in the digital environment among influencers who have emerged on the Internet? These personalities have a stronger influence on children and young people than traditional celebrities. The aim of this work is to study the communicative interaction generated on the profiles of Spanish influencers with the most followers on Twitter, based on the number of content items generated and the responses they receive from users. The polarity and sentiment conveyed by these communications have also been analysed. By processing publications in real time using machine learning based on sentiment analysis, 48,878 tweets and retweets from five influencers were studied over a period of 40 days. The results show that the publications reached nearly 200 million followers, and despite being fourth in terms of the number of followers, @IbaiLlanos is the influencer who leads the conversations on Twitter with the highest number of tweets, retweets, and audience share. Among the most popular topics, sporting events stand out. This study has also confirmed that the most frequently stated emotion is surprise, and that positive messages prevail over those that are negative and neutral with regard to polarity. Nevertheless, the linear regression data has verified that the main trend is toward publishing negative messages, with a lower statistical correlation, which is a behaviour that might possibly be duplicated on other social networks

    Russia-Ukraine war. Blurred news boundaries: current affairs through profiles on TikTok

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    TikTok se ha convertido en un canal en el que la guerra de Rusia y Ucrania se retransmite casi en directo. La dinámica de las redes sociales se combina con la de los medios para ofrecer a los usuarios contenidos informativos que traspasan los límites de los medios tradicionales. Se estudia la evolución de la construcción y consumo de los vídeos sobre hechos de actualidad en TikTok. Se investigan los géneros periodísticos, los elementos audiovisuales y su finalidad en los vídeos publicados por perfiles de usuarios no reconocidos, influencers, medios de comunicación y periodistas verificados en TikTok. Mediante análisis de contenido se decodifican 415 vídeos sobre la guerra entre ambos países durante 40 días (24/2/2022 – 5/04/2022). Se confirma que los perfiles no reconocidos e influencers se están apropiando de los géneros de los medios de comunicación tradicionales, y que los periodistas se están adaptando a los formatos propios de las redes sociales. El interés de la audiencia se centra en vídeos que no combinan elementos audiovisuales, sino que se decantan por vídeos con música solo o solo voz. En la finalidad no se detecta la hibridación de lógica de los medios de comunicación, por la falta de pluralidad y por el elevado uso de la emotividad, empleada principalmente por los influencers, y que es la que despierta más interés en la audiencia.TikTok has become a channel through which the Russia-Ukraine war is broadcast almost live. The dynamics of both social media and mass media combine in order to provide users with informative content that goes beyond the limits of traditional media. The evolution of the development and consumption of current affairs videos on TikTok was analysed. We studied journalistic genres, audio-visual features, and their objective in the videos published by unrecognised user-profiles, influencers, news media and verified journalists on TikTok. By way of content analysis, 415 videos on the war between the two countries within a forty-day time-frame (24/2/2022 – 5/4/2022) were coded. This confirmed that anonymous profiles and influencers are appropriating the genres of legacy media, and that journalists are adapting their work to the formats of social media. Videos solely containing music or voice attract the audience’s attention more than those that combine audio-visual elements. The hybridisation of media logic was not detected in their purpose, due to a lack of plurality and the extensive use of emotion, mainly employed by influencers, this being the aspect that arouses the greatest interest in the audience.La investigación fue financiada por el proyecto Repertorios y prácticas mediáticas en la adolescencia y la juventud: usos, ciberbienestar y vulnerabilidades digitales en redes sociales” (PID2022-138281NB-C21), perteneciente al Plan de Generación del Conocimiento

    El aprendizaje y la satisfacción del alumno en el contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

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    Adapting current university education to the European Space for Higher Education will mean considerable change. It will be essential to understand the deficiencies of the current system in order to be able to resolve them, with the goal being individuals with superior competences. Indeed, the objectives outlined in the Bologna Declaration, and reiterated with the communiqués of Prague, Berlin and Bergen, reflect the commitment of the various European countries to converting their university syllabuses into a European System for Higher Education capable of favouring and increasing employment. In this respect, the current work analyses the perceptions of students of two Spanish Universities about the educational methodology used, as well as their opinions about possible improvements in relation to their expectations for future employment. On the basis of the statistical data analysis carried out, the work offers guidelines for improving teaching methodologies. These should help overcome the current weaknesses and at the same time facilitate the preparation of professionals satisfied with the education they receive and confident that it will serve them well in the future

    Ethical challenges of instantaneous information in the digital environment

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    El impacto de las modernas tecnologías de la información en la cobertura de acontecimientos relevantes de la actualidad social ha propiciado un proceso tendente a la paulatina instantaneidad de la narración periodística. Nos enfrentamos a un relato en directo de la realidad en el que la información viaja de forma inmediata a través de la red y sus innumerables nodos de interconexión. El objetivo de esta comunicación es glosar algunos de estos problemas éticos derivados de la demanda de instantaneidad informativa que impera en los medios de comunicación digitales en su interacción con nuevos canales de difusión como las redes sociales.The impact of modern information technologies in the coverage of relevant events of current issues has fostered a gradual process leading to the immediacy of journalistic narrative. We face a live account of the reality in which information travels instantly across the network and its many interconnection nodes. The aim of this paper is therefore glossing some of these ethical issues arising from the demand for instantaneous information prevailing in the digital media in their interactions with new distribution channels such as social networks

    Guerra Rusia-Ucrania en TikTok. La representación de la actualidad y su impacto

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    Las redes sociales no solo han modificado las relaciones interpersonales, sino que también están impactando en el ecosistema informativo. Los más jóvenes se decantan por informarse a través de las redes sociales, en las que periodistas y medios de comunicación tradicionales pugnan por mantener su papel como fuentes de información. Para observar esta evolución en el consumo informativo, se estudia la guerra entre Ucrania y Rusia. Se investigan los perfiles-autores que publican más acerca de este conflicto bélico y los contenidos más viralizados en TikTok, la red social más descargada actualmente. Mediante un análisis de contenido, se examinan 420 vídeos sobre la guerra ruso-ucraniana creados y compartidos por 107 autores durante los primeros 42 días del conflicto (22/02/2022 – 05/04/2022). Se estudian los perfiles de medios de comunicación, influencers, usuarios anónimos, autoridades, profesionales, entidades gubernamentales e internacionales y ONG como fuentes informativas del conflicto. Los resultados confirman que los autores anónimos y los influencers son los que más contenidos comparten sobre la guerra, y que los influencers son los perfiles más seguidos, con más de 113 millones de audiencia, cifra altamente superior a la alcanzada por los medios de comunicación verificados (más de 49 millones)

    Bromodomain and extraterminal proteins as vovel epigenetic targets for renal diseases

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    Epigenetic mechanisms, especially DNA methylation and histone modifications, are dynamic processes that regulate the gene expression transcriptional program in normal and diseased states. The bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) protein family (BRD2, BRD3, BRD4, and BRDT) are epigenetic readers that, via bromodomains, regulate gene transcription by binding to acetylated lysine residues on histones and master transcriptional factors. Experimental data have demonstrated the involvement of some BET proteins in many pathological conditions, including tumor development, infections, autoimmunity, and inflammation. Selective bromodomain inhibitors are epigenetic drugs that block the interaction between BET proteins and acetylated proteins, thus exerting beneficial effects. Recent data have described the beneficial effect of BET inhibition on experimental renal diseases. Emerging evidence underscores the importance of environmental modifications in the origin of pathological features in chronic kidney diseases (CKD). Several cellular processes such as oxidation, metabolic disorders, cytokines, inflammation, or accumulated uremic toxins may induce epigenetic modifications that regulate key processes involved in renal damage and in other pathological conditions observed in CKD patients. Here, we review how targeting bromodomains in BET proteins may regulate essential processes involved in renal diseases and in associated complications found in CKD patients, such as cardiovascular damage, highlighting the potential of epigenetic therapeutic strategies against BET proteins for CKD treatment and associated risksThis work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and Fondos FEDER European Union (PI17/00119; Red de Investigación Renal REDINREN: RD16/0009 and PI17/01244), Sociedad Española de Nefrología and “NOVELREN-CM: Enfermedad renal crónica: nuevas Estrategias para la prevención, Diagnóstico y tratamiento”; B2017/BMD- 3751, Comunidad de Madrid. The “Juan de la Cierva Formacion” training program of the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad supported the salary of SR-M (FJCI-2016-29050

    Determinantes del aprendizaje del alumno ante el reto de la convergencia europea.

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    A la hora de afrontar el cambio que supone la adaptación de los estudios universitarios actuales al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, se perfila como clave conocer las deficiencias del sistema actual en aras a poner solución a las mismas para obtener como resultado individuos con mejores niveles de capacitación y especialización en diferentes áreas de conocimiento. No en vano, los objetivos recogidos en la Declaración de Bolonia, reforzados con los Comunicados de Praga, Berlín y Bergen, dejan patente el compromiso con la conversión de los planes de estudio de diferentes países del viejo continente en un Sistema Europeo de Formación Superior capaz de fomentar e incrementar el empleo. En este sentido, el presente trabajo lleva a cabo un análisis de las percepciones que los alumnos pertenecientes a dos universidades españolas tienen sobre la metodología docente empleada así como su opinión sobre los posibles aspectos de mejora vinculados a sus expectativas para el empleo futuro. De esta forma, el análisis estadístico de la información obtenida permite establecer pautas de mejora en la docencia, superando las debilidades actuales y, facilitando al mismo tiempo, la consecución de profesionales satisfechos con la formación proporcionada para su rentabilización futura

    Endoscopic findings in periapical surgery. A cross-sectional study of 206 roots

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    A study is made of the findings of high-magnification rigid endoscopy at the root end surface following apicoectomy of teeth subjected to periapical surgery. A cross-sectional study was made of patients subjected to periapical surgery at the Unit of Oral Surgery and Implantology (University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain) between 2011 and 2019. Following apicoectomy, the root end surfaces were inspected, with the evaluation of untreated canals, isthmuses, craze lines, crack lines, opaque dentin and gaps. Likewise, an analysis was made of the association between patient age and the tooth type and restoration and the presence of craze lines, cracks, opaque dentin and gaps. The final sample consisted of 168 patients subjected to periapical surgery, with 177 operated teeth and 206 roots. Untreated canals were observed in 14 roots (6.8%). Isthmuses were identified in 74 roots (35.9%), particularly in the mesial root of the lower first molar (94.1%). In turn, craze lines were identified in 8.3% of the roots, cracks in 3.9%, and gaps in 53.4%. The prevalence of opaque dentin was 78.3%, with a greater presence in posterior teeth (90.3% in premolars and 86.2% in molars) than in anterior teeth (50.6%) (p<0.001). Patient age and tooth restoration showed no correlation to the studied parameters. Craze lines and crack lines were observed in less than 10% of the roots, though opaque dentin was identified in 73% of the roots, particularly in posterior teeth, and gaps were found in over half of the canals

    Strawberry tree honey in combination with 5-fluorouracil enhances chemosensitivity in human colon adenocarcinoma cells

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    The authors would like to thank Prof. Gavino Sanna, Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy (University of Sassari, Italy), for providing STH samples. Tamara Y. Forbes-Hernandez is supported by a "Juan de la Cierva-Formacion" post-doctoral contract.Colorectal cancer remains a challenging health burden worldwide. This study aimed to assess the potentiality of Strawberry tree honey (STH), a polyphenol-enriched food, to increase the effectiveness of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) in adenocarcinoma (HCT-116) and metastatic (LoVo) colon cancer cell lines. The combined treatment reduced cell viability and caused oxidative stress, by increasing oxidative biomarkers and decreasing antioxidant defence, in a more potent way compared to 5-FU alone. The expression of endoplasmic reticulum (ATF-6, XBP-1) and MAPK (p-p38 MAPK, p-ERK1/2) markers were also elevated after the combined treatment, enhancing the cell cycle arrest through the modulation of regulatory genes (i.e., cyclins and CDKs). Apoptotic gene (i.e., caspases) expressions were also increased after the combined treatment, while those of proliferation (i.e., EGFR), cell migration, invasion (i.e., matrix metallopeptidase) and epithelial–mesenchymal transition (N-cadherin, β-catenin) were suppressed. Finally, the combined treatment led cell metabolism towards a quiescent stage, by reducing mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis. In conclusion, this work represents an initial step to highlight the possibility to use STH in combination with 5-FU in the treatment of colon cancer, even if further in vitro an in vivo studies are strongly needed to confirm the possible chemo-sensitizing effects of STH."Juan de la Cierva-Formacion" post-doctoral contrac