89 research outputs found

    Zastosowanie środków zabezpieczających wobec sprawców szczególnie niebezpiecznych czynów zabronionych o charakterze seksualnym

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    Problems of employment of means has been discussed in article in to in accordance with perpetrators of crimes at the nature article of 95a polish penal code sexual indemnifying defi nite. In my opinion, by perpetrators about disturbed sexual preferences not up to the end forceful means of prevention committing of crime, because that punishment be not play relatively to perpetrators of sexual crimes in such form means important preventive role it indemnifying most often, it be not play in such form means important preventive role indemnifying most often, but degree of relapse is very high in this group of criminal. Find group with psychiatric in delinquent population – psychological point of view hard, relationships of made public psychopathological disturbances will be in which is strongest with constant, for breaking legal order solidifi ed propensities. Conscious agreement of perpetrator of such crime on accession only pharmacological treatment and psychotherapy, as well as creation of condition of their proper practice, desired results can bring only

    Effectiveness of intracervical catheter as a labor preinduction method

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    Abstract Objectives: This study was undertaken to determine the efficacy and safety of the Foley catheter as a cervical priming agent. Material and methods: Data analysis concern 327 women undergoing cervical ripening with intracervical Foley catheter. The primary measured outcome was ripening of the cervix as measured with the Bishop score. The secondary outcomes were the timings starting from balloon removal (or from spontaneous expulsion) to delivery, the preinduction-delivery interval, mode of delivery, frequency of side effects and neonatal outcome. Results: The most common indications for induction were post-term and non-reassuring fetal status. Intracervical Foley catheter was retained for mean duration of 15 hours 35 minutes. Bishop score rise after preinduction time was statistically significant (3.29±1.16 at the balloon insertion; 6.85±1.7 at the removal of the Foley catheter). Mean Bishop score change was 3.56 ± 1.58. The average interval from balloon expulsion to delivery was 8 hours 27 minutes, the preinduction-delivery interval – 24 hours 3 minutes. Out of 327 women undergoing cervical ripening with the Foley catheter, 236 (72.17%) had vaginal delivery, 91 (27.38%) – cesarean delivery. The rate of vaginal delivery was significantly higher in the multiparous group (85.32%) when compared to nulliparous (65.6%). In 312 neonates (94.8%), the Apgar score at 3 min was more than 8. Conclusions: Intracervical Foley catheter is an effective and safe agent for cervical ripening

    Third Worldwide Occurrence of Juangodoyite, Na2Cu(CO3)2, and Other Secondary Na, Cu, Mg, and Ca Minerals in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline (Lower Silesia, SW Poland)

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    Na-Cu carbonates are relatively rare secondary minerals in weathering zones of ore deposits. Hereby we describe mineral composition and crystal chemistry of the most important secondary (Na)Cu minerals and their Na- and Mg-bearing associates forming rich paragenesis in Rudna IX mine. A non-bulky Ca-rich dripstone-like paragenesis from Lubin Główny mine is also characterized, using Powder X-Ray Di raction, Rietveld, and Electron Microprobe methods. Light blue juangodoyite (3rd occurrence worldwide) and darker chalconatronite are the most important members of the Rudna IX paragenesis, being associated with malachite, aragonite (intergrown with hydromagnesite and northupite), and probably cornwallite. Most of the minerals are chemically close to their ideal composition, with minor Mg substitution in malachite. Cu chlorides are mainly represented by clinoatacamite and probably herbertsmithite. Additional, minor phases include trace Cu minerals langite, wroewolfeite, and a lavendulan-group mineral, and monohydrocalcite. Separate halite-rich encrustations are shown to be filled with eriochalcite, ktenasite, and kröhnkite. The most likely to be confirmed coexisting species include paratacamite, wooldridgeite/nesquehonite, johillerite, melanothallite, and kipushite. The Lubin paragenesis mainly comprises aragonite, gypsum, rapidcreekite, and monohydrocalcite, with trace vaterite. Blue colouration is mainly provided by a yet unspecified Ni-, Co-, Mg-, and Mn-bearing Cu-Zn-Ca arsenate mineral close to parnauite

    Good practices in asynchronous e-learning — a short guideline document for Polish medical teachers — a pilot study

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    INTRODUCTION: E-learning is gaining popularity also in medical education. It offers students unlimited access to educational materials, helps meet their individual preferences by adapting various learning styles, and is considered to be at least as effective as traditional lectures. However, this can only be true provided that e-learning is of good quality. Short guidelines may be used to familiarise medical teachers with good practices in e-learning, but they should meet the needs of their users, and some areas may require more attention. They should be identified, and medical teachers should be provided with additional resources covering them. This study aimed to develop a short guideline for Polish medical teachers and determine potentially troublesome areas. METHODS: A detailed review of the literature was performed to create a guideline on preparing and conducting e-learning classes. The most important items from it were listed as an evaluation template and pre-tested on a sample of 10 e-learning courses in a search for areas requiring more attention. RESULTS: Half of the courses did not provide students with a syllabus, and none of them clearly defined intended learning outcomes. Also, adult learning concepts were not introduced satisfactorily. Only seven out of 10 courses used activities at all, and they often tested simple knowledge reproduction, were limited to poorly-written test questions, and placed at the end of lessons. CONCLUSIONS: In this pilot study three potentially troublesome areas were identified: defining learning outcomes, application of adult learning theory, and choice of activities. KEY WORDS: e-learning quality, e-learning guidelines, medical teacher

    Diversity of the Chemical Profile and Biological Activity of Capsicum annuum L. Extracts in Relation to Their Lipophilicity

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    Ethanol extracts of two types of pepper (sweet and hot) were separated into fractions with increasing lipophilicity. After drying the extracts and fractions, their chemical composition, anti-radical activity in the DPPH radical system, and cytotoxic activity against PC-3 and HTC-116 cells were determined. A detailed qualitative analysis of the fractions was performed with the LC-QTOF-MS method. It was found that the chemical composition of pepper fractions did not always reflect their biological activity. The highest antiradical activity was detected in the fraction eluted with 40% methanol from sweet pepper. The highest total content of phenolic compounds was found in an analogous fraction from hot pepper, and this fraction showed the strongest cytotoxic effect on the PC-3 tumour line. The LC-MS analysis identified 53 compounds, six of which were present only in sweet pepper and four only in hot pepper. The unique chemical composition of the extracts was found to modulate their biological activity, which can only be verified experimentally.The project is financed under the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the name “Regional Initiative of Excellence” in 2019–2022 project number 029/RID/2018/19 funding amount 11 927 330.00 PLN”

    Programowanie płodowe

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    Programowanie wewnątrzmaciczne zachodzi podczas rozwoju zarodkowego i płodowego, które są uznawane zakrytyczny okres zarówno w procesie tworzenia tkanek i narządów, jak i w etiologii chorób cywilizacyjnych. Dziejesię tak zwłaszcza wtedy, gdy wpływ niekorzystnego środowiska nakłada się na genetyczną predyspozycję. Koncepcjaprogramowania płodowego zakłada, że zaburzenia metaboliczne i nieprawidłowe odżywianie ciężarnej mogąmieć trwały i międzypokoleniowy wpływ na zdrowie potomstwa i rozwój chorób cywilizacyjnych, takich jak otyłość,cukrzyca, czy choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego

    Integrating glycolysis, citric acid cycle, pentose phosphate pathway, and fatty acid beta‑oxidation into a single computational model

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    The metabolic network of a living cell is highly intricate and involves complex interactions between various pathways. In this study, we propose a computational model that integrates glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), the fatty acids beta-oxidation, and the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) using queueing theory. The model utilizes literature data on metabolite concentrations and enzyme kinetic constants to calculate the probabilities of individual reactions occurring on a microscopic scale, which can be viewed as the reaction rates on a macroscopic scale. However, it should be noted that the model has some limitations, including not accounting for all the reactions in which the metabolites are involved. Therefore, a genetic algorithm (GA) was used to estimate the impact of these external processes. Despite these limitations, our model achieved high accuracy and stability, providing real-time observation of changes in metabolite concentrations. This type of model can help in better understanding the mechanisms of biochemical reactions in cells, which can ultimately contribute to the prevention and treatment of aging, cancer, metabolic diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders

    Five year remission of GHRH secreting bronchial neuroendocrine tumor with symptoms of acromegaly. Utility of chromogranin A in the monitoring of the disease

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    Akromegalia jest najczęściej spowodowana przez guza przysadki wydzielającego hormon wzrostu (GH, growth hormone). Bardzo rzadko (< 1% przypadków) obserwuje się ją w przebiegu ektopowego wydzielania hormonu uwalniającego hormon wzrostu (GHRH, growth hormone releasing hormone) przez guzy oskrzeli, płuc, trzustki i jelit. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie skutecznego chirurgicznego wyleczenia przypadku akromegalii spowodowanej ektopowym wydzielaniem GHRH przez guz neuroendokrynny oskrzela i przydatności oznaczenia chromograniny A w monitorowaniu przebiegu choroby. Na podstawie typowych objawów klinicznych, potwierdzonych wysokimi wartościami GH i insulinopodobnego czynnika wzrostu 1 (IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor-1), akromegalię rozpoznano u 61-letniej kobiety. W obrazie rezonansu magnetycznego (MRI, magnetic resonance imaging) nie stwierdzono guza przysadki, lecz jej powiększenie. Ponadto wykazano obecność guza w prawym płucu wielkości 10 cm oraz wysokie stężenie GHRH. Po usunięciu rakowiaka prawego oskrzela nastąpiła normalizacja wydzielania GH, IGF-1 i GHRH oraz zatrzymanie postępu akromegalii. Obecnie (5 lat po leczeniu operacyjnym) utrzymuje się remisja choroby potwierdzona przez prawidłowe wyniki GH, IGF-1, chromograniny A oraz badań obrazowych płuc i przysadki. Zwrócono uwagę na przydatność oznaczania chromograniny A do oceny remisji guza przy braku możliwości rutynowego oznaczania GHRH.Acromegaly is usually caused by excess GH (growth hormone) secretion by pituitary adenoma. Extremely rare (< 1% of cases) acromegaly can be a result of ectopic GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) secretion by bronchial tubes, lung, pancreatic or intestinal tumor. The aim of this description is to present the case of successfully treated acromegaly caused by ectopic GHRH secretion by bronchial neuroendocrine tumor and the usefulness of chromogranin A assay in the disease monitoring. The diagnosis of acromegaly in 61-year old woman was based on typical clinical picture and elevated GH and IGF-1(insulin-like growth factor-1) levels. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) images revealed no tumor in the pituitary but only the pituitary enlargement. Moreover, the right lung tumor (10 cm size) and elevated GHRH level were documented. The secretion of GH, IGF-1 and GHRH were normalized and progression of acromegaly was stopped after the carcinoid tumor surgery. Currently, 5 year after surgery, acromegaly is still in the remission, as the normal levels of GH, IGF-1, chromogranin A and normal chest and pituitary images confirm. The authors emphasize usefulness of measurement of chromogranin A concentration for the evaluation of the tumor remission in case the routine GHRH assay is not accessible

    Queueing theory model of pentose phosphate pathway

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    Due to its role in maintaining the proper functioning of the cell, the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) is one of the most important metabolic pathways. It is responsible for regulating the concentration of simple sugars and provides precursors for the synthesis of amino acids and nucleotides. In addition, it plays a critical role in maintaining an adequate level of NADPH, which is necessary for the cell to fight oxidative stress. These reasons prompted the authors to develop a computational model, based on queueing theory, capable of simulating changes in PPP metabolites’ concentrations. The model has been validated with empirical data from tumor cells. The obtained results prove the stability and accuracy of the model. By applying queueing theory, this model can be further expanded to include successive metabolic pathways. The use of the model may accelerate research on new drugs, reduce drug costs, and reduce the reliance on laboratory animals necessary for this type of research on which new methods are tested

    Niedokrwistość z niedoboru żelaza w położnictwie i ginekologii

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    W pracy przedstawiono patofizjologię i epidemiologię niedokrwistości z niedoboru żelaza oraz jej konsekwencje w położnictwie i ginekologii. Omówiono również zasady diagnostyki niedokrwistości oraz postępowanie terapeu­tyczne w przypadku rozpoznania niedokrwistości z niedoboru żelaza. Zwrócono uwagę na znaczenie profilaktyki pierwotnej niedokrwistości, w tym na znaczenie kształtowania odpowiednich nawyków żywieniowych, a w grupach ryzyka na suplementację preparatami żelaza w dawkach profilaktycznych