Zastosowanie środków zabezpieczających wobec sprawców szczególnie niebezpiecznych czynów zabronionych o charakterze seksualnym


Problems of employment of means has been discussed in article in to in accordance with perpetrators of crimes at the nature article of 95a polish penal code sexual indemnifying defi nite. In my opinion, by perpetrators about disturbed sexual preferences not up to the end forceful means of prevention committing of crime, because that punishment be not play relatively to perpetrators of sexual crimes in such form means important preventive role it indemnifying most often, it be not play in such form means important preventive role indemnifying most often, but degree of relapse is very high in this group of criminal. Find group with psychiatric in delinquent population – psychological point of view hard, relationships of made public psychopathological disturbances will be in which is strongest with constant, for breaking legal order solidifi ed propensities. Conscious agreement of perpetrator of such crime on accession only pharmacological treatment and psychotherapy, as well as creation of condition of their proper practice, desired results can bring only

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