585 research outputs found

    Gastrointestinal helminths in calves and cows in an organic milk production system

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    The main aim of this study was to determine the distribution of populations of gastrointestinal helminths in lactating crossbred cows and calves during the grazing season in an organic milk production system. In addition, the potential importance of the peripartum in relation to the parasite load was examined. Between January 2007 and December 2008, parasitological fecal examinations were performed on cattle belonging to the Integrated Animal Production Program of Embrapa Agrobiology. The cows' parasite load remained low during the study period, and there were no statistical differences (p > 0.05) in comparisons between the seasons. The average egg count showed a positive correlation (0.80) with the peripartum, such that egg elimination per gram (p < 0.05) was higher during the week of labor than during the pre and postpartum periods. Calves showed low parasite loads, with significantly higher egg elimination (p < 0.05) during the winter. The study indicated that infection with gastrointestinal helminths was not a limiting factor for milk production in the organic system. Specifically, it was concluded that the nematode load can be maintained at moderate levels throughout the production system, even in the absence of anthelmintic treatment

    A unified model for age-velocity dispersion relations in Local Group galaxies: Disentangling ISM turbulence and latent dynamical heating

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    We analyze age-velocity dispersion relations (AVRs) from kinematics of individual stars in eight Local Group galaxies ranging in mass from Carina (M∗∌106M_{*} \sim 10^{6}) to M31 (M∗∌1011M_{*} \sim 10^{11}). Observationally the σ\sigma vs. stellar age trends can be interpreted as dynamical heating of the stars by GMCs, bars/spiral arms, or merging subhalos; alternatively the stars could have simply been born out of a more turbulent ISM at high redshift and retain that larger velocity dispersion till present day - consistent with recent IFU studies. To ascertain the dominant mechanism and better understand the impact of instabilities and feedback, we develop models based on observed SFHs of these Local Group galaxies in order to create an evolutionary formalism which describes the ISM velocity dispersion due to a galaxy's evolving gas fraction. These empirical models relax the common assumption that the stars are born from gas which has constant velocity dispersion at all redshifts. Using only the observed SFHs as input, the ISM velocity dispersion and a mid-plane scattering model fits the observed AVRs of low mass galaxies without fine tuning. Higher mass galaxies above Mvir>1011M_{vir} > 10^{11} need a larger contribution from latent dynamical heating processes (for example minor mergers), in excess of the ISM model. Using the SFHs we also find that supernovae feedback does not appear to be a dominant driver of the gas velocity dispersion compared to gravitational instabilities - at least for dispersions Ïƒâ‰ł25\sigma \gtrsim 25 km/s. Together our results point to stars being born with a velocity dispersion close to that of the gas at the time of their formation, with latent dynamical heating operating with a galaxy mass-dependent efficiency. These semi-empirical relations may help constrain the efficiency of feedback and its impact on the physics of disk settling in galaxy formation simulations

    Non-perturbative Vacuum Destabilization and D-brane Dynamics

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    We analyze the process of string vacuum destabilization due to instanton induced superpotential couplings which depend linearly on charged fields. These non-perturbative instabilities result in potentials for the D-brane moduli and lead to processes of D-brane recombination, motion and partial moduli stabilization at the non-perturbative vacuum. By using techniques of D-brane instanton calculus, we explicitly compute this scalar potential in toroidal orbifold compactifications with magnetized D-branes by summing over the possible discrete instanton configurations. We illustrate explicitly the resulting dynamics in globally consistent models. These instabilities can have phenomenological applications to breaking hidden sector gauge groups, open string moduli stabilization and supersymmetry breaking. Our results suggest that breaking supersymmetry by Polonyi-like models in string theory is more difficult than expected.Comment: 61 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables; Minor corrections, version published in JHE

    A feasibility study of hyoscine butylbromide (buscopan) to improve image quality of cone beam computed tomography during abdominal/pelvic Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy.

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    Objectives: Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is used for image guidance of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR), but it is susceptible to bowel motion artefacts. This trial evaluated the impact of hyoscine butylbromide (buscopan) on CBCT image quality and its feasibility within a radiotherapy workflow. Methods: A single-centre feasibility trial (ISRCTN24362767) was performed in patients treated with SABR for abdominal/pelvic oligorecurrence. Buscopan was administered to separate cohorts by intramuscular (IM) or intravenous (i.v.) injection on alternate fractions, providing within-patient control data. 4-point Likert scales were used to assess overall image quality (ranging from excellent to impossible to use) and bowel motion artefact (ranging from none to severe). Feasibility was determined by patient/radiographer questionnaires and toxicity assessment. Descriptive statistics are presented. Results: 16 patients were treated (8 by IM and 8 by i.v. buscopan). The percentage of images of excellent quality with/without buscopan was 47 vs 29% for IM buscopan and 65 vs 40% for i.v. buscopan. The percentage of images with no bowel motion artefact with/without buscopan was 24.6 vs 8.9% for IM buscopan and 25.8 vs 7% for i.v. buscopan. Four patients (25%) reported dry mouth. 14 patients (93%) would accept buscopan as routine. 11 radiographers (92%) reported no delay in treatments. Conclusions: A trend towards improved image quality/reduced bowel motion artefact was observed with IM/i.v. buscopan. Buscopan was well tolerated with limited impact on workflow. Advances in knowledge: This is the first trial of buscopan within a radiotherapy workflow. It demonstrated a trend to improved image quality and feasibility of use

    Holomorphic variables in magnetized brane models with continuous Wilson lines

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    We analyze the action of the target-space modular group in toroidal type IIB orientifold compactifications with magnetized D-branes and continuous Wilson lines. The transformation of matter fields agree with that of twisted fields in heterotic compactifications, constituting a check of type I/heterotic duality. We identify the holomorphic N = 1 variables for these compactifications. Matter fields and closed string moduli are both redefined by open string moduli. The redefinition of matter fields can be read directly from the perturbative Yukawa couplings, whereas closed string moduli redefinitions are obtained from D-brane instanton superpotential couplings. The resulting expressions reproduce and generalize, in the presence of internal magnetic fields, previous results in the literature.Comment: 9 pages, no figures; v2: conventions for Wilson lines changed, major simplifications in expressions, discussions extended, typos corrected, some references adde

    New F-theory lifts II: Permutation orientifolds and enhanced singularities

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    In this paper, a procedure is developed to construct compact F-theory fourfolds corresponding to perturbative IIB O7/O3 models on CICY threefolds with permutation involutions. The method is explained in generality, and then applied to specific examples where the involution permutes two Del Pezzo surfaces. The fourfold construction is successfully tested by comparing the D3 charges predicted by F-theory and IIB string theory. The constructed smooth fourfolds are then taken to the locus in moduli space where they have enhanced SU(5) singularities. A general, intuitive method is developed for engineering the desired singularities in Weierstrass models for complicated D7-brane setups.Comment: 24 pages, 8 tables, typos corrected, minor errors corrected, refs. adde

    Biomarker-predicted sugars intake compared with self-reported measures in US Hispanics/Latinos: results from the HCHS/SOL SOLNAS study

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    Abstract Objective Measurement error in self-reported total sugars intake may obscure associations between sugars consumption and health outcomes, and the sum of 24 h urinary sucrose and fructose may serve as a predictive biomarker of total sugars intake. Design The Study of Latinos: Nutrition &amp; Physical Activity Assessment Study (SOLNAS) was an ancillary study to the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) cohort. Doubly labelled water and 24 h urinary sucrose and fructose were used as biomarkers of energy and sugars intake, respectively. Participants’ diets were assessed by up to three 24 h recalls (88 % had two or more recalls). Procedures were repeated approximately 6 months after the initial visit among a subset of ninety-six participants. Setting Four centres (Bronx, NY; Chicago, IL; Miami, FL; San Diego, CA) across the USA. Subjects Men and women ( n 477) aged 18–74 years. Results The geometric mean of total sugars was 167·5 (95 % CI 154·4, 181·7) g/d for the biomarker-predicted and 90·6 (95 % CI 87·6, 93·6) g/d for the self-reported total sugars intake. Self-reported total sugars intake was not correlated with biomarker-predicted sugars intake ( r =−0·06, P =0·20, n 450). Among the reliability sample ( n 90), the reproducibility coefficient was 0·59 for biomarker-predicted and 0·20 for self-reported total sugars intake. Conclusions Possible explanations for the lack of association between biomarker-predicted and self-reported sugars intake include measurement error in self-reported diet, high intra-individual variability in sugars intake, and/or urinary sucrose and fructose may not be a suitable proxy for total sugars intake in this study population

    Dietary soy and meat proteins induce distinct physiological and gene expression changes in rats

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    This study reports on a comprehensive comparison of the effects of soy and meat proteins given at the recommended level on physiological markers of metabolic syndrome and the hepatic transcriptome. Male rats were fed semi-synthetic diets for 1 wk that differed only regarding protein source, with casein serving as reference. Body weight gain and adipose tissue mass were significantly reduced by soy but not meat proteins. The insulin resistance index was improved by soy, and to a lesser extent by meat proteins. Liver triacylglycerol contents were reduced by both protein sources, which coincided with increased plasma triacylglycerol concentrations. Both soy and meat proteins changed plasma amino acid patterns. The expression of 1571 and 1369 genes were altered by soy and meat proteins respectively. Functional classification revealed that lipid, energy and amino acid metabolic pathways, as well as insulin signaling pathways were regulated differently by soy and meat proteins. Several transcriptional regulators, including NFE2L2, ATF4, Srebf1 and Rictor were identified as potential key upstream regulators. These results suggest that soy and meat proteins induce distinct physiological and gene expression responses in rats and provide novel evidence and suggestions for the health effects of different protein sources in human diets

    The Intermediate Scale MSSM, the Higgs Mass and F-theory Unification

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    Even if SUSY is not present at the Electro-Weak scale, string theory suggests its presence at some scale M_{SS} below the string scale M_s to guarantee the absence of tachyons. We explore the possible value of M_{SS} consistent with gauge coupling unification and known sources of SUSY breaking in string theory. Within F-theory SU(5) unification these two requirements fix M_{SS} ~ 5 x 10^{10} GeV at an intermediate scale and a unification scale M_c ~ 3 x 10^{14} GeV. As a direct consequence one also predicts the vanishing of the quartic Higgs SM self-coupling at M_{SS} ~10^{11} GeV. This is tantalizingly consistent with recent LHC hints of a Higgs mass in the region 124-126 GeV. With such a low unification scale M_c ~ 3 x 10^{14} GeV one may worry about too fast proton decay via dimension 6 operators. However in the F-theory GUT context SU(5) is broken to the SM via hypercharge flux. We show that this hypercharge flux deforms the SM fermion wave functions leading to a suppression, avoiding in this way the strong experimental proton decay constraints. In these constructions there is generically an axion with a scale of size f_a ~ M_c/(4\pi)^2 ~ 10^{12} GeV which could solve the strong CP problem and provide for the observed dark matter. The prize to pay for these attractive features is to assume that the hierarchy problem is solved due to anthropic selection in a string landscape.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figures. v3: further minor correction
