1,646 research outputs found

    Measuring recovery in deaf, hard-of-hearing, and tinnitus patients in a mental health care setting:validation of the I.ROC

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    This study was aimed at validating the Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter (I.ROC) for deaf, hard-of-hearing, and tinnitus patients in a mental health care setting. There is a need for an accessible instrument to monitor treatment effects in this population. The I.ROC measures recovery, seeing recovery as a process of experiencing a meaningful life, despite the limitations caused by illness or disability. A total of 84 adults referred to 2 specialist mental health centers for deaf, hard-of-hearing, and tinnitus adults in the Netherlands completed the Dutch version of I.ROC and 3 other instruments. A total of 25 patients refused or did not complete the instruments: 50% of patients using sign language and 18% of patients using spoken language. Participants completed the measures at intake and then every 3 months. In this sample I.ROC demonstrated good internal consistency and convergent validity. Sensitivity to change was good, especially over a period of 6 or 9 months. This study provides preliminary evidence that the I.ROC is a valid instrument measuring recovery for hard-of-hearing and tinnitus patients using spoken language. For deaf patients using sign language, specifically those with limited language skills in spoken and written Dutch, more research is needed.</p

    Az anorexia nervosa kóreredetének újabb megközelítése. Neurobiológiai tényezők és lehetséges endofenotípusok a kutatási eredmények tükrében.

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    Anorexia nervosa is a serious, chronical state of illness which often starts in childhood or adolescence and has serious consequences on the quality of life. This review focuses on the heterogenity of the disease with emphasis on special diagnostic implications in case of childhood onset. Research findings of the last decade showed that genetic and neurobiological vulnerabilities are at least as potent risk factors as psychological, family constellations and sociocultural preferences. The heritability of eating disorders levels those of diseases predominantly influenced by biological factors. The authors give a summary of the most investigated neurobiologic and neurocognitive factors which could be the fundaments of a biological vulnerablilty. To date, no common risk factor could be identified, but some existing adversities can clearly be related to distinct subgroups with the disorder. The concept of endo- and subphenotypes leads to more specific and more efficiant methods of therapy in other somatic and psychiatric diseases. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(4), 124-131

    Fractal dimension and size scaling of domains in thin films of multiferroic BiFeO3

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    We have analyzed the morphology of ferroelectric domains in very thin films of multiferroic BiFeO3. Unlike the more common stripe domains observed in thicker films BiFeO3 or in other ferroics, the domains tend not to be straight, but irregular in shape, with significant domain wall roughening leading to a fractal dimensionality. Also contrary to what is usually observed in other ferroics, the domain size appears not to scale as the square root of the film thickness. A model is proposed in which the observed domain size as a function of film thickness can be directly linked to the fractal dimension of the domains.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Correlation Between Self-Care Behavior and The Self-Efficacy of Hypertensive Adults

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    Introduction: Medication adherence is critical to succesful of hypertension control, and other effort to maintain blood pressure for hypertensive adult is lifestyle modifica­tions involving healthy eating, sodium reduction, and increased physical activity. A person’s behavior to maintain their health condition including their high blood pressure can be affected by their self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is to assess the self-care behavior of hypertensive adults to examine its relationship with the self-efficacy in order to propose inputs to the development of lifestyle program. Methods: The descriptive correlation method of quantitative research utilized in this study. The respondents of this stady consisted of of 120 hypertensive adults. The self-care behavior and self-efficacy of hypertensive adults were assessed use questionnaires and statistically tested with pearson-r. Results: The characteristic of respondents in this study were mostly female (76.7%), age ≥ 60 years old (57.5%), and graduated from Senior High School (59.2%). The pearson-r results showed that the computated T of 4.705 was greater than tabular value of 1.96 so that the null hypothesis was rejected. Conclusions: The characteristic of respondents in this study were mostly female (76.7%), age ≥ 60 years old (57.5%), and graduated from Senior High School (59.2%). There is a significant relationship between self-care bahavior and self-efficacy of hypertensive adults

    Spectral Characteristics of Greenland Lichens

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    Spectral reflectance measurements conducted during two field campaigns in west Greenland, and in the laboratory using samples collected during those campaigns, are discussed to evaluate the spectral signature of lichens. Given the diversity in lichen species, colors, and appearance — ranging from crust-like (crustose) to almost like mini shrubs (fructicose) — it is not surprising that no single signature was found. Some of the brighter fructicose lichens have reflectance characteristics very similar to those of green vegetation, with a pronounced rise in reflectivity around 750 nm. However, the most abundant lichen species covering rocks in the ice-marginal zone of west Greenland are dark grey to black crustose and foliose ephilithic (rock-growing) lichens and the shape of the reflectance spectrum for these lichens is generally very different from that of other surface types and landcovers, with near-zero reflectance at visible wavelengths, and a maximum around 1 600 nm. This characteristic allows rock-covered lichen to be identified on multispectral satellite imagery.L’évaluation de la signature spectrale des lichens est effectuée à partir de mesures prises en laboratoire et sur le terrain, au Groenland occidental. Aucune signature spécifique ne peut être identifiée, en raison de la diversité des espèces quant à leur couleur et à leur port, allant de la croûte à l’arbuste nain. Les lichens arbustifs les plus brillants montrent une signature spectrale semblable à celle des plantes vertes, avec un pic très prononcé autour de 750 nm. Toutefois, les lichens les plus abondants sur les roches à proximité des glaces sont gris foncés à noirs et du type crustacé ou foliacé; leur spectre de réflectance montre une allure très différente de celle des autres types de surface et de couverture, et se rapproche de zéro dans le spectre visible avec un pic autour de 1 600 nm. Cette caractéristique permet l’identification des roches recouvertes de lichens par l’imagerie satellitaire multispectrale

    Trimline Mapping from Multispectral Landsat ETM+ Imagery

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    Multispectral Landsat ETM+ imagery is used to study the ice-marginal region in the vicinity of Jakobshavn Isfjord, west Greenland. In particular, the trimline indicating margin retreat since the maximum stand attained during the Little Ice Age maximum is reconstructed, and compared with earlier maps based on aerial photogrammetry and ground surveys. Applying supervised classification, fourteen different surface types were identified, ranging from snow and ice, debris-covered ice and water with differing turbidities, to different types of vegetative landcover. After similar classes were merged into five, distinctively different classes, a digitized geomorphologic map was used to assess the accuracy of the classification. The positional accuracy of the trimline was checked by using results from a GPS survey along northern slope of the Jakobshavn fjord. By merging three spectral bands with the panchromatic band, a pan-sharpened image with a spatial resolution of 15 m is obtained that clearly shows morphological features on the ice surface, as well as increased resolution of glacial geomorphology.La zone proglaciaire de la région de Jakobshavn Isfjorf, au Groenland occidental, est étudiée par l’imagerie multispectrale Landsat ETM+, avec un accent sur la limite atteinte par les glaces durant le Petit Âge Glaciaire. L’extension maximale des glaces est reconstituée par télédétection satellitaire et comparée aux données cartographiques basées sur la photogrammétrie et des mesures de terrain. Une classification dirigée a permis d’identifier 14 types de surfaces allant de la neige et de la glace, avec ou sans débris en surface, à divers types de couverture végétale, en passant par divers degrés de turbidité de l’eau. Une carte morphologique digitale de synthèse, avec cinq classes distinctes, est produite pour déterminer la justesse de la classification. La précision de l’emplacement de la trimline est validée par des mesures au GPS le long du versant nord du fjord de Jakobshavn. Après la fusion de trois bandes spectrales avec la bande panchromatique, une image avec une résolution spatiale de 15 m montre clairement la morphologie des glaces, avec une finesse accrue de la géomorphologie glaciaire dans la zone marginale attenante

    Enhanced sensitivity of postsynaptic serotonin-1A receptors in rats and mice with high trait aggression

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    Individual differences in aggressive behaviour have been linked to variability in central serotonergic activity, both in humans and animals. A previous experiment in mice, selectively bred for high or low levels of aggression, showed an up-regulation of postsynaptic serotonin-1A (5-HT1A) receptors, both in receptor binding and in mRNA levels, in the aggressive line. The aim of this experiment was to study whether similar differences in 5-HT1A receptors exist in individuals from a random-bred rat strain, varying in aggressiveness. In addition, because little is known about the functional consequences of these receptor differences, a response mediated via postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors (i.e., hypothermia) was studied both in the selection lines of mice and in the randomly bred rats. The difference in receptor binding, as demonstrated in mice previously, could not be shown in rats. However, both in rats and mice, the hypothermic response to the 5-HT1A agonist alnespirone was larger in aggressive individuals. So, in the rat strain as well as in the mouse lines, there is, to a greater or lesser extent, an enhanced sensitivity of postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors in aggressive individuals. This could be a compensatory up-regulation induced by a lower basal 5-HT neurotransmission, which is in agreement with the serotonin deficiency hypothesis of aggression.

    Mining for viral fragments in methylation enriched sequencing data

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    Most next generation sequencing experiments generate more data than is required for the experimental set up. For example, methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) affinity purification based sequencing is often used for DNA-methylation profiling, but up to 30% of the sequenced fragments cannot be mapped uniquely to the reference genome. Here we present and evaluate a methodology for the identification of viruses in these otherwise unused paired-end MBD-seq data. Viral detection is accomplished by mapping non-reference alignable reads to a comprehensive set of viral genomes. As viruses play an important role in epigenetics and cancer development, 92 (pre)malignant and benign samples, originating from two different collections of cervical samples and related cell lines, were used in this study. These samples include primary carcinomas (n=22), low- & high-grade cervical intrapeithelial neoplasia (CIN1 & CIN2/3 - n=2/n=30) and normal tissue (n=20), as well as control samples (n=17). Viruses that were detected include phages, adenoviruses, herpesviridae and HPV. HPV, which causes virtually all cervical cancers, was identified in 95% of the carcinomas, 100% of the CIN2/3 samples, both CIN1 samples and in 55% of the normal samples. Comparing the amount of mapped fragments on HPV for each HPV-infected sample yielded a significant difference between normal samples and carcinomas or CIN2/3 samples (adjusted p-values resp. < 10^-5, < 10^-5), reflecting different viral loads and/or methylation degrees in non-normal samples. Fragments originating from different HPV types could be distinguished and were independently validated by PCR-based assays with a specificity of 98% and a sensitivitity of 66%. In conclusion, although limited by the a priori knowledge of viral reference genome sequences, the proposed methodology can provide a first but substantial insight into the presence, concentration and types of methylated viral sequences in MBD-seq data without additional costs

    The Feasibility of Cymbopogon Citratus (Lemongrass) Leaves Extract as Perfume

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    Lemongrass leaves extract as a perfume provides consumers with a fresh lemony and grassy scent. This study focused on the feasibility of Cymbopogon citratus (Lemongrass) leaves extract as a perfume in terms of smell longevity and odor strength and determine the respondents’ responses toward the fragrance using the perfume. The perfume was attained using the extracted lemongrass fragrance oil, fixative, DPG, perfume-grade ethyl alcohol, and distilled water. A descriptive survey research design was employed in this study to determine the responses of 20 respondents using the perfume of lemongrass leaf extract. According to the data gathered, all of the respondents aged around 10-30 are regular users to wear perfumes. Most (75%) of the respondents were female perfume users. In line with the results, lemongrass leaf extract as a perfume in terms of smell longevity and odor strength garnered a mean of 3.4 and 3.3, respectively, and with an overall mean of 3.3, which denotes Agree which indicated moderate smell longevity and odor strength. Lastly, the respondents perceived good responses toward lemongrass perfume with a mean of 3.1 which denotes Agree. Thus, based on the data and results garnered, lemongrass leaf extract was feasible as perfume

    Flow dynamics of Byrd Glacier, East Antarctica

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2014Force-balance calculations on Byrd Glacier, East Antarctica, reveal large spatial variations in the along-flow component of driving stress with corresponding sticky spots that are stationary over time. On the large scale, flow resistance is partitioned between basal (∼80%) and lateral (∼20%) drag. Ice flow is due mostly to basal sliding and concentrated vertical shear in the basal ice layers, indicating the bed is at or close to the pressure-melting temperature. There is a significant component of driving stress in the across-flow direction resulting in nonzero basal drag in that direction. This is an unrealistic result and we propose that there are spatial variations of bed features resulting in small-scale flow disturbances. The grounding line of Byrd Glacier is located in a region where the bed slopes upward. Nevertheless, despite a 10% increase in ice discharge between December 2005 and February 2007, following drainage of two subglacial lakes in the catchment area, the position of the grounding line has not retreated significantly and the glacier has decelerated since then. During the speed-up event, partitioning of flow resistance did not change, suggesting the increase in velocity was caused by a temporary decrease in basal effective pressure
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