36 research outputs found


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    Las habilidades o competencias comunicativas son una de las cuatro habilidades macro que se desarrollarán como un medio de comunicación efectiva en contextos de aprendizaje de idiomas. En el entorno pedagógico del inglés como lengua extranjera los docentes de todos los niveles educativos tienden a formularse una pregunta crucial el ¿cómo desarrollar la destreza oral y la confianza en los estudiantes? Esta preocupación condujo al diseño de la presente investigación cuyo objetivo fue analizar la incidencia del aprendizaje basado en tareas en el desarrollo de la fluidez del habla en el idioma inglés. Se trabajó con un pre-test y un post-test para evaluar, tomando en cuenta vocabulario, pronunciación, fluidez al hablar y uso de la gramática. Las pruebas se tomaron de la página web de Cambridge que consistía en una muestra de la prueba para hablar KET (2019).  Dos grupos de estudiantes del II Nivel paralelos K y L fueron seleccionados para la experimentación en el Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo. Se construyó un programa basado en tareas para enseñar dos unidades del texto correspondiente a este nivel. Se administró una prueba de desempeño oral acompañada de una rúbrica de evaluació

    Valoración de empresas en el ecuador. Caso de aplicación “Tax Assurance & Legal Advice”

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    En el ámbito financiero, es comúnmente aceptado que el objetivo que toda empresa debe perseguir es el de maximizar el valor para sus accionistas. Aunque este objetivo se ha ido adaptando al nuevo entorno de los negocios, la medición de valor es un elemento fundamental para la toma de decisiones empresariales. En países con mercados financieros desarrollados el valor de una empresa proporcionado por el mercado, indica si la empresa está por buen camino o no, sin embargo, en países como Ecuador, el escaso desarrollo del mercado de valores y la poca participación que muestran las empresas nacionales en el mismo, han hecho que no se cuente con una referencia de valor diaria y fácilmente disponible, provista por el mercado. El no disponer de información sobre el valor de la empresa me ha incentivado a elaborar la presente investigación con el objeto de determinar cómo las empresas ecuatorianas obtienen el valor de mercado de su compañía; aplicando estos conocimientos a la valoración de la empresa ecuatoriana Tax Assurance & Legal Advice S.A. Esta investigación fue realizada en cinco capítulos, descritos a continuación: Capítulo I.- Se enfoca en el preámbulo de la valoración de empresas, se analiza las bases conceptuales, los principios fundamentales de esta práctica y se examina la frecuencia con la que esta herramienta es utilizada por empresas Ecuatorianas. Al final de este capítulo se explica los principales beneficios que se obtiene al otorgar un rango de valor de una compañía. Capitulo II.- En este capítulo hablo sobre los principales métodos usados para la valoración de empresas, mismos que se encuentran divididos en tres grupos en los que se incluye aquellos basados en el Patrimonio, la Rentabilidad Futura y los Métodos Mixtos, así mismo analizo las ventajas, desventajas y similitudes que presentan cada una de ellas. Capitulo III.- En el presente capitulo analice los factores internos y externos que influyen en el crecimiento de la empresa Tax Assurance & Legal Advice S.A., en el que incluye un amplio análisis de la industria en donde opera la empresa, el estudio económico del país, de la misma forma el análisis financiero de la misma. Capitulo IV.- En este capítulo se presenta el caso práctico Tax Assurance & Legal Advice S.A, mediante el cual determino el valor de dicha empresa utilizando el método de descuento de flujos de fondos en el cual considere el modelo CAPM ajustado a la realidad del país, siguiendo los fundamentos del método y en base a mi juicio profesional se determinó el valor de esta compañía. Capitulo V.- En el presente capítulo se explica las conclusiones obtenidas a lo largo de esta investigación así como se muestran las recomendaciones que realizo a la empresa objeto de este estudio y en general a todas las empresas que deseen obtener el valor de mercado de su compañía

    Hepatitis B and A vaccination in HIV-infected adults: A review

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    Hepatitis B and A account for considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. Immunization is the most effective means of preventing hepatitis B and A. However, the immune response to both hepatitis vaccines seems to be reduced in HIV-infected subjects. The aim of this review was to analyze the immunogenicity, safety, long-term protection and current recommendations of hepatitis B and A vaccination among HIV-infected adults. The factors most frequently associated with a deficient level of anti-HBs or IgG anti-HAV after vaccination are those related to immunosuppression (CD4 level and HIV RNA viral load) and to the frequency of administration and/or the amount of antigenic load per dose. The duration of the response to both HBV and HAV vaccines is associated with suppression of the viral load at vaccination and, in the case of HBV vaccination, with a higher level of antibodies after vaccination. In terms of safety, there is no evidence of more, or different, adverse effects compared with HIV-free individuals. Despite literature-based advice on the administration of alternative schedules, revaccination after the failure of primary vaccination, and the need for periodic re-evaluation of antibody levels, few firm recommendations are found in the leading guidelines

    Vaccinations in prisons: A shot in the arm for community health

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    From the first day of imprisonment, prisoners are exposed to and expose other prisoners to various communicable diseases, many of which are vaccine-preventable. The risk of acquiring these diseases during the prison sentence exceeds that of the general population. This excess risk may be explained by various causes; some due to the structural and logistical problems of prisons and others to habitual or acquired behaviors during imprisonment. Prison is, for many inmates, an opportunity to access health care, and is therefore an ideal opportunity to update adult vaccination schedules. The traditional idea that prisons are intended to ensure public safety should be complemented by the contribution they can make in improving community health, providing a more comprehensive vision of safety that includes public health

    Vaccination behaviour influences self-report of influenza vaccination status: a cross-sectional study among health care workers.

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    Background Published influenza vaccination coverage in health care workers (HCW) are calculated using two sources: self-report and vaccination records. The objective of this study was to determine whether self-report is a good proxy for recorded vaccination in HCW, as the degree of the relationship is not known, and whether vaccine behaviour influences self-reporting. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted using a self-administered survey during September 2010. Considering the vaccination record as the gold standard of vaccination, the properties of self-report as a proxy of the record (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value) were calculated. Concordance between the vaccination campaigns studied (2007-2010) was made using the Kappa index, and discordance was analyzed using McNemar's test. Results 248 HCW responded. The 95% confidence intervals of coverage according to the vaccination record and to self-report overlapped, except for 2007, and the Kappa index showed a substantial concordance, except for 2007. McNemar's test suggested that differences between discordant cases were not due to chance and it was found that the proportion of unvaccinated discordant cases was higher than that of vaccinated discordant cases. Conclusions In our study population, self-reported influenza vaccination coverage in HCW in the previous two years is a good proxy of the vaccination record. However, vaccination behaviour influences the self-report and explains a trend to overestimate coverage in self-reporting compared to the vaccination record. The sources of coverage should be taken into account whenever comparisons are made

    Educating on professional habits: attitudes of medical students towards diverse strategies for promoting influenza vaccination and factors associated with the intention to get vaccinated

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    BACKGROUND: Influenza vaccination coverage in medical students is usually low. Unlike health care workers, there is little information on the attitudes to and predictors of vaccination among medical students, and their attitudes towards institutional strategies for improving rates are unknown. METHODS: This cross-sectional study evaluated the effect of three influenza vaccination promotional strategies (Web page, video and tri-fold brochure) on medical students’ intention to get vaccinated and associated factors. A total of 538 medical students were asked to answer an anonymous questionnaire assessing the intention to get vaccinated after exposure to any of the promotional strategies. Sociodemographic data collected included: sex, age, university year, influenza risk group and cohabiting with member of a risk group. RESULTS: Four hundred twenty-one students answered the questionnaire, of whom 312 (74.1%) were female, 113 (26.8%) had done clinical rotations, and 111 (26.6%) reported intention to get the flu shot. Logistic regression showed the web group had a greater intention to get vaccinated than the reference group (OR: 2.42 95% CI: 1.16-5.03). Having done clinical rotations (OR: 2.55 95% CI: 1.36-4.38) and having received the shot in previous flu seasons (OR: 13.69 95% CI: 7.86-23.96) were independently associated with the intention to get vaccinated. CONCLUSION: Given that previous vaccination is a factor associated with the intention to get vaccinated, education on vaccination of health care workers should begin while they are students, thereby potentiating the habit. In addition, the intention to get vaccinated was greater during the clinical phase of the university career, suggesting this is a good time to introduce promotion strategies. Online promotional campaigns, such as a thematic Web to promote vaccination of health workers, could improve the intention to get vaccinated

    Immunogenicity and immunization costs of adjuvanted versus non-adjuvanted hepatitis B vaccine in chronic kidney disease patients

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination is recommended for all susceptible chronic pre-hemodialysis and hemodialysis patients. This study assessed the immunogenicity of HBV vaccines (adjuvanted and non-adjuvanted) in chronic kidney disease patients vaccinated at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona (Spain) between January 2007 and July 2012. In addition, the costs for the health system were evaluated according to the proportion of vaccine responders after receiving either vaccine. Patients receiving three doses of hepatitis B adjuvanted vaccine were three times more likely to seroconvert than patients immunized with non-adjuvanted vaccines, OR 3.56 (95% CI 1.84-6.85). This resulted in fewer patients requiring a second course of HBV vaccination and fewer outpatient visits, saving more than euro9,500 per 100 patients. The higher immunogenicity of the adjuvanted HBV vaccine would counterbalance the lower costs associated with the non-adjuvanted vaccine

    Rubella susceptibility in pregnant women and results of a postpartum immunization strategy in Catalonia, Spain

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    BACKGROUND: Elimination of congenital rubella syndrome depends not only on effective childhood immunization but also on the identification and immunization of rubella susceptible women. We assessed rubella susceptibility among pregnant women and evaluated the adherence and response to postpartum immunization with measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of women who gave birth at the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (Spain) between January 2008 and December 2013. Antenatal serological screening for rubella was performed in all women during pregnancy. In rubella-susceptible women, two doses of MMR vaccine were recommended following birth. We evaluated rubella serological response to MMR vaccination in mothers who complied with the recommendations. RESULTS: A total of 22,681 pregnant women were included in the study. The mean age was 32.3 years (SD 5.6), and 73.6% were primipara. The proportion of immigrants ranged from 43.4% in 2010 to 38.5% in 2012. The proportion of women susceptible to rubella was 5.9% (1328). Susceptibility to rubella declined with increasing maternal age. Immigrant pregnant women were more susceptible to rubella (7.6%) than women born in Spain (4.6%). Multivariate analyses showed that younger age (</=19 years) aOR 1.7 (95% CI 1.1-2.5), primiparas aOR 1.3 (95% CI 1.1-1.5) and immigrant women aOR 1.6 (95% CI 1.4-1.8) were more likely to be susceptible. The second dose of MMR vaccine was received by 57.2% (718/1256) of rubella-susceptible women, with the highest proportion being immigrant women compared with women born in Spain. After vaccination, all women showed rubella immunity. CONCLUSIONS: The higher rubella susceptibility found in the three youngest age groups and in immigrant women highlights the relevance of antenatal screening, in order to ensure identification and postpartum immunization. The postpartum immunization strategy is an opportunity to protect women of childbearing age and consequently prevent occurrence of CRS, and to increase vaccination coverage against rubella and other vaccine-preventable diseases

    The social network around influenza vaccination in health care workers: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Influenza vaccination coverage remains low among health care workers (HCWs) in many health facilities. This study describes the social network defined by HCWs’ conversations around an influenza vaccination campaign in order to describe the role played by vaccination behavior and other HCW characteristics in the configuration of the links among subjects. Methods: This study used cross-sectional data from 235 HCWs interviewed after the 2010/2011 influenza vaccination campaign at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona (HCB), Spain. The study asked: “Who did you talk to or share some activity with respect to the seasonal vaccination campaign?” Variables studied included sociodemographic characteristics and reported conversations among HCWs during the influenza campaign. Exponential random graph models (ERGM) were used to assess the role of shared characteristics (homophily) and individual characteristics in the social network around the influenza vaccination campaign. Results: Links were more likely between HCWs who shared the same professional category (OR 3.13, 95% CI = 2.61–3.75), sex (OR 1.34, 95% CI = 1.09–1.62), age (OR 0.7, 95% CI = 0.63–0.78 per decade of difference), and department (OR 11.35, 95% CI = 8.17–15.64), but not between HCWs who shared the same vaccination behavior (OR 1.02, 95% CI = 0.86–1.22). Older (OR 1.26, 95% CI = 1.14–1.39 per extra decade of HCW) and vaccinated (OR 1.32, 95% CI = 1.09–1.62) HCWs were more likely to be named. Conclusions: This study finds that there is no homophily by vaccination status in whom HCWs speak to or interact with about a workplace vaccination promotion campaign. This result highlights the relevance of social network analysis in the planning of health promotion intervention

    CRUP, Una emergencia pediátrica

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    This work is a bibliographical review about the Crup, this disease is seen in the pediatric population that is characterized by inflammation and obstruction of the upper airway, occurs in children between 3 months to 2 years of age. Climactic influence because in the cold season increases its presentation, its etiology is viral, mainly those of the genus Parainfluenzae. Its route of transmis-sion is through direct contact through the infected secretions, causing an edema of the respiratory epithelium of the larynx, subglotis and trachea. His clinical picture is characterized by inspiratory stridor, dyspnea, tachypnea, dysphonia, dog cough; and sometimes signs of respiratory distress. Its diagnosis is imminently clinical and according to the symptomatology, by means of the croup score scales, it can be classified according to severity in mild, moderate and severe, oxygen, heliox or humidified air.This paper is a bibliographic review on Croup. For this purpose it was review a wide bibliography between October 2016 to March 2017, taking in consideration data below 6 years, found in data base validated by experts like PUBMED, WILEY, ELSEVIER, and UPTODATE.El presente trabajo es una revisión bibliográfica acerca del Crup, esta enfermedad en la población pediátrica se caracteriza por una inflamación y obstrucción de la vía aérea superior, se presenta en niños comprendidos entre los 3 meses hasta los 2 años de edad, tiene influencia climática pues en la estación fría incrementa su presentación, su etiología es vírica, principalmente los del género Parainfluenzae. Su vía de transmisión es por contacto directo a través de las secreciones infec-tadas, ocasionando una edematización del epitelio respiratorio de la laringe, subglotis y tráquea. Su cuadro clínico está caracterizado por estridor inspiratorio, disnea, taquipnea, disfonía, tos perruna; y a veces signos de dificultad respiratoria. Su diagnóstico es eminentemente clínico y acorde a la sintomatología, mediante las escalas de puntuación de crup, se lo puede clasificar según la gravedad en leve, moderado y severo. El tratamiento del crup está en dependencia de la severidad del cuadro y a parte de las medidas de soporte para el niño se deben utilizar terapéuticas que mejoren la sintoma-tología como: corticoides, epinefrina nebulizada, oxígeno, heliox o aire humidificado.Para ello se realizó una amplia revisión bibliográfica durante el período comprendido entre Octubre 2016 - Marzo 2017, considerando publicaciones con data inferior a 6 años, en bases de datos valida-das por expertos: PUBMED, WILEY, ELSEVIER, UPTODATE