30 research outputs found

    Falling Incapacity Benefit claims in a former industrial city: policy impacts or labour market improvement?

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    This article provides an in-depth study of Incapacity Benefit (IB) claims in a major city and of the factors behind their changing level. It relates to the regime prior to the introduction of the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) in 2008. Glasgow has had one of the highest levels of IB in Britain with a peak of almost one fifth of the working age population on IB or Severe Disablement Allowance (SDA). However, over the past decade the number of IB claimants in Glasgow, as in other high claiming areas, has fallen at a faster rate than elsewhere, and Glasgow now has twice the national proportion of working-age people on IB/SDA rather than its peak of three times. The rise in IB in Glasgow can be attributed primarily to deindustrialisation; between 1971 and 1991, over 100,000 manufacturing jobs were lost in the city. Policy response was belated. Lack of local statistics on IB led to a lengthy delay in official recognition of the scale of the issue, and targeted programmes to divert or return IB claimants to work did not begin on any scale until around 2004. Evidence presented in the article suggests that the reduction in claims, which has mainly occurred since about 2003, has been due more to a strengthening labour market than to national policy changes or local programmes. This gives strong support to the view that excess IB claims are a form of disguised unemployment. Further detailed evaluation of ongoing programmes is required to develop the evidence base for this complex area. However, the study casts some doubt on the need for the post-2006 round of IB reforms in high-claim areas, since rapid decline in the number of claimants was already occurring in these areas. The article also indicates the importance of close joint working between national and local agencies, and further development of local level statistics on IB claimants

    EU Accession Migration: National Insurance Number Allocations and the Geographies of Polish Labour Immigration to the UK

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    This paper addresses the challenge of measuring the extent of immigration to the UK following EU Accession in 2004, and argues that the most commonly used databases (UK Census, Labour Force Survey and Worker Registration Scheme) can be supplemented by the National Insurance Number (NINo) Allocations database, and demonstrates the utility of this data for future research by outlining the geography of immigration derived from NINo. The paper makes three important contributions through the thorough analysis of a data source currently underexploited in migration studies; first that the NINo, when used as a indicator of migration per se offers some interesting insights into migration in the UK, and secondly that as a tool for comprehensively measuring the registration of migrants working legally in the UK, it offers a means of constructing a internal geography of (legal) labour migration, as the paper demonstrates. Third, the analysis also identifies self-employment as a potentially important missing driver behind EU Accession Migration

    Conducting cross-cultural interviews and focus groups concerning healthcare with Polish migrants in the UK - Lessons from a study on organ donation

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    Introduction: The Polish migrant community in the UK are under-represented in health and social care research, and are specifically under-researched with the issue of organ donation. Aim: To investigate the views of this community further, a qualitative research study examined the attitudes of Polish migrants toward organ donation. Material and methods: A series of interviews and min-focus groups were conducted with three sample groups. For the first sample, the inclusion criteria was broad, the only requirement was that the participants were English speaking Poles who lived in Luton. The second sample had a tighter inclusion criterion and excluded highly skilled professionals and students and included low skilled workers and parents of young families who were English or Polish speaking and lived in Luton and Dunstable. The third sample was solely post-war Polish migrants who lived in Luton and Dunstable. Results and discussion: This paper addresses some of the challenges overcome when researching the Polish migrant community, such as withdrawal in the recruitment phase of data collection and the use of Polish translators/interpreters. Conclusions: The study contributes toward an understanding of the use of Polish migrant communities in health research, use of professional translator/interpreter and whispered interpreters in health research and the challenges of researching organ donation within an under-represented community. Patient education and communication with UK Polish communities is an under-researched area. This study offers some insights into the challenges of engaging with a rapidly growing section of the UK population

    Between disruptions and connections: “new” EU migrants in the UK before and after the Brexit

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    This paper examines the pre- and post-Brexit experiences and perspectives of migrants from three “new” EU countries – Latvia, Poland and Slovakia – who are living and working or studying in the London area. Deploying the key-concepts of power-geometry and relational space, the analysis explores the way that Brexit impacted the migrants’ connections to the UK “bounded space” and their ongoing mobility behaviour and plans. Empirical evidence comes from 35 in-depth interviews with migrants, most of whom were interviewed both before and after the referendum of 23 June 2016. We find that migrants are unequally positioned socio-spatially to deal with the new power-geometries resulting from Brexit, and we detect diverging trajectories between the more highly-skilled and high-achieving EU citizens and the more disadvantaged low-skilled labour migrants. First, we probe the uncertainties brought about by juridical status, related to the length of stay in Britain. Second, we explore personal and professional connections and disruptions. Third, we question how the power-geometries of time, juridical status and personal/professional connections/disruptions shape future mobility plans

    Comparison of sand and gravel reserves verifications in complicated geological structures

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    Maģistra darbs veltīts pētījumiem par derīgo izrakteņu krājumu aprēķina metodēm. Par piemēru ir izvēlēta smilts, smilts grants atradne „Deviņziedu kalns” Balvu rajona Krišjāņu pagastā, kurā jau darbojas neliels karjers. Pēc uzbūves pētījumu teritorija atbilst osam vai atšķelšanās valnim. Ģenēzes un morfoloģijas precizēšanai ir nepieciešami papildus pētījumi. Teritorijā galvenokārt ir izplatīti augšējā pleistocēna glaciofluviālie nogulumi, kas arī veido derīgo izrakteni. No krājumu aprēķinu metodēm ir izvēlētas trīs: vidējā aritmētiskā, ģeoloģisko bloku un matemātiskā modelēšana. Lai sasniegtu mērķi - novērtētu atradnes apjomus atbilstoši A kategorijai, ir izurbti 24 urbumi, ievākti 140 smilts, smilts – grants paraugi, sagatavoti 7 ģeoloģiskie griezumi; uz topogrāfiskā pamata sagatavots faktu materiāla plāns mērogā 1: 1000. Iegūtie un maģistra darbā aprakstītie rezultāti atspoguļoti 5 nodaļās, kurās ir iekļauti 22 attēli un 9 tabulas. Pētījuma darba noslēgumā ir pievienoti 5 pielikumi, kuros ir iekļauti urbumu un skatrakumu apraksti, granulometriskās analīzes rezultāti, urbumu koordinātas un ģeoloģiskie griezumi. Key words: smilts; smilts – grants; atradne; krājumi.The master paper is about the resources calculation methods of mineral deposits. The sand and sand – gravel deposits “Deviņziedu kalns”, placed in Balvu Region Krišjāņu County municipality, has been chosen as an example. In this deposit is a small quarry. According to formation investigations the territory falls within esker or secession bank. For more exact definition of genesis and morphology additional researches are necessary. In the territory Late Pleistocene glaciofluvial silts are widespread, which then do built up the mineral deposits. Three calculation methods have been chosen: arithmetical mean, geological block and mathematical modelling. For achieving the aim – to evaluate the amount of the quarry accordingly to the A category 24 boreholes have been drilled; 140 sand , sand- gravel courses have been collected; 7 geological cross sections have been prepared; the plan of data material has been prepared on the topographical bases in the scale 1 : 1000. The results of the master paper are displayed in 5 chapter supplemented with 22 pictures and 9 tables. 5 Appendixes are attached in conclusion of the paper. These appendixes include descriptions of boreholes and probing, the results of grain size distribution analyses, the coordinates of boreholes and geological cross section. Key words: sand; sand-gravel; quarry; reserves

    Promoting the development of pupils’adequate self-assessment at Ventspils Centra primary school in Grades 3 - 4

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    Tā kā nozīmīgs personības veidošanas aspekts ir pašvērtējums, par darba mērķi tika izvirzīta sākumskolas skolēnu pašvērtējuma izpēte. Izpēte balstījās uz R. Berna, Ē. Eriksoa, I. Kona, V. Džeimsa , L.Božovičas , I Plotnieka atziņām. Praktiskajā pētījumā tika pārbaudīts skolēnu pašvērtējuma līmeni. Pētījumu veikts Ventspils Centra pamatskolā ar 3. un 4. klases skolēniem. Bakalaura darbā veikta sākumskolas skolēnu pašvērtējuma izpēte ar mērķi noteikt skolēna adekvāta pašvērtējuma un pozitīvas attieksmes pret sevi veidošanas iespējas sākumskolā, un izpētes rezultātā izstrādāti priekšlikumi mērķa sasniegšanai. Darba teorētiskā daļa skaidro psihologu viedokļus par pašvērtējumu kā cilvēka Es- koncepcijas kompetentu un tā nozīmi personības attīstībā. Darbā apkopotas psihologu un pedagogu atziņas par pašvērtējuma veidošanos un noteicošajiem faktoriem. Darbs sniedz pārskatu par pašvērtējuma specifiskajām iezīmēm sākumskolā saistībā ar skolēnu vecumposma attīstības īpatnībām un pašvērtējuma līmeņa raksturojošām attieksmēm un vajadzībām, kas izpaužas skolēnu uzvedībā. Sākumskolas skolēnu pašvērtējuma izpēte galvenokārt balstās uz anketēšanu, novērojumiem par skolēnu uzvedību, ko papildina dokumentu un skolēnu darbu analīze, testi. Apzinoties un izprotot pašvērtējuma nozīmi skolēnu izaugsmē, pašvērtējuma izpētes un pedagoģiskās izmēģinājumdarbības laikā radās priekšlikumi sākumskolas skolotāju mērķtiecīgai turpmākai sadarbībai skolēnu adekvāta pašvērtējuma veidošanā. Atslēgas vārdi: adekvāts, aprobācija, pašapziņa, pašvērtējums, personība, programma, sākumskolnieks, neadekvāts.As an important aspect in the formation of a personality in self- esteem, the aim of the paper was the investigation of pupils’ self- esteem in the first years of primary school. The investigation was based on conelusions expressed by R. Bern, E. Erikson, I. Kon, V. Jame, L. Bozhovichka and I. Plotnieks. In the practical part the level of pupils’ self- esteem was tested. The research was carried out in Ventspils Centre Primary school in forms 3. and 4. In the bachelor’s paper the investigation of pupils’ self- esteem was carried out with the aim to estimate pupils’ adequate self- esteem and the possibility to form a positive attitude in the primary school and due to findings the proposas for reaching this aim were worked out. The theoretical part explains the psychologists’ attitude to self- esteem as one component of man’s I- concept and its importance in the development of a personality. The paper summarizes psychologists’ and teachers’ points of view about the formation of self- esteem and the basic factors in this process. The paper gives a survey abot the specific features of self- esteem in the primary school in connection with pupils age development peculiarities and characteristic attitudes and need that can be seen in the pupils’ behairiow. The investigation of primary school pupils’ self- esteem is mainly based on questionnairis, observations about pupils’ behairow supplemented by documents and analyses of pupil’s works, tests. By realizing and understanding the importance of self- esteem in pupils’ development during the investigation of self- esteem and trying out experimental syllabus proposals for further purposeful cooperation of primary school teachers in the formation of the adequate self- esteem of pupils’. Key words: adequate, approbation, self- confidence, self- esteem, personality, syllabus, pupil of primary school, inadequate

    The implementation of the right of superficies in Latvia ports.

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    Ar 2017. gada 1. janvārī arī Latvijas lielākajās ostās Rīgā, Ventspilī un Liepājā tiek uzsākta apbūves tiesības piemērošana. Ostu speciālā regulējuma un apbūves tiesības kolīzijas rezultāta rodas virkne neskaidrību par apbūves tiesības piemērošanas apjomu un turpmāku būvniecību ostā. Darbā tiek analizēta apbūves tiesības piemērošanai būvniecībai uz valsts, pašvaldības, ostas pārvaldei piederošas un privātpersonām piederošas zemes. Kā arī tiek skatīta ostai raksturīgu ēku un būvju būvniecības specifika, piemērojot apbūves tiesību. Darbā tiek salīdzināta un vērtēta koncesijas un apbūves tiesība piemērotība būvniecībai ostā. Apbūves tiesības regulējums nav nevainojams, tādēļ autore piedāvā praktiskus risinājumus apbūves tiesības piemērošanai ar ostas darbībām saistītā vidē un pamato tos, pielietojot tiesību teorijas un juridisko metožu atziņas.Starting of January 2017 Latvia’s biggest ports, namely, Riga, Ventspils and Liepāja would have to start implementing a new regulation regarding superficies. The clash between superficies and specific port related regulation causes a series of uncertainty regarding the scope of superficies and future construction in ports. The author has analyzed construction under superficies regulation on land belonging to the state, the municipality, the port authority and natural persons. This work will also focus on requirements for port related building being established on the regulation of superficies. The author will examine which of the two regulations is more suitable for ports: the superficies or concession. The regulation of superficies in Latvia is not flawless. That is why the author will offer practical solutions for the implementation of superficies in the legal environment of ports. The solutions are based on legal theory and legal methodology

    The availability of diabetes self-management education training cabinets in Latvia

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    Veselības vadībaVeselības aprūpeHealth managementHealth CareAktualitāte: Cukura diabēts ir hroniska slimība, kuras izplatība pasaulē arvien pieaug. Diabēta pašaprūpes apmācības uzlabo cukura diabēta pacientu veselības stāvokli un klīniskos rezultātus, tomēr liela daļa pacientu nesaņem šo veselības aprūpes pakalpojumu. Pētījuma mērķis: Raksturot diabēta apmācības kabinetu pieejamību ietekmējošos faktorus Latvijā un izstrādāt ieteikumus diabēta apmācības kabinetu pieejamības uzlabošanai Latvijā. Pētījuma uzdevumi: Izpētīt faktorus, kas saistīti ar diabēta apmācības kabinetu pieejamību, noskaidrot, kādi ir kavējošie faktori diabēta apmācības kabinetu pieejamībai Latvijā cukura diabēta pacientu skatījumā un veselības nozares pārstāvju skatījumā, un izstrādāt ieteikumus diabēta apmācības kabinetu pieejamības uzlabošanai Latvijā. Pētījuma jautājums: Kādi ir kavējošie faktori diabēta apmācības kabinetu pieejamībai Latvijā? Metodes: Pētījumā tika pielietotas jauktas datu ieguves metodes. Tika veikta cukura diabēta slimnieku anketēšana (n=275) un veiktas daļēji strukturētas intervijas ar veselības nozares pārstāvjiem (n=5). Rezultāti: Veselības nozares pārstāvji izceļ trīs galvenās kategorijas kā kavējošos faktorus diabēta apmācības kabinetu pieejamībai – informētību, fizisko pieejamību un pieņemamību. 56% cukura diabēta pacientu nav pieejama viņiem nepieciešamā informācija par diabēta pašaprūpes apmācībām, un tikai 35% pacientu apmācību norises vieta ir ērta. 63% pacientu var atļauties ar apmācību apmeklēšanu saistītos izdevumus. 29% pacientu baidās, ka apmācību laikā saņems pārmetumus par to, ko viņi dara nepareizi. Secinājumi: Būtiskākie kavējošie faktori diabēta apmācības kabinetu pieejamībai Latvijā ir informētībās, fiziskās pieejamības un pieņemamības trūkums. Galvenais kavējošais faktors ir informētības trūkums. Finansiālā pieejamība nav būtisks kavējošais faktors diabēta apmācības kabinetu pieejamībai Latvijā. Atslēgvārdi: cukura diabēts, diabēta apmācības kabineti, diabēta pašaprūpes apmācības, pieejamība. Pielietojums: Iegūtie darba rezultāti var tikt tālāk izmantoti, lai uzlabotu diabēta apmācības kabinetu pieejamību Latvijā. Bauere, Linda Gerda. Diabēta apmācības kabinetu pieejamība Latvijā. Maģistra darbs / zinātniskais vadītājs Dr. sc. admin., prof. Iveta Ludviga. Rīga: RSU, RISEBA, 2021. 71 lpp.: 22 att., 11 tab., 16 pielikumi, 61 literatūras avots.Topicality: Diabetes is a chronic disease that is becoming more prevalent in the world. Diabetes self-care education improves the health status and clinical outcomes of diabetic patients, however, a large proportion of patients do not receive this health care service. Aim: To describe the factors influencing the availability of diabetes self-management education training cabinets in Latvia and to develop recommendations for improving the availability of diabetes self-management education training cabinets in Latvia. Objectives: To study the factors related to the availability of diabetes self-management education training cabinets, to find out the obstacles to the availability of diabetes self-management education training cabinets in Latvia from the point of view of diabetic patients and health industry representatives, and to develop recommendations for improving the availability of diabetes self-management education training cabinets in Latvia. Research question: What are the hindering factors for the availability of diabetes self-management education training cabinets in Latvia? Methods: A mixed methods research approach was used in the study. Both a survey with diabetes patients (n=275) and semi-structured interviews with health-care professionals (n=5) were conducted. Results: The health-care professionals highlight three main categories as barriers to access to diabetes self-management education training cabinets: approachability, physical accessibility and acceptability. 56% of patients do not have the information they need about diabetes self-management education training cabinets, and for only 35% of the patients the training location is convenient. 63% of patients can afford the costs of attending training. 29% of patients fear that they will be reprimanded during training for what they do wrong. Conclusions: The most significant obstacles to the availability of diabetes self-management education training cabinets in Latvia are approachability, physical accessibility and acceptability. The main obstacle is approachability. Financial availability is not a significant obstacle to the availability of diabetes training rooms in Latvia. Keywords: diabetes, diabetes training cabinets, diabetes self-care training, availability. Application: The obtained results can be further used to improve the availability of diabetes self-management education training cabinets in Latvia. Bauere, Linda Gerda. The availability of diabetes self-management education training cabinets in Latvia. Master's thesis / scientific supervisor Dr. sc. admin., prof. Iveta Ludviga. Riga: RSU, RISEBA, 2021. 71 p .: 22 fig., 11 tables, 16 appendices, 61 literature sources

    Possibilities of using game in social studies lessons in Grade 5

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    Tēma: Spēles kā mācību metodes izmantošanas iespējas sociālo zinību stundās 5. klasē Diplomdarba autore: Sandra Bauere. Diplomdarba vadītājs: Izgl. Zin. Maģ. Agita Klempere-Sipjagina Diplomdarba mērķis: noskaidrot spēles kā mācību metodes izmantošanas iespējas sociālo zinību stundās Saturs: Darbā aplūkota spēles metode kā viena no interaktīvajām mācību metodēm, kas motivē skolēnus mācīties, palīdz radīt interesi par apgūstamo vielu, un ko sekmīgi var pielietot, sociālo zinību stundās 5. klasē. Tā kā sociālās zinības ir mācību priekšmets, kur teorija tiek saistīta ar praksi, veicinot gan problēmas izpratni un analīzi, gan arī faktu atlasi, informācijas vākšanu un apkopošanu, kā arī skolēnu sadarbību kopēja mērķa vārdā. Tad darbā aplūkotā spēles metode ir viens no paņēmieniem, kā šīs dzīves prasmes un iemaņas attīstīt un nostiprināt. Darbs sniedz pārskatu par spēli kā mācību metodi sociālajās zinībās, par spēles teoriju pedagoģijā. Balstoties uz iepriekšminēto izstrādāta darba praktiskā daļa, kur autore sniegusi konkrētas spēles un to analīzi. Diplomdarba pētījums tika veikts Ventspils X sākumskolas 5. klasē. Pedagoģiskā izmēģinājuma laikā tika veikta skolēnu anketēšana, lai noskaidrotu skolēnu attieksmi spēles metodes izmantošanai sociālo zinību stundās. Izspēlētas dažādas spēles un veikts pārbaudes darbs, lai noskaidrotu, kā ar spēles metodes palīdzību skolēni apguvuši konkrētās mācību tēmas. Pētījuma mērķis: spēle, kā viena no interaktīvajā mācību metodēm. Izpētīt spēles metodes lomu dzīves prasmju un konkrētu zināšanu apguvē sociālo zinību stundās. Atslēgvārdi: interaktīvā mācību metode, spēles metode, sociālās zinības, dzīves prasmesTheme: Possibilities of using game in social studies lessons in Grade 5 Author: Sandra Bauere Scientific superviser: Mg.Ed. sc. Agita Klempere-Sipjagina The paper investigates games as one of the interactive studying methods which can motivate pupils to study, generate their interest about study material and which can successfully be integrated and used in lessons in Grade 5. As social studies in Grade 5 apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems this way promoting the understanding of the subject as well as the development of such skills as analytical skills, information gathering and aggregation skills, and cooperative skills with other students in order to solve arisen problems. The paper provides an overview about a game as a study method in social studies and the theory for method of games in pedagogy. In reference to previously mentioned information document contains a section of applied theory in which the author has analyzed the specific of game method. The research was carried out in Ventspils X primary school’s Grade 5. During and after the pedagogical assessment students were asked to respond to multiple questionnaires in order to evaluate students’ attitude towards using method of games in social study lessons. Multiple different games and tests were conducted in order to assess whether students have understood the study material by using games. Research objective: game as one of the interactive study methods. Evaluate the role of method of games in teaching life lessons and other specific knowledge in social study lessons. Key phrases: interactive study technique, method of games, social studies, skills for lesson