315 research outputs found

    "The trouble with history - it never is" : interrogating Canadian white identity in Daphne Marlatt's Ana Historic

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    In writing this thesis, I plotted where the streams of whiteness theory, life-writing theory and practice, and Daphne Marlatt’s novel Ana Historic converge. In the introduction, I outline the development of my own subjectivity, focusing on my identification with multiple ethnic communities, and on my “racial” and working class identity. My second chapter surveys current whiteness theories, accepting some and rejecting others, and drawing significantly upon theory that is accessible and personal, a decision that undoubtedly resulted because of my working class practicality. In this chapter, I conclude that whiteness and white solipsism (theoretically comparable to Simone de Beauvoir’s challenge that masculinity as the neutral and positive gender renders femininity and other gendered constructions negative), actually envelope multiple identities, but argue that the way in which whiteness is experienced by those on its margins is often monolithic. In the third chapter, I investigate Marlatt’s biography and her life writing theory, arguing that her experience as a “once immigrant” foregrounds many issues relevant to the Canadian white identity, and that because her theory is so conscious of how identity is constructed, relying on fact and fiction, Ana Historic provides a portrait of white Canadian identity and the context in which that identity has been constructed. In Chapters 4 and 5, I apply the theories of life writing and whiteness to the characters of Ana, Ina, and Annie, challenging that their identities as “colonizer,” “emigrant,” and “immigrant,” respectively, illustrate the evolution resulting in the current white Canadian identity. Further, because Marlatt chooses these characters who occupy different positions in history, she shows her reader that contemporary Canadian white identity has grown out of colonial times, creating a continuum. The history out of which each of these women emerges is never contained because aspects of their identity carry forward into subsequent generations

    Conjugative transfer of ICESde3396 between three β-hemolytic streptococcal species

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    Background: Integrative conjugative elements (ICEs) are mobile genetic elements (MGEs) that possess all genes necessary for excision, transfer and integration into recipient genome. They also carry accessory genes that impart new phenotypic features to recipient strains. ICEs therefore play an important role in genomic plasticity and population structure. We previously characterised ICESde 3396, the first ICE identified in the β-hemolytic Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp equisimilis (SDSE) and demonstrated its transfer to single isolates of Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus, GAS) and Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococcus, GBS). While molecular studies found the ICE in multiple SDSE and GBS isolates, it was absent in all GAS isolates examined. Results: Here we demonstrate that ICESde 3396:km is transferable from SDSE to multiple SDSE, GAS and GBS isolates. However not all strains of these species were successful recipients under the same growth conditions. To address the role that host factors may have in conjugation we also undertook conjugation experiments in the presence of A549 epithelial cells and DMEM. While Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) occurred, conjugation efficiencies were no greater than when similar experiments were conducted in DMEM. Additionally transfer to GAS NS235 was successful in the presence of DMEM but not in Todd Hewitt Broth suggesting that nutritional factors may also influence HGT. The GAS and GBS transconjugants produced in this study are also able to act as donors of the ICE. Conclusion: We conclude that ICEs are major sources of interspecies HGT between β-hemolytic streptococci, and by introducing accessory genes imparting novel phenotypic characteristics, have the potential to alter the population structure of these species

    Correlation Between PlayerTek Performance Data and Fatigue as Measured by the RESTQ-76 Sport Over the Course of a Collegiate Soccer Season

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    Please enjoy Volume 6, Issue 1 of the JSMAHS. In this issue, you will find Professional, Graduate, and Undergraduate research abstracts, and case reports. Thank you for viewing this 6th Annual OATA Special Edition

    Making the economic case for adult social care: the EconomicS of Social carE CompEndium (ESSENCE) project

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    Constrained social care resources mean that decision-makers must make difficult choices about how to allocate them to best effect. The EconomicS of Social carE CompEndium (ESSENCE) project aims to collate and build economic evidence on adult social care (including both cost and outcome data) and make it available to decision-makers, managers, practitioners and individuals who use or pay for services themselves. Searches for economic evidence were undertaken across a range of databases. The ESSENCE toolkit offers a comprehensive collection of relevant research and summarises it with individual case summaries and a searchable database. Seventeen case summaries and a database with 231 sources have been produced to date, published on the project website. Evidence is grouped into service categories, focussing primarily on interventions considered core to adult social care for which there are studies considered to be robust in terms of design, quality, consistency and setting. The toolkit also provides signposts to interventions where it is currently not possible to examine the economic case but which could be evaluated in future research


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    Os Conselhos Municipais podem ser importantes instrumentos de controle social, efetivando a participação democrática na Gestão Pública. A pesquisa, realizada no Município de Mafra-SC, foi conduzida pelo objetivo principal de pesquisar o desempenho dos Conselhos Municipais naquele município, verificando se estão atuando na Gestão Pública Municipal, no sentido de fiscalização, articulação e deliberação das políticas públicas para garantia de direitos do cidadão. Percebendo a existência de vinte quatro Conselhos Municipais, tornou-se necessário verificar se a criação de Conselhos no município supracitado não ocorre deliberada e superficialmente, sem cumprir o objetivo principal de engajar o cidadão na gestão pública local. Procurou-se conhecer os Conselhos Municipais existentes, seus objetivos, atividades e iniciativas para cumprimento de sua finalidade, através de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Para avaliar a opinião dos representantes – presidentes – de cada Conselho, acerca do tema, realizou-se entrevista individual, podendo-se obter os resultados apresentados a seguir. A pesquisa em questão é capaz de informar, subsidiar o conhecimento sobre uma prerrogativa ainda reclusa, de participação do cidadão na promoção de uma melhor qualidade de vida em sua comunidade

    A discrete-time Multiple Event Process Survival Mixture (MEPSUM) model.

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    Traditional survival analysis was developed to investigate the occurrence and timing of a single event, but researchers have recently begun to ask questions about the order and timing of multiple events. A multiple event process survival mixture model is developed here to analyze non-repeatable events measured in discrete-time that may occur at the same point in time. Building on both traditional univariate survival analysis and univariate survival mixture analysis, the model approximates the underlying multivariate distribution of hazard functions via a discrete-point finite mixture in which the mixing components represent prototypical patterns of event occurrence. The model is applied in an empirical analysis concerning transitions to adulthood, where the events under study include parenthood, marriage, beginning full-time work, and obtaining a college degree. Promising opportunities, as well as possible limitations of the model and future directions for research are discussed

    How Do Road Traffic Noise and Residential Greenness Correlate with Noise Annoyance and Long-Term Stress? Protocol and Pilot Study for a Large Field Survey with a Cross-Sectional Design

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    Urban areas are continuously growing, and densification is a frequent strategy to limit urban expansion. This generally entails a loss of green spaces (GSs) and an increase in noise pollution, which has negative effects on health. Within the research project RESTORE (Restorative potential of green spaces in noise-polluted environments), an extended cross-sectional field study in the city of Zurich, Switzerland, is conducted. The aim is to assess the relationship between noise annoyance and stress (self-perceived and physiological) as well as their association with road traffic noise and GSs. A representative stratified sample of participants from more than 5000 inhabitants will be contacted to complete an online survey. In addition to the self-reported stress identified by the questionnaire, hair cortisol and cortisone probes from a subsample of participants will be obtained to determine physiological stress. Participants are selected according to their dwelling location using a spatial analysis to determine exposure to different road traffic noise levels and access to GSs. Further, characteristics of individuals as well as acoustical and non-acoustical attributes of GSs are accounted for. This paper presents the study protocol and reports the first results of a pilot study to test the feasibility of the protocol

    Genetic and neurophysiological correlates of the age of onset of alcohol use disorders in adolescents and young adults.

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    Discrete time survival analysis was used to assess the age-specific association of event-related oscillations (EROs) and CHRM2 gene variants on the onset of regular alcohol use and alcohol dependence. The subjects were 2,938 adolescents and young adults ages 12-25. Results showed that the CHRM2 gene variants and ERO risk factors had hazards which varied considerably with age. The bulk of the significant age-specific associations occurred in those whose age of onset was under 16. These associations were concentrated in those subjects who at some time took an illicit drug. These results are consistent with studies which associate greater rates of alcohol dependence among those who begin drinking at an early age. The age specificity of the genetic and neurophysiological factors is consistent with recent studies of adolescent brain development, which locate an interval of heightened vulnerability to substance use disorders in the early to mid teens

    Phenology of Ocotea pulchella, Myrcia brasiliensis and Psidium cattleyanum in semideciduous forest in southern Brazil

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    Eventos vegetativos e reprodutivos de Ocotea pulchella (Nees) Mez (Lauraceae), Myrcia brasiliensis Kiaersk e Psidium cattleyanum Sabine (Myrtaceae) foram avaliados, em fragmento de floresta semidecidual secundária durante dois anos. Foi realizada uma análise estatística circular e as fenofases foram correlacionadas à temperatura, comprimento do dia e precipitação. A queda foliar e brotamento das espécies ocorreram continuamente durante o biênio caracterizando fraca sazonalidade. A floração, incluindo o surgimento de botões florais e antese, caracterizou um padrão sazonal nas três espécies. Myrcia brasiliensis e Psidium cattleyanum apresentaram grande concentração de indivíduos em torno da data média (r) para a fenofase frutos imaturos, enquanto que, em O. pulchella, a produção foi praticamente constante (r baixo). O surgimento dos frutos em P. cattleyanum e O. pulchella demonstrou relação com comprimento do dia e temperatura, nos dois anos. Todas as espécies apresentaram alta concentração de indivíduos com frutos maduros, em alguma época do ano, permitindo estimativa da data média desse evento reprodutivo e indicando sazonalidade no amadurecimento. As três espécies potencialmente podem oferecer recursos alimentares aos animais locais, principalmente as aves, porque os frutos maduros ficaram disponíveis ao longo do período inteiro.Palavras-chave: Fenofases; espécies arbóreas; floresta atlântica; Lauraceae; Myrtaceae. AbstractPhenology of Ocotea pulchella, Myrcia brasiliensis and Psidium cattleyanum in semideciduous forest in southern Brazil. We evaluated vegetative and reproductive events of Ocotea pulchella (Nees) Mez (Lauraceae), Myrcia brasiliensis Kiaersk and Psidium cattleyanum Sabine (Myrtaceae) in a secondary semideciduous forest fragment for two years. We performed a circular data analysis and we correlated phenophases to temperature, daylenght and rainfall. Leaf fall and leaf appearance occurred continuously during the biennium featuring a low seasonality. The flowering, including the emergence of floral buds and anthesis, featured a seasonal pattern. Myrcia brasiliensis and Psidium cattleyanum showed great concentration of immature fruits around the average date (r), while fruit production of O. pulchella was almost constant (low r). The appearance of the fruits in P. cattleyanum and O. pulchella revealed a connection between daylenght and temperature in both years. All species had high concentration of individuals with mature fruits at some time of the year, allowing estimation of the average date of the reproductive event and indicating seasonality of maturation. The three species may potentially provide food resources for local animals, mainly birds, because mature fruits were available throughout the entire period.Keywords: Phenophases; tree species; atlantic rain forest; Lauraceae; Myrtaceae.AbstractWe evaluated vegetative and reproductive events of Ocotea pulchella (Nees) Mez (Lauraceae), Myrcia brasiliensis Kiaersk and Psidium cattleyanum Sabine (Myrtaceae) in a secondary semideciduous forest fragment for two years. We performed a circular data analysis and we correlated phenophases to temperature, daylenght and rainfall. Leaf fall and leaf appearance occurred continuously during the biennium featuring a low seasonality. The flowering, including the emergence of floral buds and anthesis, featured a seasonal pattern. Myrcia brasiliensis and Psidium cattleyanum showed great concentration of immature fruits around the average date (r), while fruit production of O. pulchella was almost constant (low r). The appearance of the fruits in P. cattleyanum and O. pulchella revealed a connection between daylenght and temperature in both years. All species had high concentration of individuals with mature fruits at some time of the year, allowing estimation of the average date of the reproductive event and indicating seasonality of maturation. The three species may potentially provide food resources for local animals, mainly birds, because mature fruits were available throughout the entire period.Keywords: Phenophases; tree species; atlantic rain forest; Lauraceae; Myrtaceae

    Analyzing repeated measures data on individuals nested within groups: Accounting for dynamic group effects.

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    Researchers commonly collect repeated measures on individuals nested within groups such as students within schools, patients within treatment groups, or siblings within families. Often, it is most appropriate to conceptualize such groups as dynamic entities, potentially undergoing stochastic structural and/or functional changes over time. For instance, as a student progresses through school more senior students matriculate and more junior students enroll, administrators and teachers may turn over, and curricular changes may be introduced. What it means to be a student within that school may thus differ from one year to the next. This paper demonstrates how to use multilevel linear models to recover time-varying group effects when analyzing repeated measures data on individuals nested within groups that evolve over time. Two examples are provided. The first example examines school effects on the science achievement trajectories of students, allowing for changes in school effects over time. The second example concerns dynamic family effects on individual trajectories of externalizing behavior and depression