455 research outputs found

    Maladies rénales et inégalités sociales d’accès à la greffe en France

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    La lutte contre les inégalités sociales de santé est un enjeu majeur de santé publique. Certaines de ces inégalités sont à ce jour peu documentées et donc peu présentes dans les débats. C’est le cas des maladies rénales et de l’accès à leurs traitements (dialyse et greffe de rein). Ces deux traitements ont des conséquences bien différentes en termes de qualité de vie et d’activité professionnelle. La greffe de rein procure au patient à la fois un quotidien plus confortable et une plus longue espérance de vie, mais son accès est contraint par l’offre de greffons. À partir de deux enquêtes récentes inédites, Christian Baudelot, Yvanie Caillé, Olivier Godechot et Sylvie Mercier rendent compte de l’accès socialement différencié à ces deux traitements et en examinent les mécanismes. À chaque étape de la maladie, une dynamique cumulative conduit les patients les moins diplômés à être en situation de désavantage pour bénéficier d’une greffe de rein

    Escola, a luta de classes recuperada

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    O artigo de Christian Baudelot e Roger Establet, Escola, a luta de classes recuperada, evidencia a atualidade das análises desenvolvidas por Pierre Bourdieu sobre o tema da escola e das desigualdades sociais. Paraos autores, a publicação de Os Herdeiros, em 1964, por Pierre Bourdieu e Jean-Claude Passeron, transformou a educação - na França - tanto em um objeto científico quanto em um problema social. Ao questionarem valores caros ao sistema escolar francês, tais como os de liberdade, igualdade e fraternidade, herança de seu protagonismo na fundação da IIIa República, Bourdieu e Passeron reclamaram o estudo da escola para além de suas representaçõesespontâneas e ideológicas. Segundo Baudelot e Establet, o conjunto teórico elaborado por Bourdieu, desde Os Herdeiros, também afinado em análises posteriores sobre a temática da educação, ganha força analítica nos dias atuais, ainda que tenham se passado quarenta anos de profundas mudanças nos sistemas de organização e ensino escolares daquele país


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    Publicado originalmente como capítulo intitulado Suicide, changement de régime, no livro Maurice Halbwachs, sociologue retrové, organizado por Marie Jaisson e Christian Baudelot, Éditions ENS Rue d'Ulm, 2007. Agradecemos aos autores Christian Baudelot e Roger Establet, bem como às Éditions RueD’Ulm, por terem permitido a publicação dessa tradução. [Nota do tradutor José Benevides Queiroz (Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais, São Luís, MA,Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]

    Bien ou mal payés ?:Les travailleurs du public et du privé jugent leurs salaires

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    Le salaire est une composante essentielle du niveau de vie. Son montant présente pour l’immense majorité des travailleurs un enjeu considérable. Comment les différents salariés perçoivent-ils à la fois le salaire qu’ils touchent et les écarts qui le séparent de celui des autres ? Portant sur les modalités subjectives de la perception des salaires ainsi que sur les critères de justice auxquels se réfèrent les individus pour évaluer leur montant, les deux grandes enquêtes dont est issu cet ouvrage mettent au jour les relations que les travailleurs entretiennent avec leur salaire ainsi que le sens qu’ils attribuent à leur rémunération. Un même questionnaire, l’enquête « SalSa » (« les salaires vus par les salariés »), a été administré à un échantillon de salariés des entreprises, privées et publiques, d’un côté, et à un échantillon de salariés de la fonction publique de l’autre. Il ressort de ces enquêtes que, du point de vue des salariés, le salaire ne se réduit jamais à une simple somme d’argent destinée à satisfaire des besoins. C’est aussi une façon de mesurer la valeur du travail accompli, sa reconnaissance par la société et donc la valeur de la personne elle-même, en soi mais aussi en relation avec les autres. C’est pourquoi la façon dont les individus connaissent, appréhendent et jugent leur rémunération et celle des autres est un élément essentiel pour comprendre les procédures de détermination et donc de négociation des salaires, mais aussi le sens que les individus attribuent à leur travail. (Résumé éditeur

    A bridge between liquids and socio-economic systems: the key role of interaction strengths

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    One distinctive and pervasive aspect of social systems is the fact that they comprise several kinds of agents. Thus, in order to draw parallels with physical systems one is lead to consider binary (or multi-component) compounds. Recent views about the mixing of liquids in solutions gained from neutron and X-ray scattering show these systems to have a number of similarities with socio-economic systems. It appears that such phenomena as rearrangement of bonds in a solution, gas condensation, selective evaporation of molecules can be transposed in a natural way to socio-economic phenomena. These connections provide a novel perspective for looking at social systems which we illustrate through some examples. For instance, we interpret suicide as an escape phenomenon and in order to test that interpretation we consider social systems characterized by very low levels of social interaction. For those systems suicide rates are found to be 10 to 100 times higher than in the general population. Another interesting parallel concerns the phase transition which occurs when locusts gather together to form swarms which may contain several billion insects. What hinders the thorough investigation of such cases from the standpoint of collective phenomena that we advocate is the lack or inadequacy of statistical data for, up to now, they were collected for completely different purposes. Most essential for further progress are statistics which would permit to estimate the strength of social ties and interactions. Once adequate data become available, rapid advance may be expected.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    The Visually Related Posterior Pretectal Nucleus in the Non-Percomorph Teleost Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Projects to the Hypothalamus

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    This study was done to elucidate the ancestral (plesiomorphic) condition for visual pathways to the hypothalamus in teleost fishes. Three patterns of pretectal organization can be discerned morphologically and histochemically in teleosts. Their taxonomic distribution suggests that the intermediately complex pattern (seen in most teleost groups) is ancestral to both the elaborate pattern (seen in percomorphs) and the simple pattern (seen in cyprinids). The pretectal nuclei involved can be demonstrated with acetylcholinesterase histochemistry selectively and reliably in different species of teleosts, suggesting that the same-named nuclei are homologous in representatives of the three different patterns. Whereas there are visual pathways to the hypothalamus in both the elaborate (percomorph) and the simple (cyprinid) patterns, different pretectal and hypothalamic nuclei are involved. Thus visual hypothalamic pathways in these two patterns would not appear to be homologous. In this study, circuitry within the third, i.e., the intermediately complex, pattern is investigated. It is demonstrated that visual pathways project via the pretectum to the hypothalamus in Osteoglossum bicirrhosum and that they are very similar to the visual pathways in the elaborate pattern. This suggests that the circuitry in the intermediately complex pattern, as represented by Osteoglossum, is plesiomorphic (evolutionarily primitive) and the circuitry in both the simple pattern (seen in cyprinids) and the elaborate pattern (seen in percomorphs) is apomorphic (evolutionarily derived) for teleosts

    De l'utilité des voyages, et de l'avantage que la recherche des antiquitéz procure aux sçavans

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas, 201

    Origins and rationele of centres for parents and young children together

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    The range of centres where parents and children come together has mushroomed in different parts of the world, as new social work practices address the emerging non-material needs of parents in changing demographic contexts. In this paper, we explore the origins and modi operandi of these centres in Belgium, France, Italy and Japan. Analysis of previous studies and policy documents reveal diverse political rationales, including addressing declining birth rates, preventing psychosocial problems and social isolation of mothers and promoting social cohesion and equality of educational opportunities. Remarkably, despite the diverse cultural and socio-political contexts and rationales, these centres also share very similar ways of functioning and provide an informal type of social support to parents with young children. As these recently emerged centres are seldom studied, further research is welcomed to explore parents' and professionals' perspectives