8 research outputs found

    Differentiation of Different Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Types Using OCT

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    Hintergrund: Die FrĂŒherkennung der verschiedenen nicht-melanozytĂ€ren Hautkrebsarten stellt bis heute eine Herausforderung in der Dermatologie dar. Neben dem bis Dato etablierten und gĂŒltigen Goldstandard, der histologischen Begutachtung von entnommenen Gewebeproben, spielen auch immer mehr sogenannte nicht invasive Untersuchungsverfahren wie die Optische-KohĂ€renztomographie (OCT) eine Rolle. Die OCT bietet als nicht-invasive, cross-sektionale Echtzeittechnik die Möglichkeit, Areale von circa 6 x 6 mm bei einer maximalen Scantiefe von annĂ€hernd 2 mm zu untersuchen. Im klinischen Alltag kann die Anwendung der OCT in der Diagnostik und Unterscheidung von nicht-melanozytĂ€ren Hautkrebsarten (NMSC) sinnvoll sein. Ebenso könnte der therapeutische Einsatz zur prĂ€operativen Tumorgrenzbestimmung zu einem gewebesparenden Operationsverfahren, bei gleicher R0-Resektionsrate, fĂŒhren. Zielsetzung: Das Ziel der folgenden Studien ist es, neben der Formulierung von morphologischen Kriterien fĂŒr das Mikrozystische Adnexkarzinom (MAC), die Anwendbarkeit des OCT zur prĂ€operativen Tumorgrenzbestimmung bei NMSC zu beschreiben und Korrelationen zwischen den mittels OCT detektierten Tumorcharakteristika und den unterschiedlichen NMSC aufzuzeigen und zu evaluieren. Methode: Bei der Tumorgrenzbestimmung wurden bei 18 Patienten mit insgesamt 19, zur Exzision geplanten LĂ€sionen, die Tumorgrenzen prĂ€operativ bestimmt und nach erfolgter Exzision durch die Ex-vivo Markierung unter dem Mikroskop auf Tumorfreiheit untersucht. Im Bezug auf die OCT-gestĂŒtzte Beschreibung des MAC erfolgte die zentrale Untersuchung der LĂ€sion, die Ergebnisse wurden postoperativ anhand der erhaltenen Histologie verglichen und korreliert. Die Entwicklung des OCT-basierten Bewertungssystems fĂŒr Basalzellkarzinome beruht auf zwei Studienphasen. In der ersten Studienphase erfolgte die Akquisition der Studienteilnehmer mit einer Gesamtzahl von 130 Patienten. Hierunter befanden sich 100 Patienten mit histologisch gesicherten Basalzellkarzinomen und 30 Patienten mit anderen NMSC und Hautkrankheiten. Aufgrund mangelnder BildqualitĂ€t wurden nachtrĂ€glich 3 Patienten aus dem Kollektiv ausgeschlossen. Nach Auswertung von Studienphase 1 wurden streng definierte morphologische Beschreibungskriterien entwickelt, welche in Studienphase 2 an einem neuen Patientenkollektiv von 50 Patienten mit verschiedenen NMSC angewandt und validiert wurden. Bei der Unterscheidung von NMSC mittels OCT wurde eine Studienpopulation von insgesamt 25 FĂ€llen, jeweils 5 FĂ€lle der jeweiligen 5 TumorentitĂ€ten Basalzellkarzinom (Basal Cell Carcinoma; BCC), superfizielles Basalzellkarzinom (superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma; sBCC), Aktinische Keratose (Actinic Keratosis; AK), Plattenepithelkarzinom (Squamous Cell Carcinoma; SCC) und Morbus Bowen untersucht. Die entsprechenden LĂ€sionen wurden sowohl zentral als auch peripher im Multislice-Modus eines kommerziell erhĂ€ltlichen OCTs des Typs Vivosight der Firma Michelson Diagnostics UK durchgefĂŒhrt. SĂ€mtliche OCT Dateien wurden verblindet, randomisiert und von zwei im Umgang mit den OCT erfahrenen Medizinern nach klar definierten Kriterien ausgewertet. Resultate: Bei der OCT gestĂŒtzten Tumorgrenzbestimmung wurden insgesamt 61 Grenzpunkte sowie 5 komplette Tumorgrenzen aus einem Patientenkollektiv von 18 Patienten mit 19 LĂ€sionen analysiert. In 16 FĂ€llen (84%) zeigten sich die lateralen Grenzen „in sano“ reseziert, zudem konnte eine Tumorfreiheit bezĂŒglich der Tiefenausdehnung von 95% erreicht werden. Die visuell vom Operateur gesetzten Tumorgrenzen unterschritten in keinem Fall die OCT-definierten Grenzen. Ohne die Rate an R0-Resektionen zu senken war eine deutliche Gewebsersparnis möglich. Ebenso konnten beim mikrozystischen Adnexkarzinom (MAC) Kriterien beschrieben werden, welche dem erhaltenen histologischen Korrelat entsprachen. Die Entwicklung eines OCT basierten Bewertungssystems fĂŒr Basalzellkarzinome konnte, nach der Anwendung in Studienphase 2, einen Anstieg der SensitivitĂ€t auf 96,6% (95% CI 80,4 - 99,8) wie auch der SpezifitĂ€t auf 75% (95% CI 52,5 – 90,9) erzielen. Hierbei wurden 88% aller Diagnosen richtig klassifiziert und histo-pathologisch bestĂ€tigt. Bei der Auswertung der Ergebnisse bezĂŒglich der Unterscheidung von NMSC mittels OCT stand ein Patientenkollektiv von 25 Patienten zur VerfĂŒgung. Jeweils 5 FĂ€lle der jeweiligen TumorentitĂ€ten Basalzellkarzinom, superfizielles Basalzellkarzinom, Aktinische Keratose, Plattenepithelkarzinom und Morbus Bowen wurden anhand hĂ€ufig auftretender Tumorcharakteristika i.e. Akanthose, Dark Border, Parakeratose, hypo- und hyperreflektiver Nester analysiert um Korrelationen zu detektieren. Hierbei zeigte sich das Vorliegen des Charakteristikums "Parakeratose" negativ assoziiert mit der TumorentitĂ€t des BCC (Phi-Wert -0,579, p-Wert 0,004) ebenso mit dem Charakteristikum der "generalisierten Akanthose" (Phi-Wert -0,750, p-Wert < 0,001). Eine positive Assoziation konnte beim sBCC und dem Charakteristikum der "fokalen Akanthose" nachgewiesen werden (Phi-Wert 0,500, p-Wert 0,012). FĂŒr das Charakteristikum der "multilokulĂ€ren Akanthose" konnte sowohl eine positive Korrelation zum SCC (Phi-Wert 0,408, p-Wert 0,041) als auch zum Morbus Bowen (Phi-Wert 0,408, p-Wert 0,041) wie auch eine negative Assoziation zum BCC (Phi-Wert -0,612, p-Wert 0,002) nachgewiesen werden. Signifikant positiv korrelierten ovoide hyporeflektive Nester mit der Anwesenheit des BCC (Phi-Wert 0,729, p-Wert < 0,001). Hyperreflektive Nester zeigen eine signifikant positive Assoziation zum SCC (Phi-Wert 0,590, p-Wert 0,003). Auch das immer wiederkehrende Charakteristikum "Dark Border" korrelierte signifikant positiv mit dem sBCC (Phi-Wert 0,458, p-Wert 0,022) wie auch mit dem BCC (Phi-Wert 0,667, p-Wert 0,001). Aufgrund des erfolgten Chi-Quadrat Test konnten sowohl Positiv- wie auch Negativtrends formuliert werden. Schlussfolgerung: Unsere Studien konnten belegen, dass eine Tumorgrenzbestimmmung bei NMSC effizient mittels OCT durchfĂŒhrbar ist, ohne die Anzahl an R0-Resektionen zu senken. Desweiteren stellten sich die morphologischen OCT-Beschreibungen, im Bezug auf das MAC, zu den histo-morphologischen Korrelat als kongruent dar. Außerdem konnte bewiesen werden, dass es anhand hĂ€ufig auftretender Tumorcharakteristika möglich ist, Korrelationen zu den einzelnen NMSC herzustellen.Background: Early detection of the various types of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) has been a challenge in dermatology to date. Non-invasive examination procedures such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) play an increasingly important role besides the established and valid gold standard of histological tissue sample analysis. OCT is a non-invasive, cross-sectional, real-time technique used to examine areas of approx. 6 mm x 6 mm at a maximum scan depth of approx. 2 mm. Usage of OCT in the clinical routine can be helpful in diagnosing and differentiating NMSC. Moreover, therapeutic usage in preoperative tumor boundary detection might enable a tissue-saving surgical procedure while achieving the same R0 resection rate. Objective: The objective of the following studies is to formulate morphological criteria for microcystic adnexal carcinoma (MAC) as well as to describe the usability of OCT for preoperative tumor boundary detection in NMSC patients and demonstrate and evaluate correlations between OCT-detected tumor characteristics and the different types of NMSC. Method: For tumor boundary detection, the tumor boundaries in 18 patients with a total of 19 lesions scheduled for excision were preoperatively determined and, after excision, examined for absence of tumor by ex-vivo marking under the microscope. For the OCT-aided MAC description, the lesion was examined in the center and the results were postoperatively compared and correlated based on the histology obtained. The OCT-based evaluation system for basal cell carcinoma was developed based on two study phases. The first study phase comprised the acquisition of a total of 130 patients to participate in the study, including 100 patients with histologically confirmed basal cell carcinomas and 30 patients with other NMSC and skin diseases. Three patients were retrospectively excluded from the cohort due to inadequate image quality. Strictly defined morphological description criteria were developed based on the evaluation of study phase 1. In study phase 2, these criteria were applied and validated in a new cohort of 50 patients with various types of NMSC. OCT-aided NMSC differentiation was performed by examining a study population that consisted of 25 cases in total: 5 cases, each, of the relevant 5 tumor entities basal cell carcinoma (BCC), superficial basal cell carcinoma (sBCC), actinic keratosis (AK), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and Bowen’s disease. The relevant lesions were scanned both centrally and peripherally in the multi-slice mode with the commercially available OCT scanner Vivosight of Michelson Diagnostics UK. All OCT files were blinded, randomized and evaluated according to clearly defined criteria by two physicians experienced in OCT. Results: In all, 61 boundary points and 5 complete tumor boundaries from a patient cohort of 18 patients with 19 lesions were analyzed in OCT-aided tumor boundary detection. The lateral boundaries were found to be resected “in sano” in 16 cases (84%). In addition, absence of tumor regarding 95% depth extension was achieved. The visual tumor boundary markers placed by the surgeon were in no case smaller than the OCT-defined boundaries. Significant tissue saving was achieved without reducing the R0 resection rate. Likewise, it was possible to describe criteria for MAC that corresponded to the obtained histological correlate. After application in study phase 2, the developed OCT-based evaluation system for basal cell carcinomas resulted in an increase in sensitivity to 96.6% (95% CI 80.4 - 99.8) and in specificity to 75.2% (95% CI 52.5 - 90.9). The diagnoses were correctly classified and histopathologically confirmed in 88% of all cases. The evaluation of the results regarding OCT-aided NMSC differentiation was performed on a cohort of 25 patients. Five cases, each, of the above mentioned relevant tumor entities BCC, sBCC, AK, SCC and Bowen’s disease were analyzed based on recurring tumor characteristics such as acanthosis, dark border, parakeratosis and hypo- and hyperreflective nests to determine correlations. The present characteristic “parakeratosis” was found to be negatively associated with the BCC tumor entity (phi-value -0.579, p-value 0.004) and with the characteristic “generalized acanthosis” (phi-value -0.750, p-value <0.001). Positive association was recorded for sBCC and the characteristic “focal acanthosis” (phi-value 0.500, p-value 0.012). Positive correlation with SCC (phi-value 0.408, p-value 0.041) and with Bowen’s disease (phi-value 0.408, p-value 0.041) and negative association with BCC (phi-value -0.612, p-value 0.002) was recorded for the characteristic “multilocal acanthosis”. Ovoid, hyporeflective nests significantly positively correlated with the presence of BCC (phi-value 0.729, p-value <0.001). Hyperreflective nests showed significant positive association with SCC (phi-value 0.590, p-value 0.003). The recurring characteristic “dark border” also significantly positively correlated with sBCC (phi-value 0.458, p-value 0.022) and with BCC (phi-value 0.667, p-value 0.001). Both positive and negative trends were described based on the performed Chi-square Test. Conclusion: Our studies demonstrated that tumor boundary detection in NMSC can be efficiently performed by means of OCT without reducing the number of R0 resections. Moreover, in respect of MAC, the morphological OCT descriptions showed to be congruent with the histo-morphological correlate. In addition, it was proven that correlations with the individual types of NMSC can be established based on recurring tumor characteristics

    Differentiation of Different Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Types Using OCT

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    Background: Early detection of various types of nonmelanoma skin cancer has been a challenge in dermatology. Noninvasive examination procedures such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) play an increasingly important role, besides the established gold standard of histological tissue sample analysis. OCT is a noninvasive, cross-sectional, real-time technique that allows conclusions to be drawn with regard to the presence of pathologies. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate whether it is possible to distinguish between different types of nonmelanoma skin cancer using OCT or not. Methods: A study population of a total of 25 cases, comprising 5 cases, each, of 5 tumor entities (i.e., basal cell carcinoma, superficial basal cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis, squamous cell carcinoma, and Bowen disease) was examined. Relevant lesions were scanned both centrally and peripherally in the multislice mode. All OCT images were blinded, randomized, analyzed, and evaluated by 2 clinicians experienced in OCT. Results: This study demonstrated that it is possible to determine correlations between various types of tumors and recurring tumor characteristics. Conclusion: This study showed that it is possible to distinguish between the different nonmelanoma skin cancers by using OCT, but further prospective studies have to be conducted to validate the sensitivity and specificity of the criteria

    Probabilistic Program Verification via Inductive Synthesis of Inductive Invariants

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    Essential tasks for the verification of probabilistic programs include bounding expected outcomes and proving termination in finite expected runtime. We contribute a simple yet effective inductive synthesis approach for proving such quantitative reachability properties by generating inductive invariants on source-code level. Our implementation shows promise: It finds invariants for (in)finite-state programs, can beat state-of-the-art probabilistic model checkers, and is competitive with modern tools dedicated to invariant synthesis and expected runtime reasoning.</p

    BodenType Data Center One - Performance Measurements

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    The BodenType Data Center One has been operational since January 2019. The data center has 3 PODS which are configured with slight variations in the fresh air-based cooling systems. The datasets that have been collected since operation commenced in PODs 1 and 3 with the operational period from the perspective of data collection using the database system and DCIM system installed and described in D5.1 being from 5th March 2019 to 2nd March 2020 inclusive, so 52 weeks, 364 days and 8,736 hours. The datasets for POD 1 comprehensively include energy, temperature, relative humidity, fan speeds, average server chip temperatures, average server fan speeds, percentage server utilization and dew point. The POD 3 datasets include average server power consumption and percentage fan speeds, but the period of operation is shorter than POD 1, being only from 26th April 2019 to 24th February 2020 inclusive. The data set also includes weather data over the full 364-day period. Two sets of data are to be made available. The first is an excel spreadsheet with the finest time resolution being for hourly averaged data, but the data is for all 364 days, so 8,736 hours. The second data set is the full data collected during the 9 sets of 5-day test campaigns and a further 9 sets of 6-day test campaigns with a resolution of measured data values being between 15 and 30 seconds resulting in a large data set

    Leaf water potential measurements using the pressure chamber: Synthetic testing of assumptions towards best practices for precision and accuracy

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    International audienceLeaf water potential (ψ leaf), typically measured using the pressure chamber, is the most important metric of plant water status, providing high theoretical value and information content for multiple applications in quantifying critical physiological processes including drought responses. Pressure chamber measurements of ψ leaf (ψ leafPC) are most typical, yet, the practical complexity of the technique and of the underlying theory has led to ambiguous understanding of the conditions to optimiz