32 research outputs found

    Establecimiento de redes de asociaciones estratégicas en la educación superior: prerrequisitos y preparación de las universidades

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    The priority task of the modern education system development is the organization of a comprehensive partnership, which, among other things, implies the development of network interactions between the university and various economic entities. In this regard, the need to apply new forms of partnerships is actualized, in which openness and readiness of partners for equal, effective and multilateral interaction is in the first place. However, at present, not all economic entities are ready to implement such a form of partner relations. The article examines the tendency of networking in higher education and the level of their development from the perspective of openness. In this work, we tested the methodology for a university readiness evaluation to form and develop a strategic partnership based on the network approach using the example of leading universities of the Russian Federation.La tarea prioritaria del desarrollo del sistema educativo moderno es la organización de una asociación integral, que, entre otras cosas, implica el desarrollo de interacciones de red entre la universidad y varias entidades económicas. En este sentido, se actualiza la necesidad de aplicar nuevas formas de asociación, en las que la apertura y la disposición de los socios para una interacción igual, efectiva y multilateral es, en primer lugar. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, no todas las entidades económicas están listas para implementar tal forma de relaciones con los socios. El artículo examina la tendencia de las redes en la educación superior y el nivel de su desarrollo desde la perspectiva de la apertura. En este trabajo, probamos la metodología para una evaluación de preparación universitaria para formar y desarrollar una asociación estratégica basada en el enfoque de red utilizando el ejemplo de las principales universidades de la Federación de Rusia

    Networking of Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education: Prerequisites and Readiness of Universities

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    The priority task of the modern education system development is the organization of a comprehensive partnership, which, among other things, implies the development of network interactions between the university and various economic entities. In this regard, the need to apply new forms of partnerships is actualized, in which openness and readiness of partners for equal, effective and multilateral interaction is in the first place. However, at present, not all economic entities are ready to implement such a form of partner relations. The article examines the tendency of networking in higher education and the level of their development from the perspective of openness. In this work, we tested the methodology for a university readiness evaluation to form and develop a strategic partnership based on the network approach using the example of leading universities of the Russian Federation

    Abundance and Taxonomic Composition of Bacterioplankton in Freshwater Lake Gusinoye (Buryatia) in the Warm Water Zone of the Gusinoozerskaya Thermal Power Plant

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    The abundance and taxonomic composition of bacterioplankton was determined in different parts of Lake Gusinoyе, which is the largest freshwater lake in Buryatia (Russia) and is used as a cooling reservoir for the Gusinoozerskaya thermal power plant (TPP). The lake is also used as a public water supply and for commercial fishing. The chemical composition of water in the warm water discharge channel did not differ from that in the lake. The total number of bacteria in the water ranged from 0.1 to 2.5 million cells/ml; the maximum counts of bacterial cells were obtained close to the mouth of the Zagustai River, where household effluents are discharged. Seasonal dynamics showed an increase in bacterial numbers that corresponded with the spring peak of phytoplankton development in May. The maximum numbers of organotrophic bacteria were observed in the warm water discharge channel, the point of its influx into the lake and near the inflowing rivers’ mouths. There were no significant differences between the number of bacteria in the zones subjected to and those not subjected to the thermal impact of the power plant. However, total abundance and numbers of organotrophic bacteria were higher in the warm water discharge channel and in the mouth areas of the rivers. This observation suggests that a “barrier zone” with increased number and activity of microorganisms, typical of river mouths, may also be formed in the discharge channel. The patterns of bacterioplankton diversity in the parts of the lake exposed to the thermal pressure were similar. The phyla Cyanobacteria (average 28%), Actinobacteria (average 28%) and Proteobacteria (average 22%), Firmicutes (average 9%) and Bacteroidetes (average 7%) dominated. The peculiarity of the taxonomic composition of this community was the dominance of the phyla Cyanobacteria and Actinobacteria, which indicates that production and destruction processes can be intensifie

    Численность и таксономический состав бактериопланктона в пресном озере Гусиное (Бурятия) в зоне влияния теплых вод Гусиноозерской ГРЭС

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    The abundance and taxonomic composition of bacterioplankton was determined in different parts of Lake Gusinoyе, which is the largest freshwater lake in Buryatia (Russia) and is used as a cooling reservoir for the Gusinoozerskaya thermal power plant (TPP). The lake is also used as a public water supply and for commercial fishing. The chemical composition of water in the warm water discharge channel did not differ from that in the lake. The total number of bacteria in the water ranged from 0.1 to 2.5 million cells/ml; the maximum counts of bacterial cells were obtained close to the mouth of the Zagustai River, where household effluents are discharged. Seasonal dynamics showed an increase in bacterial numbers that corresponded with the spring peak of phytoplankton development in May. The maximum numbers of organotrophic bacteria were observed in the warm water discharge channel, the point of its influx into the lake and near the inflowing rivers’ mouths. There were no significant differences between the number of bacteria in the zones subjected to and those not subjected to the thermal impact of the power plant. However, total abundance and numbers of organotrophic bacteria were higher in the warm water discharge channel and in the mouth areas of the rivers. This observation suggests that a “barrier zone” with increased number and activity of microorganisms, typical of river mouths, may also be formed in the discharge channel. The patterns of bacterioplankton diversity in the parts of the lake exposed to the thermal pressure were similar. The phyla Cyanobacteria (average 28%), Actinobacteria (average 28%) and Proteobacteria (average 22%), Firmicutes (average 9%) and Bacteroidetes (average 7%) dominated. The peculiarity of the taxonomic composition of this community was the dominance of the phyla Cyanobacteria and Actinobacteria, which indicates that production and destruction processes can be intensifiedОпределены численность и таксономический состав бактериопланктона в различных участках крупнейшего в Республике Бурятия пресного озера Гусиное, которое является водоемом-охладителем Гусиноозерской ГРЭС, также используется для хозяйственно-питьевого водоснабжения и в рыбохозяйственных целях. По химическому составу вод не выявлено отличий между сбросным каналом теплых вод и акваторией озера. Общая численность бактерий в воде озера колебалась от 0.1 до 2.5 млн. кл/мл, максимальные значения выявлены около устья реки Загустай, где происходит сброс очищенных сточных бытовых вод. В сезонной динамике наблюдалось увеличение численности почти на всех станциях в мае, в весенний пик развития фитопланктона. Максимальная численность органотрофных бактерий обнаружена в сбросном канале теплых вод и месте впадения сбросного канала в озеро, а также в местах вблизи впадения в озеро рек. Явных различий по показателям численности бактерий между зоной теплового влияния ГРЭС и зоной, не подверженной тепловому влиянию, не наблюдалось. Можно отметить увеличение численности микроорганизмов в термальном сбросном канале и в участках около устьев рек. Возможно, в сбросном канале образуется «барьерная зона», характерная для устьев рек и характеризующаяся увеличением численности и активности микроорганизмов. Разнообразие бактериопланктона в участках озера, подвергающихся тепловому прессу, было схожим. В составе сообщества доминировали представители филумов Cyanobacteria (в среднем 28%), Actinobacteria (в среднем 28%) и Proteobacteria (в среднем 22%), Firmicutes (в среднем 9%) и Bacteroidetes (7%). Особенностью таксономического состава сообщества было доминирование филумов Cyanobacteria и Actinobacteria, что указывает на возможную интенсификацию процессов продукции и деструкци


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    Background. The search for more efficient pro- and prebiotics to improve calves’ health, including decreasing the incidence of intestinal infections and increasing biomass production, has been very actual. The effect of prebiotics, however, is poorly, especially as related to gut microbiome biodiversity.  The aim of this work was to study the influence of dextranal on the growth of calves and their gut(rectum) bacteriobiome. Materials and Methods. Bacteriobiome composition and structure was assessed in the control group (K, conventional diet) and dextranal-receiving group (D) in 18-20 days aged calves  by 16S metabarcoding (V3-V4, Illumina MiSeq). Results. Overall, we found 377 operational taxonomic units (OTU) from 168 genera, 91 families, 55 orders, 30 classes and 11 phyla, with more than the half of the total number of identifies OTUs belonging to the Firmicutes phylum, followed by Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria. The relative abundance of the phylum-specific nucleotide sequences followed the same order of dominance. Dextranal addition resulted in the increased (11.9 kg/calf, or 15%) of the living body mass of the two-months old calves in group D as compared with group K: consequently, the dextranal-related difference in the calves’ gut bacteriobiome composition and structure can be viewed as beneficial. It primarily concerns the decreased abundance of the opportunistic pathogen Escherichia/Shigella (Gammaproteobacteria) in group D. Overall 73 OTUs, including six dominant ones, were found to be differentially abundant in the groups. However, changes in the relative abundance of some OTUs were difficult to interpret, most likely due to the low strain/species resolution by 16S rRNA gene fragments’ sequences. As for the α- biodiversity, there were no differences between the groups, but the overall trend directed to the increasing α- biodiversity of the calves’ gut bacteriobiome after dextranal treatment. Conclusion. This study reports the first attempt to inventory the gut bacteriobiome of the cattle in the region, and the obtained results provide the basis for a more detailed and taxonomically targeted further research

    Temperature and spatial connectivity drive patterns in freshwater macroinvertebrate diversity across the Arctic

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    Warming in the Arctic is predicted to change freshwater biodiversity through loss of unique taxa and northward range expansion of lower latitude taxa. Detecting such changes requires establishing circumpolar baselines for diversity, and understanding the primary drivers of diversity. We examined benthic macroinvertebrate diversity using a circumpolar dataset of &gt;1,500 Arctic lake and river sites. Rarefied α diversity within catchments was assessed along latitude and temperature gradients. Community composition was assessed through region-scale analysis of β diversity and its components (nestedness and turnover), and analysis of biotic–abiotic relationships. Rarefied α diversity of lakes and rivers declined with increasing latitude, although more strongly across mainland regions than islands. Diversity was strongly related to air temperature, with the lowest diversity in the coldest catchments. Regional dissimilarity was highest when mainland regions were compared with islands, suggesting that connectivity limitations led to the strongest dissimilarity. High contributions of nestedness indicated that island regions contained a subset of the taxa found in mainland regions. High Arctic rivers and lakes were predominately occupied by Chironomidae and Oligochaeta, whereas Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera taxa were more abundant at lower latitudes. Community composition was strongly associated with temperature, although geology and precipitation were also important correlates. The strong association with temperature supports the prediction that warming will increase Arctic macroinvertebrate diversity, although low diversity on islands suggests that this increase will be limited by biogeographical constraints. Long-term harmonised monitoring across the circumpolar region is necessary to detect such changes to diversity and inform science-based management.</p

    Establecimiento de redes de asociaciones estratégicas en la educación superior: prerrequisitos y preparación de las universidades

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    The priority task of the modern education system development is the organization of a comprehensive partnership, which, among other things, implies the development of network interactions between the university and various economic entities. In this regard, the need to apply new forms of partnerships is actualized, in which openness and readiness of partners for equal, effective and multilateral interaction is in the first place. However, at present, not all economic entities are ready to implement such a form of partner relations. The article examines the tendency of networking in higher education and the level of their development from the perspective of openness. In this work, we tested the methodology for a university readiness evaluation to form and develop a strategic partnership based on the network approach using the example of leading universities of the Russian Federation.La tarea prioritaria del desarrollo del sistema educativo moderno es la organización de una asociación integral, que, entre otras cosas, implica el desarrollo de interacciones de red entre la universidad y varias entidades económicas. En este sentido, se actualiza la necesidad de aplicar nuevas formas de asociación, en las que la apertura y la disposición de los socios para una interacción igual, efectiva y multilateral es, en primer lugar. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, no todas las entidades económicas están listas para implementar tal forma de relaciones con los socios. El artículo examina la tendencia de las redes en la educación superior y el nivel de su desarrollo desde la perspectiva de la apertura. En este trabajo, probamos la metodología para una evaluación de preparación universitaria para formar y desarrollar una asociación estratégica basada en el enfoque de red utilizando el ejemplo de las principales universidades de la Federación de Rusia

    Characterization of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with catalyst layers obtained by electrospraying.

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    Electrospraying of Pt/C-Nafion-alcohol dispersions was employed as a new method to deposit catalyst layers on Nafion membranes for hydrogen/oxygen͑air͒ fuel cells. It is shown that single cells with catalyst layers obtained by electrospraying exhibit good initial performance ͑ca. 1 A/cm 2 @ 700mV͒ at 80°C and 300 kPa without the need for hot-pressing of the electrode layer. Analysis of polarization losses reveals a significant contribution of mass-transport losses to the fuel cell performance for hydrogen/ air fuel cells. We suggest that control of electrospray processing parameters can lead to tailored electrode structures where such mass transport losses are mitigated

    Structure and Distribution of Zoobenthos of the Kharbey Lake System

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    По результатам исследования зообентоса оз. Большой Харбей и придаточных водоемов в 2009-2012 гг. установлена фауна доминирующих групп (Oligochaeta, Crustacea, Chironomidae),приведены численность, биомасса и закономерности распределения сообществ донных беспозвоночных на различных глубинах и типах грунта. Выявлен доминирующий комплекс видов. Проанализирована трофическая структура зообентоса, в которой по численности преобладают собиратели-глотатели. Эта особенность характерна для водоемов со средним уровнем трофии. На основе средних показателей численности и биомассы зообентоса построены карты, которые демонстрируют неравномерное пространственное распределение беспозвоночных по акватории как основного озера, так и придаточных водоемов. Установлено, что ведущую роль в количественной структуре зообентоса играют низшие ракообразные (Copepoda, Cladocera), черви (Nematoda, Oligochaeta) и личинки Chironomidae, реже Mollusca и Amphipoda. По-видимому, неоднородность распространения определяется разнообразием естественных условий обитания и доминированием различных групп и видов беспозвоночныхZoobenthos communities of Bolshoy Kharbey lake system were studied in 2009-2012. Species composition and trophic structure, fauna of dominant groups (Oligochaeta, Crustacea, Chironomidae), quantitative development and distribution of bottom invertebrates community depending on a depth and sediment characteristics were described. Dominant species were determined and the trophic structure of zoobenthos was analyzed. Gatherer-swallowers prevailed among the trophic groups, which is typical for lakes with intermediate level of trophy. Maps of the spatial distribution of the abundance and biomass of zoobenthos were created. The spatial distribution of invertebrates on an aquatorium of the lake system was patchy. It was determined by diversity of natural conditions and by domination of different groups and species. Crustaceans, worms, larvae of Chironomidae, and in some cases mollusks and amphipods presented the main part in the quantitative structure of zoobentho

    Oligochaeta of Some Arctic Freshwater Ecosystems

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    Определен видовой состав малощетинковых червей (Oligochaeta: Annelida) из пятнадцати озер Полярного Урала и восточной части Большеземельской тундры. Приведено число видов, количественные показатели развития олигохет с указанием доминантных видов. Проведено сравнение видового состава олигохет исследованных озер и озер центральной части Большеземельской тундры, изученных ранее. Проанализированы различия количественных показателей развития и качественного состава олигохет на разных глубинах и типах грунта.The aim of this paper was to describe species composition of Oligochaeta from 15 lakes situated in the Polar Urals and the Eastern part of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra. The Oligochaeta species diversity and their quantitative growth characteristic from the studied lakes, specifying their dominant groups, were discussed in this work. The species composition of oligochaetes from these 15 lakes was compared to that from lakes of the central part of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra. Distinctions in quantitative indicators of the development and qualitative composition of oligochaetes at different depths and on different bottom were analyzed