39 research outputs found

    The Kinematics of Quasar Broad Emission Line Regions Using a Disk-Wind Model

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    The structure and kinematics of the broad line region in quasars are still unknown. One popular model is the disk-wind model that offers a geometric unification of a quasar based on the viewing angle. We construct a simple kinematical disk-wind model with a narrow outflowing wind angle. The model is combined with radiative transfer in the Sobolev, or high velocity, limit. We examine how angle of viewing affects the observed characteristics of the emission line. The line profiles were found to exhibit distinct properties depending on the orientation, wind opening angle, and region of the wind where the emission arises. At low inclination angle (close to face-on), we find that the shape of the emission line is asymmetric, narrow, and significantly blueshifted. As the inclination angle increases (close to edge-on), the line profile becomes more symmetric, broader, and less blueshifted. Additionally, lines that arise close to the base of the disk wind, near the accretion disk, tend to be broad and symmetric. Single-peaked line profiles are recovered for the intermediate and equatorial wind. The model is also able to reproduce a faster response in either the red or blue sides of the line profile, consistent with reverberation mapping studies.NFB thanks the STFC for support under Ernest Rutherford Grant ST/M003914/1

    The outer halo globular cluster system of M31 - III. Relationship to the stellar halo

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    We utilize the final catalogue from the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey to investigate the links between the globular cluster system and field halo in M31 at projected radii R proj = 25-150 kpc. In this region the cluster radial density profile exhibits a power-law decline with index = −2.37 ± 0.17, matching that for the stellar halo component with [Fe/H] < −1.1. Spatial density maps reveal a striking correspondence between the most luminous substructures in the metal-poor field halo and the positions of many globular clusters. By comparing the density of metal-poor halo stars local to each cluster with the azimuthal distribution at commensurate radius, we reject the possibility of no correlation between clusters and field overdensities at 99.95 per cent significance. We use our stellar density measurements and previous kinematic data to demonstrate that ≈35-60 per cent of clusters exhibit properties consistent with having been accreted into the outskirts of M31 at late times with their parent dwarfs. Conversely, at least ∌40 per cent of remote clusters show no evidence for a link with halo substructure. The radial density profile for this subgroup is featureless and closely mirrors that observed for the apparently smooth component of the metal-poor stellar halo. We speculate that these clusters are associated with the smooth halo; if so, their properties appear consistent with a scenario where the smooth halo was built up at early times via the destruction of primitive satellites. In this picture the entire M31 globular cluster system outside R proj = 25 kpc comprises objects accumulated from external galaxies over a Hubble time of growth

    The Effects of Hydration on Growth of the House Cricket, Acheta domesticus

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    Maintenance of biochemical gradients, membrane fluidity, and sustained periods of activity are key physiological and behavioral functions of water for animals living in desiccating environments. Water stress may reduce the organism's ability to maintain these functions and as such, may reduce an organism's growth. However, few studies have examined this potential effect. The effects of altered hydration state of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus L. (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) on individual growth were studied under laboratory conditions. Crickets were permitted access to water for three different durations each day, resulting in significant differences in hydration state (32% greater hydration for maximum than minimum duration of water availability). Growth was 59% and 72% greater in dry mass and length, respectively, between the lowest and highest hydration state treatments. These findings may be representative for a variety of animal species and environments and could have important ecological implications

    Tracing the stellar component of low surface brightness Milky Way dwarf galaxies to their outskirts

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    Aims. We present results from deep and very spatially extended CTIO/DECam g and r photometry (reaching out to ~2 mag below the oldest main-sequence turn-off and covering ~20 deg2) around the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy. We aim to use this dataset to study the structural properties of Sextans overall stellar population and its member stars in different evolutionary phases, as well as to search for possible signs of tidal disturbance from the Milky Way, which would indicate departure from dynamical equilibrium. Methods. We performed the most accurate and quantitative structural analysis to-date of Sextans’ stellar components by applying Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov chain methods to the individual stars’ positions. Surface density maps are built by statistically decontaminating the sample through a matched filter analysis of the colour-magnitude diagram, and then analysed for departures from axisymmetry. Results. Sextans is found to be significantly less spatially extended and more centrally concentrated than early studies suggested. No statistically significant distortions or signs of tidal disturbances were found down to a surface brightness limit of ~31.8 mag/arcsec2 in V-band. We identify an overdensity in the central regions that may correspond to previously reported kinematic substructure(s). In agreement with previous findings, old and metal-poor stars such as Blue Horizontal Branch stars cover a much larger area than stars in other evolutionary phases, and bright Blue Stragglers (BSs) are less spatially extended than faint ones. However, the different spatial distribution of bright and faint BSs appears consistent with the general age and metallicity gradients found in Sextans’ stellar component. This is compatible with Sextans BSs having formed by evolution of binaries and not necessarily due to the presence of a central disrupted globular cluster, as suggested in the literature. We provide structural parameters for the various populations analysed and make publicly available the photometric catalogue of point-sources as well as a catalogue of literature spectroscopic measurements with updated membership probabilities.</jats:p

    Annotation analysis for testing drug safety signals using unstructured clinical notes

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    BackgroundThe electronic surveillance for adverse drug events is largely based upon the analysis of coded data from reporting systems. Yet, the vast majority of electronic health data lies embedded within the free text of clinical notes and is not gathered into centralized repositories. With the increasing access to large volumes of electronic medical data-in particular the clinical notes-it may be possible to computationally encode and to test drug safety signals in an active manner.ResultsWe describe the application of simple annotation tools on clinical text and the mining of the resulting annotations to compute the risk of getting a myocardial infarction for patients with rheumatoid arthritis that take Vioxx. Our analysis clearly reveals elevated risks for myocardial infarction in rheumatoid arthritis patients taking Vioxx (odds ratio 2.06) before 2005.ConclusionsOur results show that it is possible to apply annotation analysis methods for testing hypotheses about drug safety using electronic medical records


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    We investigate the claim that all dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) reside within halos that share a common, universal mass profile as has been derived for dSphs of the galaxy. By folding in kinematic information for 25 Andromeda dSphs, more than doubling the previous sample size, we find that a singular mass profile cannot be found to fit all of the observations well. Further, the best-fit dark matter density profile measured solely for the Milky Way dSphs is marginally discrepant with that of the Andromeda dSphs (at just beyond the 1σ level), where a profile with lower maximum circular velocity, and hence mass, is preferred. The agreement is significantly better when three extreme Andromeda outliers, And XIX, XXI, and XXV, all of which have large half-light radii (600 pc) and low-velocity dispersions (σv < 5 km s−1), are omitted from the sample. We argue that the unusual properties of these outliers are likely caused by tidal interactions with the host galaxy