273 research outputs found


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    Based on preliminary observations obtained activity data and student learning outcomes are still low, especially subjects of mathematics, as many as 6 students or 28.23% of the students completed and 15 students or 71.78% of students have not been completed. Based on the above facts applied learning model of Jigsaw Cooperative type that aims to improve the activity and student learning outcomes in mathematics in comparison material and scale. The study involved 21 students of class VII SMPN 2 BUMIRATU Nuban in semester 1 Academic Year 2014 / 2015.This research used a Class Action Research (PTK) by using two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data collected by the observation sheet and test student learning outcomes in each cycle. From the analysis of the data shows that the use of cooperative learning model Jigsaw Type in the learning process of Mathematics students can increase  the activity and student learning outcomes. It can be seen from the average percentage of the activity of students in the first cycle was 55.5 and increased in the second cycle to 70.5. While the average value of student learning outcomes in the first cycle was 58.75 and increased in the second cycle into 72.5


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    To prove the element of misuse of power therefore, it is necessary apply legal concept under Administrative Law regime. in practice, however to determine whether there is an element of misuse of power, court relies upon principle of reasonableness and carefulness as a parameter that are only suitable to determine materially unlawful act. Doing as such, the court mixes up two parameters of different legal regimes in determining the element of misuse of power What court does is obviously incorrect because misuse of power is always intentionally carried out. Power is given due to certain purpose. If the power is exerted for other than its purpose, this may be deemed as misuse of power. Such principle is called principle of speciality Law given power is specified by law. On the other hand, discretionary power is general principles of good administration based on the purpose


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    Ada beberapa isu hukum berkenaan dengan tugas-tugas dan fungsi-fungsi polisi Indonesia. Dalam rangka memecahkan permasalahan rumit, polisi profesional diperlukan. Adalah penting bagi polisi untuk memahami aturan hukum, konsep hukum dan doktrin hukum, yang telah dikembangkan. Tujuan ini akan menghindari kesesatan dalam penegakan hukum.There are many legal issues relating to the duties and functions of Indonesian police. In order to solve complicated problems, professional police is needed.  It is important for police officers to understand the rule of law, the concepts of law  and legal doctrines  as well, which have already developed. The purpose of this is to avoid mislead in law enforcement


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    From this research, it is found out that firstly the concept of power belongs to the regime of Administrative Law To prove the element of misuse of power therefore, it is necessary apply legal concept under Administrative Law regime. In practice, however to determine whether there is an element of misuse of power court relies upon principle of reasonableness and carefulness as a parameter that are only suitable to determine materially unlawful act. Doing as such, the court mixes up two parameters of different legal regimes in determining the element of misuse of power What court does is obviously incorrect because misuse of power is always intentionally carried out. Power is given due to certain purpose. lf the power is exerted for other than its purpose, this may be deemed as misuse of power Such principle is called principle of speciality Law given power is specified bylaw On the other hand, discretionary power is general principles of good administration based on the purpose


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    From this research, it is found out that firstly the concept of power belongs to the regime of Administrative Law To prove the element of misuse of power therefore, it is necessary apply legal concept under Administrative Law regime. In practice, however to determine whether there is an element of misuse of power court relies upon principle of reasonableness and carefulness as a parameter that are only suitable to determine materially unlawful act. Doing as such, the court mixes up two parameters of different legal regimes in determining the element of misuse of power What court does is obviously incorrect because misuse of power is always intentionally carried out. Power is given due to certain purpose. lf the power is exerted for other than its purpose, this may be deemed as misuse of power Such principle is called principle of speciality Law given power is specified bylaw On the other hand, discretionary power is general principles of good administration based on the purpose

    Pengaruh beban lampu terhadap tegangan, arus, dan rpm pada turbin angin cross flow 8 sudu

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    Alternative energy is a source of energy found in nature that can be directly used freely. In addition, the availability of alternative energy is infinite and can be managed sustainably. This wind energy source can be used as an electricity generator by building several wind turbine units. The problem in this research is how the influence of the load on the performance of the 8 blades cross flow wind turbine, while the purpose in this study is to find out how the load on the performance of the blades of 8 blades. The type of research I use is quantitative research. For the author's method using an experimental method, the free load variable lights 0, 3, 6 and 9 watts and the dependent variables are current, voltage and RPM. The results showed that the 8 blades cross flow wind turbine had the best performance at 0 watt load which produced 0 ampere current, 13.8 watt voltage and 354.92 RPM. while the lowest performance on a 9 watt lamp load which produces a current of 0.2088 amperes, a voltage of 9.08 volts and Rpm 301.08, the current has increased, this is because the current is directly proportional to the load power, while the voltage and RPM have decreased because generator voltage and RPM are inversely proportional to the load power used

    Perluasan Kewenangan dan Penegakan Hukum Praperadilan di Indonesia dan Belanda

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    This article examines the expansion of pretrial authority based on the Constitutional Court Decision Number 21/PUU-XII/2014, which focuses on the philosophy of pretrial in the context of the protection of human rights and the comparison of pretrial enforcement in Indonesia and the Netherlands. This article is qualitative research by utilizing data sourced from the library (library research), this article uses several approaches, they are: legal approach, case approach, comparative approach and conceptual approach. The decision of the Constitutional Court Number 21/PUU-XII/2014 is expected to bring hope, but there are still many problems that have occurred and have caused criticism. This post-decision pretrial was made with a more concrete formulation in the Draft Criminal Procedure Code and prioritized the interests of the suspect. This control effort emphasizes the principle of balance in the protection of human rights for suspects. This article concludes that the Constitutional Court Decision Number: 21/PUU-XII/2014 is expected to provide optimism, although there are still many obstacles that arise. As a recommendation, the House of Representative is expected to be able to draw up regulations regarding the expansion of pretrial authority at the investigation stage. Based on this, an integrated criminal justice system is needed and pretrial is still used in the draft KUHAP with a more explicit formulation that prioritizes the interests of the suspect


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengungkap perbedaan kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan pada mata pelajaran elektronika dasar antara siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah dan model pembelajaran langsung, (2) mengungkap perbedaan kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan pada mata pelajaran elektronika dasar antara siswa yang memiliki konsep diri positif dan yang memiliki konsep diri negatif, dan (2) mengungkap interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan konsep diri terhadap pencapaian kompetensi siswa pada mata pelajaran elektronika dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimen. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis varian (Anava) dua jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) ada  perbedaan kompetensi sikap dan kompetensi pengetahuan pada mata pelajaran elektronika dasar antara siswa yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran berdasar masalah dan model pembelajaran langsung dengan nilai signifikansi secara berturut-turut sebesar 0.027 dan 0.00. Pada kompetensi keterampilan pada mata pelajaran, tidak terdapat perbedaan antara siswa yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran berdasar masalah dan model pembelajaran langsung dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.896, (2) tidak ada perbedaan kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan pada mata pelajaran elektronika dasar antara siswa yang memiliki konsep diri positif dan yang memiliki konsep diri negatif dengan nilai signifikansi secara berturut-turut sebesar 0.184, 0.792 dan 0.054, dan (3) tidak ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan konsep diri terhadap pencapaian kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa pada mata pelajaran elektronika dasar dengan nilai signifikansi secara berturut-turut sebesar 0.289, 0.069, dan 0.896. Kata Kunci: model pembelajaran berdasar masalah,konsep diri,kompetensi siswa,eldas. Abstract The purpose of this research were to determine: (1) differences competence of attitudes, knowledge and skill in basic electronics subjects between students who are taught using problem based instruction and direct instruction, (2) difference competence of attitude, knowledge skills in basic electronics subjects between students who have a positive and negative self concept, and (3) interaction between instruction model and self concept to achievement of student’s competence in basic electronics subject. The research was carried out by experimental design. Data analysis techniques using two way anova. The results showed that: (1) there were difference competence of attitude and knowledge in basic electronics subjects among students who are taught using problem based instruction and direct instruction with the significance of  0.027 and 0.00 consecutively. While the competence of skill, there is no difference between students who are taught using problem based instruction and direct instruction with the significance of 0.896, (2) there was no difference in competence of attitude, knowledge, and skills in basic electronics subjects between students who have a positive and negative self concept with the significance of 0.184, 0.792, and 0.054 consecutively, and (3) there was no interaction between instruction model and self concept to achievement student’s competence of attitudes, knowledge and skills in subjects basic electronics with significance of 0.289, 0.069 dan 0.896 consecutively. Keywords: problem based instruction, self concept, student’s competence, basic electronics.

    Analisis Pengaruh Citra Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Di Assalaam Hypermarket

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Pengaruh Citra Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen di Assalaam Hypermarket”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh harga, pelayanan, kualitas produk, lingkungan fisik dan lokasi terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari para pengunjung Assalaam Hypermarket. Pada uji asumsi klasik ditemukan masalah data sedikit kurang normal, semua variabel anti multikolineritas, uji heteroskesdatisitas tidak ada masalah, pada pengujian hipotesis apabila variabel harga, pelayanan, kualitas produk, lingkungan fisik dan lokasi konstan, maka loyalitas konsumen di Assalaam Hypermarket akan semakin meningkat. Berdasarkan analisis uji t bahwa variabel harga dan lokasi mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen karena hasil uji statistic thitung lebih besar dari nilai ttabel maka Ho ditolak pada taraf siginifikansi 0,05. Sedangkan variabel pelayanan, kualitas produk dan lingkungan fisik tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen kaena hasil uji statistic thitung lebih besar dari nilai ttabel maka Ho diterima pada taraf signifikansi 0,05. Dari hasil perhitungan untuk nilai R2 diperoleh angka sebesar 0,521. Hal ini berarti 52,1% variasi loyalitas konsumen dijelaskan oleh oleh variasi perubahan faktor-faktor harga, pelayanan, kualitas produk, lingkungan fisik dan lokasi. Sementara sisanya 47,9% dijelaskan oleh faktor lain yang tidak ikut terobservasi oleh penelitian


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    Padi hibrida yang dilepas di Indonesia dirakit dengan menggunakan sistem tiga galur yaitu galur mandul jantan (GMJ atau galur A), galur pelestari (maintainer atau galur B) dan tetua jantan yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai pemulihan kesuburan (restorer atau galur R). Galur Mandul Jantan (GMJ) atau Cytoplasmic Male Sterile (CMS) adalah satu komponen yang penting dalam perakitan padi hibrida. Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1. Untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik pada 50 genotip calon galur mandul jantan (GMJ), 2. Untuk mengetahui tingkat sterilitas tepung sari pada 50 genotip calon galur mandul jantan (GMJ), 3. Untuk mengetahui calon GMJ terbaik berdasarkan pengamatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif sehingga dapat dikembangkan untuk perakitan galur GMJ. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Tunggulwulung, Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Malang pada bulan Januari – Mei 2014. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Augmented Design dengan 50 calon GMJ tanpa ulangan dan 7 GMJ pembanding diulang 3 kali. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat keragaman karakter kuantitatif antar calon GMJ. Dari hasil uji sterilitas tepung sari diperoleh 33 genotip calon GMJ yang tingkat sterilitasnya 100%. Dari hasil uji Least Significant Increase (LSI) diperoleh 14 calon GMJ. Dan diperoleh 10 calon GMJ terbaik berdasarkan karakter seleksi dan uji sterilitas tepung sari. Kata kunci : Keragaman Genetik, Sterilitas Tepung Sari, Galur Mandul Jantan, Padi Hibrida