46 research outputs found

    Costs of publicly provided maternity services in Rosario, Argentina

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    This material is posted here with permission of the publishers, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material must be obtained from the Publisher.Objective. This study estimates the costs of maternal health services in Rosario, Argentina. Material and Methods. The rovider costs (US1999)ofantenatalcare,anormalvaginaldeliveryandacaesareansection,wereevaluatedretrospectivelyintwomunicipalhospitals.Thecostofanantenatalvisitwasevaluatedintwohealthcentresandthepatientcostsassociatedwiththevisitwereevaluatedinahospitalandahealthcentre.Results.Theaveragecostperhospitaldayis 1999) of antenatal care, a normal vaginal delivery and a caesarean section, were evaluated retrospectively in two municipal hospitals. The cost of an antenatal visit was evaluated in two health centres and the patient costs associated with the visit were evaluated in a hospital and a health centre. Results. The average cost per hospital day is 114.62. The average cost of a caesarean section (525.57)isfivetimesgreaterthanthatofanormalvaginaldelivery(525.57) is five times greater than that of a normal vaginal delivery (105.61). A normal delivery costs less at the general hospital and a c-section less at the aternity hospital. The average cost of an antenatal visit is 31.10.Theprovidercostisloweratthehealthcentrethanatthehospital.Personnelaccountedfor729431.10. The provider cost is lower at the health centre than at the hospital. Personnel accounted for 72-94% of the total cost and drugs and medical supplies between 4-26%. On average, an antenatal visit costs women 4.70. Direct costs are minimal compared to indirect costs of travel and waiting time. Conclusions. These results suggest the potential for increasing the efficiency of resource use by promoting antenatal care visits at the primary level. Women could also benefit from reduced travel and waiting time. Similar benefits could accrue to the provider by encouraging normal delivery at general hospitals, and complicated deliveries at specialised maternity hospitals.Josephine Borghi is funded by the Department for International Development through the Maternal Health Programme at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. This project was conducted for and funded by the Human Reproduction Programme at WHO, Geneva

    Microfluidic In Vitro Platform for (Nano)Safety and (Nano)Drug Efficiency Screening

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    Microfluidic technology is a valuable tool for realizing more in vitro models capturing cellular and organ level responses for rapid and animal‐free risk assessment of new chemicals and drugs. Microfluidic cell‐based devices allow high‐throughput screening and flexible automation while lowering costs and reagent consumption due to their miniaturization. There is a growing need for faster and animal‐free approaches for drug development and safety assessment of chemicals (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical Substances, REACH). The work presented describes a microfluidic platform for in vivo‐like in vitro cell cultivation. It is equipped with a wafer‐based silicon chip including integrated electrodes and a microcavity. A proof‐of‐concept using different relevant cell models shows its suitability for label‐free assessment of cytotoxic effects. A miniaturized microscope within each module monitors cell morphology and proliferation. Electrodes integrated in the microfluidic channels allow the noninvasive monitoring of barrier integrity followed by a label‐free assessment of cytotoxic effects. Each microfluidic cell cultivation module can be operated individually or be interconnected in a flexible way. The interconnection of the different modules aims at simulation of the whole‐body exposure and response and can contribute to the replacement of animal testing in risk assessment studies in compliance with the 3Rs to replace, reduce, and refine animal experiments

    Toxicity and cellular uptake of gold nanoparticles: what we have learned so far?

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    Gold nanoparticles have attracted enormous scientific and technological interest due to their ease of synthesis, chemical stability, and unique optical properties. Proof-of-concept studies demonstrate their biomedical applications in chemical sensing, biological imaging, drug delivery, and cancer treatment. Knowledge about their potential toxicity and health impact is essential before these nanomaterials can be used in real clinical settings. Furthermore, the underlying interactions of these nanomaterials with physiological fluids is a key feature of understanding their biological impact, and these interactions can perhaps be exploited to mitigate unwanted toxic effects. In this Perspective we discuss recent results that address the toxicity of gold nanoparticles both in vitro and in vivo, and we provide some experimental recommendations for future research at the interface of nanotechnology and biological systems