88 research outputs found


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    O presente artigo faz estudo de caso das receitas públicas do Estado da Paraíba, e em análise contrafactual investiga se a adoção de novos critérios – com base em parâmetros sociais - de repartição de recursos da cota-parte do ICMS proporcionaria aos municípios distribuição equitativa dos repasses. Através de Análises Estatísticas e Exploratória dos Dados verificou-se que o critério de repartição atual concentra repasses em pouquíssimas localidades, que a hipótese de novas regras por critérios sociais diminuem as dispersões de transferências, ao passo que a adoção do IDH-M e o Índice de Educação dos municípios resultariam em distribuição proporcional entre as localidades. Conclui-se que o critério de repartição com base em indicadores de educação e IDH municipal geraria incentivos a uma competição benéfica entre as gestões municipais. Dessa forma, e pelo efeito transbordamento, haveria propagação do desenvolvimento econômico e social


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    Fomentar a atuação das micro e pequenas empresas deve se tornar um dos principais escopos das políticas públicas brasileiras direcionadas ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico, considerando o tratamento diferenciado previsto no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, que também prevê legalmente a possibilidade da aplicação de benefícios aos microempreendedores, mas que ainda não atingem os objetivos que transcendem à seara econômica. O estudo almeja trazer reflexões e a compreensão de alguns dos dispositivos de fomento às micro e pequenas empresas à luz da nova lei de licitações e contratos. A partir dele, depreende-se que os efeitos diretos e indiretos trazidos por estas sociedades empresária são extremamente valiosos, relevantes e perceptíveis no cotidiano, motivo pelo qual o Poder Público deve priorizá-las, monitorando, periodicamente, a efetivação de medidas em prol da manutenção ou incremento dos benefícios alcançados em um cenário nacional. Utilizou-se na presente análise o método dedutivo, com pesquisa bibliográfica, doutrina e legislação nacional e estrangeira

    Survey of coat and reproductive age of quarter horses used in vaquejada in northeast micro-regions of Brazil

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    Aimed to evaluate the coat and Quarter reproductive age used in equine production used in Vaquejada in micro regions of the Northeast. They used information from 264 horses, taken from the database of the Association of Quarter Horse Breeders (ABQM). Were collected individual information: date of birth, sex and animal fur, number of copies of disputed official Vaquejada, better and worse placed, cumulative score in ABQM, coats and dates of parents' birth (31), coats and birth dates mothers (257). There was a higher frequency (P<0.05) of births between the months of September and October. There was no age-specific greater use of stallions or matrix playback (P>0.05). There was no correlation (P>0.05) between the number of children and the stallion entry age at reproduction. There was a greater preference for coats alazã (20.08%) and bay Tumbleweed (21.97%) in the progeny; the stallions were 34.47% and 29.92% Tumbleweed bay brown; while the matrices were 41.29% and 23.48% alazãs brown. Stallions bay Tumbleweed survived longer playback and more offspring. However, it was observed that while 93 of the 264 animals are children of parents at least one bay to bay coat or Tumbleweed, only 52 animals showed that the coat. It is concluded that the coat of stallions is related to greater frequency of use in reproduction; however, to obtain a coat expected in the progeny, we need to carry out a genetic study and not only phenotypic.This study aimed to evaluate the coat and ages of Quarter Horse stallions used in equine production for Vaquejada in micro regions of the Northeast of Brazil. We used information from 264 horses, taken from the database of the Brazilian Association of Quarter Horse Breeders (ABQM). Were collected individual information: date of birth, sex and animal fur, number of copies of disputed official Vaquejada, better and worse placed, cumulative score in ABQM, coats and dates of parent’s birth (31), coats and birth dates of mothers (257). There was a higher frequency (P < 0.05) of births between the months of September and October. There was no age-specific greater use of stallions or matrix in reproduction (P > 0.05). There was no correlation (P > 0.05) between the number of children and the stallion beginning age at reproduction. There was a greater preference for coats sorrel (20.08%) and palomino (21.97%) in the progeny; the stallions were 34.47% palomino and 29.92% brown; while the matrices were 41.29% sorrel and 23.48% brown. Stallions palomino survived longer playback and more offspring. However, it was observed that while 93 of the 264 animals are children of at least one parent with bay coat or palomino, only 52 animals showed that the coat. It is concluded that the coat of stallions is related to greater frequency of use in reproduction; however, to obtain a coat expected in the progeny, we need to carry out a genetic study and not only phenotypic

    Mitochondrial Cumulative Damage Induced by Mitoxantrone: Late Onset Cardiac Energetic Impairment

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    Mitoxantrone (MTX) is a chemotherapeutic agent, which presents late irreversible cardiotoxicity. This work aims to highlight the mechanisms involved in the MTX-induced cardiotoxicity, namely the effects toward mitochondria using in vivo and in vitro studies. Male Wistar rats were treated with 3 cycles of 2.5 mg/kg MTX at day 0, 10, and 20. One treated group was euthanized on day 22 (MTX22) to evaluate the early MTX cardiac toxic effects, while the other was euthanized on day 48 (MTX48), to allow the evaluation of MTX late cardiac effects. Cardiac mitochondria isolated from 4 adult untreated rats were also used to evaluate in vitro the MTX (10 nM, 100 nM, and 1 lM) direct effects upon mitochondria functionality. Two rats of MTX48 died on day 35, and MTX treatment caused a reduction in relative body weight gain in both treated groups with no significant changes in water and food intake. Decreased levels of plasma total creatine kinase and CK-MB were detected in the MTX22 group, and increased plasma levels of lactate were seen in MTX48. Increased cardiac relative mass and microscopic changes were evident in both treated groups. Considering mitochondrial effects, for the first time, it was evidenced that MTX induced an increase in the complex IV and complex V activities in MTX22 group, while a decrease in the complex V activity was accompanied by the reduction in ATP content in the MTX48 rats. No alterations in mitochondria transmembrane potential were found in isolated mitochondria from MTX48 rats or in isolated mitochondria directly incubated with MTX. This study highlights the relevance of the cumulative MTX-induced in vivo mitochondriopathy to the MTX cardiotoxicity.This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)—project (EXPL/DTP-FTO/0290/ 2012)—QREN initiative with EU/FEDER financing through COMPETE— Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors. LGR, VMC, and RJD-O thank FCT for their PhD Grant (SFRH/BD/63473/ 2009) and Post-doc Grants (SFRH/BPD/63746/2009) and (SFRH/ BPD/36865/2007), respectively. The authors are grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia for grant no. Pest C/EQB/LA0006/2011

    Assessment of harbour porpoise bycatch along the Portuguese and Galician Coast: insights from strandings over two decades

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    The Iberian harbour porpoise population is small and fisheries bycatch has been described as one of its most important threats. Data on harbour porpoise strandings collected by the Portuguese and Galician stranding networks between 2000 and 2020 are indicative of a recent mortality increase in the western Iberian coast (particularly in northern Portugal). Overall, in Portugal and Galicia, individuals stranded due to confirmed fishery interaction represented 46.98% of all analysed porpoises, and individuals stranded due to probable fishery interaction represented another 10.99% of all analysed porpoises. Considering the Portuguese annual abundance estimates available between 2011 and 2015, it was possible to calculate that an annual average of 207 individuals was removed from the population in Portuguese waters alone, which largely surpasses the potential biological removal (PBR) estimates (22 porpoises, CI: 12–43) for the same period. These results are conservative and bycatch values from strandings are likely underestimated. A structured action plan accounting for new activities at sea is needed to limit the Iberian porpoise population decline. Meanwhile, there is an urgent need for a fishing effort reorganization to directly decrease porpoise mortality.LA/P/0094/2020; LA/P/0101/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Introduction: Tetralogy of Fallot (TF) is a prevalent congenital heart disease characterized by four main cardiac anomalies. Significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of TF have been achieved in recent decades, including the crucial role of cardiac imaging techniques and the development of innovative therapeutic approaches. Objective: This study aims to review advances in the diagnosis and treatment of Tetralogy of Fallot. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out using electronic databases, with inclusion criteria for original studies and reviews that addressed relevant aspects of TF. The selected articles were critically analyzed to extract information on recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of TF. Results and Discussion: Fetal echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging have played a crucial role in the early diagnosis and detailed characterization of FT. In addition, new therapeutic approaches, such as minimally invasive surgery, are improving clinical outcomes and patients' quality of life. The importance of a multidisciplinary approach and emerging technologies was also highlighted. Conclusion: Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of Tetralogy of Fallot represent a significant milestone in the approach to this condition. Multidisciplinary collaboration and ongoing research are key to optimizing patient care and improving clinical outcomes.Introducción: La tetralogía de Fallot (TF) es una cardiopatía congénita prevalente caracterizada por cuatro anomalías cardiacas principales. En las últimas décadas se han producido avances significativos en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la TF, incluyendo el papel crucial de las técnicas de imagen cardiaca y el desarrollo de enfoques terapéuticos innovadores. Objetivo: Este estudio pretende revisar los avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la Tetralogía de Fallot. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica utilizando bases de datos electrónicas, con criterios de inclusión de estudios originales y revisiones que abordaran aspectos relevantes de la TF. Los artículos seleccionados se analizaron críticamente para extraer información sobre los avances recientes en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la TF. Resultados y discusión: La ecocardiografía fetal y la resonancia magnética cardiaca han desempeñado un papel crucial en el diagnóstico precoz y la caracterización detallada de la FT. Además, los nuevos enfoques terapéuticos, como la cirugía mínimamente invasiva, están mejorando los resultados clínicos y la calidad de vida de los pacientes. También se hizo hincapié en la importancia de un enfoque multidisciplinar y de las tecnologías emergentes. Conclusión: Los avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la tetralogía de Fallot representan un hito importante en el abordaje de esta afección. La colaboración multidisciplinar y la investigación continua son fundamentales para optimizar la atención al paciente y mejorar los resultados clínicos.A Tetralogia de Fallot (TF) é uma cardiopatia congênita prevalente, caracterizada por quatro anomalias cardíacas principais. Avanços significativos no diagnóstico e tratamento da TF têm sido alcançados nas últimas décadas, incluindo o papel crucial das técnicas de imagem cardíaca e o desenvolvimento de abordagens terapêuticas inovadoras. Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo revisar os avanços no diagnóstico e tratamento da Tetralogia de Fallot. Métodos: Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica utilizando bases de dados eletrônicas, com critérios de inclusão para estudos originais e revisões que abordassem aspectos relevantes da TF. Os artigos selecionados foram analisados criticamente para extrair informações sobre os avanços recentes no diagnóstico e tratamento da TF. Resultados e Discussão: A ecocardiografia fetal e a ressonância magnética cardíaca têm desempenhado um papel crucial no diagnóstico precoce e na caracterização detalhada da TF. Além disso, novas abordagens terapêuticas, como a cirurgia minimamente invasiva, estão melhorando os resultados clínicos e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. A importância da abordagem multidisciplinar e das tecnologias emergentes também foi destacada.Conclusão: Os avanços no diagnóstico e tratamento da Tetralogia de Fallot representam um marco significativo na abordagem dessa condição. A colaboração multidisciplinar e a pesquisa contínua são fundamentais para otimizar o cuidado dos pacientes e melhorar os resultados clínicos a longo prazo.Introdução: A Tetralogia de Fallot (TF) é uma cardiopatia congênita prevalente, caracterizada por quatro anomalias cardíacas principais. Avanços significativos no diagnóstico e tratamento da TF têm sido alcançados nas últimas décadas, incluindo o papel crucial das técnicas de imagem cardíaca e o desenvolvimento de abordagens terapêuticas inovadoras. Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo revisar os avanços no diagnóstico e tratamento da Tetralogia de Fallot. Métodos: Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica utilizando bases de dados eletrônicas, com critérios de inclusão para estudos originais e revisões que abordassem aspectos relevantes da TF. Os artigos selecionados foram analisados criticamente para extrair informações sobre os avanços recentes no diagnóstico e tratamento da TF. Resultados e Discussão: A ecocardiografia fetal e a ressonância magnética cardíaca têm desempenhado um papel crucial no diagnóstico precoce e na caracterização detalhada da TF. Além disso, novas abordagens terapêuticas, como a cirurgia minimamente invasiva, estão melhorando os resultados clínicos e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. A importância da abordagem multidisciplinar e das tecnologias emergentes também foi destacada.Conclusão: Os avanços no diagnóstico e tratamento da Tetralogia de Fallot representam um marco significativo na abordagem dessa condição. A colaboração multidisciplinar e a pesquisa contínua são fundamentais para otimizar o cuidado dos pacientes e melhorar os resultados clínicos a longo prazo

    Health-related quality of life in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the different geographical regions of Brazil : data from the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group

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    Background: In type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) management, enhancing health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is as important as good metabolic control and prevention of secondary complications. This study aims to evaluate possible regional differences in HRQoL, demographic features and clinical characteristics of patients with T1DM in Brazil, a country of continental proportions, as well as investigate which variables could influence the HRQoL of these individuals and contribute to these regional disparities. Methods: This was a retrospective, cross-sectional, multicenter study performed by the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group (BrazDiab1SG), by analyzing EuroQol scores from 3005 participants with T1DM, in 28 public clinics, among all geographical regions of Brazil. Data on demography, economic status, chronic complications, glycemic control and lipid profile were also collected. Results: We have found that the North-Northeast region presents a higher index in the assessment of the overall health status (EQ-VAS) compared to the Southeast (74.6 ± 30 and 70.4 ± 19, respectively; p < 0.05). In addition, North- Northeast presented a lower frequency of self-reported anxiety-depression compared to all regions of the country (North-Northeast: 1.53 ± 0.6; Southeast: 1.65 ± 0.7; South: 1.72 ± 0.7; Midwest: 1.67 ± 0.7; p < 0.05). These findings could not be entirely explained by the HbA1c levels or the other variables examined. Conclusions: Our study points to the existence of additional factors not yet evaluated that could be determinant in the HRQoL of people with T1DM and contribute to these regional disparities

    The role of cinnamon as a modulator of the expression of genes related to antioxidant activity and lipid metabolism of laying quails

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    Since cinnamon has vitamins and minerals in addition to antioxidants compounds in its chemical composition studies have shown the potential of cinnamon supplementation on some important characteristics in the performance of birds. Thus, this study was conducted under the hypothesis that the inclusion of cinnamon in the laying quail diet could influence the performance of the birds through the expression of genes related to antioxidant activity and lipid metabolism. To test this hypothesis, 144 Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) with an initial age of 18 weeks and average weight of 133g were distributed in a completely randomized design with two treatments: no cinnamon supplementation (NCS—control group) and with supplementation of 9g/kg of cinnamon powder (CPS). The experiment lasted for 84 days. At the end of the experimental period, six animals from each treatment were euthanized by cervical dislocation, blood was collected and organs weighed. Liver tissue was collected for gene expression and biochemical analyses. We observed a significant effect of cinnamon inclusion on the weight of the pancreas (P = 0.0418), intestine (P = 0.0209) and ovary (P = 0.0389). Lower weights of the pancreas and intestine, and a higher ovary weight was observed in birds receiving the CPS diet. Quails fed with cinnamon supplementation also had better feed conversion per egg mass (2.426 g /g, P = 0.0126), and higher triglyceride (1516.60 mg/dL, P = 0.0207), uric acid (7.40 mg/dL, P = 0.0003) and VLDL (300.40 mg/dL, P = 0.0252) contents. A decreased content of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and lower catalase activity was observed in the liver of quails from the CPS diet (0.086 nmoles/mg PTN, and 2.304 H2O2/min/mg PTN, respectively). Quails from the CPS group presented significantly greater expression of FAS (fatty acid synthase, 36,03 AU), ACC (Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase, 31.33 AU), APOAI (apolipoprotein A-I, 803,9 AU), ESR2 (estrogen receptor 2, 0.73 AU) SOD (superoxide dismutase, 4,933.9 AU) and GPx7 (glutathione peroxidase 7, 9.756 AU) than quails from the control group. These results allow us to suggest that cinnamon powder supplementation in the diet of laying quails can promote balance in the metabolism and better performance through the modulation of antioxidant activity and the expression of genes related to lipid metabolism