53 research outputs found

    Benefits of sub-component over full-scale blade testing elaborated on a trailing edge bond line design validation

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    Wind turbine rotor blades are designed and certified according to the current IEC and DNV GL standards, which include the final full-scale experiment. The experiment is used to validate the assumptions made in the design models. The drawbacks of traditional full-scale testing are elaborated, i. e. the replication of realistic loading and structural response plus its observation during testing. Sub-component testing is proposed as potential method to sufficiently solve the drawbacks. Compared to the actual loading that a rotor blade is subjected to in the field, however, the full-scale test loading underlies the following simplifications and constrains: (1) The full-scale fatigue test is conducted as dynamic test, where the load time series obtained from aero- servo-elastic simulations are simplified to a damage equivalent load range. (2) The load directions are typically applied solely in two directions, often pure lead-lag and flap-wise directions which are not necessarily the most critical load directions for a particular blade segment. (3) Parts of the blade are overloaded by up to 20 % to achieve the target load along the whole span. Another downside of the full-scale testing method is that dynamic testing at natural frequencies between 0.4 and 1.0 Hz results in long test times. Testing takes usually several months. Sub-component testing may replicate real design loading conditions more accurately than full-scale blade testing, while allowing more flexible loading conditions. Furthermore, different span-wise blade segments can be tested with different load directions, representing the critical load for that particular segment. Since fatigue sub-component testing is conducted as actuator driven the testing frequency is not constrained to the specimen’s natural frequency. This allows faster testing compared to the full-scale test. In this work the comparison of both testing methods is exemplary elaborated on a trailing edge bond line design

    Promoting Cooperation in Service-Oriented MAS through Social Plasticity and Incentives

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    [EN] In distributed environments where entities only have a partial view of the system, cooperation plays a key issue. In the case of decentralized service discovery in open service-oriented multi-agent systems, agents only know about the services they provide and their direct neighbors. Therefore, they need the cooperation of their neighbors in order to locate the required services. However, cooperation is not always present in open and distributed systems. Non-cooperative agents pursuing their own goals could refuse to forward queries from other agents to avoid the cost of this action; therefore, the efficiency of the decentralized service discovery could be seriously damaged. In this paper, we propose the combination of local structural changes and incentives in order to promote cooperation in the service discovery process. The results show that, even in scenarios where the predominant behavior is not collaborative the cooperation emerges.Work partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through grants TIN2009-13839-C03-01, CSD2007-0022 (CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010), FPU grant AP-2008-00601 awarded to E. del Val.Del Val Noguera, E.; Rebollo Pedruelo, M.; Botti, V. (2013). Promoting Cooperation in Service-Oriented MAS through Social Plasticity and Incentives. Journal of Systems and Software. 86(2):520-537. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2012.09.031S52053786

    Случай развития туберкулеза у пациента после ортотопической трансплантации сердца

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    The article presents a clinical case of tuberculosis during the drug-induced immunosuppression after orthotopic heart transplantation. The  anti-tuberculosis therapy in combination with immunosuppressive drugs is described. The course of tuberculosis in the patient was characterized by rapid changes of clinical and radiological signs, both negative and positive with the administration of adequate chemotherapy. The clinical management of this patient required skills of emergency care for life-threatening conditions and command of procedures aimed to prevent their development.В статье представлен клинический случай развития туберкулеза на фоне медикаментозной иммуносупрессии после ортотопической трансплантации сердца. Описана противотуберкулезная терапия при сочетании с приемом иммуносупрессивных препаратов. Течение туберкулеза у пациента характеризовалось быстрой динамикой клинико-рентгенологической картины, как отрицательной, так и положительной, при назначении адекватной химиотерапии. Клиническое ведение пациента требовало владения навыками ургентной помощи при угрожающих жизни состояниях и алгоритмами действий для предотвращения их развития

    Pentacyanocobaltate(II): Homogeneous catalysis and complex formation

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    Applied Science

    Structure analysis of phosphate binding iron oxide nano-particles

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    Es ist gelungen ein zunächst schwer zu charakterisierendes Präparat mittels fortschrittlicher Methoden zu untersuchen. Die Verbindung enthält Eisenpartikel mit einer bisher nicht zu bestimmenden Struktur bei einer Größe im Nanometer Bereich. Röntgendiffraktometrie, Elektronenmikroskopie und Auflöseversuche wurden zur Charakterisierung benutzt. Alle drei Methoden weisen auf das gleiche Resultat hin. Es liegt damit nahe, dass die Spezies in der Eisen vorliegt, Ferrihydrit ist. Neben den gängigen Analyseverfahren wurde die Auflösekinetik hinzugezogen, da sie eine direkte Analyse aus der Ursubstanz zulässt. Alle einfach zugänglichen Eisenoxide und -oxidhydroxide wurden hergestellt, charakterisiert und mit der unbekannten Probe verglichen. Aufgrund theoretischer Betrachtungen und vorliegender Experimente kann nur Ferrihydrit das gezeigte Verhalten erklären.A difficult to characterize product was analyzed with various advanced methods. The substance contains iron oxide particles on the nano scale with a so far undefined structure. The compound was examined by x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy and dissolution kinetics. All of them gave ferrihydrite as the most probable structure. Beside the common analysis methods the dissolution behavior was chosen because it can be used without further preparation of the substance. To compare with other structures, all easy available iron oxides and hydroxides were synthesized. Theory and experiment showed that only ferrihydrite can react like the unknown particles

    RS2D: Fast Adaptive Search for Semantic Web Services in Unstructured P2P Networks

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    Abstract. In this paper, we present an approach, called RS2D v1, to adaptive probabilistic search for semantic web services in unstructured P2P networks. Each service agent dynamically learns the averaged queryanswer behavior of its neighbor peers, and forwards service requests to those with minimal mixed Bayesian risk of doing so in terms of estimated semantic gain and commmunication cost. Experimental evaluation shows that the RS2D search mechanism is robust against changes in the network, and fast with reasonably high precision compared to other existing relevant approaches 1.